Keeley's Fight (The Protectors Series) (17 page)

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Authors: KL Donn

Tags: #romance, #Fiction

BOOK: Keeley's Fight (The Protectors Series)
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When he slowly let go of her feeling started to return to her limbs, and she was out of breath. With a whispered, “I love you”, to them, she collapsed in a heap of pleasure and passed out.


Staring down at
a passed out and completely unaware Keeley, she blew his mind. Nate said those words over and over again in his head.
I love you.
Unable to help the goofy grin on his face, he looked up to see an expression of awe on Ty’s. “She’s pretty fucking amazing, isn’t she?” Nate whispered to him, not wanting to wake her up.

“Yeah man, she sure is.”

When she rolled over onto her back between them, Nate saw their handprints on her throat and felt an answering twitch in his groin. “Fuck, that’s sexy as hell.” He placed his hand on her collarbone and rubbed his thumb gently along the base of her throat, completely turned on. Seeing their mark on her did something to him. It woke a primal urge in him to claim her as his. It was so intense he wanted to wake her up and love her body again, but knew she needed some rest.

“She’s quite the surprise, hey? Never imagined she would respond like that to choking or handling both of us so well,” Ty said in amazement and wonder. “She’s perfect.”

He chuckled at the fact that Ty kept calling her perfect, but he was right. She was completely perfect for them. Nate would give anything to keep her happy.

Chapter 14

aking up to
giggling and moaning, Ty looked over to see Nate’s hand running through Keeley’s hair and her on her knees bent over him, giving him a blow job. Having her ass so close to him, he couldn’t help but swipe his fingers through her folds, only to find her dripping wet.

“What a way to wake up,” he said getting on his knees and slipping his now hard cock inside her tight, warm pussy. Moaning, she pulled off Nate to flash a smile at him, before going back to lick up and down his dick.

Closing his eyes Ty concentrated on sliding into her gently, savoring the sweetness that was all her wrapped around him. Holding her hip in one hand and pressing the other in the middle of her back, Ty took her slow and hard. Pulling out languidly, so the curve of his cock hit her g-spot on every in and out stroke, he slammed back in, hitting her cervix and causing her to squeal with each thrust.

Opening his eyes when he heard Nate groan out his release, Ty watched her clean his cock off before laying her head on his abs and sighing. Thrusting faster into her, he let out a growl when her orgasm caused his own. Emptying inside her Ty slowly started to get up, pulling her up with him and going into the shower.

Once in there, he started washing her. Foaming up the soap between his hands he started rubbing her body down, beginning at her feet and moving up her soft slender legs, when he got to her pussy he was careful to brush his hands across her sensitive clit and lips when she let out a moan. Moving up he kissed her belly, and as he got to her breasts he started massaging them. Moving his hands around her made her giggle when he got to her sides. “Ticklish there, are you?” He smiled at her nod.

After rinsing her off, he started to massage shampoo into her inky black hair. “God, I love your hair,” Ty whispered to her. Rinsing the shampoo out, he massaged conditioner in when she fell into his chest and nuzzled. Leaving a kiss on each pec, Keeley pulled back and smiled before rinsing her hair out.

Seeing Nate waiting with a towel, he helped her out. While Nate dried her off, Ty quickly washed and rinsed his hair and body, knowing they had to talk to her about last night. Ty shut the water off, and as he was drying off he heard a startled gasp leaving her mouth. Looking up he saw Nate standing behind her with his hands on her hips, and the both of them had their gazes riveted to her neck in the mirror.

Walking up beside them, he ran his finger across their combined handprint on her neck. It wasn’t bruised but indented, and he felt a surge of pride knowing people would see that and know she belonged to them.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Ty asked her. When she looked at him with tears in her eyes, he was afraid she was upset about it. Looking to Nate he saw the same worry reflected in his brothers eyes. Until she smiled. Her smile lit up the entire room, and he just knew they were going to be ok.

“I love it,” she murmured. “I know that’s weird. That I would want something like that. But it brings me so much pleasure to let go that way, to know I can trust you both with myself. But to see the evidence of it? It’s almost as good as the real thing,” she confided in them with no shame. Like a woman who was coming into her own.

“Fucking proud of you for owning this, Butterfly,” Nate told her with a kiss on her lips. “I love you,” he proclaimed to her, looking into her clear blue eyes and making her smile.

At Ty’s touch to her chin, she turned back to look at him. “There’s no way I can express how happy I am to have you in my life. I love you so much, Keeley,” he said kissing her forehead.

Chapter 15

s the weeks
went by, Ty was amazed at how well Keeley was settling into her role at their company. She was such a quick learner. At a point now where she knew their system and schedules better than they did, she ran circles around everyone. Julia was even contemplating leaving earlier than she originally planned.

Walking up behind her while she was making copies of a file, Ty wrapped his arms around her waist, swept her hair away from her neck, and gave her a kiss on the pulse point. “Hi love, how you doin’?”

Turning in his arms, she gave him a smile, “I’m fine, Tyler. You guys don’t need to keep coming and checking on me, but since you’re here, would you please take this file back with you. It’s the one for Emily Baxter’s stalking case.” She frowned, not liking how scared the woman was, when she came in the previous day to hire them to help find her stalker.

“You got it, doll. Did she call this morning?”

