JustAnotherRainyDay (3 page)

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Authors: Amber Skyze

BOOK: JustAnotherRainyDay
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He loosened it slightly and she eased her feet down.


“Yes, thanks.”

“God you look so fucking sexy with all the clamps covering
your body. I have a mind to fuck you.”

“What are you waiting for?”

He tapped the on button on the plug. As it charged to life
she screamed.

“Holy shit, Jack. Every sense is on overload. I’m tingling
from my head to my toes. I’m going to commme.”

He shut it off.

“What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you sadistic?”

“No, I’m one horny man who wants my wife to experience the
ultimate pleasure when she finally has an orgasm.”

“It better be soon or you might be a divorced man!”

Jack inched off the bed, shocked by his wife’s words. He
stood there for a few minutes absorbing what she said. Finally when he felt he
could speak he asked.

“Are you serious?”

Chapter Three


“No,” she said softly. She regretted the words the moment
they left her lips. She’d never divorce Jack. They’d loved each other for more
than half their lives. There could never be another man who’d compare to him.
He was the father of her children. He adored them all and cherished them every
second he was with them.

Beth wasn’t one to threaten, especially something as severe
as divorce, but she needed something to get her point across. He was dragging
this game out much too long for her liking. She wanted to come and she wanted
it now. She didn’t want to wait until he was ready. She was ready right this
very second.

“I never meant to use such a bold statement, Jack. I’m truly

She sensed him next to her. He removed the blindfold and it
took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the light. When they did she wished
he’d left her in the dark. His deep brown eyes were filled with sadness.

“You’ve never used the word divorce for as long as I’ve
known you.”

She wanted to reach out and touch him. She wanted to hold
him and reassure him it was honestly all just a stupid sentence, but the
handcuffs prevented her from doing so.

“Jack. I love you with all my heart. You’re the only man I
have ever, or will ever, love. It was a dumb thing to say and I promise with
every ounce of me, I’ll never say anything like that again.”

He nodded.

“Release me and let me hold you.”

“I’m going to uncuff your wrists, but you’re not done here,
missy. You’re going to be punished for being so bold. I’m going to show you
there’s no room for the word divorce in our relationship. You’re my wife and
you’ll always be mine.”

A shiver of anticipation coursed through her veins. He was
showing his possessive side. He wasn’t angry any longer. He would show her who
was boss. Relief washed over her. It was going to be all right.

Once her hands were free she rubbed her wrists to get the
blood flowing through her arms again. She scanned the room and was surprised to
see he had set it up with torture in mind.

One of the stools from their bar sat in the room. She
wondered what he had in store for her with that. The riding crop they’d ordered
online the month before lay on the soft, red leather padding on the stool.

Obviously he intended to spank her again. The drawer housing
all their toys lay open for easy access. She noticed the tray of food he’d fed
her earlier sat on the floor by the door.

She smiled, thinking about him making her breakfast in bed.
He’d gone to a lot of trouble to make today perfect and she was acting like a spoiled
brat. So what if he wanted her to hold off before having an orgasm? Was that
such a crime?


“Jack, thank you.”


“All of this. This is incredible and you did it all for me.”

“For us, Beth. I did all this for us. We needed a day to
ourselves. When was the last time we were alone so I could tie you up and tease
you? Yes, we have a healthy sex life and I wouldn’t change it for the world,
but these times are harder and harder to find with the kids growing up so

He was right. They didn’t get enough one-on-one time for
drawn-out excitement. She’d almost ruined it with her selfishness, but that was
going to change.

“Go ahead and tie me up again. I promise I’ll cooperate.”

“Oh you’ll cooperate, trust me.”

She looked at him questioningly.

“You said you’d cooperate and I expect you to keep your

“I always keep my promises. You know that.” Yet she hadn’t.
When she’d used the word divorce she’d gone back on a promise.

