Karma (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 1) (20 page)

BOOK: Karma (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 1)
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Chapter 48


Brandon slowly strips me of my dress, admiring me as I lay on his bed in just my underwear. Under his gaze, I feel like the sexiest woman alive. I look down at my own body, and see the ugly scars Demon has left behind and cover them with my hands.

“Don’t.” Brandon stops me, removing my hands from my stomach and leans over me. He starts to kiss my scars, washing away the horrors behind them. It’s such a sweet gesture and tears roll down my face, hitting the bed beneath me.

Brandon’s fingers twist into my thong, slowly pulling it down and continuing to kiss as he goes. I take in a deep breath as he kisses the top of my mound, going lower and lower. Brandon opens my legs and at the same time swipes his tongue across the whole of my pussy, slowly and tortuously.

He has me twitching and moaning in seconds, begging him for more. He doesn’t give me what I want, but instead he continues to pleasure me with only this tongue. I don’t want to cum yet, but Brandon will not stop.

“Brandon,” I moan. “I don’t want to cum yet.”

“Cum.” He demands, adding a finger inside of me as he licks my clit.

My mouth opens silently as I orgasm all over his mouth and when I’ve returned back to him from my high, he’s looking down at me with such passion I want him all over again.

“Please.” I beg him.

Brandon rubs his hard cock over the top of my wet pussy. He’s still wearing his jeans so it’s extra hard from the denim. 

“You sure?” He asks me.

“Yes.” I answer on a moan.

Brandon nods, and slowly gets up. I watch him as he strips, then slides on a condom and I become very excited. I can’t contain myself and I begin to bite down on my lip, groaning from the sexy sight in front of me. Brandon is seriously a gorgeous man and I can’t believe I have him.

He crawls back on top of me, kissing his way up my body to my mouth and he removes my bra. When he catches sight of my hard nipple, he gives them the attention they crave. At the same time I feel the head of his ready cock at my waiting pussy and I thrust against it. Getting the friction that I want and Brandon pulls away, giving me an amused look.

“Naughty.” He teases me.

“Brandon.” I beg. “Please.”

He takes pity on me, and gives me a kiss that’s worth dying for. I’m swept away and when Brandon’s cock touches me again I moan into his mouth. Ever so gently, he thrusts into me and stretches me wonderfully. Brandon teases even further, going slowly as he sinks into me.

He’s so gentle with me and Brandon doesn’t strike me as a gentle loving kind of guy in the bedroom. With me however, he is and he thrusts again and again as he takes care of me. With every moan from me he answers with his own noise of passion.

“Faster,” I beg. At my request he speeds up and I automatically wrap my legs around him. This makes him sink deeper and my eyes roll, it feels so good.

“You feel so fucking good, babe.” He groans in a deep and sexy tone.

“Deeper.” I groan.

“Demanding much.” He growls, thrusting deeper inside. Fuck me he feels so fucking good!

Is it weird that I start to cry? I feel so emotional and Brandon is doing everything so right for me. He’s looking after me, going slow and waiting for me to tell him what to do next. I guess if I told anyone about this, they wouldn’t believe me because to everyone else, he’s Grim. To me he is Brandon and right now that’s all I need.

Brandon watches my tears and I reassure him with a smile, lifting my legs higher and letting him go just that bit deeper. When he hits the spot there’s no going back, I scream and dig my nails into him. Letting me go faster and harder to chase our own separate release.

After, I lay in his arms completely happy and relaxed.

“Do we have to go back to the party?” I ask.

“No.” He laughs. “I wouldn’t let you anyway.”

“Oh really?” I giggle and he holds me down playfully.

“Damn straight. You aren’t getting away from me yet, Lauren.” He leans down to kiss me. “I haven’t ever felt like this before.”

His words make me pause. “Like what?” I dare to ask him.

He takes a deep breathe, leaning back from me so I have a better view of him. The sheet hugs around his waist so I can still see his glorious abs and tattoos.

“Lauren, I don’t think it will come as a shock to find out that I’ve never loved a woman.” He begins.

“Not even your mother and sister?” I joke.