“Yes, she was very scared. Someone keeps calling her in the middle of the night and breathing heavily. Who are you giving this case to, Tyler?”

“We’re not sure yet. It’s why we’re having a meeting in a few minutes,” he frowned.

“Dane and Coop would be perfect.” She smiled sweetly.

Snorting at her sweet, I’m so innocent face, he replied, “Darling, they’re likely to send that poor girl into a fit of terrors.”

Smacking his arm lightly, she shook her head at him, handed him the file, and walked back to her desk.
Guess I’m dismissed,
he thought; amused at her.

Walking into the office he shared with Nate, he plopped down in one of the chairs in front of his desk and tossed the file on top, waiting for Nate to finish his phone call.

“Yes sir, we’ll leave as soon as we can,” he replied to whomever he was talking to and hung up.

“What’s going on?” Ty asked him, not liking the look on his face.

“We’ve been hired to go to Africa with some oil tycoon, to check an oil well that’s misfiring. He requested you and me, personally,” Nate explained.

“When do we leave?”

“As soon as possible.”

“Shit, Keeley’s not gonna like it. Hell, I don’t like it,” Ty murmured.

“Neither do I man, but we shouldn’t be gone for long. A week tops,” Nate assured him. “Let’s go break the news to our girl. We’re going to have to hand over the meeting to Dane and Coop, for Miss Baxter’s case,” Nate said as they were walking out of their shared office, and back to Keeley. Seeing her bent over her desk concentrating on what she was doing, Ty couldn’t help feeling slightly depressed that they had to leave her soon.

“Hey, Butterfly. Ty and I have to talk to you for a second,” Nate said cautiously.

Frowning at the tone of his voice, she knew something was up. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing darlin’. We got a job and we have to leave ASAP,” Ty informed her.

Seeing her face drop at the news, he felt worse than he already did. “For how long? Will it be dangerous?” She asked them, worrying her hands together.

“Shouldn’t be more than a week. We’re escorting some oil tycoon to Africa to check out one if his wells.” Nodding her head, she gave a small smile.

“You have to leave now? What about Emily? Will someone be taking her case?” She asked them, worriedly.

“Yes, Butterfly. We’re gonna hand it over to Coop and Dane before we go. We won’t leave her hanging.” Nate pulled her up from her chair to kiss her lips. “We’ll be home before you know it. Plus, our parents and Kenny will stop by, I’m sure.” Nate smiled at her.

“Come here, darlin’.” Ty said while pulling her from Nate. Kissing her lips and hugging her body to him, Ty basked in her scent and the perfection that was her in his arms. “We’ll call you when we can, but reception will be spotty, ok?” At her nod, he gave her another kiss before pulling away.

“Just be safe, please? I love you both.” She smiled that sweet smile at them, with a little wave.

“We love you, too, Butterfly. Never doubt that,” Nate reassured her before they went looking for Dane or Coop.


Having to say
goodbye to Nathaniel and Tyler, without crying, was one of the hardest things Keeley had ever done. She was going to miss them something fierce.

Almost finished with her day, Dane and Coop walked up, with Dane swinging a set of keys from his fingers. “Hey, little lady, the guys forgot to give you these before they left.” He smiled big, making her suspicious. In the last three weeks, she and Dane had gotten very close. He was a great friend to have, but he struggled with how people perceived him as someone to be feared, because of his size. He treated her like a little sister, and she basked in the knowledge that she truly had a good friend in him.

“What are they for? I have my house keys,” she asked still confused.

“And just how did you think you were going to get home? It’s an hour’s drive away. Too far to walk.” Coop chuckled at her shocked face, because she truly hadn’t thought about it.

“Umm, I never thought about it I guess,” she replied while shutting down her computer, and almost freaking out at the prospect of how she was getting home.

“Grab your stuff and follow us,” Dane told her before turning to walk out of the building, leaving her with little option but to follow them. Getting outside the sun was still shining, and traffic was starting to pick up. Seeing Dane and Coop standing by a blue Ford Explorer confused and stunned her. “That’s not mine, is it? I’ve never owned a vehicle before,” she said in awe.

“Of course, it is. You didn’t think they’d leave you without transpo, did you?” Dane smirked at her.

“Well, no. I mean, I really didn’t think about it.”

“Get in, try it out.” Coop directed, walking around the front and opening the driver’s side door for her. Climbing in she instantly fell in love with the cream colored leather seats and interior; it had a sunroof and automatic everything. She was also happy to note it wasn’t manual. She had told them last week that she could drive, but not to ever expect her to drive a stick shift. She’d crash.

“It’s mine?” She asked quietly before squealing out, “It’s mine!!” in her excitement.

When Dane handed her the keys, she immediately started it up and unrolled all the windows and turned the music on. “Alright little lady, before you go, it has an automatic starter, alarm, and GPS; in case you get lost and we have to come rescue you.” Dane joked. “Now drive safe and call either of us for anything at any time, you got me?”

Nodding her head she blew them each a kiss and took off. Loving the power in the engine and how quiet it was, she decided to take a drive to the mall instead of going home to a quiet house. Seeing a pet store beside the mall, Keeley decided to stop in; seeing the puppies always made her smile.

Walking in, she immediately felt the air conditioning and gave a slight shiver. Walking over to where the dogs were, she saw so many different puppy breeds. Laughing at their antics, she walked closer and watched them through the glass.

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