Karma (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 1) (17 page)

BOOK: Karma (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 1)
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Chapter 42
When we return to the BBQ, Brandon literally can’t keep his hands off me. The only time he leaves me is when he asks if I’m hungry. Everyone gives us curious glances, trying to work us out and I have no idea what to tell them if they asked.

“So, what did you do when you two disappeared?”  Devlin leans over to me when Brandon fetches me a beer.

“Isn’t that obvious?” Baby snickers and Natasha and Elise join him.

My blush gives me away and I’m glad when Brandon returns to save me. “Leave her alone.” He barks at them and they giggle.

I notice Laura looking over at us with a weird look and it gives me a nervous break out. I have a weird feeling that she’s planning something behind those green eyes.

Soon after, our table becomes the main attraction and bikers with their old ladies join us. Baby has a turn of banter with most of us all, turning into some sort of comedy act. I get to meet Scrappy, who is Elise’s older brother. He looks very much like Baby, but with just blonde hair. There are some good genes in that family. He ran right up to Elise and grabbed her in a hug, gripping onto her like it’s their last day on earth. “I came as quick as I could.” I hear him say.

“I know.” Elise sniffles and as they are reunited, Drew lets me know that Scrappy was away on club business in another charter and had to sort things before he left. Franky wouldn’t let him come back until he had. To me, that sounds harsh but maybe the situation Scrappy had to deal with was that important.

As dark falls over the club garden, Scrappy and Ryder decide that we need some music. When songs start to play, the girls get up and dance in the space between all the benches. I spot the one who I had a fight with and was talking to Brandon earlier today. I watch her as she dances, hate fills my mind and I wish I could get rid of her with a click of my fingers.

“It’s best you stay away from Dyson.” Brandon leans into me.

“Dyson?” I ask. “Who is Dyson?”

“The girl you’re staring at.” He smirks, the bastard probably knows exactly why I hate her.

I look back at her as she grinds onto a members lap. Disgusting, there’s fucking kids around!

“Her name is Dyson?” I laugh.

“No, it’s her club name.” He answers me, taking a sip of his beer. “I don’t know her real name.”

“Why is her club name Dyson?” As soon as I ask, I have figured it out already in my head.

“Her mouth is like a vacuum cleaner.” He laughs and I hate him for it.

Frowning, I turn away from him and try to join in on Elise and Scrappy’s conversation. I bet he has had a sample of her dirty mouth too and I fucking kissed him!

“I don’t believe you.” Elise laughs.

“It’s true.” Scrappy laughs. “His old lady was begging for it, Lissy.”

Elise laughs and I smile as I watch her.

“You’re jealous.” Brandon whispers in my ear.

I ignore him and the rage keeps building inside of me. Scrappy turns to face me, really noticing me for the first time and I don’t take that as an insult. He was too happy to see Elise to take notice of anyone.

“Hello.” He smiles at me and I feel Brandon tense beside me.

“Hi.” I answer back.

“I’m Scrappy.” He greets.

“I’m Lauren.” I reply. “Interesting name.”

He shrugs his shoulders. “My mum gave it to me, I loved fighting as a kid and still do, so it stuck.”

“Too bad you were shit at it.” Brandon answers back and I notice a hint of annoyance in his voice.

“Keep telling yourself that.” Scrappy glares over at Brandon and then returns to me. “So, you were with The Devil’s when my sister got there?”

I nod my head in answer, hoping he doesn’t want too much information. “Thank you.” Is all he says and smiles at me. I try not to swoon but it’s no use, I almost melt into a puddle right there. That is one fucking panty wetting smile if I ever saw one. Sorry Brandon!

I watch as men start to lead their women to have a dance and smile as they begin to grind. People live so happily here and I’m jealous. After all this shit with Demon is sorted, I will have to go and return to my lonely life.

“You made any friends while you’ve been here?” Scrappy asks.

“A few,” I answer. “Everyone’s nice here.”

“Well Lauren, that’s probably because you are a very pretty woman.” Scrappy smiles and I blush.

“Thank you.” I laugh.

“No need to thank me, darling.” He sits closer and Brandon places an arm behind me. I can’t help but feel like he’s marking me as his own territory. Scrappy doesn’t miss this either. “But you can come out with me sometime.”

The idea of going out of here, gives me thrills. “I would love to!”

“Absolutely fucking not,” Brandon growls.

“Why?” I ask.

Brandon raises his eyebrows. “Have you forgotten that Demon is after you, probably searching for you as we speak?” His eyes burning into mine, “I told you I would look after you and you’re staying here.”

I get what he means, so I nod my head in agreement. The thought of Demon out there somewhere and searching for me makes me sick. Scrappy returns to his chat with Elise and Brandon tightens his arm around me.

“I meant what I said. I will protect you.” He runs his nose up my neck and my eyes flutter.

“I know, I just hate it.” I feel the water works approaching, so I try my best to hold them back.

Brandon suddenly stands and holds his hand out to me. “Come on.”