He at least smiles. “Apart from them, I’ve never loved a woman, Lauren. I don’t even know what it feels like, but I think I am with you.”

His words leave me speechless and I hold back the tears. I know we haven’t known each other for that long, but I can’t help what I feel and it seems neither can Brandon.

Brandon places his hand on my cheek, smoothing away tears I didn’t realize had fallen. “I think I’m falling in love with you, babe.”

“That’s good.” I smile. “Because, I’ve already fallen.”

At that he grabs me in a hug and we both laugh at each other.

Chapter 49


After having the best morning ever and a replay of last night, I’m left in the best and happiest mood I’ve been in for a long time. Brandon and I made sure to have round two, before he had to leave for a meeting with Franky.

However, after I’m showered and dressed my good mood is ruined when I bump into the lovely Dyson and her bunch of followers.

“Well, if it isn’t Grim’s Old Lady.” She smirks.

“Well, if it isn’t the clubs very own bike.” I answer back with an even bigger smirk.

I roll my eyes, “Stop talking your shit.”

I carry on walking when her words stop me.

“Oh shut up bitch, I don’t even know why you’re here. So what you saved the biker brat!” Her words piss me off. How dare she fucking talk about Elise like that!

“Watch your mouth, whore!” I snap.

Dyson laughs. “You won’t be here for long anyway, the Devil’s will find you soon.”

Her smug face and words make a chill run through my spine. “How do you know that?”

She laughs again. “It’s obvious! You don’t mean anything to the club, Franky gets word that The Devil’s are looking for you and what does he do? He lets you out!” She laughs louder. “Fucking hilarious.”

“Shut the fuck up!” I roar.

“I wouldn’t make an enemy out of me, Lauren.” She steps closer, trying to challenge me.

I don’t move at all. “And why is that?”

“Because the Devil’s want you, and from what I hear they always get what they want.”

“Well they won’t get me.” I answer confidently.

“Maybe,” she shrugs. “But they might need some help.”

She smiles wide at me and I shove her hard. Her back hits the wall with a loud thud and her smile turns to a glare.

“You better watch your back because I can see to it personally that you’re gone!” She begins to stomp away with her minions, but I pull her back and land a satisfying punch on her face. She reaches out to try and scratch at my eyes and pull my hair, but I slap her and then punch her down to the floor. I’m just about to land a few kicks into her side when I’m pulled back.

“Calm down.” I hear Devlin as he holds me. “Dyson, get the fuck out of here!”

She quietly gets up and disappears. “You shouldn’t have done that.”

“Why not?” He asks.

“She needed her ass kicking.” I shout after her.

Devlin just laughs. “I think you’re going to fit right in around here.”

When we walk into the garden I spot Brandon, but before I have a chance to say anything to him Devlin snitches on me. Brandon doesn’t look too pleased, but when I tell him why we were having a fight in the first place he gets really angry and storms inside to find her.

I sit on the bench and wait for him, thinking over in my head what he will say to her. Will she be ordered away? I really hope so.

While eating dinner later that day, Brandon tells me what he told Dyson and I must admit, I’m not very happy. I want her out of this place and all he gave her was a slap on the wrist.

“Cheer up, Lauren.” He nudges me. “I can’t just kick her out.”

“Sure you can.” I add.

“No, that’s for my dad to decide. I’ve told him what she said, so let’s wait.” He tries to assure me and leans closer to give me a kiss.

His ringing phone interrupts us and he pulls away with an annoyed grunt. As soon as he answers, I know its Franky and I try to listen in on the conversation.

“I’ll be right there.” He quickly stands. “I gotta go babe, I’ll find you later.”

With a quick kiss, he leaves me alone watching him go. That’s how the girls find me and as soon as they sit down, they want the gossip on last night.




I hated leaving Lauren alone, but as soon as my dad mentioned the words ‘bloody knife’ I had to come and investigate. Especially seeing as my girl is in the middle of all this.

When I walk into his office, my club brothers all make way for me to see my dad sitting at his desk and right there in front of him, sitting on the top of his desk is the knife. It’s covered in blood, even the handle. A bag, that I’m guessing it was delivered in, sits under it drenched in blood.

