Just the Way You Are (35 page)

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Authors: Lynsey James

BOOK: Just the Way You Are
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Most of the room, except Max, chuckled.

I paused and took a deep breath before I spoke again. I was coming to the most dangerous part of my speech and anxiety began to bubble up inside me. I couldn’t back out now, I thought. This was the part where I was going to be brave. I caught a glimpse of Ivy smiling at me and knew it was safe to carry on.

‘He was much better than anything I could’ve dreamt of. He was gorgeous, funny, kind and intelligent, as well as being my best friend in the whole wide world. I probably didn’t react in the best way when I found out and for that, I’m truly sorry. I’ve actually written a letter of my own to this person…’ I trailed off as I retrieved it from my bag. ‘I mean, if he can do it so can I, right? Here goes nothing.’

I began to read my letter aloud.

Dear Max,

It’s not every day I sit down to write a love letter to my best friend. You’re the letter-writing expert out of the two of us but since you’re also the nicest guy I know, I hope you’ll go easy on me.

I love you, Max Burrows. I’m just going to come right out and say it instead of skirting round the subject like I usually do. You’re the most amazing guy I’ve ever met; you’re utterly gorgeous, goofy, funny and you give the best bear hugs in the world. You cry at
Marley and Me,
your favourite Disney film’s
Robin Hood
and you’d eat homemade pizza every day if you could. We have over twenty years of history together

inside jokes, shared stories and a truckload of memories

and I wouldn’t change any of it for the world. Except maybe the time an innocent walk through the park ended with us getting taken home by a police car… But that’s another story.

I’m also deeply sorry for the way I acted when I found out you were Mr Writer. Sometimes when the thing you want lands right in your lap, your brain works overtime to find some kind of catch. Me, I used my old issues to push you away and that was wrong. Since that night, I’ve regretted how I treated you. The look on your face broke my heart and I hope I never have to see that again. I didn’t know it at the time but you’re everything I’ve ever wanted and more. I hope you can forgive me for being a daft mare (it’s not the first time…)

So I’ve come to the end of this letter and I’ll finish with a proposition. If you let me love you Max, I promise to forget the past, enjoy the present and look forward to the future. Before this whole Mr Writer thing started, I’d stopped believing in true love. I didn’t think soulmates existed and Fate was an urban myth. You made me believe in all those things again and for that, thank you. You really are a wonderful human being Max Burrows. I didn’t expect to find my soulmate and best friend rolled into one, but here you are and you’re perfect. If you’ll have me, I’ll spend the rest of my life teasing you about your horrific taste in films, eating your delicious food and giving you the very best I can offer. The choice is yours, and so am I.

Love always


The room was silent as everyone tried to digest what I’d just said. I glanced over at Max, who looked totally shell-shocked. He blinked over and over again, as if this would somehow rewind things to five minutes ago before I’d read the letter.

Slowly, a round of applause erupted from the centre of the room, spreading like a spider’s web until it reached the four corners. Soon people were on their feet, whooping, cheering and clapping for me. My cheeks went red; I hadn’t expected such a strong reaction.

‘That was a wonderful speech. Give it up for Ava Clements!’ Paddy yelled. This prompted another round of applause and I stepped off the stage. I’d had enough of the limelight for one night.

I joined Ivy and Leo back at their table. They got up to shower me with hugs and kisses.

‘Honey, you were great up there!’ Ivy declared.

‘Thanks, I think I might’ve finally got over my fear of public speaking!’ I looked at my hands and realised they were shaking. ‘Then again, maybe not quite yet.’

‘Without further ado,’ Paddy boomed into the microphone. ‘Let’s finally see the February issue cover!’

He gestured to a massive projection screen behind him and an image of the cover appeared on it. Right in the centre of it was my story: “
Dear Ava: one woman’s quest to track down her mystery man!

‘Oh wow, it’s beautiful!’ I did a little squeal of joy and just managed to stop some tears of happiness from spilling out. It was a dream come true: my story on the front cover.

My eyes scanned the room, looking for Max to try and gauge his reaction. I couldn’t see him in amongst the sea of bodies. Perhaps he’d left out of sheer embarrassment, I thought.

Just then, Fran came rushing over, arms outstretched.

‘Oh my God, that was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen! Well done you!’

‘Cheers, it was bloody scary I’ll tell you that! Have you seen Max anywhere?’

She shook her head. ‘Nope, sorry. I do have some news for you though.’


‘I’m going on a very long holiday soon. I’m travelling around Europe then across America. I leave in April and I’ll be back in July or August. I figured after Ryan buggered off, I needed something new and exciting in my life.’ A beautiful, bright grin spread across her face, which was glowing with happiness. ‘I’d planned all my future with him and, all of a sudden, I didn’t have one any more. I didn’t know what to do at first, but this feels right. I couldn’t have made this decision without you. You helped me see there was going to be a life after Ryan and that it was up to me what I do with it.’

‘Oh Fran, that’s fantastic! You deserve this. I’m expecting some epic souvenirs, by the way.’ I had a million questions about her exciting new plans, but my gaze wandered around the room in search of Max. I had to know how he felt about my speech.


I looked over her shoulder and craned my neck to see if I could see Max. Nope, still nowhere to be found.

