Kennedy Wives: Triumph and Tragedy in America's Most Public Family (43 page)

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Goodwin, Doris Kearns
, 33
, 158

Gramm, Walter
, 78

Great Depression
, 21
, 71
, 74
, 79
, 128

Great Lakes Carbon
, 79
, 94

Great Lakes Coal and Coke Company
, 70–71
, 78

Greenwich Academy
, 75

, 76
, 116

Guthrie, Woody
, 248

Gwitzman, Milt
, 240

Halifax, Lord
, 26

Hammersmith Farm
, 132
, 151
, 196

Hannon, Josie
, 4
See also
Fitzgerald, Josie

Harriman, W. Averell
, 108
, 204

Harrison, Edna
, 137
, 138

Hartigan, Monsignor
, 81

Hartington, Billy
, 36–39

Harvard University
, 5
, 124
, 145
, 204–5

Harwood, Richard
, 112

Hayden, Stone & Co.
, 12–13

Hennessey, Luella
, 20
, 24–25
, 29
, 50–51
, 89–92
, 99–100

, 35

, 29

Hickory Hill Estate
, 74
, 96
, 100
, 102
, 108
, 161–63

Hill, Clint
, 176
, 184
, 188
, 195
, 198–99
, 202

Hills, Carla
, 270

hired help
, 10–11
, 13
, 15–16
, 20
, 111–12
, 166

historical site
, 11

Hitler, Adolph
, 28–29

Hoffa, Jimmy
, 98–99

Holder, Eric
, 86

Honey Fitz.
Fitzgerald, John Francis

Honey Fitz
, 189

, 8–9
, 85
, 151–52
, 223–24

Hooton, Claude
, 240

Hoover, J. Edgar
, 104
, 110

“Hope for Retarded Children
,” 55

hormonal deficiency
, 238

Hotel Pierre
, 222

House of Representatives, US
, 40

Howell, William Dean
, 232

Auchincloss, Hugh D. (“Hughdie”)

Humphrey, Hubert
, 45–46
, 112
, 229

Humphrey, Muriel
, 228

Husted, John Jr.
, 142
, 144

Hyannis Port home
, 22
, 31
, 38–39
, 46
, 49
, 91
, 100
; cars disappearing at
, 51
; Jackie at
, 148–49
, 170
; Joe’s purchase of
, 20

Ibrahim, Ferik Abboud
, 187–88

, 48
, 174–75

, 192

, 56–57

“Inquiring Photographer
,” 143–44

Internal Security Division
, 91

international market
, 79

international relations
, 192

International Rice Festival
, 268

, 167

Kennedy, John Fitzgerald

Bouvier, Jacqueline; Kennedy, Jacqueline; Onassis, Jacqueline

Jackson, Henry (“Scoop”)
, 97

Jacob, Pan
, 77

James, Zup Campbell
, 137–38

Lee, Janet Norton

Kennedy, Jean; Smith, Jean Kennedy

Jefferson, Thomas
, 85

Kennedy, John Fitzgerald

Kennedy, Joan

Kennedy, Joan

Kennedy, Joseph Patrick

Joe Jr.
Kennedy, Joseph Patrick Jr.

John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts
, 204

John F. Kennedy Federal Building
, 246

John F. Kennedy International Airport
, 105

John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum
, 55
, 62
, 204–5
, 295

John F. Kennedy School of Government
, 205

John Jr.
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald Jr.

John Paul XXIII, Pope
, 49

Johnson, Lady Bird
, 184
, 204
, 228

Johnson, Lyndon B. (LBJ)
, 106–7
, 110
, 112
, 197–98
, 204

Jones, Candy
, 215

Jordan, Grace Mary
, 70

Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Foundation
, 39
, 45
, 56
, 62
, 64

The Joy of Classical Music
(Kennedy, Joan)
, 213

Kelley, Pam
, 124

Kelly, Michael
, 267
, 273

Kennedy, Caroline
, 50
, 63
, 165–66
, 182–83
, 195
, 208
, 292

Kennedy, Carolyn Bessette
, 283

Kennedy, Chris
, 98

Kennedy, Courtney
, 96
, 124–25

Kennedy, David Anthony
, 94
, 114–15
, 117
, 119
, 123–24

Kennedy, Douglas Harriman
, 108

Kennedy, Edward Jr.
, 233–34
, 236
, 258

Kennedy, Edward Moore (“Teddy”)
, 49
, 58–59
, 107
; Bennett, Harry, blessing request from
, 220–21
; birth of
, 21
; brain cancer and death of
, 262
, 286–89
; Chappaquiddick and
, 61–62
, 253–55
; college dedication speech by
, 216
; convention speech goal of
, 290–92
; final days and funeral of
, 294–96
; Jackie’s eulogy by
, 284
; JFK administration role for
, 231–32
; JFK’s memory honored by
, 241
; Joan campaigning for
, 55
, 228
, 232–34
, 244
, 245
; Joan dating
, 216–20
, 222
; Joan’s divorce from
, 256
, 261
; Joan’s marriage to
, 44
; Joe’s influence on
, 230–31
, 242–43
; John Jr. death heartbreaking for
, 284
; Kara’s illness battled by
, 285
; medical options available to
, 288
; memoir of
, 295
; personal commitment of
, 274
; plane crash survived by
, 55
, 105–6
, 241–42
; popularity of
; presidential aspirations of, 252
, 257
, 260
; Reggie, E., as best friend of
, 273–74
; RFK eulogized by
, 120
; Romney opponent of
, 278
, 280
; Rose admired an loved by
, 21
; Rose and Joan as campaigning for bedridden
, 55
; sailing of
, 252
, 287–88
, 295
; Senate return of
, 290
, 292–93
; Senate seat and
, 228
, 230
, 232–35
, 245
, 280
; serious injury of
, 242–43
, 245
; threatening letter to
, 252
; time ravaging face of
, 266–67
; Vicki dating
, 266–67
, 271–72
, 275–77
; Vicki’s impact on
, 276
, 278–79
, 282
, 283
; Vicki’s marriage to
, 277
; womanizing of
, 237
, 247–48
, 256
, 266

