Keeping in Line (8 page)

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Authors: Courtney Brandt

Tags: #marching band band geek courtney brandt drum line high school

BOOK: Keeping in Line
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“I did.”

They walked in silence. Bronwyn gathered her courage and asked, “What changed your mind?”

“I wanted to mess with J.D. a little longer.”

“Oh.” Bronwyn tried her best to keep the disappointment out of her voice.

Drew continued, “And, I have to admit, I was a little curious what it would be like to go out with the cute drummer prodigy everyone keeps talking about.”

“Oh.” Bronwyn tried her best to keep the smile out of her voice.

“So, catch you later?”

“Sure,” Bronwyn managed to choke out.

Bronwyn watched Drew walk away and wasn’t sure what the next part in the equation was. From all the experiences and scenarios she had known, it was usually so much easier and direct. Boy likes girl, boy asks girl out, boy and girl go on date. Boy and girl become boyfriend and girlfriend. Her situation had completely deviated from the norm: girl has major crush on boy, girl asks boy to help with messed up scheme to get girl’s drumline to respect her, girl semi-asks out boy, boy appears to say no but then says yes? Bronwyn smiled, not exactly sure how everything added up to this point, but overall happy with the end results.

Ben was waiting for her in the percussion room, “Ready to go?”

Bronwyn carefully put Stewie the snare in his slot, “Yup.”

They walked out to the parking lot. Ben asked, “So what’s up with you and that drum major guy?”

Bronwyn looked at Ben as if he had just asked her how to play the bass clarinet, “What are you talking about?”

“I just noticed he was talking to you, that’s all.”

Bronwyn smiled to herself, it was true, guys were just as bad as girls when it came to all things gossip. She replied, “Nothing really, I guess.”

“Well, let me know if he does anything out of line, I got your back. I have to look out for my shotgun buddy, after all.”


To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]


Subject: Need help!



I am so freaking out here. So, I got myself into a weird situation, and now I’m more or less accidentally going out with Drew. On a date!!! At least I think we are – I’m not quite sure. I have no idea how to act or what to do. Help please!!


Awkwardly (turtle) yours,




To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]


Subject: Re: Need Help!



How do you ‘accidentally’ date someone? Okay, that’s weird. I know it’s been said a million times before, but just be YOURSELF. I’m guessing Drew has been on a date before, so let him take the lead and just relax. Also, if you have a cute dog to bring along, that usually helps break the ice.

Finally, although I think it’s fairly obvious, I have to ask, do you really like him? I want details as soon as this thing is over!!






To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]


Subject: Re: Re: Need help!



Sometimes it’s hard to just be myself, because most days I’m not really sure who that girl is…

And yes, I really do like him. That’s the problem…J.D. doesn’t like him.




At his house, while distracting himself from various college applications, Drew tried to come up with something creative for his one date with Bronwyn. No pressure there. He wasn’t exactly sure what he and Bronwyn were going to end up doing, but seeing her eyes light up like they did when he told her they were going out, he knew it would be worth it.

What in the hell have I gotten myself into?

Do you really mind that much going out with her?

No…but I still think that she planned this whole thing.

You really can’t buy into the fact that the girl just might actually like you?

She must be doing something to trick me; I’ve never felt this way about—

Hold up, were you about to admit that you might have feelings for her?

No…maybe, and anyway, it’s all over after this date. Then I go to J.D. and she gets acceptance from the Line and I go back to my regularly scheduled season.

Just keep telling yourself that.


To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]


Subject: Re: Re: Re: Need help!




So I was thinking it over and I don’t want you to make a mistake that I made. Please, please, tell me that you’ve told someone else about your crazy plans. Sometimes your friends can surprise you in amazing ways. I’ll bet you’ve got some people on your side…so go to those girls (or guys) and talk it out. You’ll be glad you did.




Bronwyn read Lucy’s words and realized she had been keeping this situation to herself for too long. When she had conceived the plan at band camp, she hadn’t actually believed it would get as far as it did. Maybe there was also a small part of her that thought everything would fall apart if she told someone. However, more than anything, she desperately needed some outside opinions. She immediately got on the phone with Megan and Meredith and planned some emergency girl time the following day.


* * *



CHAPTER SEVEN: Facing the Music


At Meredith’s house the next afternoon, Bronwyn looked at her friends and blurted, “I’m going on date with Drew!”

Her friends looked at her as if she had sprouted wings. Megan finally found her voice and asked, “As in the same guy you told us there was ‘nothing going on’ with?”

Bronwyn looked at the ground, and answered, “That’s the one.”

Meredith asked, “Wait, how? And more importantly, when did all this happen?”

Bronwyn took a deep breath, then rushed ahead, “Well, see, it was around band camp when I decided I needed a scheme to get my section to like me.”

Megan and Meredith exchanged a look. Meredith exclaimed, “Band camp?! And you’re just telling us now? Bronwyn Margaret Flueger, just what in the hell has gotten into you?”

Bronwyn didn’t have a good response for that. Instead, she twisted her hair nervously and replied, “I didn’t want to get you two involved because I never thought things would get this far.”

