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Authors: Amber Skyze

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Just Another Rainy Day

Amber Skyze


Tired of their ho-hum sex life, Jack decides to spice things
up by planning a surprise for his wife. After sending the children off for an
overnight with their aunt, Jack handcuffs Beth to their bed.

Beth awakes naked, blindfolded and at the mercy of her
husband. The day starts off with being fed by Jack and quickly turns into hot
and heavy sex. She soon learns that a slip of the tongue can lead to stinging
ass cheeks.

This rainy day will be spent pushing their sexual limits.
Whether in bed or out, Jack will leave Beth begging for more—until she says
something unforgiveable.


Ellora’s Cave Publishing





Just Another Rainy Day


ISBN 9781419933608


Just Another Rainy Day Copyright © 2011 Amber Skyze


Edited by Helen Woodall

Cover art by Syneca


Electronic book publication March 2011


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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons,
living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The
characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

Just Another Rainy Day

Amber Skyze



To my husband. I love you for taking this journey with me again.
Hopefully we’ll be successful this time. I’m looking forward to our Rainy Days
after the baby is born.




Trademarks Acknowledgement


The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark
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Disney: Disney Enterprises Inc.

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Chapter One


“Rise and shine, sleepyhead.”

Beth opened her eyes to total darkness. She attempted to
move, but found her arms were pulled above her head. Around her wrists was soft
fur. She tugged and the rattling sound of chains filled her ears. She was
restrained. Fear spread throughout her body and into her throat.

“Why am I handcuffed?” As she tried to sit up she realized
she was also blindfolded. Never in their fifteen years of marriage had she
woken to find herself trussed like a slave or prisoner.

The smell of bacon wafted closer, assaulting her nostrils.

“I’m going to fuck that pussy all day long.”

Beth moved her head to the left where Jack’s voice echoed
through the room. She shivered. The thought of him fucking her all day sent
chills down her spine, until reality came crashing back.

“What about the kids? Surely they’ll want Mom to cook them
breakfast and drive them all over God’s creation.”

“All taken care of. I just sent them packing with Auntie.
They’ll be home tomorrow bright and early.”

How long had she’d slept? She knew she was exhausted when
she fell into bed the night before, but to sleep through the kids waking and
Jack shackling her to the bed wasn’t like her.

“Did you spike my drink last night, Jack?”

A full belly laugh filled the room. “I’d hardly do something
so sinister.”

He had a point. In all their marriage he’d never even spoken
an ill word against her. Why should she accuse him of something so hideous?

“How did you manage to handcuff me to the bed?”

“You were snoring peacefully. I moved your arms without
getting a peep out of you. You barely stirred.”

Beth racked her brains trying to remember any feeling of
being moved around, but nothing came to mind.

“Clever, Jack, now uncuff me please.”

“No can do.”

“Huh? Please, Jack. My arms can only take so much of being
stretched like this. I’d like you to release me, now.”

“Remember your prisoner fantasy?”

How could she forget? She’d told him about the fantasy eons ago.
They’d been enjoying a glass of white wine on a cold winter’s night. They’d
nestled all cozy in front of the fireplace. As they gazed into the glowing
embers, she had shared her deepest darkest desires. Beth had told him how she
wanted to feel as if she’d been kidnapped, taken away and tortured in every
delicious way imaginable. Jack had listened quietly and nodded at the
appropriate times. She’d explained that she pictured herself in the shower
after a long day. A stranger would appear and pull her soaking wet from the
streaming water. He’d carry her to her bedroom where he’d take what he wanted.
He’d ignore her pleas for him to stop. He’d fuck her until they were both

She’d thought he’d forgotten by now. Obviously he had been
biding his time.

“Is this what is happening today? You’re living out my
fantasy?” A slight shiver passed through her body. Jack had listened. He’d
taken her seriously and decided to give her what she needed.

“We are and I’m in control. You will do as I say or suffer
the consequences.”

Beth shook as a chill of delight filled her. Jack’s voice
was deep and demanding. He was using his dominant tone.

“Got it.” A secret smile filled her soul.

“I’ve made you breakfast and I’m going to feed it to you.
You’ll need your strength for what I have planned.”

you have planned?” The curiosity was killing
her. She was blindfolded and handcuffed, left only with her imagination. Would
he tease her with the electrical voltage toy they’d purchased online? The idea
of him zapping her clit had her ready to explode into an orgasm. Luckily for
her she slept in the buff. She was halfway to sheer bliss.

