Kennedy In Denver (In Denver Series Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: Kennedy In Denver (In Denver Series Book 1)
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Chapter 9

Walking down the stairs to the kitchen, I see Stacy and Michael on the sofa. “Why are you guys here? Did you hear I'm crazy? I pull guns on innocent people.”

“No, you pulled a gun on someone who was in your home without permission,” Stacy said.

"Look guys, I'm not trying to come in between you and your brother. He's your family. You're supposed to have his back right or wrong. It's not personal, I understand. I'm gonna be looking for a new place to live in a few days. I don't feel safe here."

"Look," Michael said. "Here are the new keys to the door. No one else has a copy. Easton is an asshole, but he isn't a bad person and he would never harm a woman. I understand you don't know that and that's why you reacted the way you did. No one thinks you were out of line. If anything, Easton acted like a bitch by calling the police. I'm not sure what he was thinking.” 

“Look guys, what's done is done. I came to Denver to start a new life. The drama that is Easton Kerrigan I can do without.”

“I'm hungry wanna go grab something?” Stacy said.

“No, why don't I cook? I have this fantastic kitchen. Why don't you guys find something on TV and I will make us dinner. Do you guys want some cheese and fruit to tide you over? It's gonna take about three hours to make lasagna.” 

“Yes,” Stacy said. “I will cut up some cheese, and do you have any crackers?”

“Yes, they are in the pantry. Hey, Michael, do you want a beer?” I called from the kitchen.

“Yes,” he replied and as I was walking to the living room. I looked at the TV and saw Tristan Cooper, star of the TV show Music High, trying to push through the airport. “Tristan, Tristan! How did you find out your fiancé was cheating on you? Did you catch her in the act with your co-star? Is it true the baby isn't yours? Tristan have you heard from Kennedy Brennan? Tristan, Tristan!” He finally made it to the waiting limo. When the camera panned, I realized he was arriving at the Denver International airport. What are the chances?

I could feel every hair on my body stand on end and a whisper of Emma's voice in my ear, “Go, he needs help! Let him teach!” I hear you, Emma. I'm going! I'm going!

“Oh God Kennedy stay with me help is on the way. I called 911. They are coming, Kennedy. Fight, Kennedy. You have to survive. Please don't die, please. Can you hear the sirens, Kennedy? They are almost here. They are coming please don't die. Let's sing. Kennedy, stay awake. Come on, sweetie, let's sing: he starts singing  Keep Holding on.

Sir, let us help your friend. Please, you have to back up. The officers need her information. Please, the best thing you can do for your friend is help the officers.”

Coming back to the present, I realize I have just been staring into space because Michael and Stacy are looking at me confused. "Hey girl, where did you go? You looked a million miles away."

"I'm fine, just was thinking about an old friend." I smiled and went back to the kitchen to put the lasagna together.

Hey guys, the food is in the oven. It should be done in an hour and twenty minutes. I have a few phone calls to make so I'm gonna go upstairs. Be back in a few.”

After a few rings my mom answers, "Hi honey, how's it going?"

"It's good; I'm making dinner for Michael and Stacy. Ipulled a gun out and threatened to shoot their older brother in the face for being in my apartment

Jesus all mighty, girl! Cian, get on the phone. Your daughter is trying to shoot people again

No momma, he just wouldn't leave! Easton Kerrigan is a royal pain in my ass

Hmmm, so you say…Is he handsome,sweetie

Momma,I'm telling you I threaten him with a gun and you want to know if he is handsome

Well, yes, honey! Stop avoiding the question

Fine! Yes, he is very handsome. He’s tall and well built. He has hair as dark as raven's wings and eyes the color of the ocean. He has deep dimples on both cheeks and the most amazing smile and full lips. His lashes are dark and full, they make is eyes look like they're windows with drapes and he smells like heaven. He smells like the ocean after it rains and freshly baked cupcakes. His hands are soft and large and when he touched my shoulder, I felt an electric current zip through my whole body. In that moment it was just me and him in a bubble, but none of that matters because he's a jerk,and I'm pretty sure a gun to the face has caused that ship to sail