I look around and then back to him. “What?”

He smirks, taking my hand anyway and helping me from my seat. He begins to walk towards the people who are already dancing and I look back to where I was sitting. I see that Elise is grinning wide at me and so are a lot of others, the rest look utterly shocked and I’m left with that weird unknown feeling again that I’m missing something important.

“Brandon, what are you doing?” I ask him.

“Dancing,” He simply answers and carries on walking to the make shift dance area.

When he finds his spot, he turns to face me and holds me against him. He begins to nibble on my neck and holds me tightly. We begin to sway gently and I’m taken away. Never would I have thought Brandon could dance like this. Eye’s on Fire by Blue Foundation plays around us and together with Brandon, my body becomes needy for him.

“I want every man here, to know that I want you and that they are too fucking late. I want them to know they’re not allowed to even think of seducing you because guess what, Lauren?” He asks as he starts to kiss my neck.

“What?” I ask quietly.

“I want you to be mine.” He growls and takes my mouth with his own.

I break away, feeling a little breathless. “It’s not needed.”

“But it is.” Brandon pulls me closer and I feel his thick erection. “You have the men tripping over themselves for you and you don’t even see it. Even my brother and shit of a cousin have tried to get in there with you. I don’t want anyone thinking they can have you because I want you.”

“I don’t want anyone else.” I answer and it’s the truth. Since being free of Demon, I’ve had no desire for men and sex. That was until Brandon stepped in and now I can’t think of anyone but him.

Brandon moans before kissing me again and in that kiss I realize I do want him. I want him everywhere possible and to feel his skin on mine.

“I’m ready.” I whisper into his ear and he looks at me in shock. I smile and nod, laughing when he lifts me in his arms and carries me away. Yet again, I look back at the shocked faces of our friends.

When we get to his room, he throws me down on the bed and locks his door behind us. I can’t help but smile as he looks down at me, eating me up with his hungry eyes.

Brandon lays on top of me, kissing me with more meaning than he showed me outside and then removes his shirt. At the same time I lift my top over my head and I’m so glad I decided to wear my black lace bra today. I nearly went for my white one with cringy hearts all over it. That would have been awkward for him to see.

More clothes are removed as we carry on, kissing until we’re both in just our underwear. I skim my fingers all over his tattoos, needing to feel them. I want to kiss and lick them but I don’t want to remove my mouth from his. It’s just far too good to leave.

I reach to grab his erection but he moves out of reach. I go to take it in my hands again but he moves away like before. I moan like a spoiled child and Brandon laughs. “This is for you.”

“But I want to feel.” I protest and Brandon shakes his head.

He nestles his head in between my breasts, kissing all of the skin he has access to and I feel my nipples harden. I want his tongue on them so I lean up and remove my bra. Brandon looks between my eyes and my breasts. Probably checking that I’m still ok with this and I am. I’m really fucking ready.

Brandon licks my nipples, eliciting a loud moan from me and he continues to give them the attention they crave, my pussy tries to get some friction. With every swipe of his wet tongue over my hard nipple, a sensation hits between my thighs and that makes me wetter than the lick before. Brandon places a hand over my thong covered pussy and lightly rubs in slow, circled movements. It’s exactly what I need and I grind along with him.

It’s not long until I can feel the familiar build up. “Oh god. It’s coming.” I pant.

“Come on, baby.” He kisses my breasts. “Cum.”

A few seconds later I do as he commands and fall apart. It’s a lot different than when I did it to myself in the shower and a lot more intense. I’m left feeling sleepy and smile across at Brandon as he settles in beside me. I try to keep my eyes open, I want to ask him about his tattoos and learn more about him, but I’m just too tired.

“Go to sleep.” Brandon kisses me and my eyes close.

Chapter 43
I wake very much like I did the last time I was in Brandon’s bed, but this time I don’t want to run away. I want to stay like this for as long as I can. I have my back to Brandon as he spoons me, and his arm is wrapped securely on my waist with one of his legs tangled in mine. I manage to slowly twist so that I can untangle myself to look at him. As much as I love feeling his body all over mine, I would like to look at him more. I soak in his handsome face, even asleep he looks intimidating with his slight frown and clenched jaw. It’s cute.

“Should I be worried that you’re watching me sleep?” He mumbles sleepily.

I slap his chest. “You’re not asleep.”

“I was until you moved away from me.” He grumbles and grabs me close. Brandon kisses me sweetly on the forehead and then rains more all over my face. He makes me laugh and that’s one of the things I really like about him. That and his body is to die for!

Brandon’s mouth lands on mine and I moan, moving even closer so my breasts squash against him. I reach down to feel his cock and smile when I feel he’s hard and ready. My pussy automatically tries to thrust towards him, wanting more.

“I want you.” I demand. I know I’m ready to move further. I know what he was doing last night. He made me cum and my body shut down, it was that powerful. He did that so I wouldn’t be begging for sex afterwards because he’s still caring for me. What he doesn’t know is I am ready for him now, only for him. I doubt I would feel this way for anyone else because Brandon seems like a rare kind of guy. He’s everything I was searching for and more, but then when The Devil’s had me my needs changed and I needed someone with patience and I found that in Brandon. I just don’t know what to do about it.

