Kennedy In Denver (In Denver Series Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Kennedy In Denver (In Denver Series Book 1)
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Pulling up to the air hanger, I had a million things to say to Dr. Franklin, but I couldn’t find the words.

“Kennedy, the keys and the gate code as well as the alarm code are in this envelope. Mrs. Asher is our house manager. She will take care of anything you need. Please call me if you need anything at all.”

I know it was probably against a million rules, but I turned and hugged him. “Thank you, Patrick. Thank you for helping me get well and for helping me start over.”

“Good luck, Kennedy.” He turned and got in his car. I got on a plane and said so long to the Old Kennedy.

Chapter 5

I have been in Denver for two months, when I stop for a chai tea and a muffin at my new favorite bakery, The Mad Batter. It’s Alice and Wonderland themed bakery and tea shop. The owner, Francine Lassiter, who went by Frankie, makes some of the best muffins I have ever had. She also looks exactly like a real life Alice.

I noticed a five-story Victorian building across the street. It looks sad and lonely. It was the building the street had forgotten, with its ornate but neglected exterior. It was massive with its gabled peaks, rounded windows, and a massive stone staircase in front of the grand six-door entrance

“Hi, Frankie. I have a question. Do you know who owns the empty building across the street? There isn't any sign that it's for sale or lease," I say.

Frankie replies, “The Kerrigan Family owns everything in this area, and that building used to be some kind of theatre. It's a historical building so there are all these rules that have to be followed.” She looks at the building across the street “According to Mae, next door, that building has been empty at least seventy-five years.”

“Do you know how to get ahold of them?” I ask.

“I have Shamus Kerrigan’s business card upstairs. If you watch the front, I will run up and get it for you.”

Frankie came back down and handed me the business card.

“Is there a Mrs. Kerrigan I can deal with? I’m not really comfortable with strange men around me.”

Frankie looked pensive before answering

“The Kerrigan’s are good people fair and compassionate. When I first moved to Denver, my husband had just died in Afghanistan, and Sebastian was only six months old. The only money I had is what I received from Bennett's death benefits and a small life insurance policy. I was trying to find a business and a home with less than two hundred thousand dollars. Shamus Kerrigan worked some kind of magic, so he could get this building rezoned. He remodeled the two floors above the bakery into an amazing three -bedroom apartment and sold me the bakery and apartment for a third of what it was worth. When I asked him why he said his wife liked muffins, and lemon poppy seed were her favorite.”

I walked across the street and looked through the windows. I had a sudden feeling of peace. I felt the hairs stand up on the back of neck and heard a whisper "
Music Conservatory."
 I could see everything take shape in my imagination.

The fifth floor would be office space for the teachers and myself, and the fourth floor would house music rooms. I needed to find teachers to teach the various instruments. The third floor would house a state-of-the-art, multi-million dollar recording studio. Half of the second floor would be a perfect lounge for students, and the other half would be used as classroom space for group theatre classes.

Looking through the window, I see a beautiful ornate lobby with a long counter that spans half the room; it's tall and raised. I'm assuming it's a ticket counter of some sort. I see two sets of massive carved wooden doors that lead into banquet halls. The wallpaper is discolored and peeling. There are massive drop crystal chandeliers. On the other side are three more sets of doors that match the banquet hall doors.

Catching movement out the corner of my eye I stifle a scream as I see Emma, Whitney, and Pilar standing in their cap and gowns giving each other high fives. I ran down the steps. I need to call Dr. Franklin—I'm starting to have hallucinations.
Holy Shit!
Maybe I really am crazy! I go back up the stairs and look in the window, but nothing is there. It was just my imagination. I know this is what my friends would want; it's just my mind playing tricks on me. I'm okay. I realized that this was my new dream. I could use my teaching skills and love of music to open a business. No one could fire me or take this away—it was mine. After calling the number on the card, I was scheduled to meet the owner of the property at 10 a.m. tomorrow.

Walking into Kerrigan Realty and Development, my stomach is in knots. I had a meeting with Easton Kerrigan, Shamus retired last year. Sitting in the waiting room, I looked out over Denver, and I knew this was it for me. This is where I belonged.

“Hello” a cheery voice called.

I turned to see a tall, extremely beautiful woman with waist length raven hair, and eyes the color of the Caribbean Sea extending her hand,

“I'm Stacy Kerrigan. I hear you're interested in The Hope Theatre in Larimer Square.”

