Keeper of the Golden Dragon's Heart (The Cedar River Series) (7 page)

BOOK: Keeper of the Golden Dragon's Heart (The Cedar River Series)
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I pulled the stake up as her dad tried to pry open the jaws of the trap. Nothing was working. Max was whispering to his daughter. He finally lifted her up, trap and all, to carry her out of the woods. There was no blood dripping from the wound because she was so cold. It seemed to take twice as long to get out as it did to find the girl, but when the lights of the Peterman cabin came into view, I was never so glad to see a night end. Angie had been watching for us. She ran out onto the porch to greet us.

“Get blankets, babe. We need to get her warm.” She darted back inside.

Max settled Mindy in the house as I sent Lance out to get a crowbar. Angie came back with stacks of blankets. She began to cover her daughter, then she saw the trap. She dropped to her knees, sobbing.

I lay my hand on her head, “Angie, she’s alive. We’re going to get this trap off her. Do you have bandages to put on her legs until she can shift and heal?” 

Angie nodded and rose to get the first aid supplies. Lance came in with the crowbar. He levered the crowbar into the trap. As he pulled the crowbar, Max and I pulled at it with our hands. The trap popped open. Max was able to remove his daughter’s leg and Angie wrapped it in soft, cotton bandages. I watched as Max pulled Mindy into his lap on the sofa. Angie covered them with blankets.

“We’re going to head out. I’ll be by tomorrow to check on you,” I told Angie as she walked us to the door.

She kissed each of us on the cheek before saying, “Thank you! I don’t know what it would have done to Max if you hadn’t found her. She is his whole world.”

I hugged her tight. Lance tipped his hat and we headed out into what was left of the night. I sent Lance home before I returned to the folks’. Even though I have a house in town, tonight felt like a night where I wanted to be tucked up under the same roof as my family.

My brothers were up playing video games when I got there. Mama and Papa were sound asleep.

“What are you doing here?” Colin asked as he blew up Brady’s guy.

“I was out this way and thought I’d spend the night here instead of going back to town.”

Callum asked, “You were out this way? Tonight? What kind of problem would bring you out this far?”

I dragged my hand through my hair as I leaned against the doorway. “A missing wolf pup. We found her, but it’s going to be touch and go for a few days until she can shift.”

Colin paused the game, “Poachers?”

“Until I can get back out there in the daylight, I don’t know. She had gone out for a run alone and got caught in a trap.”

Brady nodded, “I’ve been finding more and more traps in our woods. I pull them up and get rid of them when I can, but we have a problem up here.”

I sunk down into the couch cushions. “I know. We’re trying to get these guys, but I may have to call in the big boys on this one.” How I hated the idea of pulling in a state agency, but it may be the only option I had to save the people of my town.

Callum moved to sit with me on the sofa, “Heard Ana had a date tonight.”

Colin chimed in, “Yeah, with Lance Smythe.”

Brady sat back in his chair, watching me. “Yeah, I had to call Lance in to help on the search. It didn’t really break my heart to do it.”

“She’s going to find a man someday, Bowie,” Brady said softly.

“I know, but Lance? That just doesn’t sound like a good match. It’s like she doesn’t remember how cruel they were to her,” I said, hurt filling my voice.

“She remembers, but it sounds like she’s forgiven him.” Colin and Callum were now playing the game. “I just want her to be careful.” Brady and his damn knowing looks!

“Are you sure that’s all you want? I’ve noticed you watching her. Mama has noticed, too.” I buried my head in my hands, “Yeah, well, Annie doesn’t see me like that so there isn’t anything to worry about.” Brady just nodded slowly as he watched our baby brothers destroy ancient cities and each other on screen.





Chapter Thirteen- Ana


I awoke the next morning bright and early. The sun was coming in through my bedroom window and smacking me in the face. I moaned a little and attempted to bury my head under my pillow. I was almost back to sleep when the door across the hall closed. Callum was back from his morning run. Even in the snowiest of conditions that boy would run. Not me. Nope, no way, uh uh! Maybe it is the cat in me, but I prefer to curl up in a sunshine beam and sleep.

