Keeley's Fight (The Protectors Series) (18 page)

Read Keeley's Fight (The Protectors Series) Online

Authors: KL Donn

Tags: #romance, #Fiction

BOOK: Keeley's Fight (The Protectors Series)
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One of the workers in the back caught her eye. She was with a medium sized dog that didn’t look like it belonged here, and was about to pass it off to someone else. Keeley knocked on the glass lightly to get their attention. Waving for one of them to come over, the worker left the dog with the other person and indicated for them to wait. Coming out she asked, “How can I help you, ma’am?”

“What are you doing with that dog?” She inquired without taking her eyes off it.

Sighing, the woman told her sadly, “He’s a pit bull, and someone just dropped him off this morning, by tying him up to the doors. We had to call the Humane Society to come get him, and because we have no background on him they’re mostly likely going to put him down.” When she said that the dog turned to look at them like he knew his fate was death. Making eye contact with her, Keeley knew she couldn’t let that happen.

On impulse she said, “I’ll take him. Just tell me what I have to do.”

“I’m afraid it doesn’t work that way, miss,” she told her sadly.

“Well let’s make it. I can tell you’re not happy about what they’re going to do to him. Help me give him a home. I want this dog. I will not accept his fate,” she implored with more strength than she thought she had.
Huh, guess the guys are wearing off on me,
she thought to herself.

Smiling slightly, the woman said to her, “I’ll see what I can do.” Going back in, she went over to the Humane Society worker and started talking animatedly to him about what she wanted. When he looked at the dog and then up at her, and the fact the dog hadn’t looked away from her, he nodded his head and handed the dog back to the pet store worker, and left through the back door.

Coming back out to Keeley with the dog in tow, she said, “Our vet is still here, let’s bring him in and do a few short tests to see if he is compatible with you and has no health problems, and then we’ll go from there, ok?”

Nodding her head, Keeley bent down and offered her hand to the dog, who at first was leery, but then he sniffed her hand and walked right into her body. Almost knocking her over, he nuzzled his nose into her neck before sitting down and sighing. Smiling at the worker she said, “I don’t care what it takes, he’s coming home with me today.”

Getting up they walked to the vets office, where she had a smile on her face. “Hello dear, I watched you both from the window, and I’d say you’re both perfect for each other. Let’s just get a few pesky tests out of the way, to be sure he’s going to be ok and has no diseases, and you can both be on your way.”

As the vet did her tests, she and the worker did some shopping for him, getting a bed, toys, food, treats, and anything else they could find that they thought he might need.

After they had taken everything out to her new SUV and were walking back in, the vet and her new dog were walking out. He immediately started to whine and walk to her. Bending down to grab his leash, she gave him a pat on the head and asked the vet, “Is he ok? Can I take him home now?”

“All is well dear. He’s about five years old, would be my guess, and all his tests came back negative. I gave him the vaccine’s he would need for the year. The only thing he’ll need now is a name,” she said smiling at her.

Shaking their hands she smiled and said, “Thank you so much for this, my boyfriends just left for the week and I really only came in to see the puppies, but this guy just called to me,” she told them. “I think I’ll call him Rowdy.” She smiled down at him as they walked out, and made their way to her vehicle.

Pulling up to their house a little over an hour later, after stopping to get herself dinner, she saw that Kennedy’s vehicle was in the driveway. “Well shoot, I hope she wasn’t waiting long,” she commented, looking at Rowdy who just tilted his head at her. Shutting the vehicle off and getting out, Keeley grabbed her bags and dinner, and opened the back door for Rowdy to jump down. Hearing Kennedy shut her door she turned around, only for Rowdy to stand in front of her protectively. Smiling, she patted his head and told him, “She’s family.” Seeing Rowdy relax had Keeley relaxing, too.

