Karma (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 1) (25 page)

BOOK: Karma (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 1)
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Chapter 61

I start to feel unsettled in my sleep and when I finally wake, I see that Brandon is no longer lying with me. He’s probably talking to someone or in the bathroom, so I try to go back to sleep but I’m unable to. When I’ve waited long enough, I get bored and decide to go search for him.

I find one of Brandon’s many black shirts on the back of his chair and pull it on over my head. It’s long enough to finish just above my knees, so I don’t bother with trousers. I slip on some shoes and quietly make my way out of Brandon’s room.

There doesn’t seem to be anyone around thank god, because I don’t think Brandon will be pleased to find me dressed in just his shirt. The main club room is empty, and so is the bar. I decide to have a look where the game room and Franky’s office are. There’s a load of rooms down there, including a playroom for the kids and an extra TV room.

When I pass Franky’s office, I begin to hear growling and grunts from the gym room. I quietly make my way to the gym’s door and peak through. I spy Brandon, beating up the punching bag and I stand watching him. I love the way his body moves, and because he’s not involved in a fight with Blaze this time, I am able to really appreciate his graceful movements. His muscles dance along his arm and his top is wet through with sweat. He looks like he’s been in here for a while, and I feel bad. He must be working off his anger and frustration from the stress I’ve put him through.

I love how powerful he is. He’s all man, strong, gorgeous and I know he will look after me. Not that I need it, but you have to admit that it’s great to know your man will do anything to help you out without you even asking. He makes me feel like a woman. I know that sounds stupid but it’s the truth. I feel soft against his hard muscles and I feel feminine around him. It’s a good feeling.

Eventually, Brandon catches me watching him and I blush. He stops what he’s doing and walks over to me. He looks like a dangerous predator right now, and fuck it makes me horny.

“You should be sleeping.” He speaks straight away.

“You were gone.” Is all I need to say.

He seems pleased with this answer and grabs my face, kissing me urgently. “God, you look fucking sexy.”

I laugh. “No I don’t.”

He lifts me and I cling to him. “Yes, you fucking do.”

He spins me around and my back hits the wall. Our mouths are still connected, and I sigh against him. His hands squeeze my ass and he growls.

“I fucking need to be inside you,” He moans.

“Fuck me.” I whimper and he speeds into action.

He somehow manages to slide down the shorts he’s wearing and his cock springs free. Hot, hard flesh hits my pussy and I quiver. I want him inside of me now!

Brandon nibbles on my neck, taunting me as he rubs the head of his cock along my slit. I become so wet that he slides straight in. I moan loudly and then we pause, letting me adjust to his size and when I need more, I begin to move. I rub myself against him, trying to get some friction but it’s not working.

“Brandon!” I moan impatiently.

With his last laugh, he thrusts into me and my eyes roll. I cling to him for dear life and he fucks me with determination.

“Oh my god!” I scream as he fucks me.

He holds onto my thighs, pulling me against him and he pounds harder and harder. Our pleasured moans mix together and with one more thrust, I come undone. My eyes roll and Brandon continues, chasing his own release. My orgasm doubles as I feel him shooting inside of me, and when we have caught our breath, we realize what we have done.

“Shit.” Brandon growls.

“It’s fine.” I assure him. I know Drew has the morning after pill, she has a few stashed in her draws by her bed. I kept quiet when I saw them. She’s not the good little biker’s sister at all.

Brandon nods and gently lets me down, still kissing me.

“I was so scared you were gone.” I whisper against him.

“I know.” He holds me. “Demon won’t hurt you now.”

“So, I’m safe now?” The excitement shows in my voice.

Brandon makes a weird face and carries me out of the gym. “Not exactly.”

I’m gutted. I thought now that Demon was captured the lockdown rule would lift and I could come and go as I please. I could visit Brandon’s house!

“Demon is locked away but you might not be safe yet, Lauren.” He starts. “Some of the Devils are still out there and we don’t know what they will do now that we have their president.”

I nod. Shit, I didn’t think of that. How stupid am I? I stay quiet, thinking over everything I’ve been through so far.

“I just want this to be over.” I sulk as we enter the bedroom.

“I know, and so do I.” Brandon carries me to the bathroom. “I want to be able to go anywhere with you.”

