Karma (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 1) (23 page)

BOOK: Karma (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 1)
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Chapter 56
By morning we still haven’t found her and I don’t fucking like it. I know I’m in a shit mood, and I’m taking it out on everyone around me, but I’ll worry about that after I get Lauren back. Right now, she’s all I’m thinking about.

I land another satisfying punch into the Devil scum lying at my feet. All he does is grunt, no fucking answers. I need his information, I need to find Lauren. I will not relax until I have her in my arms.

There’s blood all over his face with multiple injuries to the rest of his body. I can’t believe he hasn’t given in! I’m about to up my questioning skills, but I’m being babysat by my uncle Brace. He said he doesn’t want me to kill him, like I would fucking do that, he’s my only lead to Lauren.

I really need to find her because I can’t picture living without her anymore, which is fucked up. Before I met her I didn’t even like the idea of settling down with someone but in walked Lauren and messed with my head. I knew right away I had to have her and when I made her my Old Lady I was the happiest I’ve felt in a long time. I’m just glad she wasn’t pissed at how I asked her.

Lauren is not only missed by me, but everyone in the club, even the club whores who sided with Dyson at first. They can’t believe that Dyson betrayed the club. They love this club and would die for certain members here.

I caught Natasha, Elise and Drew crying together this morning and as horrible as it was, I ignored them and carried on walking by. Seeing them just reminded me that Lauren was somewhere else, out of my reach and I failed to protect her.

“Where have they fucking taken her?” I kick the bastard lying on the floor. “Fucking tell me!”

“No.” I shove him off and face the Devil prick. “If you don’t give me info, I’ll rip your fingernails off.”

“Grim!” Brace shouts but I ignore him.

“Last chance,” I warn him but he spits on my shoes and I see red.

I get out my phone and call Scrappy. He’s a sick bastard just like me and will have my back when it comes to what I have in mind.

Within minutes, Scrappy appears with everything I need and the Devil piece of shit starts to groan through the gag I’ve placed over his mouth. I take hold of the pliers in Scrappy’s bag of goodies and wave them in front of my prisoners face.

“You know what these are for?” I ask him and his eyes widen. “Your fingernails look a little long, let me help you with that.”

I pull him up and Scrappy helps me secure him on a chair so he can’t move. On the chair’s arm rests, I tie rope around both wrists so he can’t move his hands, because that wouldn’t be good. The Devil member, whose name looks to be Fury by the tag on his vest, starts to thrash around on the chair.

Smiling at him, I use the pliers to quickly remove one of his finger nails. It’s quick and fast but no less painful. Fury screams through his gag and I lean in close. “Tell me where she is.”

Fury shakes his head and Scrappy steps forward, handing me a lighter and a knife. Fury watches me as I heat the blade of the small knife with fear. I love that look in his eyes. I place one hand on top of his so he has no room to wriggle and ever so slowly insert the burning knife under his nail. Slowly tearing it away from the flesh, Fury’s eyes widen as he screams, tears streaming down his face, but still after six nail removals I don’t know where Lauren is!




I woke in the middle of the night in a mad panic, and even though I woke up earlier I had forgotten where I was and what happened. I’m sick with worry about Brandon and the rest of The Kings. What happened when I was taken?

When I woke in the dark, I made sure to stay awake and now as the sun rises, I’m thankful that I had no visitors. I look around the room in disgust, why am I back in this situation? Why me?

Just when I settle into a family that finally accepts me, I get ripped away. My bad luck increases when the door opens and in walks Demon. I glare over at him and he just laughs to himself. I hate seeing him because I had hoped I would never have to see or hear from him again.

“Don’t act like you aren’t glad to see me.” He smiles.

I turn away from him. I fucking hate him.

“Don’t look away from me.” He growls. “I haven’t seen you in so long and I want to take a look at you.”

He softly caresses my cheek and I shrink away. At least as much as my restrictions will let me because I’m so tightly tied down.

“Is my little Raven having a tantrum?” He taunts me and I feel like I could scream.

He starts to laugh again and I just wish so much I wasn’t here. There’s a reason why he has me strapped to a bed only god knows where.

Demon gets a gun from behind him, gliding it all over my body and I try to stay as still as I possibly can, but my body uncontrollably shakes and Demon smirks in response. I hate that I’m still pleasing him!

“You don’t like the gun?” He asks. “Let’s try something else then.”

I watch wearily as he puts his gun away and reaches for a large knife. I mean this thing is freaking huge! Just like with the gun, he glides it all over, paying attention to my breasts and cutting away my top. This is like a trip down memory lane to my times back with The Devils. Great memories!

