Just Sex (13 page)

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Authors: Heidi Lynn Anderson

BOOK: Just Sex
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He pushed the remote. She exhaled, her hand falling away. “I don’t think I have ever been this worked up.”

J.J. slid his hand up her bare leg. Her soft skin felt like silk. “You haven’t seen anything yet.” His palm rested at the apex of her thighs. Joy and lust warmed his insides. “I love that you didn’t wear pantyhose.” J.J. traced his finger on the sensitive skin.

“I wouldn’t have been able to wear these great shoes.” She bit at her bottom lip, lifted her foot and wiggled her pink polished toes.

“Women think of the strangest things.” He pressed the button on the remote. “Wow, that’s strong.”

“Tell me about it,” she sighed.

He found the edge of her panties and slid his index finger under the elastic. The vibrations were even stronger. A small moan came from her.

“You like this?” He fingered her swollen flesh.


He found the plastic cord of the egg and tugged it.


The rasp of her voice turned him on even more. “How does this feel?”


He pulled out the egg.

“Oh J.J.”

The sound of his name on her lips drove him to the brink. He moved the vibrating egg over her clit. She stiffened. “Don’t come yet. I’ll tell you when to come.”

She shifted her body. “Please.”

He turned onto a dark and secluded side street. Every cell in his body sizzled and crackled. “Not yet.” His dick begged for release.

“Where are we going?”

His left hand squeezed the steering wheel. “You’ll see.” He used his right hand to stroke her with the egg.

She squirmed under his touch. “If you don’t want me to come, then you need to stop that.”

J.J. cupped the buzzing device into his palm, pressing it into her wet folds, and dipped his middle finger into hot flesh. She gasped. He pulled over to the side of the road. He put the truck in park and slid his hand out from under her panties.

She moaned. Every nerve in his body was on fire. He brought his finger to his mouth and sucked. Kat’s sweet essence erupted in his mouth. He shifted in his seat. “I love the way you look right now, all blurry eyed and flushed. You’re so beautiful.”

“I want you inside of me,” she said.

He leaned into Kat, kissed her forehead and smiled.

“Stop being so sweet.” She nipped his chin. “I want it hard and fast.”

He shrugged out of his suit jacket and started to undo his tie. “I think I can accommodate you.”

“Did I tell you how handsome you looked tonight?” She helped him with his tie and the buttons on his shirt. “When I saw you in the foyer, my knees went weak.”

J.J. yanked up her dress. “Thank God this thing doesn’t have buttons.” J.J. pulled it over her head and removed his shirt. He pushed her gently back on the bench seat.

He lay on top of Kat and kissed her lips, cheeks and nose.

She rotated her hips into his stiff cock. Her heat seeped through his suit pants.

“Please.” She reached down and unbuttoned his pants. The sound of his zipper giving way filled the truck cab.

She slipped her hand into his pants. “Silk boxers?”

“Mmm.” He nuzzled her ear. “I didn’t want you to be the only one turned-on all night.” He ripped her panties with one violent tug.

Fluid ran from her body. “God, I love when you do that,” she said.

J.J. moved and was in her hot wet pussy in one thrust. “Now,” he yelled. “Come for me now!”

She reared up and impaled herself on him. “Fuck me.” Kat pumped her hips in a frantic motion. “Please.” Her pussy convulsed as she exploded around his cock.

“Come! Now,” she demanded.

He stiffened, sharp desire thrumming through him. “Fuck.” J.J.’s dick pulsed and he let his wet heat fill her.

“God yes.” She climaxed around him again.

He floated back to earth and realized his mistake. He rested his head on hers, “I’m sorry.”

She ran her hand over his back. “For what? That was fabulous.”

“I didn’t have a condom on.”

“Oh J.J.” She wrapped her arms around J.J. and hugged him tight. “I know I don’t have anything because I was tested for all the STDs when I was pregnant with Sam and I have not had sex with anyone since.”

He lifted his head and looked into her eyes. “I was tested in July after a condom broke. I was clean and I’ve always used condoms since.”

She wiggled her hips. His cock stirred inside her. They moved together and took the fall into sweet bliss slower this time.

Chapter Thirteen


J.J. drove to his mother’s house with the taste of Kat’s kiss still on his lips. Last night was one of the best nights of his life and was worth the dent in his bank account. He turned onto the street where he grew up. His shoulders relaxed. He rolled his head and his neck popped. “Man, I don’t think I can let her go.” Unease swept into his middle as he pulled up to his mother’s house and parked. The Volvo convertible he had bought for her last birthday looked as if it just came from a detailing. He turned off the ignition and stepped out of the truck. “Hi, Mom. The car looks nice.”

Alice opened the screen door to let him in. “Hello, Jared James.”

His mother only called him by his full name when he was in trouble.

J.J. stopped and noticed the disappointment marring her lovely face. He took a tentative step. “How are you this morning?”

“I’m fine, and you?”

He jogged up the three steps. “I’m good. “

She grumbled something he didn’t understand and stomped into the kitchen. He followed her. The cheerfully colored space seemed to close in on him.

“Sit down,” she demanded.