He undresses me and guides me into the shower. I am feeling a little sore between my legs right now. Brandon washes me and I return the favour. I love this, showering together. I get to feel all those muscles I have come to love and trace the many tattoos on his body. I love both sides to Brandon. There’s Grim, his dominant side who everyone else sees,  and then there’s Brandon. His softer side, the part of him only I see. He holds my wet face in his hands and kisses me, rubbing his face along mine.

“God, I’m so glad I have you back.” He whispers and I know exactly how he feels.

I’m still getting over what just happened to me, and I’m not a fool as to forget it could have gone a whole lot worse! But I’m back where I belong now.

When our shower is over and we’re dry, we get into bed and lie facing each other.

“This will be over soon, and if we don’t hear anything from The Devils soon, then we will think about everything, ok?” He assures me.

“Fine by me.” I yawn.

To get out of this club and be able to do as I please would be amazing. I could go out with Brandon and have the chance to be a proper couple. I want to see his house and help him decorate. Maybe we could even live there together!

I want a normal life again, maybe even visit my sister and let her see how I’ve changed. I need to tell her how sorry I am for everything. I know it will be hard work, she’s just as stubborn as I am but I need to show her that I care and I want to be included in her life now. If calling her won’t work, I’ll have to think of something else.

“Stop thinking and sleep.” Brandon orders, kissing my forehead and I can’t help but laugh. He already knows me so well.

Chapter 62
The next day, I spot Natasha sitting by herself and flicking though a magazine. I grab my chance and take it.

“I know what you did.” I tease her.

Her eyes widen and a bright red blush covers her face. “What?”

“Your artwork.” I point out but she continues to look at me in shock. “Demon.” I point out.

“Oh!” She looks up to the ceiling, finally realizing what I’m hinting at. I do wonder what she thought I meant though. “Yeah, should have known you would find out.”

I sit down opposite her and pinch one of her cookies. “Your method inspired me.”

“How so?” She asks with a fat grin on her face.

I chew on my cookie for a few seconds, thinking about what I should tell her. “I went with fire.”

Her eyes light up like I made her deepest wish come true. “Did you kill him?”

“No.” I laugh, but he’s pretty close to his death. My fire trick caused him a lot of blood loss and bodily damage. Doc had to get involved because I wasn’t ready for him to die yet.

“Do Lauren and Elise know?” She asks me.

“No.” I answer, but maybe they should.

“They’re in Drew’s room. I could break it to them if you like?” She asks and I think it over. I am a little worried how Lauren will react.

“VP!” My dad shouts from his office.

I sigh. “Let them know.”


I’m sitting with Drew and Elise, we’re deciding what would be the first thing we would do once the lockdown is lifted.

“I’d go and get my hair done.” Elise jokes.

“Get another tattoo.” Drew adds.

“But you already have a lot.” I point out. “Besides, doesn’t Graphic do your tattoos?”

Graphic is a Kings member who does almost everyone’s tattoos in the club. He owns his own tattoo place, with three other artists working for him. Lucky for him, they are running things while he’s here.

“He put me on a tattoo ban until I tell my parents.” She huffs. “I sort of lied to him and told him my dad knew. When he boasted to him about his latest artwork, my dad punched him so hard he knocked him out. Now my dad has told him no more until I tell my mum.”

Elise and I look at each other and then burst into laughter.

“Why won’t you tell her?” I laugh.

“My dad was mad, but only because I lied, but my mum will be pissed that I did both. She doesn’t want me to have tattoos. She wants the perfect daughter to sell to the biggest biker. I’m not like that.” Drew complains.

I feel bad for her, she just wants to be herself and Laura’s rules are stopping her. Just then the door opens and Natasha joins us.

“Hey.” I greet her.

“I need to tell you all something.” She blurts.

We make room for her on the bed we’re on. Once her ass hits the bed, her mouth doesn’t stop talking.

“So, you remember yesterday when I said that I was tired and went back to my room?” She asks.

“Yeah, you were being weird.” Drew points out.

“Well I was lying.” She reveals. “I went to see Franky because I wanted to see Demon.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I ask her.

She shrugs her shoulders. “I didn’t know what state you would be in. You looked fine, but I wasn’t sure. I didn’t want to upset you so I went behind your back.”

“What happened?” Elise asks in a whisper.

