Read Keeping Katie Online

Authors: Angela Castle

Keeping Katie (12 page)

BOOK: Keeping Katie
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"See you later tonight." With that, Jack walked down the hall. Jordan heard the door open and close. He hoped now that they had Katie, Jack would finally start to open up more.

~ * ~

Penny Myers was grinning as her approving gaze swept over Jack. Allen Myers glared at him like an over protective father, making him feel like a petulant youth on his first date.

"Lawyer, huh?"

"Yes sir, work with Henson and Henson downtown."

"Isn't that the place you work, Pen?" Allen glanced at his grinning wife.

"Yes, dear. Jack, I trust you'll take good care of our Katie. She's very special to us, especially considering all she's been through in her life." Jack was about to question Penny Myers more on the subject of what Katie had been through when Penny's gaze moved up the stairs. A proud smile lit over her mature face. Jack's gaze followed hers. His jaw dropped. All the blood from his brain and every other part of his body went strait into his cock.

He was screwed.

A ruby red dress clung to Katie's every lush round curve. The sleeves were light chiffon just covering the scars on her right arm. Black stockings highlighted the beautiful long legs, her feet were encased in one inch heels as she carefully navigated the stairs.

A smile lit her beautiful face; those red lips he loved to kiss were accentuated with the same colour lipstick as her dress. Black mascara highlighted her naturally long eyelashes. Her hair shone in a halo of golden curls.

Jack was torn between wanting to yell at her to go back upstairs and put her jeans and T-shirts back on, or possessively displaying her to the whole of London, showing them that no one could ever or would ever touch his beauty. Damn, she was so fucking sexy. She reached his side and looked up at him as if waiting for his approval.

Penny leaned over.

"You can close your mouth now dear."

Jack regained his senses long enough to find his voice. "You are breath-taking, Katie." How could one woman addle his brain so much? Katie beamed at him. There was no way in hell he was bringing her back here tonight.

"Thank you, Jack."

Jack regained his wits and offered his arm to Katie.

"Good evening to you, Mrs. Myers, Mr. Myers," he acknowledged them both before guiding his beauty queen out of their home.

Jack opened the car door for her; she flashed him a sexy grin before getting into the seat. Jack jogged around to the driver's side. Once inside Jack couldn't resist any longer.

"You really know how to drive a man out of his mind, don't you kitten." He reached across, slipping his arm around her waist. Katie blinked at him innocently. He pulled her across his lap to take her mouth in a hungry kiss.

"I thought that was supposed to happen after the date?" she said in a soft husky tone which told him she was just as aroused as he was.

"You're just too irresistible." Katie shoved at his chest, squirming on his dick and making him groan.

"Oh no, you promised me a date and I want one. Dinner, dancing, the works."

Mischief danced in her blue depths. He set her back in her seat.

"As you wish, kitten. I just hope I don't get arrested in the state you've put me in, and don't blame me if I shoot off anyone's head who even looks at you because, damn kitten, I know they're going to look." She gave an adorable snort.

"The date was your idea, so if you don't want to go through with it I'm sure I could find..."

Jack growled, no way in hell. "Don't even think it. You're ours now." Maybe Jack was getting a bit too heavy handed and possessive. Despite the worried expression he saw flicker across her face, Jack saw a little shiver of excitement run through her. If it was a date she wanted, she'd get the best darn date of her life. Jack pulled away, buckled his seat belt and started the car.

~* ~

Katie was trying her hardest to relax, but the hungry looks Jack kept giving her across the table kept her on edge. Her new lingerie was already soaked through, and her nipples strained against the black lace bra under her dress. Jack continued his seductive onslaught with every smile, every flirtatious comment, and every caress of his hand.

"Relax, kitten, you look like Little Red Riding Hood about to bolt at the sight of the big bad wolf." He grinned wolfishly.

"Well, stop being the big bad wolf," she shot back. Jack chuckled.

"All the better to eat you my dear and I know just how good you taste." She felt the heat flush her cheeks.

"I think you can drop the seducing act, Jack. You already know I'm pretty much a sure thing when it comes to you and Jordan."

"Yes, but for how long?"

