JustThisOnce (3 page)

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Authors: L.E. Chamberlin

BOOK: JustThisOnce
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Oh, the kid was a great kisser.
couldn’t help just drawing him in, feasting on that mouth, nipping him and
challenging him as I pulled him back down on the bed and rolled on top of him.
He sprawled in mock helplessness, arms flung out, a giant grin on his face, and
watched happily as I wrapped his cock with the slippery skin, giving him a few
firm strokes for good measure. I lowered myself down on him, inch after
glorious inch of him sliding up into me, and quivered from the pleasure of
being filled, stretched, completed as a female animal. Andrew gripped my hips
and ground into me, and we were suspended like that for a moment, just our
breath and the pounding in my own ears. I was shaking with need and bucking
against him and then he was fucking me, stroking up into my heat, his eyes
holding mine as he took me in front of my husband.

Never had I felt anything like these sensations before.

I was still sensitive from coming and he was eager to take
me there again, whispering encouragement as he slipped his thumb between our
bodies, pressing against my clit as I rode him. I could feel it building again,
my thighs twitching and a tingle radiating from inside me as Andrew’s hips
moved in rhythm to mine. And then Jason interrupted hoarsely, “Roll her over
and fuck her from behind.” Andrew flipped me with ease and positioned himself
behind me and I braced myself but he slid into me gently, too gently. I moaned
and writhed against him, wiggling my ass and trying to take him farther inside,
but he just stroked into me halfway, teasing again.

“No… No… Andrew… Please…” I gasped. “Please don’t tease me.”
His palm was flat on my back, just guiding me as he slipped in and out, in and
out. I was so wet I could hear the little sucking noises as my cunt clutched at
his shaft. In and out and in and out and he was barely fucking me, not nearly
deep enough, I wanted him deeper and harder and I trembled and clutched
franticly at the sheets.

“Should I really give it to her?” Andrew asked, his ragged
breath the only thing giving away his own desire to come. He was still giving
me measured, short thrusts and I was still trying to get him deeper, thrusting
back at him, spreading my legs wider.

“I want to see you really pound her pussy,” Jason growled.
“Fuck her hard.”

I stopped thinking again. Andrew drove into me and I saw
stars. I clutched around him and he hit every point inside me, no longer
teasing those spots but battering against them. I whimpered and rolled my hips
with his, taking every powerful thrust, my pleasure building and building and
building as he bottomed out inside me again and again. And then I felt that delicious
itch rising and I clawed at the bed, seeking purchase as he hammered me, and in
seconds it crested in me. I cursed and screamed his name and was only vaguely
aware of Jason holding my damp hair back from my face, cupping it with one hand
as he gave himself a few final furious strokes. He groaned as he spurted his
come on my upturned face and I heard Andrew choke, “Ohhhhh, fuck, that is hot—”
I felt a couple of weaker thrusts before he was still, his cock twitching
inside me.

It was a silent moment in my head. I was vaguely aware of
both men walking out of the room, of their low voices together in the hall. I
rolled over onto my back, resting in the faint, lingering pulse of my orgasm,
and saw Jason come back holding a damp washcloth. He looked happy and he kissed
me so softly, so sweetly, that I felt a lump rise in my throat.

“Was that good, baby?” he whispered. “You came so hard… You
really needed it, didn’t you? God, you were incredible!”

“Mmm…” I was still dazed and unable to truly wrap my mind around
what had just happened. He wiped my face tenderly with the cool cloth, smoothed
my hair back and kissed my forehead and my eyelids. I clutched his hand and
just lay there, my bones jelly and my mind completely blank, sated and still.

And then Andrew strolled back in, cold bottles of beer in
his hand. “We’re not shutting this party down yet, are we?” he asked with a

“Hope not,” said Jason. They glanced at each other before
fixing their eyes expectantly on me.

It seemed I was in charge.

“Let’s go for a swim,” I suggested. “I’m all sweaty, and
that water looked so pretty.”

* * * * *

We frolicked in the surf for a while, bottles still in hand
as we swigged our beer and dashed in and out of the refreshing spray. Jason
pulled one of the chairs down to the water’s edge and watched Andrew and me
chase each other into the waves, teasing and flirting like new lovers. I felt
like a teenager again as he tackled me, laughing and shrieking, into the wet
sand. As the water splashed over us I felt his cock thickening against me and
was reminded again of just how much I desired him. I was overflowing with need,
and not just for him. I wanted my husband too. Jason had said the beast had
been awakened in him and I felt the same way. I felt raw and insatiable.

“God, Sara, you’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever met in
my life,” Andrew murmured, pulling me to him in the foam. His eyes were shining
as he kissed me. “You’re so uninhibited.”