Jack had left her with use of her legs, but that was about
it. Her sense of smell had intensified as she continued enjoying the scent of

Her stomach growled. “I’m starved.”

“Good because I’ve made all your favorites.”

“Did you feed the kids?” She pictured Jack Jr. and Rose
leaving with grumbling bellies. Though she knew Patty would fill their tummies
to the brim all day long.

“Of course I did. You don’t think I’d send them off to your
sister’s without breakfast, do you?”

“No,” she said, ashamed for asking. He was a terrific father
who adored his kids. The sound of rain pelting the glass pane caught her
attention. “Is it raining outside?”

“Yes, it’s coming down in buckets. The kids are dressed
properly for the weather.”

Relief washed over her. She’d hate to see them catch a cold.
“Sorry Jack. I’m a mother. It’s my job to worry.”

“Not today. Today it’s my turn to do the worrying. You just
lay back and relax. I’m going to do all the work.”

She settled as best she could into her pillow. “Will you
feed me now?”

“Open wide and I’ll give you some eggs.”

Beth obliged and Jack forked some fluffy scrambled eggs into
her mouth. They melted against her tongue. The taste of bell peppers and cheese

“Mmmm, these are delicious. You know you’re a fabulous cook,

He chuckled. She knew he must be blushing from the
compliment. Jack took pride in everything he did, but when it came to being recognized
he often shied away.

“Open again.”

She accepted another scoop of the eggs. He then offered her
some bacon along with a bite of toast. “Here have some juice.”

She sipped the orange juice. “Freshly squeezed? You’ve
really gone to a lot of trouble to make this a perfect meal.”

“That’s because I love you. You know I’d do anything for
you, right?”

“I do.” And today proved it even more.

She heard the sound of glass tapping against wood. Had he
put the food aside? “So what are we doing today?” She was anxious to know what
his plans were.

“We are taking advantage of a rainy Saturday, with no kids.”

“I got that, but how?”

“No more questions. You’ll find out as time goes by.”

She pressed her lips together. The urge to demand he tell
her lingered on the tip of her tongue.

“Don’t sit there looking all spoiled. You’ll enjoy yourself.
Trust me.”

She did trust him, but she wanted to know what was going to
happen. It was impossible to see through the blindfold. She’d have to go by her
sense of smell and her hearing to determine what he was doing, but she didn’t
trust either sense to be accurate.

“What’s going to happen first?”

“Do I need to cover your mouth so you can’t speak anymore?”

She bit the inside of her cheek. The last thing she wanted
was for her mouth to be covered. She needed to speak. She had to express her
feelings and thoughts. “No.”

“Very well. No more questions or I’ll have to stuff the ball
gag into your mouth. Maybe I will just for fun.”

She shook her head in disagreement.

“I’m going to give you a few more bites of food and then
we’ll begin. I suggest you be on your best behavior or you’re going to find
yourself with a sore butt.”

Beth didn’t mind a sore butt, because it was usually
followed by the most delicious tongue licking. Jack knew how to please her clit
just so, after a spanking. He’d circle her swollen nub with the tip of his warm
tongue and tug ever so slightly with his lips. He’d send her skyrocketing into
an orgasm that would leave her breathless and filled with a satisfaction she
thought couldn’t be topped. Yet he managed to outdo himself every time.

“Hurry up. I want to finish that food so I can get what’s
coming to me.”

“Oh you’re going to get what’s coming to you. Open wide.”

Beth felt the mattress indent and her body sank to the left.
Jack’s musky scent assaulted her nostrils. He was closer.

“Wider,” he instructed.

His voice seemed to echo from above. She opened her mouth
wider. Soft velvety skin caressed her lips, as Jack glided his hard cock

She went to speak, but Jack beat her to the punch and moved
the rest of his penis into her mouth.

“No more talking. I’m dying to feel your lips massaging my

Beth wished she could wrap her hand around his shaft and
hold his sac in her palm. She could do neither in this position.

Instead she accepted his wide girth and licked along the
sturdy vein. As he drew back she was treated to the salty taste of his
glistening dew. She loved the taste of her husband. She longed to bring him
pleasure with her mouth. There was something exciting about watching his hips
rock and the muscles in his thighs stiffen as he drew nearer to climax. The
thrill she got when he shot hot jets of cum into her mouth and the way his toes
curled was undeniable. Beth loved Jack and bringing him gratification was her pleasure.