“If you run away again, I will kill every single person involved with The Kings.” Demon declares. “You understand?”

I obviously shake my head, why wouldn’t I? He’s threatening to harm my new found family and I don’t want him to go anywhere near them. Just like, I don’t want him finding out about Maisy and her life. I don’t want any of my shit affecting her life any more than I already have.

“Tomorrow we leave for home, so get some rest.” He orders.

I will not go back there with him, but of course I don’t say that. He’s threatened my friends and family.

“Anyway, there’s nothing left for you back with The Kings.” Demon adds, “Now that your boyfriend’s dead.”

My heart feels like it is being squeezed and has stopped beating. He can’t be telling the truth, he just can’t!

“You’re lying.” I whisper, trying to keep the tears at bay.

Demon drops his bottom lip, mocking me in my heartbreak. “When we knocked you out, your boyfriend didn’t like it. We had no choice but to put him down.”

He sounds so jealous with the way he talks about Brandon. I won’t believe him. I can’t believe him.

I love Brandon, surely I would feel something if he had died. I would feel it in my heart, right?

“He can’t get his hands on my Raven anymore.” He strokes my hair and I try to move out of his way but he stops my movements. “You’re mine, Raven. No more running away.”

I begin to cry. I can’t help it. My emotions are running high from being back with Demon and hearing all about Brandon, I just can’t take it. Seeing me cry, Demon slaps me hard across the face.

“How dare you cry for him?” He screams in my face. “It’s me you should care about!”

I try to hold them all back, but once I’ve started they all fall.

“You’re back with me now, fucking deal with it.” He grabs me around the neck and leans right into my face. “As punishment, I’ll let my men enjoy you later.”

With one final slap across the face, Demon leaves me alone to cry by myself.


Chapter 57

Now that my brothers and dad have joined the torturing party, we’ve moved onto different methods. I got to say, I didn’t know Baby and Devlin had it in them. I guess we’re a lot more alike than I originally thought.

I watch with a satisfied smile as Devlin and Baby tie Fury to the table. This isn’t any ordinary table, oh no this table is on a slant. When Fury is fully attached so he can’t move at all, but can still wriggle his head a round a little, he starts to panic. It’s as if he knows on some sort of primal level what’s going to happen.

Fury is lying straight, however, because the table slants, his feet are lying higher than his head. That’s very usual for what we have in mind. My dad and Brace showed me this method when I first patched in and I have to admit, it scared me a little but I’ve never had to use it. Until now.

I need to find Lauren and I will do anything to make that happen.

“Do you know what’s going to happen, shit face?” Baby leans into Fury’s face.

I can see how much my family cares for Lauren, and they want her back as much as I do. Or maybe it’s the fact that they see how miserable I am. Whatever the reason, I’m thankful for them helping. It means a lot.

Fury shakes his head desperately, making Baby and Devlin chuckle.

“We’re taking you back in time.” Devlin adds. “Back to a time where torturing was at its absolute best.”

I can’t help but laugh at their scary show and looking at Fury because it’s really working. He’s fucking terrified. When I realize how much I need Fury to reveal where Lauren is being kept, my smile drops and I become determined to get what I need.

My dad gets the water hose and turns it on. Fury becomes curious as to why there’s water involved. My dad starts to spray the water all over his body, and then gradually gets down to his face. Time for me to step in.

“Where is Lauren?” I ask him and like every other time before, he stays quiet. “Where is Demon keeping her?” I roar.

He doesn’t answer and I give a nod to my dad. He begins to drench Fury’s face in the water and it starts to choke him almost immediately. This will feel like he’s drowning and Fury begins to cough and spits water everywhere. Another nod to Franky and he takes it from Fury so that he can breathe again.

I lean down next to him again. “Tell me where she is!”

Fury shakes his head, but I see a glimmer of defeat in his eyes, so I nod to my dad to do it all over again. The water splashes everywhere as he chokes and I hear him try to speak. I hold my hand up for my dad to wait a minute and when there’s no water drowning him, I look down at Fury.

“You need to say anything?” I glare down at him.

Fury takes deep breaths, but doesn’t give me what I need so I motion for Franky to continue. It won’t be long before he tells me what I need, I can feel it. I just hope Lauren can hold on until then.




I wake with a jump and immediately I’m afraid. The drugs must still be lingering in my system because I should have woken when the men entered the room.