“I bet you know lots of ‘amazing’ women,” I scoffed
playfully, nipping his bottom lip and trying to wriggle out of his wet grasp.
“Besides, of course you think I’m uninhibited, after what we just did, but I’m
not always like this.”

“I’d still find you hot if you weren’t,” he admitted as his
hands slipped over my tits, tweaking my erect nipples. “But the fact that
you’re like this tonight makes you so much fucking hotter in my book.” He
kissed me again and pulled my hand to his stiff prick. I was aware of my
husband watching us intently from his chair just a few feet away, certain that
he saw the desire in my eyes as I stroked and kissed Andrew. “I want you
again,” Andrew groaned as I worked him harder, making him gasp as I squeezed
him almost roughly.

I looked at Jason and saw him nod appraisingly, a faint
smile playing on his lips as he tipped his beer back for another long swallow,
his dark eyes watching us, predatory and eager.

“Let’s rinse this sand off,” I murmured and we went to the
outdoor shower where we spent much longer than was necessary rinsing sand out
of every crevice. I reveled in the pleasure of skimming my hands over every
inch of Andrew—his tightly muscled shoulders, his flat stomach, the curve of
his ass. I hadn’t touched another man since college and though my husband was
still in wonderful shape I enjoyed the novelty of discovering a new body,
especially one as beautiful as Andrew’s. While Jason was solidly built, Andrew
was lean. The texture of their skin and hair was so different and there were a
million differences in their maleness and desirability. I indulged in Andrew’s
body and he too took full advantage of the opportunity to fondle me everywhere,
his busy fingers making me shiver and sigh with pleasure.

Jason had followed silently, not wanting to miss out, and I
was aware of him watching us. It was like a dream, surreal, that we would be
doing this, and even more extraordinary that we would both be enjoying it as
much as we were, even though it broke all the rules of marriage. But he was
aroused, not jealous. He was engorged, pre-cum leaking from the head of his cock,
and I wanted nothing more than to take him in my mouth but he tossed Andrew a
towel and wrapped me in another one, drying me as one would a small child,
carefully and thoroughly, pausing every now and then to kiss and claim another
part of me before he turned me back over to Andrew.

But I grabbed his wrist as he turned away. “Wait—” I looked
from one to the other. “I…” It was impossible to say it. I was not that kind of
woman. And yet tonight I was exactly that kind of woman. Tonight I was
fulfilling their fantasies and I would fill my own too. “I want you both,” I
blurted, my cheeks flushing with both boldness and anticipation. I stood in
front of them—my swarthy, powerfully built husband and this sleek and gorgeous
young stud, eager to please—and asked them to take me together.

* * * * *

Before I knew it I was bent over the arm of the couch, my
thighs pressed together while my husband entered me from behind, loving my
tight squeeze, as I sucked Andrew deep into my throat. He moaned as I swirled
my tongue around that velvet head, tasting him and sucking him and savoring
him. “Lick my balls,” Andrew whispered and I didn’t hesitate to oblige him,
sliding my mouth down over his neatly trimmed sac and loving the faint taste of
the sea and lingering whiffs of musk from our earlier coupling. He held his
breath and twined his hands tightly in my hair as I probed my tongue below,
pressing into that delicate spot on his perineum, sucking at it and making him
gasp and curse under his breath. And then I drew him back in my mouth again,
moving my head in motion with Jason’s thrusts, so that we were one animal, one
frantic, fucking beast. Jason’s fingertips bit into my haunches and Andrew’s
clutch tightened on my face as we moved together. And unbelievably I felt the fire
reignite in me, my own conflagration of pleasure once again out of control.

Andrew was close. He stuttered my name and gripped my head
before finally groaning and cursing and spurting into my mouth. Behind me I
heard Jason murmur, “Oh, that’s it, take his cum, good girl.” I sucked every
last drop from Andrew until he was too sensitive to stand it anymore and pulled
away, cupping himself and breathing shallowly but still watching intently.
Behind me Jason picked up his pace, taking me with him as he plundered inside
me, building me up and up until within a few short moments he warned me that he
was going to come and I fought to surrender to my own orgasm. I wanted to come
with my husband’s cock inside me.

“Oh, Jason… Oh God… Oh, it feels so good when you fuck me so
deep!” I cried, overwhelmed with ecstasy, my arms too weak to support myself
anymore. I sank into the cushions as my climax washed over me and I heard him
grunt, “Sara… Oh Jesus… I’m gonna—” and then he stiffened, his hot come filling
me and trickling down my thighs as he stayed buried within me, his breath
tickling my neck. A moment later he lowered himself onto me, covering my body
with his, his face buried in my hair, his heart beating steadily against my
back. Andrew left the room and we heard him go downstairs but we lay like that
for a long time, not saying a word, just pressed together.