“C’mon, sleepy head,” he called out, pounding on my bedroom door. I pretended to be asleep, hoping he’d go away. I heard the shower come on in the bathroom so I lazily stretched and kicked the covers off. I checked my phone. There was a text message from Lance. It had come in very early this morning. It read: Hi Wolf pup found Sorry about date Dinner/movie 2morrow? It made me smile to think he thought enough of me to send me that before he went to bed. I replied: Good 2 hear No prob Set time/place. C U soon.

I pulled on my clothes. Today was all about comfort. My most comfortable sweats and Bowie’s old college sweatshirt that I had stolen from him before I’d left for college, a pair of slouchy socks and my Uggs would get me through a day of shopping. And I had a full day ahead of me. Colin was sitting at the table when I made it downstairs.

“Nice outfit,” he teased. “How did your date with loverboy go last night?”

I smiled at him as I poured myself a cup of coffee. “It went very well…until Bowie called him in to work.”

“Did he kiss you good night?” he teased.


He eyed me, “So are you going to give me the juicy details?”

“Nope because it’s none of your business.”

Bowie strolled into the kitchen, his dishwater blonde hair tousled, “Thank gods for that. Just what I want to hear over my morning coffee.”

“Geesh, Bo. Who pissed in your cornflakes?” Colin asked. I took my coffee and went back to my room. Bowie’s pissy attitude was more than I could take.

I borrowed Callum’s car so I could finish up my shopping. The mall was packed with shoppers. I had most of my shopping done, but I still wanted to get some small things for my family.

I was walking by this quaint gift shop when I saw something I had to buy for Mama. It was a fantastical charm bracelet. The interlocking chains were so dainty looking, and they had all sorts of charms to put on it. I chose four dragons and a cat to represent her boys and me. I picked a crown for her since she is the queen of the family, and a golden heart for love. On the bottom rack was this charm. It was the only one left in the bin. It was two dragons intertwined. I thought that it was beautiful. I would add that one for her and Papa. The guy at the counter put all the charms on exactly as I told him to and nestled it in a velvet box. I was so excited about this gift. Mama would love it. A stop at the cigar store for Papa and I was finished.

I hated shopping during the holidays. I was not a people person on my best day, but this was ridiculous. People had no manners when it came to the holidays. I picked out some cigars for Papa and was on my way out of the mall when I spotted a music store. They had a CD on display that I knew Bowie would love. He loved to feel his music when he listened to it. And this was one of his favorite bands.

That one cup of coffee at breakfast left me hungry, so I decided to eat at the food court before I left. I was almost to the car when my phone started ringing. I glanced at the display. It was Lance. “Hi,” I answered.

“Hey, how are you?” he asked. We made a little small talk.

“Can I pick you up around seven tomorrow night?”

I thought about it, “That sounds good to me.”

There was a small pause. “I’m really sorry about last night, Ana. I was really looking forward to spending some time getting to know you.”

I flushed a little. “Me, too. But I do understand how it works in your business.”

“I’ll talk to you later, Anastasia.”







Chapter Fourteen- Ana


Bowie called me the next morning. “Another date, Ana? Aren’t things getting a little serious between you and Lance?”

I blinked away the last bit of sleep, “Good morning, Bowie. How are you?”

Bowie growled. “I’m doing fine.” Another growl, then, “Can I just ask you a question? Why Lance Smythe? Can’t you find anyone else worth dating?”

I groaned loudly, “Gods, Bowie! Could you pick a new topic of conversation? We’ve been over this already. Lance and I went on one date, which
interrupted. Lance asked me out for another date. I said yes. We’re going to go to dinner and a movie. Besides, what difference does it make to you who I date?” Bowie hung up on me.

I was finishing up the wrapping of my family’s gifts when Lance called.

“Hey, gorgeous!”

I smiled, “Hey. How are you?”

He laughed, “Alive. Though I think Bowie would prefer it if I weren’t.”

It was my turn to laugh, “He got a hold of you, huh?”

“Actually they all did. I’ve been warned. ‘Hurt our Ana and we hurt you.’”

I groaned, “I’m sorry, Lance.”

“It’s alright.” 

When I hung up from him, I was good and pissed. Brady called me, but I refused to answer my phone. Then came calls from Bowie, Colin and Callum. When I didn’t answer those, they called in the big gun…Mama. 

“Baby girl? Is there a reason you aren’t answering your phone? The boys have called the house because they are worried. They say you don’t answer when they call.”