She blinked, giving him a blank stare. She hadn't thought passed having fun with Jack and Jordan. Jack leaned forward, picking up on her hesitation to answer. "What are you looking for, Katie? What is it you want in your life? What is it you want to do?"

No one had ever asked her such questions before. So far she'd been nothing but a victim of circumstance. What she knew so far is what she didn't want. She didn't want to live with the constant nightmares. She didn't want to be tied down or be the victim. Perhaps the better question was what did Jack and Jordan want from her?

Words like 'our' 'mine' and 'belong' made her uncomfortable, especially in reference to her.

Despite the rapid physical and emotion attraction, Katie had a growing suspicion they wanted more than just a casual sex partner. She took a swallow of wine, recalling Jordan's words "
We have been looking for that special woman who will
accept and love us both for who and what we are."

"You don't have to worry, Jack. I'm not looking for a happily ever after. I just want to enjoy myself, nothing more." She couldn't look Jack in the eye. It was becoming more and more a struggle to stay emotionally detached; she realized she could be in serious danger of falling for these two men.

"Nothing more?" He echoed her words like he didn't quite believe her. "Very well, if it's fun you want then fun we can give you. Just promise me one thing, Katie."

Katie frowned. She had learned when Jack called her by her first name he was being serious.

"What's that?"

"That you don't seek sexual fun outside of our company."

"Why would I promise that?" Not that she wanted to. Deep down she felt she could never feel as satisfied as she had with these two men.

"First off, you have only sampled a few of the pleasures we can bring you. Secondly, we are both safe and for the most part reasonably sane. If it's fun and experience you want, then you need not look any further, and at the end of the day we look out for each other. You have our friendship and trust."

The last part of Jack's argument seemed to clench it for Katie; she wanted friends and needed to trust someone. She already felt she could put her trust in Jordan, but Jack seemed a different matter.

"And can I trust you Jack?"

He looked her in the eye. "I think you and I have more in common than you think. We both have a past we would rather forget." Jack was very sharp on the uptake. With his astute mind, she understood why he was a lawyer. But now she was more curious about Jack's referral to his past. It obviously had not been pleasant either.

Katie studied the man in front of her. It seemed he was trying to figure her out, just as she was him. A small smile turned up the corner of her lips.

"Alright, you've convinced me. I'll stick around for a while. But if you start getting all clingy, then I'm calling it quits."

Jack laughed loudly, drawing a few heads in the restaurant. "You'd be slaying them dead if you were born a man, kitten. For one I'm grateful that you weren't." He raised his glass to her. "Here's to friends and fun."

She tipped her glass in acknowledgment. There was more going on behind those handsome dark eyes of Jack's, but Katie was determined not to let that worry her now. She finally relaxed and enjoyed Jack's company.

Chapter Thirteen

Jordan balanced a giggling, intoxicated Katie on his shoulder as Jack opened the door.

"You weren't meant to get her drunk, Jack. How are we supposed to take advantage of her now?"

"Oh, very easily, my friend."

"How about I take advantage of you two," giggled Katie, as Jordan carried her down the hall. "Mmmmm, you have a fine ass." Jordan felt her hands down his back, tugging at his shirt.

"Shush you." He tapped her bottom. "She'll still be tender from last night." Jordan warned. He glanced over at Jack who was removing his jacket and tie. "I'll put her in my room for the night."

"But I wanna sexy sex weeed sexys mans."

"She knows what she wants," Jack said with a sly grin.

"Am I seeing double or are there two of you?" Katie broke out in another fit of giggles at her joke.

"She's drunk, and won't retain anything we do tonight. You really want that?" Jordan asked. He could now see Jack regretting the action of allowing her to drink too much.

Jack shrugged before sighing in resignation.

"Fine, tuck the princess into bed. We'll have all Sunday to explore things with our little sex kitten." Jordan smiled. He was looking forward to it as well, but tonight was all about hard male bodies instead of Katie's feminine softness.

"Oooh not faaair," wailed Katie as Jordan took her further down the hall. Jordan pushed open the door of his room.

"All for the best sweetheart; we need to take care of you." He hoisted her off his shoulder, depositing her on the middle of his bed. Jordan hadn't used his bed in a while. He spent most of his nights in Jack's room, as it was bigger, had the en suite and it had Jack. Katie looked up at him, her lush red lips in a pout, her blue eyes beguiling.