“Franky let me, but he said he was coming with me. When I got in there I wasn’t prepared by how my emotions would change. I was angry and upset. I wanted to hurt him like he hurt us.” She wipes away her tears. “I saw a box of things, and I saw a little knife and a lighter in it. I don’t know what made me do it, but I heated the knife and burned his skin.”

“You burned his skin?” I ask amazed.

“Yes, into the shape of a dick and balls.” She bites on her bottom lip and looks to us.

After a minute or so of letting it sink in, we all burst into another fit of laughter. I actually fall on my back and laugh, clutching at my chest.

“Oh my god that’s hilarious!” I screech.

“You’re not mad?” Natasha asks.

“Are you crazy?” I laugh. “It’s genius! I just wish I was there to see it. I’d probably do more though.”

“What do you mean?” Drew asks.

“I’d kill him.” I answer honestly.

After looking at me like a mad woman, Natasha reveals what Brandon had told her at the table and I couldn’t be prouder of my man.

“I’m surprised he’s not dead.” Elise gasps.

“He could die from that?” I ask.

“Sure.” Drew answers. “He already has bad injuries. Grim added a serious new one by burning off his cock. I’m guessing he has a good chance of dying.”

I suddenly stand and run for Brandon’s room. I hear the girls following me but I don’ give them a thought. I know where Brandon keeps his guns, and I grab the one he was letting me use for target practice last week. I was bored when I asked him to teach me and at first he had said no. But when I told him I had lessons back in America and was just a little rusty, he gave in.

“Lauren, what are you doing?” Natasha asks.

“Getting in there before he dies by himself,” I quickly answer.

“What?” They all ask but I don’t bother answering. I don’t have much time.

I clutch the heavy gun in my hand, and make a run for the warehouse. I ignore the girls behind me and run past everyone. I begin to run faster because the last thing I need is someone stopping me now. I need to do this. I can feel it in my bones. This is what I am supposed to do. The closer I get to Demon the more I know this to be true.

When I reach the warehouse I see that a Prospect is guarding the door.

“Hey.” I greet him. “It’s my turn in there.”

He looks down at my gun and lifts his eyebrows. “Let me call Grim first.”

I watch as he takes his phone out and when he’s not looking I push him down to the floor and make a run for it.

“Shit!” I hear Natasha shout.

“Lauren!” Drew shouts. “Take a second to think.”

“I can’t.” I walk inside, finding my way to Demon. The stink of this place is unreal. It’s a similar smell to our room back in The Devil’s compound, but with the added smell of burning flesh.

I see Demon, and he stares right back at me. “Hello, Raven.” He smiles.

His voice sounds rough and I enjoy it. “You’re going to die.”

“Really?” He laughs. “And are you the one to do it?”

“Damn straight.” I answer him.

“Just admit it’s me you want and get me out of here.” He groans.

Is this man for real? He’s still on that shit?

“I’m sorry, but I’d like a man with a cock.” I spot a nail gun to my side and grab it with my free hand. I quickly aim at Demon and fire.

“Lauren, no!” Elise shouts but it’s too late.

The nail hits his leg and he groans loudly. I can’t help but laugh and fire another. This one hits his arm.

“Lauren?” I hear Brandon and my heart speeds up. No, he’s going to stop me. “Lauren!”

“Come on Lauren, let’s get out of here.” Drew asks.

“No.” I answer and turn back to Demon.

“Lauren!” Brandon shouts as he finds me standing in front of Demon. I place the nail gun back on the table. Baby, Devlin and Franky are with him. “Come here.”

“I have to do this.” I tell him and turn to Demon.

I aim the gun and fire at Demon, I hold down the trigger and let the round hit him. I move towards him, I love seeing his body jerk as bullets pierce his skin. Blood splatters all over me but I don’t care. I am proud of the fact that I see at least one bullet hit him in the head.

I feel a body behind me and I already know it’s Brandon. His arm reaches out and holds the gun, removing my hand from it. I hadn’t even realized the gun had run out of bullets and I was standing there looking down at a dead Demon, still aiming the gun at him.

Brandon turns me to face him. “I’ve killed him.”

Brandon holds me against him. “It’s ok.”

He’s comforting me because he thinks I’m hurting, but what he doesn’t understand is I’m fine. I am happy, I am the one to kill that bastard and I’d do it again.

BOOK: Karma (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 1)
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