Stacy smiled “Well the only problem is that building itself is owned by my brother he asked to give his apologies, but he was called to a listing this morning. I'm to give you a listing of other properties.”

“I don't want any other property. I want that property.”

“I'm sorry. It's not for sale or lease,” Stacy replies begrudgingly.

I smile and look at Stacy. “Well, thank you for your time, but I won't be doing business with your agency.” I grabbed my things and headed to the elevator.

When the doors open, I see a giant of a man occupies it. He’s easily six foot five and takes up most of the height of the elevator. He has the same blue eyes and raven colored hair as Stacy. He looks up from his phone, and our eyes lock. A slow smile spreads across his face.

“Going down?” He says with a grin on his face as if he knows he is God’s gift to women.

“I will catch the next one.” I answer sarcastically.

He nods then lets the doors close. I finally take a breath. Holy shit! It’s my dream man, the lumberjack version of Ian Somerhalder. My heart feels like it’s going to beat out of my chest. The man in the elevator must be another figment of my imagination. Yes, that’s it! It's just like when I saw the girls in the theatre. After a few minutes the door dings and opens, I step forward but stop. The man is still in the elevator. I step back from the door. Nope, it wasn’t my imagination. He’s real, and he seems to like riding on the elevator. I look right then left for the staircase. This man makes me nervous.

“Are you going down, sir? I don't like being in confined places with strangers. Can you please just take the elevator down and get out. I will take the next one.” His gaze travels from my head to my feet and then back up.

His voice is deep and seductive. “Get in the elevator,” he says in a husky voice.

I take another step back as he takes a step forward.

“Easton.” I hear a voice behind me call. While he is distracted, I barely make it into the elevator as the doors close.

” he shouts, but it's too late. The elevator has already started its descent. Out on the street, I let myself feel discouraged. I pictured exactly what I wanted,but now tha
s not an option. Okay, Kennedy, time to put your thinking cap on.

I make it into the parking garage when I feel a hand grab my shoulder. On reflex I slide my foot back, knock him off balance, then grab his hand and bend it back, applying as much pressure into his pressure point before taking him to the ground in an arm bar. I hear footsteps, and I look up to see security with a perplexed looked on his face.

“Mr. Kerrigan, are you ok, sir?” I release his arm and stand up brushing myself off.  

“I don't like being touched. You shouldn't sneak up on women in parking garages.” Easton looks more angry than embarrassed

“I'm going now. Don't follow me.”

“Sir, do you want us to detain her?” the security guard ask.

“If any of you take a step toward me, I will snap your neck before you ever lay a hand on me!”

I turn around, get in my truck and gun it out the parking garage.

Easton's POV

What in the fuck just happened? Did I just get beat up by a woman? I'm shaking off the embarrassment, but can't shake off the pain in my wrist and shoulder. I limp back to Kerrigan Realty.

I walk into Stacey's office. “Hey, did you see who the smoking hot blonde was that just left the office?”

“Yes. She was your ten o’clock you pawned off on me. Her name is Siobhan Gallagher. She was the one interested in buying The Hope Theatre.”

“What did she offer?” I asked

“She didn't offer anything. You told me to tell her it wasn't for sale and to give her a list of properties that were on the market. She said no thank you and left. Why all the questions?” Stacy asked

“Because I swear on everything holy, she is my soul mate, and she just beat the shit out of me in the parking garage.” Stacy looked at me like I was completely full of shit.

I lifted my phone and called security. “Can you please send the video from the parking garage incident to Ms. Kerrigan's email?”

Within a few minutes, there was a ding. I didn't want to watch so I sat back and watched Stacy's face. Before I could stop her, she had sent it as email to my siblings and parents.

Still laughing wiping the tears for her eyes, she got serious “First off, Easton, seriously you scared the shit out of her. You can see the shock on her face. I have her contact information maybe you should call and apologize.”

“She assaulted me! I'm not apologizing. Stacy call her; tell her I might have changed my mind about selling”

Stacy dials the number. “Hello may I please speak to Siobhan Gallagher?”

“This is Stacy Kerrigan with Kerrigan Realty and Development. I was just informed that I may have been mistaken about The Hope Theatre. If you’re interested I'm sure Mr. Kerrigan would be open to an offer.”

“Yes, I understand.” Stacy is smiling. Fabulous I have Siobhan Gallagher right where I want her.