Megan, a bit more calmly, answered, “Uh, earth to Bronwyn? I think there’s something bigger that you’re missing here – they do like you.”

Bronwyn shook her head and asked, “You girls were at band camp, right? I wasn’t feeling a lot of love then.”

Megan said, “It may have been weird then, but now, I get the feeling it’s different somehow. Maybe you’re just not seeing it.”

Knowing of J.D.’s ‘secret’ bet with Drew, Bronwyn brushed the comment off and said, “I guess not. What I do know is that J.D. will think I’m awesome for turning down Drew, and everyone will like me!”

Meredith and Megan exchanged another doubtful look. This time Megan said, “Do you really think that will work?”

Bronwyn tried to keep the despair out of her voice, “It has to!”

The girls were quiet for a moment, torn between wanting to help their friend, and needing to show her that what she was feeling was mostly in her head. Finally, Meredith tried to lighten the situation by asking, “And you’re sure there were no ulterior motives?”

Bronwyn, unable to look at her friends, turned her head and answered, “You girls don’t know what it’s like to be in my section. Sure, on the surface it looks great…lots of cute guys and we get to make lots of loud noises and I’m never happier than when I’m drumming, but honestly, it’s been pretty lonely. I really want this season to be one I look back on and remember. I’m so sick of being on the outside!”

Bronwyn didn’t realize how much the emotions had actually been building up and was surprised to find tears in her eyes. Megan rubbed Bronwyn’s shoulder sympathetically and said, “Are you sure it wouldn’t have been best if you had just told them how you feel?”

Bronwyn laughed bitterly, “Yeah right. There’s no crying in drumline.”

Meredith smiled, “You don’t have to cry about it. Maybe just slip a comment in here or there.”

Bronwyn said darkly, “Just so it can get back to Tony that I want to be ‘popular’ in my section? I don’t think so.”

Megan forced a smile on her face, “I guess you know best then.”

After a moment, Meredith added sarcastically, “And if you think going out with the drum major is the best way…well, then good for you.”

Bronwyn gave them a watery smile, “Thanks for understanding, girls.”


The trio got to the band room early that night. Bronwyn told Meredith and Megan she would see them at halftime and headed towards the percussion room, passing Drew on the way. He was talking to one of his senior friends, but stopped and said, “Hey, look for me after the game?”

Bronwyn nodded shyly, “Okay.”

In a bit of a daze, she collected Stewie and walked out to where the band gathered to march down to the field. Henry was waiting patiently outside. Strangely enough, Bronwyn had never really talked to him alone before. He was the definition of intimidating. His abilities were some Bronwyn could only dream of having. Taking a quick look around, the redhead decided this would be a good opportunity to strike up a conversation.

“Um, hey, Henry?”

“What’s up, Bronwyn?”

“Not much.”

They stood for a moment, watching the rest of the band file out to the parking lot. Henry smiled in her direction and said, “If J.D. doesn’t tell you enough, you’re doing an awesome job.”

“Really?” Bronwyn rarely heard this kind of compliment from her Instructor.

“Yup, you’re actually one of the strongest players in the section. So, don’t stress about those guys, they’ll come around eventually.”

Bronwyn looked at him skeptically and asked, “You think?”

“It’s going to take a little more maturity on their part, but just wait, I think by November you’ll be surprised.”

Henry peeled off a lick on Bronwyn’s snare, which she automatically repeated back to him. She scuffed her black Drillmaster on the ground and said, “Henry?”


“Thanks for treating me like everyone else.”


Bronwyn marched down to the game feeling a lot better about her life. If Henry thought she was one of the strongest players in the section, well, nothing else really mattered. Her spirits were further lifted by the evening itself – the weather was quite warm, there was plenty of goofing around in the stands, and while the show still had a way to go, as a whole it was the best version marched yet. Bronwyn almost managed to forget that she was supposed to talk to Drew after the game.


Back in the percussion room, the redhead was busy peeling off her sweaty uniform when she felt a tap on her shoulder, “Bronwyn?”

She turned around to meet Drew’s sky blue eyes, and was completely embarrassed that he had caught her undressing. Bronwyn was glad she had decided to skip out on wearing the usual band t-shirt and khaki shorts this evening, optioning for her favorite black tank top and a comfy pair of grey terrycloth shorts instead.


“Ready to go?”

The drummers in the room were only a little less shocked at having the drum major in their room this week. Bronwyn couldn’t keep quiet for very long as they walked out. She asked, “Where are we going?”

“Can’t tell you.”

“Can’t tell me, or won’t tell me?”


Bronwyn giggled, “That’s not an answer.”

The sophomore used Drew’s cell phone on the way out to his car to call her parents and tell them she was “going out with friends and that she would be home before her curfew.” Bronwyn had done her best to whisper the conversation so that Drew wouldn’t overhear her, but obviously had not succeeded.

“Just friends, huh?”

Bronwyn was glad it was dark out because she turned as red as her hair, “Whatever. Am I dressed for wherever we’re going?”

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