“Very well. I’m going to remove the pins from your stomach
and then I want you to get up and go over to the bar stool. I want you draped
over it with your bum sticking up in the air. I’m going to teach you to never
use the word divorce with me again.”

Oh she was screwed. He was going to punish her and
rightfully so. They’d sworn never to use that word unless they truly meant it
and she had, though she hadn’t meant it.

She lay patiently as Jack removed the clothespins from her
stomach. The blood circulation returned and suddenly she found herself highly
aroused. She’d ruined the moment briefly, but now she was back to craving an
orgasm, but first she had to accept her fate—the riding crop.

She scooted off the bed and over to the stool. She lifted
the leather crop in her hand and slid it along her palm. This would pack a

“I’ll take that.”

Jack extended his hand expectantly.

Beth cautiously gave him the tool to whip her ass. She was
going to be sore tomorrow.

“Bend over please.”

She nodded. There was no arguing. She deserved what was
coming no matter how much she dreaded it. She turned her body so she was facing
the window. Outside, the rain was coming down in buckets. The sky was gray and
she thought she heard the low rumble of thunder in the distance.

Her heart fluttered as she got comfortable on the leather
padding. She wondered if Jack would use great force to show her erroneous ways.

She stole a glance to see if she could tell what he was
feeling. She thought for sure he’d hug her once her hands were free, but he
hadn’t. Instead he’d insisted she place her body over the chair and accept her



“I love you.”

“I love you too, Beth.”

“Diamonds and Feathers forever.”

“This will hurt me just as much as you, Beth, but it’s
really for your own good.”

She turned away from his stern look. He was more than angry.
He was disappointed. Usually “diamonds and feathers forever” was the one thing
she could say and any argument would fall by the wayside. Not this time.

She braced herself for the whipping that was now her fate.

As she waited with her eyes closed and holding her breath
she remembered the first time they’d experimented with spankings. Jack had been
tickling her and suddenly he tossed her over his knee and starting smacking her
ass. Oh how she’d wiggled and fought against his hard hand.

Luckily she’d had jeans on because they took some of the
sting out. When he’d finished his hand was beet red. That day his hand hurt
just as much as her ass. Over the years they tried various items, like
spatulas, wooden spoons, and ping pong paddles. The end result was always the
same, rosy cheeks and a drenched pussy. It was all in the name of fun.

Today was a different story. Today her cheeks would sting
like a motherfucker, but she was willing to accept that for the price of love.

Like a sword whizzing through the air, she heard the crop
before feeling it. As it snapped across her ass, her skin lit on fire, as if
someone burned a match under her butt.

She swallowed the cry that threatened to escape. She
deserved this. God, how she deserved this.

Jack didn’t speak as he cracked her ass. He remained too
quiet for her liking. Normally he’d speak and ask her questions, like
a naughty girl? Who likes her butt spanked?.
Not this time. The only sound
in the room was the crop as it zipped through the air.

After what felt like an eternity he stopped. Beth let out a
breath and opened her eyes. She didn’t move from her position afraid he’d
demand her to stay put for more.

“Get up, please.”

His booming voice stunned her. She scrambled to her feet and
stole a peek. His face gave away nothing. She wasn’t sure if this was over or
if it was just the beginning.

There were a million questions she wanted to ask and just as
many things she wanted to say, but she kept quiet. She’d wait for him to
determine what happened next.

“In the corner.” Jack pointed to the corner between their
closet and bedroom window.

“Huh?” She knew it was stupid to question, but she did.

“Just do as I ask, Beth.”

Hurt filled his baritone. Beth slinked off to the corner,
feeling every bit like a child in trouble. What would happen once she was in
the corner?

“Nose pressed against the wall and spread your legs.”

Humiliation. Jack wanted her to feel humiliated. Well he was
succeeding in that department.

Beth complied. With her head pressed firmly in the corner
she spread her legs. Standing there felt like a naughty schoolgirl caught
talking. Naked and vulnerable, she feared what he planned.

