Kate Sherwood - Dark Horse 2.2 - Head Shy (13 page)

BOOK: Kate Sherwood - Dark Horse 2.2 - Head Shy
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Jeff kisses his ear. "Are we talking, like, months of building trust in the relationship?" Another ear kiss. "Or, hours of getting you relaxed and wanting it in bed?" The kiss is nippier now. "'Cause either way, we're up for it."

Dan turns and catches Jeff's mouth for a quick kiss. "I trust you guys. That part… that's done, that's good. It's just… you know, it's not even that I can't relax, it's just…." He shakes his head and grins suddenly. "I wish I
Head Shy | Kate Sherwood
had a special hat I could put on and you guys could just see what I'm trying to say, 'cause, honestly, this 'talking' shit…."


Evan nods seriously. "We've got a really good R&D department. I'll tell them to get right on that."


"Yeah, I don't know what 'R&D' means, but you're being a smartass, right?" Dan doesn't really have to ask.


Evan leans forward and kisses his eyebrow. "Research and Development. And, yes, possibly a bit of a smartass."

Jeff leans forward enough to hitch his chin over Dan's shoulder. "Okay, I can't believe I'm the one suggesting this, instead of being the one trying to slow you two down, but… do you want to move into the bedroom for this? These chairs aren't totally comfortable."

"Does that mean talking time is over?" Dan makes his voice light and cheerful, but there's a strange twist inside of him, too, as if some part of him wants to get more out.

Jeff kisses his cheek. "Talking time is
over. But we’ve already done a lot tonight, and besides, I like full-body-contact for talks like these." He nuzzles in a bit, his stubble scratching against Dan's. "Well, I like full-body-contact for pretty much everything, really."

Evan grins and stands up, holding one hand out to Dan and the other to Jeff. "Sounds good to me. And all these clothes, they really… they interfere with true communication, I think."

Dan takes Evan's hand and lets himself be pulled to his feet. "You can't make a psychic hat, but you can make communication-repellent clothes?"
"I told you, we'll work on the hat." Evan leads the way, dropping his

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shirt about half-way down the hallway and then walking backwards as he pulls off and discards Dan's, and then Jeff's. "That's a start," he murmurs, coming to a stop next to the bed, his hands dropping to the button of Dan's jeans.

A sudden thought makes Dan freeze, and Evan looks up, startled. Dan grins self-consciously. "Chris did actually
, right? He's not out there in the front hall, listening to all this?"

"He was going to wait for the cab on the porch. I'm sure he'd be back in by now to complain, if it hadn't come." Evan grins. "But why so shy now? You didn't seem to care about getting caught this afternoon."

Dan cuts a quick look at Jeff, who quirks a curious eyebrow at him. Dan shrugs. "This afternoon was sex. Tonight… all this talking… Jesus, I don't want him to hear

"You're a bit of a contradiction, Tex," Jeff says, but he sounds amused and he snuggles in behind Dan as he says it, so it doesn't really seem like a criticism. Evan's hands go back to Dan's fly, and Jeff reaches around Dan to work on Evan's. Dan thinks about reaching behind himself to start on Jeff's, but then Evan has Dan's undone and falls to his knees, pulling Dan's jeans and underwear down with him, and strategic thoughts pretty much leave Dan's mind.

Evan's working Dan to hardness, just his hands and gently sucking kisses, with the occasional nip to his inner thigh to keep him alert. Given that Dan was half-hard before they got fully started, it's really not going to take long. Jeff has leaned away just long enough to get his pants off, and now he's back, nestling up against Dan, his stiffening cock nudging into Dan's cleft, and somehow that idea isn't one that Dan had seriously

considered, that
Head Shy | Kate Sherwood could be the first one to fuck him, and he's not sure

why he hasn't thought that way, because it really makes sense; Jeff is gentler, more controlled, hell, he's even a little smaller, although Dan's not really worried about the physical strain of the experience. He grinds back a little, caught between Jeff's cock and Evan's mouth, and he's fully hard now, and, okay, he's maybe not
relaxed but he's ready to get this over with.

But Evan's standing up, and Jeff's hands fall to Dan's hips, stilling him, and this isn't right, not when Dan was ready, at least in his own way. Evan looks over Dan's shoulder to Jeff. "Okay if I drive for a while?" he asks, and Dan knows the question isn't directed at him. He thinks maybe he should object about being treated as a passenger, but he doesn't. Jeff apparently agrees with Evan's plan, because Evan sits back on the bed, his hands lacing with Jeff's on Dan's hips.