I turned my attention back to Fran and we started discussing her travel plans: what cities she was going to visit, the landmarks she’d take in. She’d even thought of starting up a travel blog to document her journey.

‘I won’t pretend I’m not jealous,’ I said. ‘You go off and have fun, maybe pick up a hunky French bloke or something!’

‘That’s the plan!’ She winked then her face took on an odd expression, as though she’d seen something behind me.

‘Can I talk to you for a second, Ava?’

My whole body froze as I recognised Max’s voice. My throat dried up and my palms became clammy and sweaty.

‘Y-yeah sure,’ I replied. I followed him to the rightmost corner of the room, away from prying eyes and ears.

‘OK, what was that you just did up there?’ he asked, jabbing his thumb towards the stage. His black bushy brows were knitted together and all colour had drained from his face like he’d seen a ghost. It took a lot to shock Max, so I was quietly proud of myself.

‘I-I had to let you know how I feel, Max. I know you’re practically all set for going to Australia, but I had to take a chance and tell you in case you might still feel the same!’ I felt sick with nerves as I prayed with all my heart for him to say he loved me too. This was it: everything could be made or broken in this one single moment.

He rolled his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. ‘
feel the same?! There’s no
about it Ava, of course I bloody do! Why couldn’t you have told me all this earlier, preferably before I got back together with Amira and arranged to move thousands of miles away?’

My heart rose in my chest and it became difficult to breathe. Everything I wanted was within my grasp; all I had to do was reach out and take it. At last, after all the mistakes and misunderstandings, Max Burrows would finally be mine. I ignored the well of tears brewing in my eyes and willed myself to meet his gaze.
Breathe you idiot, breathe,
I told myself,
and whatever you do, don’t mess it up this time.

‘Because I’m a stupid, ignorant cow who didn’t see what was right in front of her until it was too late! If I’d been just a little bit smarter, I’d have ignored that letter I found in your pocket, kissed you and not stopped. I’m sorry, I know this is epically shit timing on my part but… I had to be brave and try.’

Max stared at me for a second and his features softened.

‘Do you really love me?’ His voice was on the verge of cracking.

I nodded. ‘More than anything.’

‘More than Nutella?’

A smile began to form on my lips. ‘Yes.’

He drew closer to me, his grin widening with every step. ‘More than tomato ketchup?’


Max’s eyes went skywards for a moment before his gaze came to rest on me again. ‘More than cake?’


‘Wow, you must be serious then. Come here.’

Max pulled me close to him and kissed me on the lips like he never wanted to stop. I wrapped my arms around him and felt every fibre of my body dance with joy. He really was everything I’d ever wanted.

‘Where did you disappear to earlier?’ I asked when our lips parted.

‘I had a very awkward and very loud conversation with Amira on the phone. I told her to go to Australia without me because I have everything I need right here.’ He tapped me on the nose, something he knew I loved.

‘So I guess we’re together now,’ I said. ‘Does that mean you’ll finally stop calling me Munchkin?’

‘Not a bloody chance.’



So here we are: my very first set of book acknowledgements! Who knew I’d ever get to write these?!

Firstly, I’d like to thank my incredible family: Mum, Dad, Kyle, Gran and Dixie. Without your constant support, hugs and chocolates, this book wouldn’t be here today. If Carlsberg made families, they’d still have nothing on you guys. I love you all more than I’ll ever be able to say.

To Grandad, the best storyteller in the world. You gave me my love for stories and words. I will always love you for that.

Jennifer Marston, my honeybee, I freaking love you. Thank you for being my best friend, fellow bookworm and the one who introduced me to Jesse Eisenberg. They say “best friends are like stars; you don’t have to see them all the time to know they’re there.” That saying pretty much sums up us.

Katja Watson, you are probably the coolest person I know. Your tough love (“get that bloody book finished!”) and regular Spoons trips have been the highlight of my college time. You rock and my life is better because you’re my friend.

My amazing Twitter friends- far too many to list and I don’t want to forget any of you- I love you all so much. Your friendship means the world to me.

To the best editor in the world, Victoria Oundjian. You took a chance on me (gone a bit Abba there!) and made this book what it is. Your suggestions are always spot on and I don’t know what I’d do without your help and guidance.

To the team at Carina, thank you for helping make my dream come true. You’ve turned my book from a document on my computer into something far better than I could ever have imagined.

My final thank you goes to YOU, the person who has just finished reading my book. I hope you’ve enjoyed it, laughed and maybe cried a bit too. Books can be tiny slices of magic in an ordinary world and I hope this has been one for you. Thank you so much for buying it, reading it and hopefully loving it.


ISBN: 978 1 474 03359 6

Just the Way You Are

Copyright © 2015 Lynsey James

Published in Great Britain (2015)

by Carina, an imprint of Harlequin (UK) Limited, Eton House, 18-24 Paradise Road, Richmond, Surrey TW9 1SR

All rights reserved including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. This edition is published by arrangement with Harlequin Books S.A.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, locations and incidents are purely fictional and bear no relationship to any real life individuals, living or dead, or to any actual places, business establishments, locations, events or incidents. Any resemblance is entirely coincidental.

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