“Whose blood is that?” I ask him.

“A letter came with it.” My dad answers. “It says that West is lying in a pool of blood.”

“What was he doing alone?” I ask, he shouldn’t have been alone.

“He didn’t tell any of us he was going out. We don’t know, but Duke seems to think it’s the woman he’s fucking.”

“She has a hold on him VP. As soon as she calls, he runs.” Duke adds.

“Have we heard from him?” I demand from my president, not just my dad, but all he does is shake his head.

“He’s not answering his phone.” Devlin tells me. At least someone is thinking!

“Then we need to head out and find him!” I shout.

“I’ll come.” Devlin answers and Duke says the same.

“You don’t know what you’re walking into.” My dad stands from behind his desk. “This could be a trap.”

“Maybe,” Baby answers. “But one of our own could be dying when we could help him.”

My dad stares at us all, trying to read what we think. “Get everyone to church, we take a vote.”

“But he could be dead by then!” I shout.

“We take a vote!” He demands and we all leave for church, gathering everyone else.

As I reach the office doors, my dad calls me back. When I reach him he hands me an envelope.

“You need to look at what’s inside.” He tells me.

Confused I open it up and I’m almost sick when I see what’s inside. “The fuck is this?” I shout.

I look down at the photos, sickened by them. There’s about seven altogether and all of them have one of the girls in some sort of punishment. They’re fucking graphic and I hate to look at them. It’s upsetting and angering to see the three girls dirty and bleeding. It’s not fucking right.

“They came with the knife, I’d say it’s some sort of warning.” My dad answers quietly. “I love these girls son. I don’t want anything happening to them.”

“Nothing will.” I answer very determined.

Anger bubbles inside me and I turn to kick the nearest object. It’s a chair and I send it flying into the wall. My blood is burning and I need to hurt and cause some pain. Hurting my enemies soothes my anger and it’s just what I need right now.

“You told Brace?” I ask him because Elise is also in these pictures.

“No, I don’t think he needs to know.” He shakes his head, cursing at the photos now on the floor. I reach for them, tipping them into the metal bin by my dad’s desk and burn them all. Nobody needs to see them and I won’t tell Lauren anything. She doesn’t need to know about this.

On the way out of the office, I see a prospect. “Shaky!” I shout him over.

“VP,” He greets me.

“I need you to take another prospect and quietly get over to West’s place while I go to church. He might be hurt, but it could be a trap.” He nods in answer. “You try and have a look around. I need to know what’s going on.”

“No problem, I know what to do.” He smirks.

I bet he does too, he’s been on a lot of scouts with me and he’s very promising. I’m surprised he hasn’t been patched in yet.

I slap him on the back. “Don’t get caught and remove your vest, if they spot anyone to do with us they’re in danger.”

With a final nod, he quickly leaves to do what he’s told.

Chapter 50


“This could be a trap and I can’t afford to risk any of you.” My dad roars over everyone.

We’ve been talking for ten minutes now and for all we know West could still be hanging on. I admire my dad and think he’s an amazing President, but with this he’s wrong.

My phone vibrates and I quickly open the message.

“VP! No phones in church,” My dad orders.

“I know, but I thought seeing as I sent out some spies for us I would need to hear back from them.” I answer as I read the text Shaky has just sent me. “And it looks like I was right.”

“You sent out spies?” He asks sounding pissed.

“Before you start shouting, I did it for West.” I wait for his nod to carry on. “I just got news back, and they say he’s all alone. No company anywhere, Boss.”

“You trust them?” He asks me.

“Yes.” I answer immediately.

“Devlin, Brace, Duke, Scrappy and Menace.” He points. “You go with Grim, the rest of you stay here with me as look out. West might be alone, but that doesn’t mean we are.”

With our orders we all get our shit and head out. My dad gives me a slap on the back when I pass him and it’s a hard one. I give him a nod, understanding his warning for what I did. I get it, but I did what I thought I had to do and I was right, at least he can see that. If I hadn’t we would probably still be in there while our brother was dying.