"Here's what I think we should do. What I'd like. Okay?" And that seems to be for Dan to answer, so he nods. He can at least listen. Evan smiles at him. "I'd like you and Jeff to go shower. Jeff says his tub's big enough for two, and I'd like to have it proved to me. I'd like Jeff to wash you all over, and then I'd like him to use his mouth, open you up. Still in the shower, if the hot water holds up. I'd like to watch that." He pulls Dan's head down, whispers in his ear, although his voice is loud enough that Dan's sure Jeff can hear it in the quiet room. "He's incredible at it, Dan. It's one of the best things I've ever felt. I want to see your face when he makes you feel that way. Is that okay? Can we do that?"

Dan's pretty sure that's a rhetorical question. Or else the most obvious real question ever. "Yeah, we can do that," he manages. Jeff's hands pull at his hips, gently guiding him towards the bathroom, and Dan glances over his shoulder to see Evan swinging off the bed and following behind. Dan always feels like an idiot, walking when he's naked and hard, but luckily it's not that far to the bathroom, and once he's there Evan is behind him, lining up their bodies as Jeff turns the water on and checks the

Head Shy | Kate Sherwood
temperature, and that's more than enough of a distraction.

Jeff gets the water right and then steps into the tub, turning and smiling at Dan as the water runs over his face, down over his broad chest. Evan gives Dan the slightest of shoves, just enough to break him out of his daze, and he moves forward willingly, grabbing Jeff's arm for balance as he climbs into the tub. The water is hot, but not scalding, and for a moment it feels good just to stand there, sharing the space with Jeff. But then Jeff's reaching around him to get the bar of soap, and the shifting contact makes Dan pretty much forget about the sensations of the shower itself.

Evan hands a washcloth into the shower, and Jeff takes it and lathers it up, and then it's on Dan's chest, running along to his arm, then back over his shoulders, his other arm. It's a bit strange, Dan thinks, but he remembers taking Jeff's hands in his own under the kitchen tap and relaxes into the sensations. Jeff's thorough, running the cloth all over Dan, but he's avoiding the most sensitive areas, the spots Dan most wants attention paid to.

"Jeff, come on," Dan groans when Jeff makes another swipe that almost, but not quite, drags along Dan's aching cock.


Evan's grin is warm, and he leans in a little towards Dan's eyes. "We're going to make you beg, Dan," he promises.

Dan's not that far gone yet. "'We,' Kaminski?
aren't doing shit, buddy…." but then Jeff wraps the washcloth around Dan's hardness and tugs firmly, and the texture of the cloth combined with the strength of Jeff's grip is almost painful. Almost, but not quite, and Dan's voice turns into a gasp of pleasure. "Fuck, Jeff, yeah, just like that…." But Jeff just chuckles into Dan's ear, running the cloth up over his

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chest. "Be patient, now."


"Oh, come on, man…."

But Jeff ignores Dan's words. Instead, he grips Dan's hand and lifts it up to brace on the wall of the bath, then the other hand to match, before he gently grips Dan's hips and pulls them backwards until Dan has to shuffle his feet back a little to keep his balance. The new posture seems to please both Jeff and Evan, and Dan doesn't complain either, not when Jeff relathers the cloth and finally brings it down between Dan's ass cheeks. Dan's back arches a little of its own volition; whatever his mental reservations, his body is ready to go.

"Oh, fuck, Dan, this is even hotter than I thought." Evan has leaned himself half into the tub, his face splashed by the spray bouncing off Dan's skin, his hand jacking himself almost absentmindedly. He's so close that Dan can't resist, and he leans in to fit their mouths together. Just as they touch, Dan feels Jeff shift behind him, and then Jeff's lips are on the small of Dan's back, the dimple just over his tailbone, and working down. Dan's mouth opens with an anticipatory gasp, and Evan is there to take advantage, tilting Dan's head a little and then bringing their tongues together, hard and demanding at first, then softening, and Jeff is working his way down and in, and Dan doesn't know which sensation to pay attention to.

Jeff brings one hand to Dan's ankle, lifting gently, and Dan shifts his weight and allows his foot to be moved to rest on the edge of the tub. Evan sees the shift and leans in a bit more to help balance Dan, and then swears softly before pulling one of his own feet into the tub for support. "Fuck, Jeff, next time at my place. Or you let me rip this bathroom out and put in a real shower."
Dan can't argue with the general idea, but he's still pretty focused on

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time, so he pushes forward to reclaim Evan's mouth, and spreads his thighs as far as he can to give better access to Jeff, and they both seem to get the idea.

