Kelly's Koffee Shop (A Cedar Bay Cozy Mystey Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: Kelly's Koffee Shop (A Cedar Bay Cozy Mystey Book 1)
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When they got to her
minivan, Jeff opened the door for her and asked, “Do you know if she left a
note? Could it have been suicide? Do you really think she was murdered? Had she
said anything recently about the ranch?”

“Not to my knowledge. I’m
sure Mike will discover things, but I’ve told you everything I know as of this
moment. Again, I’m sorry. Death is hard for anyone to accept, particularly when
you’re eighteen and you think you’re invincible. I feel so sorry for Brandon.”

“Yeah, this is not going
to be easy. I’ll wait to hear from Mike. Thanks for driving out here and
telling us.”

Something about the
conversation with Jeff niggled at Kelly as she drove home.
Why would he want
to know if Amber had said anything about the Black’s ranch? Did Amber know
something about it? That’s really a strange thing for him to say.

When she got home, she
remembered she needed to call Roxie and ask her to come in a few minutes early
the next morning to help her open up the coffee shop. She also made a mental
note that she needed to hire someone to replace Amber.




Early the next morning, after a long
night of tossing and turning, Kelly sleepily rolled out of bed and turned off
the alarm clock before it began its shrill ring. Her cell phone rang a moment
later. She looked at the screen and saw it was Mike.

“Good morning, Mike.
Waited for you to call and then decided I had to get some sleep. What happened
last night? Did you find out anything?”

“Sorry. By the time I
finished, it was too late to call. It looks like Amber was murdered. Her body
was tied to a burlap bag filled with heavy weights like the kind people use
when they’re working out at home or at the gym. From what Dr. Amherst found in
his preliminary investigation, the cause of the death was drowning. She had a
large contusion on her head, so he thinks she was hit with some type of blunt
instrument and was unconscious when she went into the water.”

“Oh, Mike, that’s
horrible. Why would anyone want to kill her? I feel so sorry for Ginger and
Bob. Anything else?”

“Not really. I talked to a
lot of people, but no one knows anything about it. Dr. Amherst said he thinks
she was probably murdered early yesterday morning and that would fit in with
what Ginger told you about her leaving home early. I just can’t come up with a
motive. From what I know about Amber, everyone liked her. She was popular, the
head cheerleader, homecoming queen, and an outstanding student. I never heard
anything negative about her. Do you know of anything?”

“No, I’ve never heard a
bad word about her. Other than what I told you about Madison, I don’t think she
had an enemy in the world. After I left Ginger and Bob last night, I called a
few people, then I went out to the Black’s ranch to tell Brandon. I decided
that wasn’t the kind of news he needed to get over the phone.”

“I’m glad you did. How did
he take it? Hate to say this, but he could be a person of interest in the case.
I’m going out to the ranch first thing today to talk to him.”

“Mike, I can’t believe
Brandon had anything to do with such a terrible crime. He was clearly
devastated. Say whatever else you will about Marcy and Jeff, but they were
really there for him. Poor kid. What a wake-up call to the real world.”

“Well, you better dress
and get ready to open the coffee shop. We both know half the people who live in
Cedar Bay will probably come to the coffee shop this morning, hoping to hear a
fresh tidbit of gossip.”

“Wait a second, Mike.
Something about the conversation I had with Brandon’s dad bothers me. He asked
me if Amber left a note or said anything to anyone recently about the ranch.
What do you think that was all about?”

He was quiet for a moment.
“Well, you know I’ve always been suspicious of what the main money-making
business of the ranch is, but I can’t believe Jeff would be involved in
something like this. It’s pretty clear from Marcy’s jewelry and how she dresses
that she likes the good life, but I just don’t see him doing something that
would hurt Brandon. Then again, you never know. Money’s a powerful motive for a
lot of things. I should know more later on today.

“The county coroner’s a
good friend of mine and he agreed to perform an autopsy on Amber this
afternoon. Usually it takes the coroner’s office days, if not weeks, to file an
autopsy report. Think my friendship with him helped speed up the process. I’ll
let you know if I find out anything. See you later.”