“Yes, Ms. Gallagher. I will be sure to relay your message.” Stacy hung up the phone and turned to me. “Ms. Gallagher said, ‘Thank you but, no thank you.’ She also said, ‘You can take your building as shove it right up your ass!’”

Stacy turned back to her computer like she has just told me she liked my tie and started typing feverishly. I know she was emailing the family with the update.

Walking to my office, I was sore as hell but the worst part is ever since meeting my girl my dick has been hard as a rock. Adjusting myself isn't working. Leaning my head back, I close my eyes and my mind is filled with images of Siobhan. I feel the pre cum leaking from my dick. I look down.
I'm about to jack my dick, something I haven't had to do since I was fourteen and started fucking our babysitters. Pulling my cock out, I close my eyes and picture Siobhan’s hair spread out across my pillow, back arching as I'm pounding all 11 inches of my cock inside her sweet little cunt. I take one more squeeze, and I come harder than I ever have in my life at my desk at work with Siobhan's name on my lips.

Chapter 6

While sitting at The Mad Batter reading
Hyde and Seek
by Layla Frost, the chair across from me slides backward and a large body slides into it. Hitting the corner of my screen to mark my place, I slowly put my iPad upon my lap, and look up to address the intruder.

“Hello, Mr. Kerrigan?”

“Ms. Gallagher,” he says curtly.

Since he says nothing else, I cut into my apple crumb muffin and cover it with Apple preserves. I pull my iPad out and pick up where I left off. I can feel his eyes on me. Out of the corner of my eye, I see his arm stretching across the table for my iPad.

“I will remind you, Mr. Kerrigan, I don't like to be touched,” I say through gritted teeth.

“I don't like to be ignored!” he countered.

“Mr. Kerrigan, I was sitting here minding my own business. There is a bakery full of empty seats, but you chose to sit across from me, even though you saw I was otherwise engaged. Please get to the point of your interruption, so I can get back enjoying the remainder of my breakfast.”

“I don't like your tone, Ms. Gallagher.”

I appeared to look for something, I lifted my plate and looked under the table moved my bag and looked under it finally I heard. “Ms. Gallagher what are you looking for?”  

I looked him in the eye boldly and said “I've seem to have misplaced my bag of fucks to give!”

I coolly return to eating my muffin. I heard the chair slide back and the door chime. Frankie came running over. “Did you just tell Easton Kerrigan, one of America's most Eligible Bachelors, Billionaire Playboy and The Golden Boy of the Kerrigan Family that you were out of fucks to give?” Frankie asked with astonishment in her voice.

“I don't like assholes, that guy is an asshole!”

I wake up to the sound of the outside gate buzzing. It's seven o’clock in the morning. No one knows I'm here, so who the hell is at the gate. Walking to the intercom, I ask who it is.

“Hello, Ms. Gallagher. It’s Stacy Kerrigan. I'm here with my brother, Michael. I had hoped I could speak with you.”

“Ms. Kerrigan, you do realize that it's seven in the morning on a Saturday morning? Why are you here?”

“I’m here because I told you a lie, and I know a way to help you get The Hope Theatre, but you have to be somewhere exactly at eight –twenty for it to happen.”

“Stacy, thank you, but I've decided to pass on the building.”

I heard a man’s voice. “Hello Ms. Gallagher, I'm Michael I want to tell you that The Hope Theatre is owned by Kerrigan Properties not individually by Easton Kerrigan. So, let's say you wanted the building you could meet with my parents. They can sell you the property. My brother couldn't stand in your way.”

“Why are you doing this?”

“In your inquiry, you stated you wanted the theatre to be turned into a music conservatory. My mom has had her heart set on restoring that building for thirty years, but never wanted to undertake a project of that size,” Stacy says

Michael adds, “My brother wants to turn it into office space. If I can see my mom’s dreams for that building come true, I owe it to her and you, to see if it's a plan that will work. My parent have breakfast every Saturday morning at eight-twenty at the Denver Diner.” I was silent.

“I can't let you in. I don't like strangers in my personal space. I will meet you outside the gate in twenty minutes. Please wait.”  I hurried up the stairs and threw on pair of black slacks and a nice lavender top pulling my hair back in a low smooth ponytail. I put my contacts in and did my makeup in record time. I have to remind myself I’m not Kennedy here, I'm Siobhan. My mask is in place. I make sure I have everything I need for my meeting. I then meet the Kerrigan siblings at the gate.