Shit. What crawled up her ass?
“What’s wrong, Mom?” He plopped in the kitchen chair and settled in for a lecture.

“I just got a call from Heather Smith.” She sat down across from him and folded her arms over her chest.

“And what does the town gossip have to say?”

“Don’t play stupid with me. I can still put you over my knee.”

His lips twitched. “Yeah?”

“Yes. Did you take Kat Henderson out to the Sea View last night?”

He leaned back in his chair and folded his arms over his chest like his mother. “Yes I did.”

He had not seen his mother’s face turn that shade of red since she found Cara Carney half dressed in his bedroom when he was fifteen. She slammed her hand down on the oak table.

A bowl of apples wobbled and an apple rolled out and tumbled to the floor. “That woman is too old for you.”

Rage boiled in him, “Mom—”

“Don’t interrupt me. That woman let her husband have other women. If a woman can’t make her husband stay home with her, then she is no good. Do you know how he died?”

The rage inside him threatened to spew out. He knew his face turned red hot. “Yes, I know how he died.” The words punched out of him like gunshots. He had never raised his voice to his mother before.

Alice wound down. “I hear she was dressed like a tart last night.”

J.J. took a deep breath. “What I do, and with whom, is none of your business.” He said the words with an evenness he didn’t feel. “I will have you know that Kat is a wonderful woman. I’ve never met anyone like her. If I want to spend time with her, then I will. I’m a grown man, Mother.” Guilt hit J.J. hard and fast. He had never spoken to his mother like that before. He stood and went to her. “Mom, I’m sorry.”

Her eyes filled. “Oh J.J. Do you love her?”

“I think so. I have never felt like this. Sex with Kat…” He cringed at what almost slipped out of his mouth

Alice slapped his arm. “I’m your mother. Don’t talk that way.”

“Yes ma’am. Mom, I love you. I don’t want you to be hurt, but I am going to keep seeing Kat. I would like it if you would approve.”

“Like you said, I have no say in what you do, I just want you to be happy.”

“Kat makes me happy.”

She stood and pressed her lips to his cheek. “Be careful, Jared James. You two are at different places in your lives.” Alice turned and walked out of the room.

He walked outside to his truck, took his tools out of the back and wondered how different their places were.

* * * * *


J.J. strolled into the Shady Horse. After the day he’d spent working on his mother’s roof and doing repairs to her house, he needed a beer and Kat.

She sat in a booth with Patty and Ron. Kat threw back her head and laughed at something Patty said. She sipped at her girly drink. His stomach clenched at the flush that rode up her face.

The bartender walked over. Kat smiled up at Fred and her gaze landed on J.J.
Man, she’s sexy.

Fred chuckled and walked away.

He ambled over to where they all sat. “Hi, guys.”

Kat rose. “Hi.” She kissed him on the cheek.

Ron wrapped his arm over Patty’s shoulder. “Hey, J.J.”

Kat’s phone rang. She fumbled in her purse and looked at the display.

“Get J.J. a drink,” she said. “It’s my mother.” Kat walked outside.

He sat in the booth Kat just vacated. “Hey, how are you two?”

Patty smiled and winked. “Good. We heard all about your night last night.”

“All of it?”

Patty rested against Ron. “Well, not everything, I’m sure,” she said. “Do you want to add anything?”

He motioned to Fred. “No.”

“You’re no fun.”

Fred lumbered over to the table. “What can I get you?”

“I’ll have a beer,” J.J. said, “and a shot of tequila for Kat, to help with the aftermath that is her mother.” He looked over to Ron and Patty. “Want anything?”

“Just bring us another round, Fred,” Ron said.

“You got it,” Fred said and walked away.

He watched Kat march up to the table. “Guess what? My mother is coming the week before Christmas and staying until New Years.”

Fred walked over and handed her a double shot of tequila. “You look like you need this.”

“I do.” She slugged back the shot and choked a little. “This is a lot better with salt and lime.”

Fred slapped her on the back gently. He winked and strolled back to the bar.

Kat sat next to J.J.

“Oh God,” Patty sighed. “I’m sorry.” She grabbed Kat’s hand.

“What are you sorry for?” Kat smiled. “I’m going to send her to stay with you.”

“Oh no you don’t,” Ron chuckled. “She’s not staying with us.”

J.J. hung his arm over her shoulder. “Well, you can stay with me at my place.”

Kat snorted. “What about Sam?”

“He can come too.”

“I wish it were that simple.” She took his hand and squeezed. “Sam is not to be a part of us. I can’t let him get attached to you. It will hurt him too much when we move to Maine.”

Her words punched him in the gut and the mood sobered at the table.

Patty spoke first. “Well,” she said. “I don’t want to think about that, so let’s order some food.” Ron waved to Fred and asked for menus.

J.J. sucked down his beer and ordered a shot of Jack. He told Fred to keep them coming. He wanted to be a part of her life, and that included Sam. He liked the kid a lot.

By the end of the night, J.J. and Ron felt no pain, Kat was a little buzzed and Patty was the designated driver.


Ron walked to the front passenger side door. “Oh no,” Kat said with a smirk. “You are not sitting in the front.”

