Justification For Killing (33 page)

Read Justification For Killing Online

Authors: Larry Edward Hunt

Tags: #time travel, #kennedy assasination, #scifi action adventure

BOOK: Justification For Killing
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Who are they

Lonnie Joe Wheeler and
Rocky Jolliet. We worked with them on the Egyptian expedition last
year, both ex-Special Forces, and definite assets if you get into
trouble over there. I’d rather we wait and send all four of you
together, but I believe it is important to get our ‘boots on the
ground’ over there as soon as possible. You two go on ahead and get
the operation started, and I will get Wheeler and Jolliet over
there as soon as possible to help”




Reaching back into the
overalls he pulled out a second colored napkin. Slowly Captain
Scarburg unfolded the rose piece of paper and began to read the
names he had written on it at Jack Ruby’s place also. The main
difference this slip of napkin had names that were recognizable. He
had taken the information supplied by Linda Lou word for word; he
did not want to miss anything. He began to read: “ ... the one
sitting on Jack’s right is Sam Giordino. He’s from Chicago. Next to
Sam is Johnny Russolli out of Las Vegas, and I believe he has
something to do with the mob in Hollywood. Then it’s Santo
Riccocante from Tampa. Next, the guy smoking the cigar is Carlos
Mancini. I believe I have heard he’s from New Orleans, and the guy
wearing the sunglasses is Angelo Marino from somewhere up north,
Philadelphia I think.”

Spook spoke up, “Captain,
I’ve heard about these guys and you are right they are Cosa Nostra.
I would like to discern their connection with Ruby too.”

Good Spook, you are one
step ahead of me. I thought you and Tinker would be the perfect
ones to dig up dirt on these mobsters. Spook, with your CIA
experience you could pull these bugs out into the light without
arousing any noticeable suspicions. There is a CIA connection to
the assassination somewhere – we just need to find it out. I’m
almost certain most of the persons involved would be dead by now,
but there should still be a paper trail of their involvement, or
maybe there is someone still alive that would provide some
pertinent information. ”

Bad as I hate to admit it
Captain, I believe you are right. Tinker and I will do our best to
find out what the connection is.”

Thanks guys. There’s
another area we need to investigate. I believe a tie-in exists with
the CIA, Jack Kennedy, the Cubans and the Bay of Pigs fiasco in
April 1961; however, Spook and Tinker I believe your investigation
into those Mafia bosses might show some connection to the Bay of
Pigs screw-up. Try to see if your Mafiosos have any tie-ins to show
their connection with Cuba.

Krista, you and Olive
Maria are to be the collection point of all the data these
investigations will generate. You will need to compile this
information and organize it. Olive Maria you are the computer guru
and our computers are linked to the Department of Defense, the
Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency and the
U.S. Special Operations Command at MacDill AFB in Florida. Your job
is to peruse these highly classified databases, to which we have
clearance, and glean any information on MK-ULTRA, the Bay of Pigs
operation, the Mafia bosses, the Kennedy Assassination or anything
that might be important before our return to Dallas. On the return
trip, I will be taking some of our personnel, so our personal
safety will depend on the data you uncover.”

How long do we have to
accomplish these tasks?”

Obviously we have waited
since 1967, so we are not under any deadline, but remember as long
as we work on this assignment other projects will have to be put on
hold. So work with as much speed as possible but let’s make sure
the data we gather is accurate and pertinent to the John F. Kennedy
assassination on November 22, 1963.”





Captain Robert Scarburg,
III was just finishing his last cup of coffee for the day. He and
Krista’s usual quitting time was around 6 p.m. He always joked and
said, “There were two things he did not want to be late for -
supper and payday.” But today both he and Krista had been burning
the midnight oil putting the final preparations on the ‘expedition’
back to Dallas. This day supper was going to be late.

The time was 10:05 a.m.
Friday morning in the frozen regions of northern Russia but it was
9:05 p.m. Thursday night in Washington.

The Personal Communicator
panel on his desk began to glow. An image of Krista appeared,
“Captain you have a call from the SECNAV Admiral James

By-ned, Krista what do
you think the Secretary of the Navy wants at this time of

Are you
just going to talk
him or do you want to talk

Well of course I want to
talk to him, put him on... Good evening Mr. Secretary, Director
Scarburg here... how are Louise and the kids?”

Fine Bob, fine, but this
isn’t a personal call.”

Sorry Admiral, what can I
do for you?”

Bob, I’m afraid I have
some distressing news...”

Hold on just a minute
Jim... you and I have had this same conversation before... In fact,
I believe it was about a year or so ago... you called and told me
the plane carrying Forrest, Bud and Olive Maria had gone down off
the coast of Mexico. Now, this time I can guarantee you all my
grandkids are safe and sound right here on the ground in the good
ole USA. They sure aren’t flying on any airplanes

Bob, please, let me

Sorry, Admiral I got
carried away, please... continue.”

It’s not your children
this time Bob... it’s... it’s... Sam Lin and Si Lei! Their plane
was coming south out of the Arctic Ocean across Russia headed
toward their Hong Kong destination. They ran into a monster of a
blizzard somewhere over northern Russia, and the control tower in
Hong Kong lost radar contact with the plane. They believe it went
down. There is some talk about a mid-air collision or near miss, we
are not quite sure which, but we haven’t heard from their plane
since 2215 hours last night, their time.”

Jim, this cannot be
happening - a person would have to script two airplane tragedies
such as these in such a short period of time – this sounds like a
book or movie? Tell me this is a joke?”

Sorry my good friend, I
wish I could say it wasn’t so. I’ll keep you apprised of any
situational changes. Good bye and good night Bob.”

Thank you for the
information Admiral, good night Sir.”