Kelly and Roxie arrived at
the coffee shop at the same time. “Roxie, get the coffee going and put a couple
of those breakfast casseroles in the ovens once they warm up. I have a feeling
we’re going to be jammed today. Matter of fact, think I’ll bake a couple of
batches of bacon chocolate chip cookies. Most people can’t resist chocolate or
bacon. Might help to keep the hungry locals at bay. I know it will help calm me
down. I’m so sad about this whole thing, it’s all I can do to keep from
crying,” Kelly said, chewing on her lower lip.

The morning flew by as
Roxie and Kelly struggled to keep up with the orders. Charlie, the short order
cook, never even had a chance to step out for his morning cigarette. He cooked
one order after another as Kelly and Roxie brought them to him. It seemed like
everyone in the small town stopped by Kelly’s Koffee Shop that morning, hoping
to get a fresh crumb of gossip. Kelly called Ginger about 11:00. Her sister
answered the phone.

“I’m just calling to see
how Ginger and Bob are doing. I haven’t heard anything more and was wondering
if you knew something.”

“No. None of us slept last
night. Both Ginger and Bob are in shock. I’m going to stay with them for a
couple of days. Father Brown’s coming by this afternoon to help them make
arrangements for the funeral. Ginger remembered that Amber used to keep a
diary, but she couldn’t find it. She hoped maybe there was something in it that
would give us a clue as to why this happened. She doesn’t remember Amber
mentioning it lately and thinks Amber may have outgrown it and thrown it away.
The three of us searched her room for something that might help us figure this
out, but we couldn’t find anything.”

“Well, tell them I called
and I’m thinking of them. Also tell them the coffee shop has been jammed with
people concerned about them and talking about the tragedy. I just want them to
know they’re very much loved by everyone in this town. It won’t take away the
pain they’re going through, but maybe it will help a little.”

“Thanks, Kelly. I’ll give
them the message.”

Kelly felt a tap on her
shoulder and turned around.  It was Doc.

“Is it true what
everyone’s saying – that Amber was murdered? I don’t have a television out at
the ranch and I just heard about it when I walked in. What do you know about
it? I really liked that young woman. Always thought she had a bright future.
She and I talked a few times. You know I was a doctor before I retired and I
saw a lot of people over the years – good and bad – she was a good one.”

“Yes, I agree. She was a
good one.” She told him the limited information she knew.

When he finished eating,
he walked over to the cash register where Kelly was standing. “Kelly, I don’t
give my phone number out very often, but I’d appreciate it if you’d give me a
call when you hear something. Don’t know if there’s anything I can do, but if I
can, I’d be happy to help.”

“Thanks, Doc. I’ll call
you if I hear anything,” she said, slipping the piece of paper into her pocket.
She watched him as he got in his old battered grey pickup, thinking that was
very strange. He’d been coming to Kelly’s Koffee Shop for three years and had
never become close to anyone, and as far as Kelly knew, he had no friends in
the town at all, yet he mentioned he’d talked to Amber several times.

Now what could that be all
about? I wonder how he and Amber became friends. What could they possibly have
in common? An old grizzled guy trying to live off the grid and a bright young
schoolgirl with the rest of her life ahead of her. It makes no sense at all and
it’s just too strange. I better tell Mike about it.

As Kelly was walking into
the kitchen with another order for Charlie, Roxie motioned to her from the
storeroom. “Kelly, I’m sorry,” she whispered, “but would you serve this to
Chief Many Trees? I swear, that Indian is the surliest, nastiest person who
comes in here. Usually I can take his son Charlie talking about their sacred
tribal grounds while he’s cooking the short orders back in the kitchen, but today
I’m having a real problem with both of them. I know it’s me, but I just can’t
deal with the Chief right now. This may be the hardest I’ve ever worked.
Anyway, you’re much more tolerant than I am. Here’s his order.”

Kelly walked through the
swinging kitchen doors with the Chief’s order of ham, scrambled eggs, and
toast. “Good morning, Chief. Saw your order when I went back to the kitchen and
didn’t want you to wait. As you can see, we’re pretty busy this morning.”