Strike stands over me with another member I don’t recognize. They look me over like I’m for sale and I’m familiar with the feeling and hate that I’ve been returned to this. The longer they stare down at me the more I panic, because I can’t ignore the lust I see forming in their eyes.

“I forgot how pretty you are.” Strike softly glides his rough hand along my leg.

I don’t say anything because when it comes to Strike, anything can set him off.

“This is my brother, Venom.” He indicates the man opposite him. “Say hi, Raven.”

I glare at Strike, he’s playing a game and I don’t want any part of it. All of a sudden, he slaps me across the face and I clench my teeth through the sting.

“Do it!” He roars, making me jump.

I turn to Venom, what a wonderful name. “Hi.” I spit out.

Venom is a handsome man, but I see the same twisted evilness in his eyes. “Nice to meet you, Raven.”

Strike comes closer and I wearily watch him. “Prez said we have a few minutes to play.”

I freeze, knowing what’s about to come and I can’t run away because of these stupid straps.

Strike sniffs me and wrinkles his nose, laughing at me. “Aw, did you wet yourself?”

I will admit that I wet myself last night because I needed to wee that much. Demon wouldn’t let me go to the toilet and I already knew that so I didn’t bother to ask. He let us all piss and shit in a fucking bucket back in our glorious room at the Devil’s clubhouse, why would he change?

“Looks like she needs cleaning.” Venom smirks and I don’t like where this is going.

“No.” I demand.

“Yes.” Strike insists and looks to his brother. “Get a sponge and a bucket of water.”

Venom quickly does as his brother orders and hurries off, leaving me all alone with the man I weirdly hate more than Demon.

“I must admit, I have missed you.” Strike places a hand on my cheek, looking deeply into my eyes. Quickly, his hand secures around my neck and squeezes. I struggle, but of course there’s nothing I can do. “You shouldn’t have ran, bitch! You’re my fucking property, not Demons.”

I stare wide eyed as he chokes me, literally squeezing the life out of me.

Strike leans down closer to my face. “You and me, we’re getting out of here. Once we have you cleaned up I’m taking you away.”

He finally lets go of my neck and I take in a deep breath of air. I cough from the sudden intake and Strike laughs at me.

Venom then returns and they strip me of my bottoms and thong. I feel ashamed that they are cleaning me up after my accident but I can’t do anything. I have to lie there while they laugh and clean me. They rub the sponge all over my lower body, soaking me in water and when one of them starts to play with my clit, I begin to cry.

Goodbye Lauren and hello Raven.

“No!” I scream at them, trying to kick out of the ropes.

It only makes them laugh and play harder but just as they become rough with me, Demon returns and I’ve never been so fucking happy to see him! He looks furious and Strike hasn’t even seen him yet.

“What the fuck?!” Demon roars from the door. “Get the fuck away from her!”

Strike stares at Demon for a few seconds, the hatred for him plain to see before he drops the sponge and orders his brother to follow him out. Demon quickly replaces Strike’s place by my side and caresses my face.

“I’m so sorry, Raven.” He wipes away my tears and looks down at my naked lower body. “Here, let me clean you off.”

I watch him as he dries me, but his kindness is false because as soon as he has me dry, he slaps my thigh causing me to wince.

“Fucking bitch, I bet you were enjoying it weren’t you?” He accuses.

“No.” I argue.

“Liar!” He screams and then shouts for some of his men to come in, including Andrew. He looks pretty fucking pleased with himself. I’d love to kill him for what he has done to me.

“Well look who it is.” He walks up to me.

“Get away from me.” I say, anger dripping from my words.

“He’s here to teach you a lesson, Raven.” Demon declares. “The last time you were with me I shared you, but I think you enjoyed that a little too much. So, Switch is going to teach you to be obedient.”

What? That doesn’t even make any sense! He wants me to be raped by Switch, so he can teach me a lesson because he thinks I enjoy being shared around? That’s fucked up.

Andrew smirks down at me. “Don’t worry baby, this will just be like old times.”

I feel sick from his words, remembering the times we shared together. It was all a fucking lie!

Andrew leans down and kisses me but I don’t take part. My mouth doesn’t move for him, instead I press my lips together so he can’t have any access. Andrew starts to get inpatient with me and smacks me across the face when I don’t kiss him back.

“Fine!” He shouts. “If you won’t kiss my mouth, you can kiss my cock.”

Demon turns my face so that when Andrew releases his cock from his jeans, my mouth is level for him. I stiffen my neck so that Demon can’t push me forward.

“Raven!” Demon shouts. “Do as you’re told!”