Krista entered Captain
Scarburg’s office. She, as always, wanted to find out what the
SECNAV wanted. Captain Scarburg offered her a seat and began to
explain the call with Secretary of the Navy, Admiral Altman. The
Captain, to say the least, was distraught. After his explanation
Krista joined him in his overwrought state. She sat with her
handkerchief dabbing the tears from the corner of her eye, quietly
sobbing, neither spoke. The Captain had turned his chair to face
the wall. If Krista had been able to see, she also would have seen
tears beginning to glisten in his eyes also.

What are we going to do?”
asked Krista.

Krista, go back to your
office and call the kids - fill them in on the situation, I’m going
over to Spook and Tinker’s. Sam Lin and Si Lei are Spook’s brothers
he needs to be informed in person about the plane

Yes Captain,” answered

Krista, have you seen my
cowboy hat – the one I brought back from Dallas? I seem to have
misplaced it.”





Pacific 6073 declaring an emergency... come in Chek Lap Chuc...
Mayday... Mayday... Cathay 6073 calling Hong Kong... Cathay 6073
calling anyone... anyone reading this station! Respond, please! We
are declaring an emergency! Mayday... Mayday...’
Sorry Captain, I’m not being received. It appears
broadcasting, but I cannot be sure.”

Thanks Don, keep trying
every chance you get. We have already been here nearly three days,
we have to get outside and see if we can get our

Captain Hunter, could
hardly believe it had been three long, cold, miserable days since
their near collusion with the Airbus A330. The turbulence created
by the UFO streaking between their Boeing 777 and the on-coming
plane prevented a disastrous head-on crash; however, Captain
Haskell Hunter and his Co-pilot Donald Walker could not overcome
the rapid descent of the aircraft. After an un-successful, valiant
effort to keep the plane in the air, during the monster of a
snowstorm, they succeeded in landing somewhere in the vast expanse
of the northern steppes of Russia. Neither would bring up the
subject of the Unidentified Flying Object.

What about the wheel-well
Don? We might be able to use the mechanic’s entrance panel in the
floor next to the forward galley to get outside. We could drop
through that opening down into the luggage compartment. Once we get
in that compartment there is another service panel directly above
the front wheels. If we can get it open and get inside the
wheel-well... we... we... well we’ll just have to play it by ear
from there, I guess.”

Come on Captain, let’s
give it a try.”

Back in the passenger
compartment the movement by the pilot and co-pilot caused a stir
among the sleepers, including Sam Lin and Si Lei. “What’s going on
Captain?” asked Sam Lin.

We’re going to attempt to
work our way to the outside through the front wheel-well. We need
to see if we can determine just exactly where we landed. Well,
landed may not be the right word. Anyone want to help - we sure
could use it.”

Count me and Si Lei in
Captain - we’ll help!”

Great, follow

Passing through the First
Class Section a grey haired gentleman with a neatly trimmed Vandyke
beard reached out and grabbed Captain Hunter’s arm as they passed.
“Yes sir, is there something I can do for you?” The Captain asked
looking down at the man’s hand on his arm.

Speaking with a Scottish
accent he answered, “Aye Captain, I heard ye say ye are going to
attempt to get outside this infernal machine through the
wheel-holes. Ye realize they will probably be packed with a wee bit
of snow - we didn’t come in fer a right smooth landing as ye

Yes, you are correct. Do
you have a question sir?”

No, not a question. I
might tho’ have an answer. Ye see laddie, I am Dr. Phillip Mann,
Professor of Archeology at Harvard University. That’s in Boston...
Boston, Massachusetts... Massachusetts is in the USA, ye

Yes, Professor, I know
where Harvard is located, please continue,” the Captain said
impatiently rolling his eyes.

Oh yes, to continue - my
students and I were on our way to evaluate a recent fossil find in
the Chinese Province of Hunan...”

Yes, yes, this is all
very interesting Professor Mann,” the Captain said interrupting the
Professor, “and I would love to hear more about your trip, but as
you probably can tell, I am a little busy right now.”

Oh, right ye are! That’s
my point. My students and I have picks and shovels in our baggage
in the luggage compartment below. Ye will need some type of digging
instruments to remove all that infernal snow. Won’t ye my

You are a Godsend
Professor - but how can we identify your baggage from all the
dozens and dozens of other bags? We could be looking for

Very simple my lad. All
our bags have a large strip of red tape around and about them.”
Smiling and stroking his beard, he continued, “Oh, I bet ye a pound
sterling ye thought I was going to say Scotch tape, get it...

Yes Professor,” Captain
Hunter answered, agitated, “I got it!”

I do say... it’s that
red, what is it called? Oh yes, mounting... no... no... masking
tape... yes that’s it - masking tape. I do that, so my clan of
students can easily identify their bags at the airport baggage
terminals. Just look for the bags with the red tape - each will
have one of those small folding Army shovels in it. Ye’re welcome

Thanks Professor, thank
you very much.”

Oh, laddie, one
thing...if yer find any fossils gimme a holler,” he said




Captain Hunter, Co-pilot
Don Walker, Sam Lin and Si Lei had retrieved the shovels from the
bags of the Harvard archeologists in the Boeing’s luggage
compartment. They found and opened the maintenance plate, which
allowed the four of them to slide down onto the two large Goodyear
tires in the front wheel-well. The professor had been correct - the
wheel compartment was packed with snow - freezing, cold

Surveying the situation
all was not bad. The temperature was still in the minus forty to
minus fifty-degree range. This was good. No, not really, fifty
below is bad, but it was so cold the snow did not pack itself
together; it was simply a fluffy white powder. Captain Hunter
thought it reminded him of flour or talcum powder. Powder snow is
much easier to dig through than hard, packed, wet snow.

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