Oh, you never know. I hit your father with my car and we were married less than a month later. Sometimes love has a way ofsneaking up on you

Anyways momma, I didn't call to talk about jerk face Easton Kerrigan.I wanted to know if you have a number for Tristan Cooper. I know he has always called to check in on me and I want to reach out but I don't have his number

Well,” my dad said. “He changes his number often and with all the rigmarole going on with that nasty piece of work he called a fiancé,I would imagine his number is already changed

Well I'm not ready to have my cover blown, but I think I'm supposed to help him. I always regretted not letting him visit me after the time in the hospital and not keeping in touch after I got out. I know Dr. Franklin always thought we could benefit from some sessions together, but he was already on his show, and I didn't want him to be dragged back into my crazy. I'm gonna leave a message on all his social media sites on the off chance he gets it I hope he knows to call you guys. Can you please give him my number? He's in Denver, and I need to see him…I need to make things right."

Honey, Tristan knows how hard your recovery was. He was your friend before, he was your friend during, and he will be your friend after. When he calls us I will give him your contact information,and I will let him know to call you

Okay Mom, I love you. Talk to you soon,give dad kisses for me
” Tristan needs me, and I was gonna help him. I just had to find him.

I guess it was time to set up social media accounts for The Hope Music Conservatory.

“Hey guys I need to get some social media accounts set up for the Conservatory, and I need to contact someone about setting up a website so if you guys could help I think I'm gonna start with Twitter. We’ll use the same name, Hope Music Conservatory”


@ TristanCooper When it gets Cold, and it Feels like the end # Hope # Music Conservatory # Denver


It was Friday. Four days had passed, and I hadn't heard anything from Tristan. I guess when you push someone away for so long you can't just fix it with a tweet. I made contact. The ball was in his court now.

Easton's POV

Four days and I couldn't get Siobhan off my mind. After everything that has happened, I still feel this unimaginable pull to her. I'm fucking Easton Kerrigan. I don't chase women they chase me, but this damn girl is under my skin.

Mr. Kerrigan, I have a Reed Sterling here to see you. He doesn't have an appointment but he said it is urgent

"Yes,” send him in.

Standing up,I gave Reed a bro hug
God, man, it's good to see you! It doesn't seem like sixyears since we last met up

Yeah, it's been really busy but I needed to get to you before you find yourself in some unknown holding cell. Here is what I know; whoever is protecting Siobhan Gallagher has such high clearance you're stepping into a minefield of who's who. This woman is untouchable from what I was able to gather she isn't in the witness protection program and she isn't protected by any government agency. It seems to be some kind of hidden organization and the orders come from either the White House itself or someone high enough to have the president's ear. So I'm gonna tell you this as a friend, back the fuck off!”

“Unless you want every organization to come in here to overlook and tear apart every single shred of paper you have ever generated looking for anything that will give them a shred of nothing to disrupt your business holdings, leave this woman alone. You calling the cops put a red flag on her name, so I'm not sure It’s not too late to stop whatever it is you have already set in motion. Go talk to this girl use your charm, tell her to call off her dogs, because I'm telling you now Easton, whatever big bad is protecting Siobhan Gallagher now sees you as a threat and that is not gonna be a good thing for you or your family.”


Hey Easton, I need all the files on Siobhan Gallagher. I'm to handle all of her business now. Oh sorry,I didn't know you were in a meeting

Reed turned his attention to Stacy and extended his hand
Reed Sterling,” he introduced himself.

Stacy chuckled taking his hand.

Stacy Kerrigan, or as I remember, you calledme caterpillar

Reed looked shocked and said,

Well, I was right because look at you! All grown up and a beautiful butterfly

Oh Reed, still ever the charmer. I seem to remember the nickname not really being a compliment. It was more to do with my uni-brow and awkward appearance. Easton, send the files to my office
” Stacy turned and walked away.