“You’re not ready.” He answers against my mouth.

“I am!” I growl. I get up and straddle him, grinding against his cock as I continue to kiss him. Showing him how much I want this and that I am ready.

Just as quickly as I was on top of him though, he spins me over and now I’m under him. Brandon looks down at me and I can tell he wants me too. I can see it written all over his face but he’s not acting on it for my sake.

“It’s too soon.” He begins to kiss my breasts again, and even though his tongue across my nipple feels fucking amazing, I stop him.

“It’s not, I promise, Brandon. I need you.” I beg like a hussy.

Brandon gently plants a kiss on my lips and looks me directly in the eye. “You might be ready babe, but I don’t want to risk that. You’ve been through a lot, so let’s just take things as they are. No rushing.”

I take a deep breath and realize he’s right. Yes I’m ready but that doesn’t mean we have to have sex right now, I can wait. However, when he begins to kiss me again and plays between my thighs, I go back on myself. I want him. Right now!

I thrust into his fingers, meeting him stroke for stroke. I’m so fucking wet you could probably swim down that fucker!

“Oh god!” I moan.

“I got you.” Brandon growls and rips down my thong. Yes! We’re finally going to have sex.

When I’m completely naked for him, he spreads my legs wide and I watch as he dips his head. Instead of giving me his cock, I get his tongue and I can’t complain. I really can’t!

I moan loudly as he licks me from top to bottom. Brandon then inserts a finger, pumping me at the same time. I grip onto the bed sheets, shouting out his name over and over. Brandon growls as he attacks me with his mouth, making me scream.

“Brandon, I’m coming!” I shout.

“Cum on my tongue,” He moans and it’s not long until I’m doing just that.

We lay in bed for hours after, not wanting to get up and leave this room. “I must be crazy.” I laugh.

“Why?” Brandon asks.

I wonder whether I should voice my mad thought. “Well, my first experience of bikers wasn’t good, and now here I am lying with you.”

His face immediately shuts down, his eyes narrow and his fists clench. I want to take back my words and never speak them again. When Brandon faces me, I dread what he’s about to say.

“Don’t compare me to those bastards.” He demands. “I would never do that to you. To anyone! The King’s aren’t like them Lauren. I will protect you and you will never have to go through that again.”

He holds me tightly and a lone tear rolls down my face. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be.” He says quickly. “You have reason to think that way.”

All of a sudden there’s a knock on the door, followed by Laura’s voice. “Brandon? Lauren?”

I shoot up, scared of getting caught in bed with her son. Even though she knows I’m here, she doesn’t need to see the evidence for herself. She’s his mother for crying out loud!

“Brandon?” Laura repeats.

“Laura! What are you doing?” I hear Franky join her and stare wide eyed at Brandon.

As Laura and Franky talk amongst themselves on the other side of the door, I pull Brandon’s shirt over my head. It comes to my knees so that should do. Brandon puts on some trousers and I smooth my fingers through my hair, trying to not make it look like I have sex hair. When Brandon checks to see that I’m ready, he opens the door and in runs Laura with a wide smile on her face.

“Oh Lauren! I thought I would find you here.” Oh my god did she really just say that? I see Brandon smirking behind his mum, right at me the bastard. “I wanted to ask you, if you wanted to come shopping?”

“Shopping?” I ask excitedly. “Yes!”

“No.” Brandon answers. “That’s not going to happen.”

“What?” Laura asks. “Why?”

“I need to watch over her.” Brandon tells his mum, sounding annoyed once again.

“I’m not a baby.” I protest.

“I know that.” Brandon frowns. “I just can’t have you in danger.”

“He’s right Lauren.” Franky steps in. “We don’t know where Demon is.”

“Oh come on!” Laura begs Franky. “Send someone with us. I really need to get out and I want Lauren to come with me. She deserves a break.”

Franky heavily sighs. “What do you say VP?”

“I say fuck no!” Brandon shouts. His mum carries on begging and eventually Brandon gives in. “Fine, but I go with you.”

“What?” Laura scrunches her nose. “Do you have to?”

I can’t help but laugh at Laura. Her expressions are so funny.

“Both of you aren’t going anywhere without me.” Brandon crosses his arms and stares at both me and Laura.

“Deal,” I quickly agree and Laura rolls her eyes at me.

“Deal,” She sulks.

I don’t mind him coming at all. In fact, I’m actually really looking forward to spending some time with Brandon outside this clubhouse.

“Great.” Laura claps. “Let’s get ready and shop!”

She turns to walk out and just before Brandon can close the door behind her, Laura turns back around. “For god’s sake son, clean this crap hole! You have a girl in here for Christ’s sake!”

With that, she walks out and Franky just shrugs his shoulders laughing as he follows her.



BOOK: Karma (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 1)
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