Kennedy, Ethel
, 42
, 73
, 100
, 109
, 122
, 124
; as activist
, 125
; brother’s fatal plane crash of
, 246
; Hennessey and eleven childbirths of
, 89–92
; Hickory Hill and
, 102
, 108
; honeymoon of
, 85
; King’s assassination and
, 112–14
; media spotlight avoided by
, 125
; as most admired woman
, 123
; offspring of
, 108
, 110
, 114–17
, 123
, 125
; parent’s death and
, 95
; pregnancy of
, 89–91
, 114
; presence of
, 119
; as replacing grief with faith
, 95
; reputation and pranks of
, 102–3
; RFK’s assassination and
, 118–21
; RFK’s campaign trail and
, 105–6
, 110–20
; Rose and
, 90
, 101–2
; spending of
, 93
, 123
; tension and JFK’s dinner by
, 87
; as “Washington’s No. 1 Hostess
,” 101
; wedding of
, 84
See also
Skakel, Ethel

Kennedy, Eunice
, 7
, 13–14
, 44
, 55–56

Kennedy, George
, 72

Kennedy, Jacqueline (“Jackie”)
, 49–50
, 96
, 109
; Black Jack’s and JFK’s womanizing compared by
, 164–65
, 185–86
; Caesarean and stillborn baby of
, 162–63
; children’s manners instilled by
, 183
; Dallas’ official visit and
, 197–99
; fashion sense and
, 141
, 147
, 167
, 170
, 172
, 175
, 198
; first lady rituals of
, 183–84
, 194
; Greece vacation after son’s death
, 52
; honeymoon
, 151–52
; JFK and value of
, 148
, 189
; JFK assassination and
, 198–203
; JFK marriage to
, 44
, 150–51
; JFK memorialized by
, 204–5
; JFK’s back surgeries and
, 160–61
; JFK’s image controlled by
, 159
, 199
, 205–6
; JFK’s life saved by
, 173–74
; JFK’s relationship with
, 142
, 147–48
, 157–59
, 162
, 186
, 195–96
; JFK’s similarities and differences with
, 147–48
; Joan spending time with
, 226–27
, 239
; judgment of people and
, 169
; Kennedys’ competition and
, 158
; Khan giving horse as gift to
, 192–93
; Khrushchev impressed with
, 191–92
; New Delhi adoration of
, 192–93
; nomadic lifestyle and
, 157
; normal life sought by
, 171
; Onassis, A., and
, 62
, 206
, 207
; Patrick’s funeral not attended by
, 195
; post-partum letter to Rose by
, 163
, 171
; pregnancy of
, 161–63
, 170
, 194
; privacy concerns of
, 182–83
; Rose’s warm relationship with
, 62–63
; Schlesinger and oral history of
, 158
; senator’s wife crash course for
, 157–58
; speaking in French to crowds
, 167–68
; spending habits of
, 164
; star power of
, 169
, 189
, 190–91
, 197
; surviving inauguration
, 174–75
; Teddy’s eulogy for
, 284
; tenth wedding anniversary
, 196
; Turnure as press secretary for
, 172–73
; wedding of
, 150–51
; White House and children’s arrival of
, 182
; White House and post-partum tour of
, 170–71
; White House parties and preparation of
, 176–81
, 186–87
; White House restoration endeavor of
, 162–64
, 167
, 172–73
, 176–81
, 186–87
See also
Bouvier, Jacqueline; Onassis, Jacqueline

Kennedy, Jean
, 7
, 68
, 81–82
, 87
, 102–3
; Rose pregnant with
, 19
; Smith, S., marriage to
, 44
See also
Smith, Jean Kennedy

Kennedy, Joan
, 49
, 106
, 213
, 263
; alcohol abuse of
, 241
, 249–50
, 255
, 257
; anniversary of
, 239–41
; beauty of
, 220
, 248
; births and miscarriages of
, 210–11
, 225
, 247
; children of
, 225
, 233–34
, 247
, 261
; college boyfriends of
, 214
; domestic life of
, 223–24
; drunken-driving of
, 258
–62; honeymoon of
, 223–24
; Jackie helping
, 226–27
, 239
; Kennedys’ treatment of
, 223
, 226
, 228
, 254–55
; life on her own of
, 259–60
; living in denial
, 227
; love for music of
, 212
, 256–57
; miscarriages of
, 237–38
, 254
; modeling assignments of
, 215–16
; politics and first exposure of
, 221
, 233
; public appearances of
, 234
, 246
; as quiet and self-conscious
, 214
; rehearsal dinner of
, 222
; RFK’s campaign trail and
, 248–49
; RFK’s death devastating
, 249
; Rose meeting
, 219
; self-esteem lost of
, 247–48
; sheltered childhood of
, 214
; sobriety of
, 259
; Teddy dating
, 216–20
, 222
; Teddy’s campaigns and
, 55
, 228
, 232–34
, 244
, 245
; Teddy’s divorce from
, 256
, 261
; Teddy’s marriage to
, 44
; wedding planning of
, 221–22
, 239
; woman-behind-the-man position of
, 237

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