Holy shit, Easton. When did your sister get hot

Hey man, fuck off! She's off limits! Yo
re twenty-eight,sh
s twenty-two! Get your pedo-bear ass out of my office, and keep your grubby ass hands off Stacy! She is
t the fuck and duck kind of girl

I hear ya man! Doesn't mean I'll listen,but I hear ya

It was Sunday around three pm, and I found myself standing in front of Siobhan’s door. I realized that if I wanted to make things right with my family, I had to make things right with her first. I was wrong for how I handled the situation. My intentions were to protect my family but instead of coming to her as a concerned son and brother, I went full asshole.

I rang her bell I was surprised to see Michael answer her door shirtless, only wearing sweatpants. Before I knew it, I felt my fist connect with his face.

What the fuck, Easton
” Stacy yelled.

Looking into the open living room, I see Max and Jackson sitting with their guitars and Isabel sitting at the piano. Siobhan was holding what appeared to be a dirty shirt with sauce all over it in one hand and a clean hoodie in the other. Oh man, I fucked this up again!

Why the fuck did you punch me,you asshole

I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I don't know! It just happened! I saw you with no shirt on!I don't know what I was thinking

"If you want a girl to like you and be your girlfriend, you don't treat them like crap, call the police, and punch their friends,” Max said walking towards the kitchen.

You suck, Uncle Easton!" Jackson interjected.

"You really are a dumbass." Rose went and stood by her son. "My 14 year old has more sense than you."

For the first time in my twenty-nine years, I am speechless. I turn to Siobhan.

"I came to apologize but it doesn't seem to be going like I planned, so I'm just gonna lay it out... I'm sorry I let myself into your apartment. I'm sorry I tried to bully you, but I just wanted to make sure my family was safe and you’re like a ghost; no social media, nothing. You didn't exist till two years ago. I handled it like a jerk, and I punched Michael because I was jealous. I know I don't have the right to be, but I'm completely fucking irrational when it comes to you.”

“I don't want anyone touching you or talking to you. I’ve never felt like this before. I have no control over my emotions. I wake up thinking about you. I go to sleep thinking about you. I can't focus at work; I'm a twenty-nine year old man sitting at my desk daydreaming and doodling hearts on my paperwork. Do you know how fucking embarrassing it is not to be able to leave my office because my dick is instantly hard anytime I think about you? It's fucking ridiculous! I had to work from home for two days.”

That's really gross, Uncle Easton
” Isabel said.

and way too much information about your boy bits! You're gonna have to pay for my therapy

Seriously, Easton
” I hear my mother chime in.

Fuck my life. Could this get any worse? As I turn toward the living room, I see my entire family sitting around the sofa with a monopoly board on one coffee table, and a Risk board sitting on the floor by Killian's feet. Once I make eye contact, he signs,

Real smooth

“I'm gonna go,” I say.

“Easton, I understand your concern, but you have nothing to worry about. I’m not a danger. Your parents know all about me, but I'm not ready to tell anyone else about myself. I still have some things to sort out. We are good. I shouldn't have pulled my gun on you. I might have overreacted, but being threatened makes me aggressive. The one time someone cornered me, and I didn't fight back, I lost everything! I won't ever make the mistake of hesitating again. I don't want you to leave. So since you already apologized to Michael, run to your place, switch out of the suit and come have some BBQ with us. I spent all day making pulled pork and all the fixin’s.”

“We’re about to play these board games and the boys are working on their music. It's a lazy Sunday, so come be lazy with us. By the time you get back, I will have a plate ready for you. Okay?”

I smiled.

Okay,I will be back in a few minutes

Before I could turn, Siobhan stepped up to me, grabbed the back of my head, and kissed me deeply. It feels like my entire body is on fire. The minute her tongue touches mine, every ounce of blood in my body flows to my dick. I'm stunned for a few seconds and don't feel her pull away.

Don't keep me waiting, Easton
” she said as she went back towards her kitchen.

I watched her walk away until I heard my dad say, "Go on, Easton. Don't keep the girl waiting

The room erupted into laughter as I went to change. My woman doesn't like to be kept waiting, so I had better hurry my ass up.

BOOK: Kennedy In Denver (In Denver Series Book 1)
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