“I’m mad at them, Mama. They threatened Lance. We’re friends, Mama.”

Mama chuckled, “They love you, kitten, but I understand why you’re mad. We’ll let them stew for a while.” She sat down on my bed. “Tell me about Lance.”

I smiled, “You know Lance, Mama.”

“I know the boy who used to tease my girl. Tell me about the man who has gotten your attention.”

I talked to Mama about the conversations Lance and I had had on the phone. I told her about our one and only date.

She stood up to leave, “I will tell them I spoke to you, but that is it. Tell Lance I expect him to stay for dinner when he picks you up.”

“Thank you, Mama.”

I called Lance to tell him of Mama’s request. He was a little nervous about having dinner with all of the boys, but I reassured him it would be fine. I mean, how many of them would actually show up?

I had a hard time getting through the day. Dating was always fun, but to be dating someone who knew me and what set me apart from other girls was thrilling. And I got to do it in the one place where I didn’t have to hide what I was or what I believed. The place where they accepted me for who I am.

Lance knocked on the door at six on the dot.  I was finishing getting dressed when Papa called up the stairs to let me know Lance had arrived. I crossed my fingers and hoped the boys would all be working late tonight.

Papa had always said, “You can wish in one hand and shit in the other, then see which one fills up first.”

Poor Lance. I looked out my bedroom window to find the sheriff’s truck was sitting in the driveway. In front of that was Brady’s truck, then Callum’s car with Colin’s truck at the garage.

“Oh shit!” I flew down the stairs. Lance had pulled his truck up beside Bowie’s. When I reached the bottom step, poor Lance was standing in the living room, looking completely out of his comfort zone. The boys were all sitting there, watching him.

“Lance,” I called out. He smiled at me. I walked over to him and grabbed his shirt collar to kiss him. Lance relaxed into me and slid his hands around my waist. I held him tight. He held me tighter. His tongue dipped into my mouth as his hand gripped the hair at the back of my head. He groaned before pulling away from me.

“You’re trying to get me killed,” he whispered through clenched teeth.

“Nope, just letting them know that they can’t intimidate us,” I said.

Papa looked me over, “You look nice.”

I took Lance by the hand and led him into the kitchen.

“Don’t you look pretty tonight?” Mama said, hugging me to her. Then, she turned to hug Lance. “You look quite dashing tonight, too, deputy. You two are staying for dinner, aren’t you?”

Lance smiled broadly, “Of course, thank you.”

Across the kitchen stood the boys, glaring at Lance. I tightened my hold on his waist almost challenging them to start something. Colin started toward me with a look of apology in his brown eyes, but I shook my head at him. I was still pissed at them, thinking they could intimidate Lance that way. I let Lance have my seat next to Mama while I sat between him and Brady. Unfortunately, Lance had to sit across from Bowie, who kept glowering at us. Papa and Mama kept the conversation going through dinner. No sooner had we finished eating, Bowie got up to leave.

“Mama, dinner was wonderful as usual, but I’ve got to get back to work. I’m down a man tonight,” he added accusingly while glaring at Lance.

Lance just smiled and shook his head at the pettiness.

Bowie kissed Mama’s cheek, then walked back to where I was sitting and kissed the top of my head. “Have fun tonight, kitten.”

The other three followed close behind him. The sheriff and his posse.

After I helped Mama clean up the kitchen, Lance and I took off for the rest of our date.

We got into his truck and started toward town, “I think Bowie has feelings for you and I don’t mean the brotherly-type either,” Lance said.

I looked at him, dumbfounded. “What the hell are you talking about?”

Lance pulled the truck over and turned to face me, “I watched him during dinner and the looks he kept giving you didn’t have a brotherly feel to them. It was more like he was watching his lover rub his snout in the fact that she was seeing a new guy.”

I started laughing. “Oh, please!” I looked at him in disbelief.

Lance took my face in his ice cold hands and kissed me. I mean, really kissed me. His tongue danced lightly with mine. When he pulled back, he asked, “Does your cat like you kissing me?”

“She doesn’t mind it. But
like kissing you. The woman really likes kissing you.”

He pressed his lips to mine. “And I really like kissing you, but my dragon is a lot like your cat. He’ll tolerate it, but that’s as far as it goes.”

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