When he had first seen her in that dress, Jordan had been knocked for six. Never had she looked so sexy apart from when she was naked. He didn't want to hang around the club after noticing a few other men eyeing her off. Both he and Jack had kept a close vigil, dancing with her when she wanted to dance, and Jack had kept her glass full. When she started swaying on her feet getting giggly and flirty, they had decided to call it a night. They had to practically drag a protesting Katie out of the club. She claimed she wanted to dance all night long.

She climbed to her knees, trying to reach for him, only managing to stumble forward.

He caught her by her arms.

"Easy, sweetheart, let's get you out of that dress."

"Ohh, now yourrr talking." She giggled again as she grabbed at the hem of her dress, pulling it up and over her head, but it got stuck over her head and arms. "Hey, who turned out da lights?"

What little blood Jordan had left dropped into his lower region when he saw the sexier than hell little black lace bra, barely there panties, garter and stockings.

Jordan groaned at the look of the creamy flesh against the black. It took every ounce of self-control to keep himself from ripping everything off and screwing her till they both couldn't walk. Silently he helped tug off her dress. He squatted by the side of the bed, pulling off her shoes. He swallowed hard as he unhooked her stockings and rolled them down her silky smooth legs.

"Jordan?" He looked up into her pleading blue eyes. "Kiss me. I need you so much.

Don't leave me." Jordan lost any semblance of control. He rose up to take Katie's lips pushing her back on to the bed, the force of his love for her overwhelming.

"I need you too. I love you sweetheart." Jordan pulled back to take off his shirt. When he turned back, Katie's eyes were closed, her breathing steady. Jordan shook his head but smiled. Yanking back the covers, he quickly stripped off her other clothes and tucked her into bed. Laying a soft kiss on her lips Jordan switched off the light leaving her to sleep, peeling off his own clothes as he marched back down the hall.

At least there was someone in this house he loved that wouldn't fall asleep after one kiss. Jack was sitting in bed naked with his arms behind his head.

"Our little kitten?" Jack raised a dark eyebrow at the heated look in Jordan's gaze.


Jordan kicked off his shoes. There was no need for words as Jordan climbed on to the bed right over Jack, kissing him hard and hungrily, their tongues tangling. He needed Jack right now. Jack's hand slipped around his neck, pulling him in deeper, sliding his hands over the defined hardness of Jack's torso, discovering anew the soft flesh beneath the firm body that Jordan love so well. Jack reciprocated, his hands exploring, touching, and caressing Jordan's burning flesh.

Jordan pushed Jack's legs apart with his knees as he ran open mouth kisses down his throat and across his chest to one nipple, pausing briefly to lick at it. His other hand glided across his lower abdomen to the heat of Jack's desire. Jordan wrapped his right hand around the base of Jack's long cock. Jack let out a guttural moan as he gripped tighter before sliding it up to the tip, pushing it up towards Jacks chest as his mouth focused on his nipple. He pumped it several times before his greedy mouth settled over the tip licking around the head and loving the intoxicating flavour of his musky arousal.

Lowering his head, Jordan took the whole length of Jack's cock down to the back of his throat. Jack threw his head back, his hips jerking off the mattress as Jordan sucked and swallowed him against his throat numerous times. Jack's hands were in his hair, encouraging him with deep grunts and moans. Jordan pulled back to take a deep breath, shifting his mouth lower and sucking one ball into his mouth. Jordan's hands reached beneath Jack's arse cheeks spreading them as his tongue snaked towards the tight entrance.

"Oh god, fuck." Jack tensed a split second before relaxing as Jordan's wet tongue slipped into his hole. He tongue fucked him, getting him wet, loving the throaty rasps and moans that came from Jack's throat, all the while keeping a tight clasp on Jack's cock with this other hand. Jordan couldn't bear it any longer. Pulling away, he rose up over Jack, reaching for the lube on the nightstand and flicking off the cap to drizzle it down over Jack's hole. Jordan slid his finger over his hole, working two fingers in to make sure he was coated and read to take him. Placing the tip of his cock at Jack's anus, Jordan looked him directly in the eyes.

BOOK: Keeping Katie
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