Seeing Kennedy’s shock at Rowdy had her worried, until she squealed out, “Oh my God, he’s freaking adorable!!” Running over she dropped down in front of him, about a foot away and held out her hand while cooing to him. When Rowdy looked to her she nodded, knowing that even though someone had abandoned him, he was going to be ok with her. He was a very smart boy. As he closed the gap to Kennedy, she admired his body. He was snow white in color with eyes nearly the same color as hers, crystal clear blue. She had to admit that’s what she liked most. He was a pretty healthy size and she hadn’t noticed any skittish tendencies in him, so that made her happy that wherever he was before they took good care of him, but it also made her wonder who could possibly abandon such a sweetheart.

Kennedy interrupted her thoughts when she asked, “What’s his name and where did you get him?”

Explaining how she came to find him and what the circumstances were, she started to worry that Nathaniel and Tyler wouldn’t accept him. “Do you think Tyler and Nathaniel will be angry with me? I never thought to ask them. I just acted on impulse, they were going to kill him, and I couldn’t let that happen.” Keeley worried.

“Oh please, you have those two wrapped around your little finger. Even if they hated dogs, which they don’t, they would still keep him. But seeing how protective he was when I got out, I’d say you have nothing to worry about. That alone will have him worming his way into their hearts,” she said smiling and laughing at Rowdy’s antics, as he roamed the yard sniffing and peeing on everything in sight, marking his territory.

Getting up and making their way to the porch swing, they watched Rowdy for a bit before Keeley asked why she was here.

“Oh, well, I knew they left and thought you might want some company. I should have called or texted first, but I was excited that we might have a girls’ night. But it’s getting late and we both have to work tomorrow, so maybe this weekend I’ll come over with some cheesy movies and we can veg out?” Kennedy asked her hopefully.

“Yes, I would love that. I’ll meet you here after work on Friday night?”

With a thumbs up, Kennedy said goodnight and made her way to her own car. Pulling out she honked her horn once and waved out the window.

Getting up, Keeley went to grab all of Rowdy’s stuff from her SUV. “Come on boy, you help.” She laughed holding out a bag for him, shocked when he grabbed it and trotted up the steps to the front door. She yelled, “Where’d ya learn that trick?” Locking the SUV she made her way to the steps. Unlocking the door, Rowdy bounded into the house, heading straight for the kitchen. Smiling at his cleverness, she dropped his bed and toys in the living room, before going to the kitchen and putting his dog food in the pantry. After filling his bowl with food and getting him some water, Keeley sat down at the breakfast bar with her dinner.

Cleaning up, she made her way up to their room. Missing Nathaniel and Tyler like crazy, she sent them each a quick text.

Miss you like crazy Nathaniel, hope you landed safely. Sweet dreams. Love, your Butterfly.

Missing your sweet dimples, please stay safe. Love you, Keeley.

Putting her phone down on the nightstand, she stripped and grabbed one of Tyler’s t-shirts. Slipping it on, it came to mid-thigh and could easily fit two of her in it. Laying down in bed after shutting the light off, she heard Rowdy drop down onto the floor. Laughing at how he sounded like he just collapsed, she whispered, “Night Rowdy”, before she fell into a fitful sleep.

Chapter 16

hen Friday rolled
around and Keeley still hadn’t heard from the guys, other than the text they sent her to say they got there safe and they loved her, she was trying not to worry, but it was hard. Having not spoken to them since they left on Tuesday was hard for her, but at least she had Rowdy for company, so she wasn’t isolated and alone when she wasn’t working.

As she was about to leave for lunch, her desk phone rang. Picking it up, she was surprised by the menacing voice on the other end. “Bitch, you and those hound dogs better leave my Emily alone. She’s mine and you need to back off!” He yelled the last part at her, before hanging up. Still in shock, she jumped when Dane and Coop walked by her office, laughing about something.

“You alright, kid?” Coop asked her.

Shaking her head and taking a deep breath, she prepared to tell them about the phone call. “I think Emily’s stalker just called.”

“WHAT!” They exploded at the same time, coming towards her. “Are you alright?” Dane asked. Nodding her head, she explained everything the man had said.