After a few moments Jason got up and went to the bathroom.
When he returned he gathered my clothes from the balcony and brought them back
in, handing them to me with a kiss. We didn’t speak to each other as we both
slowly pulled our clothes back on but we had familiarity between us again. The
intimate energy was just as it had been years ago. Jason took my hand and we
went downstairs to find our host.

Ever the gentleman, Andrew offered us the guest bedroom so
we could sleep over, but we politely refused in unison, making excuses about
babysitters even though it was nearly 4 a.m. In perhaps the most surreal
goodbye I could ever have imagined, Andrew and Jason shook hands and thanked
each other, and Andrew kissed me on the cheek and told me how lucky he felt to
have met me and what a lucky man Jason was to have me for a wife. It was odd
but we’d made these rules up as we went along. None of us knew what the exit etiquette
for a threesome was, so we just went with what felt right. And I was grateful
to Andrew for giving us what we needed and for his kindness throughout. As I
squeezed him goodbye I thought of how gratifying it was to feel desired
again—even for just one night—by someone other than my husband.


Chapter Four


Jason and I walked silently to our car together, mussed and
exhausted. We got in and put our seat belts on and he sighed deeply, as if he
had something to say, but instead he took my hand and kissed it as he pulled
out onto the dark road. We were headed back home but about two miles down the
road, without any indication that he was going to do it, Jason pulled off at
one of the tiny beaches. It looked vaguely familiar to me and as he parked the
car and invited me into the backseat with him, I realized it was a place we’d
stopped a few times on our way up the coast. It wasn’t much of a beach, just a
tiny strip of sand, but it was secluded by the dunes and the brush and had been
a perfect place for us to stop and ravage one another and watch the sunrise in
those earlier days.

He put his strong arm around my shoulders and just held me,
both of us enjoying the quiet and calm of being together like this again. And
then he tipped my face to his and kissed me, and we had the most intimate
moment of our entire marriage there in the backseat. It was an apology and a
thank-you and a promise all at once, that kiss. I traced the curves of his face
in wonderment, this man I had pledged my entire life to and had almost let go.
He was as familiar to me again as he had ever been and I felt no shame or guilt
when I thought about what the night had brought us. We had indulged a private
fantasy together and I loved knowing that we had brought that to life as a unit,
even though it had seemed for all the world the kind of thing that would have
torn us apart.

“I will never ask that of you again,” Jason murmured quietly
as he tucked me under his chin. “I don’t think that’s a road we should keep
traveling down. But I’m so thankful you said yes to that tonight. I’m so glad
we got to do that together.”

I nodded and pressed my ear to his chest, lulled by the
familiar cadence of his heartbeat. “Me too,” I said quietly. “I never thought…
I guess I never thought we would actually do that until we were there, and then
it seemed…just…” I didn’t know how to finish but Jason understood.

“Yeah. That’s exactly what I thought,” he sighed, squeezing
me against him. “Promise you won’t leave me, Sara. I’ll do anything you want me
to do. I’ll go to counseling, I’ll take the girls more, I’ll do anything,
just—just stay.”

“Oh, babe, I’m not going anywhere,” I promised. “You and the
girls are my whole life. I just want what we had back.” We clung to each other
silently for a bit.

And then he said, “I kind of like this, though. Being on the
other side. It’s a good reminder not to take you for granted. I do that
sometimes, and I know I do. I don’t mean to. Sometimes you’re just so much a
part of me that I forget—I forget you’re there. I mean, not you, but…the best
part of you. The Sara-est part of you.”

“That’s not even a word,” I protested, but this was my
husband, talking about his feelings. I wasn’t going to shut him down. And I
knew what he meant. “I guess I do the same,” I admitted. “I guess…there are
times I forget how special you are to me. How important this is, what we’ve
built together. I take it for granted, too. And I don’t want to. I love you,
Jason. There’s no one else I’d rather be with than you.”

“We’ve got to make that some kind of pact. A clause. Fine
print in our marriage contract.”

I kissed him again, loving the taste of his breath and the
familiar feeling of his tongue slipping over my lips. We nuzzled against each
other for a moment before he groaned and drew my hand into his lap, pressing
against the swelling in his pants. I was delighted to find him hard again.


“It’s been such a long time,” he reminded me. “Months and
months, before tonight, Sara, and I’m so hot for you… You were an animal
tonight and it was incredible. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted you more.” I
hiked my dress up over my hips so I could climb on top of him and he whispered
into my hair, “I can’t stop touching you,” as he pulled me onto his lap. We
wrestled awkwardly with our clothes like a couple of teenagers, dissolving into
giggles as first his leg and then mine got stuck and we heard the sound of
fabric—someone’s clothes—ripping between us. But it didn’t matter. We were
together and we still wanted each other, and that was the only important thing.
Our marriage was going to make it after all. And while the rest of the world
slumbered, Jason and I made love in the backseat of the car as the sun came up
over the beach.


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