Andrew thrusts into my face, trying to get me to open my mouth for his cock, but I fight as much as I can. Demon pinches my nose, cutting off my air supply. I close my eyes so they can’t see the pain I am in. I can’t hold my breath for much longer and I will have to open my mouth if Demon doesn’t let go of my nose, but he doesn’t and I’m struggling.

“Open up.” Andrew laughs.

Not many seconds later and I gasp for air, opening my mouth and Andrew quickly thrusts inside. Widening my mouth as he forces his way in, I hate him so fucking much! How can you do this to another person?

Demon pressed me forward, making the motions for me because I will not do them. I begin to choke as Andrew presses himself too far into my mouth and they all just laugh at me.

A thought comes to mind and I try not to smile from it. I don’t want them to know what I’m about to do because it’s the only way I can possibly fight back. Andrew thrusts into my mouth and when his cock is fully in my mouth I bite down. I close my mouth as quickly and as hard as I can, making Andrew yelp so loud from the pain. He screams and grabs my head, trying to pull himself free from my mouth but it only makes it worse. I smile as I bite, enjoying his screams even though Demon is shouting at me from behind.

“Raven, stop!” Demon shouts. “I will have to hurt you!”

Why is he warning me? He’s never bothered before.

I ignore him, loving biting down on Andrews dick too much to let go. I hear a whooshing sound and then feel a sharp sting as a slap hits me across my legs. I gasp and open my mouth enough for Andrew to escape my grip on him and he falls to the floor, whimpering like a baby. I grin down at him, loving the sight when another sharp sting slaps me. I look down at my body, it’s red and bloody now and then I see Demon with the large whip in his hand. He lifts it again and I prepare myself for the next slap and cry out when it lands.

Demon laughs, a dangerous look on his face. He orders everyone but Andrew to leave.

“That was bad, Raven,” Demons growls. “You have to be punished.”

Andrew slowly stands back up, scowling at me. “Let me boss.” He offers.

Demon nods his permission and straight away Andrew dishes it out. His slaps hit me hard and fast. Then they turn into punches, hitting me everywhere he can. I cry out in pain and hate myself for giving him that bit of pleasure.

“Stop.” Demon orders and I’m relieved to get a break.

I can feel blood pouring from cuts on my face, but I don’t get much time to gather myself before Demon’s turn. He pulls on my hair so much I think it’s going to rip out of my scalp.

“This is your fault, Raven.” He tells me, just before adding more punches to my body and a few kicks for good measure.

When Demon finishes my beating, leaving me sore and in pain, he gets out his hard cock and rubs it along my side. “You always get me hard.”

He squeezes my breasts hard through my torn shirt and I bite down on my lip to stop myself from crying out. Andrew joins in and wraps a hand around my throat, choking me while Demon drifts further down my body. I feel Demons hand as he strokes my skin, going down to my legs and I begin to become dizzy from the lack of oxygen.

“We don’t want her dead.” Demon laughs, making Andrew let go of my throat.

“Why not?” Andrew sulks.

“Because she’s mine.” Demon lifts himself on the bed, crawling up my body and moaning in delight.

I watch him as he takes me in, smiling at his prize and I sink into myself. I know what’s about to come and I don’t want to be here when it happens. I want to be numb and not a part of my body.

Suddenly a loud bang makes me jump and I watch in shock as Demon falls to the floor.

“Shit!” Andrew quickly turns to the one window that’s in this room.

I watch him shoot the glass, trying to make his way out as shots are being fired at him. I see sprays of red as he gets away. I’m not even concerned for my own safety because I would rather be killed than have the last hours repeated.

I had thought that the first gunshot had hit Demon and that’s why he fell to the floor but then I spot him beside me. He’s crouching down, hiding like a pussy and using me as his cover. A hand touches me and I turn in panic, but when I see his face tears escape me.

“Lauren.” He breathes a sigh of relief.

Suddenly there’s cold metal against my temple and Brandon stares wide eyed at Demon, who I’m assuming is holding the gun to my head.

“Go back home, or I’ll shoot.” Demon threatens.

“Back away.” Brandon speaks calmly but I see the panic in his eyes.

“No.” Demon laughs. “I’ll kill her before you have her, she’s mine.”

Brandon goes to move and a shot rings out. The gun pressed against me drops to the floor. I see many King’s members run to Demon, securing him on the floor so he can no longer move.

Brandon and Baby work at my bindings, while Scrappy throws his shirt over me to cover me up. I hear Demon screaming and shouting as they handle him. He shouts to his men but Franky laughs.

BOOK: Karma (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 1)
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