“Shit. When was the last time you spoke to Emily? I haven’t heard from her since our initial meeting, Wednesday morning,” Coop said.

“I talked to her yesterday and she was fine; spooked, but otherwise fine. Do you think she’s ok?”

“We’ll go check on her, see how she’s doing. Why don’t you call Kennedy and the two of you can start your girls’ night early,” Dane suggested. Nodding her head, she grabbed her stuff, while they went to their offices. Worried about Emily, Keeley sent her a quick text.

Everything ok?

Fine. Why, what’s wrong?

Nothing. Just wanted to check in. Call me if you need me. Or the guys.

Thanks, I will.

Hey, you should come to girls’ night tonight, I’m leaving now, I can swing by and pick you up. Cheesy movies and junk food! You know you wanna ;)

I don’t want to intrude.

You won’t. I’ll be there in 15! :D

Feeling better knowing Emily won’t be alone, she walked to Dane and Coop’s office. “Hey guys, I’m going to pick Emily up on my way home. She’s coming for girls’ night.”

“Is that a good idea? For all we know this guy has gone off his rocker and might try something.” Coop worried.

“It’s fine. I have Rowdy, and we’ll call if we get scared or something happens.

Sighing because they knew she wouldn’t give in, they both nodded their heads and told her to have fun. Saying goodbye, she sent a quick text to Kennedy telling her of the change in plans.


Pulling up to
Emily’s house, Keeley honked the horn twice and waited for her to come out. A couple minutes later, Emily was out the door and locking it. Running to Keeley’s SUV with a smile on her face, she jumped in and exclaimed, “Thank you so much for this. I’ve never had a girls’ night before. I’m really excited.” Her smile and laughter was infectious, and soon they were laughing like old friends.

“Kennedy will be meeting us at my house in a couple hours,” she told her, starting the drive back home. Pulling into the driveway, Keeley smiled when Rowdy jumped off the porch swing. She had tried to leave him inside every day, but he refused to go in when she left for work. He was one very stubborn dog. After that first morning, she thought she would come home to a missing dog, but as far as she knew he didn’t stray too far. He always sat on the porch when she left, and was on the swing when she came home. It gave her a sense of relief knowing he was here, protecting the house, when she and the guys couldn’t be.

Getting out she noticed Emily looked weary about him. Trying to comfort the other woman, she told her, “He’s a rescue. Very sweet though. I haven’t even heard him bark yet. He also seems to be quite the ladies man.” Smiling and laughing because he was now laying on the ground inching his way to Emily. whining, and with what she could only describe as a smile on his face. Stopping a foot away from Emily, Rowdy rolled over to his back, paws up, wanting her to rub his belly.

Relief washed through her when Emily walked closer and started to rub his belly. Laughing when he licked her hand, she looked to Keeley. “He’s just a big baby, isn’t he?” She cooed to him.

Shaking her head at Rowdy’s antics she made her way to the door, unlocking it and walking in, leaving it open for them. Going straight to her room to change into shorts and a tank top, she marveled at how much her life had changed in the last month. She had friends, two very protective pseudo big brothers, and she was in a relationship with two of the most handsome and devoted men she’d ever met. For the first time she could remember, she was happy and free. Her self-esteem was at an all-time high. She wouldn’t say she was over what happened in her life before meeting Nathaniel and Tyler, but she was confident that she would at least have a happy life, and be able to move forward.

Hearing Rowdy bounding up the stairs, she started to make her way towards him and head back down. Entering the kitchen, Emily was just sitting on a stool looking around in awe. “This is a very gorgeous kitchen, I bet you love cooking in here!”

“I will admit it’s one of my favorite rooms in the house.” Keeley told her, making her way to the fridge to pull out the platters she had made the previous evening, for tonight. When her phone dinged, she went back to the entryway to retrieve it from her purse. Looking at it she saw two texts from the guys. Opening the one from Nathaniel first, she smiled.

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