You couldn't have a more stark contrast in two siblings. Stacy with her olive skin, blue eyes and black hair was standing next to an equally beautiful man. He was tall, maybe six foot three, with hair the color of copper, piercing green eyes with flecks of gold in them, and skin so fair it was almost translucent. When they smiled you could tell he and Stacy were siblings; they had the same enchanting smile with deep dimples on each cheek.

I greet Stacy with a handshake and nod at Michael. It was hard to touch men, so I tried my best not to. Taking separate cars, we drive a few miles off the beaten path of Downtown Denver. I parked in front of a fifties style diner. Getting out, I followed the Kerrigan siblings to a booth occupied by a stunning couple that appeared to be in their sixties.

“This is my mom Elena and dad Shamus,” Stacy chirped.

”I would like to introduce you to Siobhan Gallagher.” I extended my hand to Mrs. Kerrigan, but quickly drew it back nodding my hello to Mr. Kerrigan. Mrs. Kerrigan's eyes were locked on me like she could see through my mask. I run my mental checklist: contacts in, scars covered, freckles covered, and no red roots peeking through. I snap out of it, and direct my attention to the couple.

“I'm sorry to have interrupted your breakfast but I hope to talk to you about The Hope Theatre. I'm interested in buying it, but I was told by your son, Easton, that it wasn’t for sale.”

“Please, Ms. Gallagher, sit and join us.” Shamus pointed towards the booth

“Stacy, can I please sit on the outside?” Stacy nodded and slid into the booth then Michael followed. I sat, as close to the edge as possible, making sure I didn't touch him. I went on the explain everything I wanted to do, including how I wanted to restore the theater and Banquet halls. Once I was done I excused myself to the bathroom wiping my brow with a paper towel and returning to the table.

“Ms. Gallagher after discussing we have decided to sell you the building. Since it's a historical building you are entitled to some grant money for the restoration, but not until the restoration has been completed and approved,” Elena informed me.  “Stacy knows how the applications need to be finished and what needs to accompany them. The asking price is two million- five hundred thousand; the building is in disrepair but in a prime real estate district” Shamus added.

“Sir, I'm not going to haggle price. I want that building, so I will pay your asking price.”

“How are you securing financing? Do you have investors for the Conservatory?” Shamus inquired.

“No, sir. I will be the sole proprietor. I will pay three million cash after an inspection. I need close by the end of the week.”  

Stacy's eyes got wide. “Thank you. This is gonna be my first sale. I just finished real estate school last month. I'm so excited!”

I smiled my first genuine smile in over three years, “Well since you're about to take a whole lot of my money, you can call me, Siobhan.” I laughed.

Stacy looks up from her phone “Let’s gets the lawyers to start the paperwork. I have someone that can do the inspection at three o’clock this afternoon.”

“I guess I will sign on the dotted line once we get the all clear. I’ll need to get ahold of the bank and let them know what I need. I will see you again on Wednesday, if that's ok. I have to find a contractor, start ordering instruments and recording equipment. I'm not even sure where to start.”

Stacy produced four cards from her day planner. "We recommend this contractor for high end remodeling and restorations. It’s a family owned business. They are honest,and they get their jobs done on time and within budget

Handing me the next card, she added
You will also need an excellent project manager. If you want this done right and on time, I suggest you use this one. Her name is Mindy. Also, if you want she can take of all your ordering because she times everything to when construction on the room is finished, and when things are ready to be moved in without being damaged.”

She handed me a third card. “Rose is one of Denver’s premier interior designers. She has a sixteen-month waiting list, but she just happens to be married to my oldest brother Liam, so I'm sure she can work you in. This last card is for Holmes Luxury Spa. You're about to take on a seriously difficult project. I suggest their deep tissue massages with that.”

Stacy shook my hand and said we can finish the rest of the paperwork on Wednesday. I thanked the Kerrigan’s and left them to their breakfast. I needed to call my parents and let them know the good news.

Wednesday Afternoon was gloomy. I was meeting the contractor, project manager, and interior designer at my newly purchased building. Stacy and I had finished the paperwork this morning and the inspection had come back quickly saying the building was in great shape structurally, and there was no sign of mold. I now held in my hand a giant key ring with what appeared to be twenty keys. Stepping out of my truck, I was greeted by three women and four men.