She set the plate in front
of the large Indian who wore his long black hair tied at the back of his neck.
Every time she saw the chief, he always had on a large turquoise ring, a
turquoise link bracelet set in silver, and a bolo tie with silver points. This
morning was no exception.

“Hope it didn’t get cold.
There’s no excuse for cold food, even if you are busy. What’s the occasion?” he
asked, taking a bite of the eggs.

“It’s a sad occasion,
Chief. Looks like Amber Cook was murdered. Her body was discovered last night.
She drowned.”

He paused and looked up at
Kelly. “Isn’t she the cheerleader that goes with Jeff Black’s kid?”

“Yes. She goes with him or
I should say, did go with him. Why do you ask?”

“Oh it’s probably nothing.
I remember hearing something about Black being interested in building some
fancy spa near our reservation. His ranch is immediately adjacent to our tribal
land and we sure don’t want some fancy Las Vegas style hotel and spa that close
to it. I’m sure it was just a rumor. Sorry to hear about her.”

“Chief, I’ve got to go.
I’d love to stay and talk to you, but I don’t want the other diners to have
cold food. See you.”

When the lunch hour ended
and everyone had finally cleared out of the coffee shop
Roxie and Kelly
made the final preparations for the next day. The coffee was ready, sweet rolls
on cookie sheets were resting in the refrigerator and the overnight casseroles
that were such a hit had been made and were ready to be baked the following
morning. Kelly had just unplugged the “Open” sign and was getting ready to lock
up when the front door opened.

She looked up and was
surprised to see Madison standing there. “Madison, come in. I can’t give you
anything to eat. It’s all been put away, but is there something else I can do
for you?”

“Yes,” she said stepping
hesitantly into the room. “I heard about Amber and know she worked for you
before and after school. I thought you might be lookin’ to hire someone else
and I need a job. I’d like to go to cosmetology school in the fall, but Dad
says we don’t have no money for that. He told me I had to get a job when I
graduated from high school and help him with the money. He used to make out
okay from fishin’, but with all the recent weather changes, he’s not catchin’
much these days. Only thing he’s caught lately was Amber.”

“He’s the one who brought
her up on shore?  I didn’t know that. I knew a fisherman had found her, but I
didn’t know it was your dad. I’m sorry. That must have been horrible for him.”

“It might have been for
him, but not for me. She wasn’t a friend of mine. Matter of fact she took my
boyfriend away. She beat me out of bein’ head cheerleader and then she got the
votes to be homecomin’ queen. No we weren’t close at all. Anyway, the sheriff
questioned Dad until late last night, but he don’t know nuthin’. He was just
fishin’ in the bay, like he usually does at dusk, when he snagged her. It was
getting dark and his boat ain’t as seaworthy as it once was, so he shore fishes
when it gets dark. Scared him pretty bad.”

“Madison, if I hire you,
you’d have to be here at 6:00 in the morning. Since you’re still in school, you
can leave at 7:30 and I’d want you back here when your classes end just before
noon. After you graduate, I could use you full time. Summer’s always busy with
the tourists. I know minimum wage pay isn’t much, but that’s all I can afford
right now. At least you’ll get some experience. Are you interested?”

“Yeah. When do you want me
to start?”

“How about day after
tomorrow? I expect tomorrow morning will be just like it was today, everyone
trying to find out what’s happening and coming in here to talk and gossip. I
won’t have time tomorrow to explain the job to you, so let’s hope it calms down
day after tomorrow. Can you do that?”

“Yes, Mrs. Conner. I’ll be
here at 6:00 a.m. day after tomorrow. Should I wear something special?”

“No. For now you can just
wear one of our aprons over your school clothes. When you start working full
time, I’ll get you a waitress uniform like Roxie wears. See you then.”

She closed the door and
turned to Roxie. “Well, at least we’ll have some help. I guess she and Amber
weren’t the best of friends, but the way it looks, her life’s already at a dead
end. I feel sorry for her. Strange that her father would be the one to discover

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