“Why?” Ron slurred.

“Because! You’ll start accosting Patty and that will give J.J. ideas.”

J.J. took that as an invitation. He grabbed her ass and gave it a squeeze. “I have my own ideas.”

A bolt of fire shot through her. “I’m sitting in the front.”

Ron grabbed her and gave her a smacking kiss.

“Hey,” Patty said.

J.J. strode over to Patty and kissed her loudly on the mouth. Patty laughed. Ron bristled.

“Now you know how it feels, man!” J.J. opened the back door of the SUV and climbed in.

Patty maneuvered herself behind the wheel. “Now I know how Kat feels.” She nudged her friend in the ribs.

Ron punched J.J. in the arm. “Thanks, man. Now she is going to trade me in for a newer model.”

“If she does,” Kat said, “be sure to let me know. I’ll take you.”

He punched Ron back in the arm. “See what you started?”

“I’m going to keep my man,” Patty piped in.

“Oh good,” Kat said. “Now they’ll stop hitting each other back there.”

Patty turned into Kat’s driveway. J.J. opened the back door and flew out to open Kat’s door. “Thank you, guys, for a great night,” he said.

She leaned over and hugged Patty. “Good night.”

He took her hand and helped her out of the car.

Ron moved to the front passenger side. Kat hugged him and whispered in his ear.,“Go home and make love to your wife.”

He winked. “With pleasure.”

J.J. yanked her away. “Enough of that.”

They made their way to the door. She unlocked the front door and he pulled her into the house.

Excitement, lust and anticipation flooded her. “What has gotten into you?”

“I want you now.”

“Can you wait for a minute? I need to…”

He pinned her against the foyer wall and ripped at her shirt. His actions sent the buttons on the black silk blouse scattering across the floor.

The button popped when he tugged on her jeans. She felt the zipper give way.

“J.J.,” she moaned and wrapped her arms around his neck. Kat held on for the ride.

He took her hands and held them over her head. The slight pain turned her on even more. She rolled her hips into him. J.J. tugged down her jeans. They pooled at her feet. He ripped her panties. Kat moaned. She had never felt so wanted. He plunged into her. Her back slammed up against the wall. He pounded into her harder with each thrust.

Her pussy was on fire. She moaned and screamed. The tension in his body was palpable. “J.J. Yes.”


His relentless thrusts made her shake. He came hard and fast. A moment later, her pussy clenched around him and she came.

“More! I want more,” he panted. “I want to feel your hot cream wash over my cock.” He moved inside her slowly. Her body came alive again.

“J.J.,” she moaned. Oh how she loved him.

“Shh.” He ran his hand through her hair and pulled out of her warmth.

Kat groaned in protest. She grabbed him. “I want you inside of me.”

He laid her on the foyer carpet and slid into her. She sighed.

“I love you, Katherine,” J.J. whispered in her ear.

The use of her full name had her going over the precipice again.


They lay in a heap on the floor for what seemed like hours. Then he rolled off Kat. For the first time in a long time, he didn’t know what to say.

She rolled onto her side and looked at him. “God, you’re so sexy.”

J.J. moved his head. “That wasn’t what I expected to hear.” He pulled Kat on top of him.

Kat nuzzled his neck and nipped at his ear. “I wish this didn’t have to end.”

How could her cunt clamp down around him like a velvet vise one minute and in the next she was talking about breaking up? “It doesn’t.”

She gazed at him. “It does, but I want you to know I have never felt for anyone the way I feel for you. This is why it can’t be forever.” She rolled off him and started to get up.

Women’s logic made no sense to J.J. “Isn’t that for me to decide for myself?”

Kat spun to face him. “No! You know I’m right.”

His whole body felt limp and tired. “I think we can make this work.”

“I don’t want to be right. I know I will not be able to see you after our time is up.”

He felt like someone sucker punched him again. His head was clear of any alcohol now. “Why?”

“Because I’m not a good enough person to see you go on with your life. When these six months are up and I go to Maine, we will never see each other again.”

He stood. “Kat, I want you in my life.”

“No. It wouldn’t be fair for anyone involved with either of us,” she said. “You will need to commit to the person in your life. You know that you will not be fully committed to them if we still have a relationship.”

She stared him straight in the eyes. “I love you, J.J., and I always will. That’s why it wouldn’t be fair to you.”

He wanted to argue, but just didn’t have it in him right now. He stood. “I will always love you, Kat.” He led her down the hallway to the bedroom.

After they made love for the third time, J.J. held Kat. “Can you promise me one thing?” he asked.

“I’ll try.”

“Will you give me all of you for the next few months? Will you give me your whole heart?”

A tear ran down her cheek and landed on his shoulder. “Yes.”

He hoped he would be able to convince Kat to be with him. He knew when she left, he would be a changed man, and if that happened, he hoped the new J.J. would be able to move on with his life.

“Can you promise me something?” she asked.


“I don’t want us to talk about this again. Can you do that for me?”

He placed a soft kiss on her cheek. “Yes.” J.J. knew he’d just lied to the only woman he would ever love.

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