Walking towards the group, a handsome man in his early thirties greeted me, “Hello, I'm Xavier Benton from Benton Constructions, and these are my brothers Marcus, Peter, and Phelan. We are going to go through the whole building.” What the hell is in the Denver Water? These men look like they jumped off the cover of a Highlander Book!

His voice grabs my attention again. “Peter and I handle all the restoration work, Marcus and Fenton handle new builds. This is Mindy Green. She is our preferred project manager. We have worked with her for the last six years, and this is Rose Kerrigan. She is an excellent designer when it comes to restorations. You already know Elena Kerrigan, the president of the Preservation Society. The inspector has let me know the entire building is sound, so we are free to tour the whole place. We will break up in teams and start taking pictures to get started.

Mindy can team up with Rose, so that leaves Ms. Gallagher and you, Mrs. Kerrigan. Now that the jobs have been handed out, we all separated and started taking pictures. My first stop was the theatre. I walked to the stage and rested my hand on it. I prayed out loud:  

ord, please bless this place and give me the strength to make this dream a reality. Help me find peace and salvation in this building. Help me teach children the joy and magic of music and please Lord, when all is revealed, let the people be understanding and compassionate. Please allow me to make right the wrongs I have done and help me to heal others with the gift you have given me. Lord, I know in my heart that Emma, Whitney, and Pilar are looking down on me. Angels in heaven, guiding me on my path to redemption. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, Amen.


Wiping the tears from my eyes, I turn around to see Elena waiting for me.

“You will come for brunch Sunday. You need some family support, and I'm going to see that you get it. There is a sadness in your eyes and it's obvious your soul needs a little TLC.” I nodded and went to find Rose and Mindy.  I told them what my vision was.

After saying goodbye to the ladies, I called Dr. Franklin. It was time for me to find a permanent place. I loved his home, but I needed something of my own. He was excited about my progress and told me that he and Emilia would be at the grand opening of The Hope Music Conservatory.

Finding a condo in downtown Denver is no small feat. I needed something that was secure on an upper level and at least two bedrooms. I felt like one of those annoying people on House Hunters, I had all these expectations and must haves, but nothing was hitting all the marks. Feeling discouraged by Friday, I decided to give Stacy a call to see if she knew of a residential agent I could use because I just wasn't finding anything. She suggested one of her other brothers, apparently nothing in Denver got bought or sold without a Kerrigan on the deal. Her brother, Michael agreed to meet me Saturday morning. After I explained what I was looking for, he told me he had several properties. They do meet everything on my list, but that the starting prices here in the high four hundred thousands. I asked him to show me what he had, and we would discuss money after. I made a choice Saturday morning. I got dressed making sure I was fully covered grabbed a coffee and went condo shopping.  Michael met me at The Mad Batter, handing me a stack of papers.

He started talking, "I have six units to show you, all within a mile of your business. I have your list of must-haves, but I will tell you that my mother put her two cents in and has suggested a unit that has all your must-haves except further west about a mile out of your desired area. I would like to show you that first, so I can call my mom and let her know you saw it. That way, I won't have her calling me every five minutes.”

I nod and we get on the way. Pulling into the building, Michael starts telling me about the unit. It comes with underground parking, and the top four levels have a private elevator. The unit I am looking at is on the level below the penthouse the underground garage is also secure. The garage is monitored by onsite security and state of the art cameras. The building itself has cameras in every common area, which includes an indoor swimming pool and fitness center as well as a doorman and concierge. We enter the lobby, and the doorman greets us.

We make our way up to the twenty-fourth floor. Michaels tells me he will wait outside while I look at the unit. I walk into the foyer and see a giant chandelier above the entrance. Walking into the living room, I see the space is huge and open. The living room opens up to a huge kitchen with an island and bar stools. Everything is the unit is new and stainless steel there is a huge butler's pantry and laundry room. I see a half-bath off the living room as well as an informal dining area. The ceilings have exposed beams, it's strange, but it looks like a high-end ski lodge. I walk to the stairs off the living room and see that it's a loft style bedroom with an en-suite bathroom and two walk in closets.  The entire east-facing wall is made up of windows that face the mountains. I know this apartment is well over what I want to spend. I continue looking through the apartment there is an additional guest bedroom with its own bathroom and huge closet. Walking back to the living room, I feel a bit sad, but hopeful that I will find something I love that's in my budget.

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