“Baby!” My dad shouts. “Ring the doctor in!”

Menace and Brace get in the car as the rest of us climb over our bikes.


We arrive at West’s house quickly and I find the Prospects by their bikes as they watch over West. I thank them and tell them to keep watch while we get West into the back of the car.

When I approach West though, I have to stop myself from flipping the fuck out. West lays naked in the middle of the road with a huge gash in his stomach. You can almost see his fucking insides it’s that bad. Brace places a shirt over his injuries and we all carefully carry him into the back of the car.

“What about the girl?” Duke suddenly asks when West is safely in the back of the car.

“The girl he was fucking?” Brace asks.

“West is fucking naked, do you think they walked in on them?” Devlin asks.

I turn to Brace. “You and Menace get West back, he needs looking at as soon as possible.”

“Be careful.” He warns as he gets into the car.

As they drive away, the rest of us slowly enter West’s house to look for the girl. We enter quietly, not wanting to disturb anything or if she’s still here, I don’t want some hysterical woman running out on me.

I’m about to tell the guys to split up, when I hear a strange noise from the living room. I silently motion for them all to follow. When we enter the living room, I halt in my tracks staring down at the young girl lying on the floor.

“Shit.” Devlin curses from beside me.

A choking noise comes from her and I quickly crouch down to her. I feel for a pulse but its so faint I doubt she will live long enough for us to get her back to the clubhouse. There’s a deep slash across her cheek and across the top of her right breast, but it’s the bullet wound to her chest that’s killing her.

“Shh.” Scrappy tries to settle her.

More choking sounds come from her. “Up.”

“What?” Devlin asks.

“She said ‘up’.” I answer.

“Up?” Scrappy asks her and with a huge amount of effort she points up.

“Bomb.” As soon as she says those words Scrappy lays down her head and stands.

“We gotta get out of here.” He demands.

“This was a trap.” Duke points out.

I look down to the girl, gasping for life in so much pain. I should put an end to it, but I can’t. I’d still be killing an innocent woman, and that’s not me.

“Run!” I shout and we all speed towards the front door.

Just as I make it out, behind my brothers an ear piercing sound explodes and throws me across the road.

I land with a hard thud but I’m alive and unhurt. I can’t say the same for Duke though. He’s not had a great landing and won’t wake up.

“Shit!” I shout getting my phone out.

“Yeah?” My dad answers on the first ring.

“I need a truck.” I sigh with defeat. He was right.

“I’m on it, son.” He hangs up and I’m grateful he won’t rub it in.




“Prospect!” I hear Franky shout loudly from the other side of the room. “Get the biggest truck we have right now and get it out to West’s place!”

He orders members to get on their bikes and get out there. He looks on edge and I don’t like it. Brandon is out there and he’s ordering more men to follow. Something has gone wrong.

Within an hour, my gut feeling is proved right when Duke is wheeled in much like how West was. He doesn’t look as bloody, but he still doesn’t look healthy. I look around, trying to find Brandon and then I spot him quickly storming in. He has dirt and blood all over him and I don’t think, I just run. He opens his arms and I run into them, not caring how dirty he is.


I haven’t seen Brandon all night and most of today. He said he was busy with the club and to be honest, I haven’t seen much of the others either. Whatever happened last night was something serious and I just hope everyone’s ok.

Drew sits beside me on a bench outside. “Have you heard any news?” I ask her.

“Duke has woken up but I don’t know about West.” She looks down at her fingers and I then see the tattoo I spotted the other day.

“New tattoos?” I thought it was a simple question but Drew quickly makes sure to cover her arms.

“Can you see?” She panics.

“Well yeah, why are you so worried?” I laugh.

“Because my mum would kill me, that’s why. She never allows me to have any so I have them where she can’t see, but this one turned out bigger than I expected.” She heavily sighs and looks up to the sky.

“Wow.” I laugh. “You have got to tell her, you’re a twenty-three year old woman, Drew.”

“I know.” She cringes. “Anyway, I have some news for you.”

“What?” I become very interested.

“Has anyone told you about the fight club here?” She asks.


BOOK: Karma (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 1)
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