“You’ve been a very bad girl, Beth.” Jack pressed his naked
body against hers. She felt his hard cock throbbing on the small of her back.
“Are you sorry for what you said?”

“Yes,” she whimpered. Tears threatened to fall.

“Are you ever going to say something so horrible again?”

“Never. I promise. I never want this marriage to end, Jack.
You should know that.”

“I thought I did.” His words echoed softly in her ear.

“You do. I swear.”

His hand moved between her legs. A finger caressed her pussy

“You’ve taken your share of beatings today. Some more
deserved than others. I didn’t like having to spank you with the crop. I don’t
like to know that your ass is in so much pain.”

“I’m fine, really. It hurts, but like you said, I deserved

“Are you ready to make amends for your wrong doings?”

Please, please fuck me Jack. Make love to me and
show me how much our love means to you

“I need to get something, don’t move.”

She wouldn’t dream of stepping away now. Not when she was so
close to getting what she wanted.

He returned and once again she felt his hardness pressing
against her. He kissed her shoulder. Tingling sensations shot down her body
straight to her core. He trailed his lips across her shoulder blades to the
other side. He moved her hair out of his way and kissed her neck.

She leaned back out of habit, offering more of herself to

“Nose back in the corner.”

For a moment she thought he’d given up with the dominance,
but he hadn’t.

“Stick that ass out.”

Beth adjusted her position so her butt stuck out.

His lips left her. Next thing she knew he was placing tiny
kisses on her hot ass cheeks.

He slid a finger into her channel coating it with her
juices. He dragged it out, covering her with slickness.

She groaned. If ever she needed his hard cock inside her, it
was now.

“Tell me how much of a naughty girl you are, Beth.” Jack
teased the outer rim of her ass.

“A very, very naughty girl.” Her breathing grew labored as
he drove his finger inside her pussy again. She teetered on the edge of orgasm.

“And naughty girls are punished, correct?”


“What happens after naughty girls are punished?”

They’re fucked?
She didn’t dare speak the words out
loud. He continued gliding in and out of her channel. Her body wanted to
crumple to the ground from his touch.

“They’re put away to bed wet and needy.”

No, no, no
. He wouldn’t deny her the orgasm her body
craved. Would he?

Beth rocked her hips gently in sync with his movements. A
steady, slow rocking sure to have her reeling into orbit when her walls
clenched around his fingers from the climax that built.

“Now, now, now. I never said you could come.” Jack quickly
removed his fingers from her and backed away.


“You’re in no position to be demanding Beth. I’ll decide if
and when you climax.”

Oh, she wanted to strangle him right about now. This game
had gone on too long. She’d paid her dues with the whipping from the riding
crop. She accepted the torture of the clothespins, the handcuffs and being
blindfolded. She’d been spanked not once, but twice. She’d earned an orgasm.
She’d more than earned one.

Jack was the master of dragging things out. He’d wait until
he was good and ready and only then would she be allowed to come. Oh how she
wanted to reach down and rub her clit until she exploded. It wouldn’t take
much. A few strokes against her finger and boom, she’d light up like the fourth
of July.

Jack wasn’t having any of it, though. It was his rules and
his time.

Where was he and what was he doing? He’d grown quiet. Please
don’t let him be getting a belt or something else to spank her with. She knew
her ass couldn’t handle another beating, no matter what he thought.

The plug she’d forgotten about charged to life inside her
ass. Heat filled her. The sting from the crop brought a pleasure-pain to her
aching pussy.

Jack was there again. His hand came around and cupped her

“I love your breasts. They’re so big and firm. They feel so
good when I slid my cock between them. Just like your cunt.”

She leaned in to the wall and silently prayed. The plug
hummed away ready to send her into oblivion. The only thing left was for him to
fill her pussy with his cock.

As if reading her mind, he pushed her leg farther apart with
his. He guided his penis to her opening. Once the tip entered he moved his
hands to her hips and pushed until he was fully engulfed inside her.

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