With Evan's shoulder to lean on, Dan can pull one of his hands off the wall, and he brings it down to cover the hand that Evan is using on his own cock. Evan gets the hint and lets Dan take over, and he's a little too distracted to make it the best hand job ever, but Evan isn't complaining.

Jeff's tongue finally hits its target, and Dan had been waiting for it, anticipating, but it's still a bit of a shock of pleasure when the sensitive skin is touched. He feels his hips jerk a little, wanting to move forward at the same time as they want to push back for more.

Evan's hand falls to cover Dan's. "Dude, careful," he hisses, and Dan realizes that he's tightened his grip on Evan's cock. Apparently he's tightened it quite a bit.

"Shit, sor…." Dan's apology is interrupted when he feels Jeff's tongue push inside a little, and he can barely remember where he is, let alone what he was going to say. Jeff really gets down to business now, nipping and darting and licking and sucking and Dan is beyond coherent thought. He's dimly aware that Evan has returned his hand to its place on the wall, and that's just as well, because staying upright is about all that Dan can manage right now. He feels Jeff bring his hand up, and then a finger joins the tongue, and it goes deeper, presses harder, and then Evan's passing something back to Jeff and Dan doesn't even bother to pay any attention to that, he just wants Jeff to keep doing everything he's doing, forever.

Then there's another finger, and it must have been lube that Evan passed back, because the slide has gotten smoother than with just spit, and it's the finger from Jeff's other hand, and he's using both of them to pull at
Head Shy | Kate Sherwood

Dan, open him up and give more room for Jeff's blessed tongue. Dan isn't sure how much more he can stand, but he also can't imagine ever wanting Jeff to stop. He can feel Evan watching him, and in one of the pauses that Jeff gives him right before diving in even deeper, Dan looks over and sees Evan smiling almost dazedly.

"Jesus, Dan, you're so beautiful." He sounds awestruck. "Jeff, we've got to—we should film this, or something, you deserve to see how perfect you're making him."

Jeff doesn't respond, just rolls his tongue in a whole new way that has Dan gasping and clawing at the smooth wall of the tub. "Jesus, Jeff, please…." Dan doesn't even know what he wants, but he knows that Jeff is the only one who can give it to him. Unless Evan can….

Dan shifts over and finds Evan's mouth with his own, wraps their tongues together, begs without speaking, and Evan miraculously seems to understand. "Just settle down a little," he murmurs, and he runs his hands over Dan's shoulders, and maybe that would be soothing in normal circumstances, but in the current situation it's just one more set of sensations for a body that's already close to overload. "Jeff, he's…." Dan's whole body jerks in response to another stab from Jeff's tongue, and Evan laughs low and dirty. "Jesus, Jeff, he's on the edge… do you want to push him over now, or get him into bed?"

Jeff's fingers keep working, but he pulls his mouth away. Dan would like to protest the loss, but then he hears Jeff's words. "Bed. I want you inside him when he comes." Jeff slides his face up Dan's back until his mouth is at Dan's ear. "Are you good with that, sweetheart? Are you going to stay with us for that?" He smiles, and it would be sweet if he didn't combine it with a hard series of finger-strokes on Dan's prostate. "You going to gaze into his eyes?"
Then Jeff's fingers are driving in and out, quick and hard and Dan

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gasps, leaning forward, his head dropping as he fights for breath, for oxygen, tries to bring his body back to itself. Jeff eases off a little. "Will you, Dan?" He pulls his fingers out a little more, his free hand rubbing Dan's hip softly. "Look at him, sweetheart. Look at Evan, and tell us if you want him to fuck you tonight."

Jeff's barely touching Dan at all now, just light strokes with one finger right around his rim, and Dan misses it, craves the pressure and the presence, but he knows Jeff's doing it on purpose, giving Dan enough of a break so that he can make an honest decision, but not breaking contact enough to let Dan forget how good it could feel. Jeff's a crafty bastard, and Dan's going to have fun getting his revenge. Right now, though, he has a choice, and he's pretty sure they'll both know if he pretends to be more confident than he is.

Evan's watching him, no real expression, mostly just a sort of watchfulness, and that's him trying not to pressure Dan, and that's how Dan knows. "Yeah," he breathes. "Fuck, yeah." Evan surges forward, his kiss bruising Dan's lips, then pulls himself away reluctantly.

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