“Fuck, the heat from your mouth is more than I can stand. I
didn’t plan on getting off this early, but shit.”

Beth fought the smile that threatened to form on her lips.
She concentrated on Jack’s cock filling her mouth. He moved in and out slowly.
She closed her eyes behind the mask and pictured him standing over her, his
hands planted firmly against the deep red wall. The whites of his knuckles
would pale in comparison to the rich color. He was watching her and she could
envision his brown, wavy hair hanging loosely around his face. His dark,
chocolaty eyes would be intense. She sensed his gaze on her while she toyed
with the slit of his cap.

He sucked in a deep breath.

Were his lips silently moving as he prayed for the strength
to resist her tongue?

He was getting close. The skin around his shaft tightened.
Beth wrapped her lips firmly around his penis, clasping him. He rocked back and
forth, never fully leaving her mouth.

She squeezed her legs together hoping to keep her own juices
from spilling from her pussy. She wanted him inside her, but she couldn’t ask
or demand anything. She could only pray that when she finished with him, he’d
give her some satisfaction too.

Jack grunted. He was trying to resist the urge to explode,
but she controlled him with her lips. He was going to orgasm.

With the tip of her tongue she traced the length of him as
he continued rocking. His pace quickened and Beth felt the stirrings as his
seed moved quickly to his slit, spurting hot streams of cum into her waiting
mouth. She sucked, milking him for every last drop.

Jack shuddered as Beth lapped him clean.

He removed his cock and Beth felt the bed move. The sound of
his feet hitting the floor disappointed her.

“Where are you going?”

“Really, Beth? You’re already talking?”

Beth slid her body down so she was practically lying against
the pillow. She’d earned herself a punishment. Her release wasn’t coming
anytime soon. Her head wanted to scream at him, but she knew better. She’d
already said enough.

When will you learn to keep your mouth shut?

Wood sliding against a metal track carried to her ears. She
knew the familiar sound. Jack was opening his closet door.

He was rustling through his clothes, looking for something,
but what? It didn’t take long to realize what he had in mind. She heard metal
against metal, as he plucked a belt from its holder. She was about to be
spanked for talking too much.

“I wish I didn’t have to do this. I don’t like punishing
you, but it’s really for your own good.”

Ha! He loved every minute of turning her cheeks crimson. He
always got so hard while spanking her. Beth couldn’t complain. She enjoyed the
way her ass burned and her pussy swelled with her juices after a good paddling.
The belt was a different story. The leather bit to the core.

Begging him to use something different wasn’t worth the
time. She’d only wind up with more than she bargained for if she argued.

“Lift your legs up in the air and over your shoulders so I
can give you your spanking.”

“How am I supposed to keep my legs in the air?”

“Not my problem. You’ll figure it out if you want me to stop
at ten.”

. She wanted to scream at him, but
it was a waste of time. It would only aid in her getting cracked harder or

Beth adjusted her body so she was flatter on the bed. She
lifted her legs upright, exposing her ass for his perusal.

“Very nice. Do you know how much that ass turns me on? I
want to slip my hard penis inside that pink rim and feel it clenching me.” He
sucked in a deep breath.

Beth thought she’d climax all over herself. The urge to let
her legs fall open and beg him to do exactly what he wanted started to
overpower her. She clamped her teeth together and squeezed her eyes tight.

There would be a happy ending for her if she remained quiet.
She could do that. It was only a matter of minutes.

“Do you want my cock inside you, Beth?”

She didn’t answer.

He chuckled.

“You’re catching on quickly.”

She felt Jack kneel on the bed. His hot breath blew across
her clit.

Oh dear God. Was he going to lick her pussy? Would he give
her release before he spanked her? It seemed unlikely, but one could hope.

She waited holding her breath for what seemed an eternity.
Nothing. She opened her mouth to ask him what he was doing and snapped it
closed again.

He moved.

He wasn’t going to pleasure her.

The torture of being cuffed to the bed, blindfolded and
hornier than a dog in heat drove her mad. Trying to keep her legs up in the air
was almost impossible. She wished he just get it over with, and now.

The muscles in her thighs started to burn, she thought for
sure she’d drop them. It didn’t matter how much she exercised, this position
was not an easy one to keep.

What was he doing? Was he secretly laughing at her?

“For cryin’ out loud Jack when are you going to start?”

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