Kicking and Screaming (13 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Kicking and Screaming
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Chapter 27




He thinks he’s so slick, waiting until I was asleep to pounce. I took stock of myself while he laid on top of me, keeping his weight lifted on his outstretched arms.

Everything seemed to be in order, except for a little soreness and the presence of his appendage still inside my body.



“Do you know what you just did?”

“I’m pretty sure I didn’t do shit but lay here and go to sleep.”

“You made me cum inside you, you know what that means don’t you?”

“No, but I’m sure you’ll tell me.”

“It means Ms. Smartass, that you have to marry me now.”

“When did you decide that, before or after you put the ring on my finger?”

“No, I said now, as in we’re getting married as soon as possible.”

“We can’t, Jan and Mike have to get married first and besides, I’m pretty sure that people don’t get married because of pregnancy any more get a grip.”

“We do, even if I have to hogtie your ass to get you there.”

“Is this your idea of romance, because I’ve got to tell you...”




I cut her off with my mouth on hers. Seemed like a nice way to get her mind back on track.

I only meant to kiss her into silence, but the greedy little minx had other ideas.

“I thought you didn’t like it hmm?”

“Who said?” She fought for my mouth and won, but my nip into her bottom lip showed her who was boss.

“You sure you can take me again? I don’t want to make you sore.” I had great intentions, but the warmth of her hand wrapped around the base of my cock changed my mind.

I slipped deeper into her and held still, enjoying the feeling of being inside her again.

The memory of just how fucking sweet her pussy was made me want to stroke harder, but I knew she’d be in pain tomorrow if I did.

Instead I took her face in my hands so I could hold her eyes captive as I moved in and out of her.

“You will never be away from me. Not ever. No one will ever hurt you or belittle you again. I’ll destroy anyone who does.”

I knew that more than flowers and jewels, words would hold weight with my little Firefox.

“I don’t...”

“Shh, just listen.” It was strange having this conversation like this, but then again maybe I was starting a new trend. With her mouth who knew when else I would be able to pin her down?

“I know you’re tough and you can take care of yourself, what I’m telling you is that you no longer have to.”

I kept stroking in and out of her as I told her how it was going to be. I’m sure by morning half of it would be lost on her, but she can’t say that I didn’t warn her.

I spent half the night lecturing her and the other half buried inside her. By the fifth or fourth time I took her, she felt brave enough to ride me. And boy could she ride.

I guess it was from the time spent on her bike, but she had amazing muscle control. She had me damn near salivating by the time she slammed herself down hard on my cock and rocked herself to orgasm, screaming at the top of her lungs.

“You done?”

She hung her head over me, panting for breath. I held the back of her neck in my hand, wrapped the other around her ass, and turned her onto her back.

Her knees went back to her ears and I lifted her ass high in my palms, fucking into her as hard as I could, while sucking the flesh right above her nipple into my mouth.

She squeezed and milked my cock as I marked her from her tit to her neck, burying my cock into the ends of her, before emptying myself inside her.

Feeling me shoot off inside her set her off again, and she flooded my cock with her sweet juices.



Something woke me in the morning and it took me a while to figure out what was going on.

I was still draped over her, covering her body protectively even in sleep. Her hair was in my mouth and one of her legs was wrapped around my middle.

We’d fallen asleep with me still inside her only a few short hours ago it felt like, but...

“What the fuck are you doing in here?”

“I, we...”

“Get out.” Firefox woke up just then and grouched at me for waking her up.

She stretched and tried pushing me aside while I tried to cover her nakedness from her mother, and sisters.

Chapter 28



“Out of that bed this instant young lady, what sinful behavior.” Her mother actually started to approach the bed.

“I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT NOW.” She jumped a mile high before ushering her daughters towards the door. The three of them could be heard complaining as they made their escape.

“What the hell are you laughing at? How the fuck did you survive them this long?” Her grin proved to be infectious and I found myself grinning down at her through the utter disbelief that they had the nerve to just walk in.

If their rude intrusion didn’t bother her, I could pretend that it didn’t bother me either, but first chance I get, I’m setting her mother straight once and for all. I’m sure after I did that, the rest of them will fall into line or feel my wrath.

Her laughter tapered off as I looked down at her. “Good morning beautiful. Fuck you’re gorgeous.” I know she didn’t believe it and I promised myself to say it as often as I can for the rest of my life.

“Good morning.” She wiggled herself against my morning wood, which was pretty impressive after the night we’d had.

“You plan on using that or what?” She rocked against my boy and he spat at her.

“You’re a little nymph aren’t you sweetheart?”

“Complaining already?”

“Nope, just telling myself how fucking lucky I am, but if I fuck you now you’re going to be sore...cut it out.”

She grinned as she slid down beneath me and took my cock into her mouth. From this angle I could fuck down into her throat and feel her swallow around me, as she tried to take my whole cock.

“Fuck, you’re way too good at that already. Fine, if you insist, at least let me warm you up.”

I forgot all about her annoying relatives as I turned her around so that I could get my mouth on her cunt.

Holding her open with my fingers, I licked the soft pinkness of her jewel as I fucked up into her mouth.

I think we were both trying to make the other crazy with our tongues and teeth, and it wasn’t long before she was riding my tongue to orgasm, while I tickled her little rosebud with my fingertip.

“Ride me like this baby.” I pushed her down off my face until she straddled my dick reverse cowgirl style.

She had a little trouble taking me into her swollen pussy, but my little troopette wasn’t about to give up.

I smacked her ass until she got the idea and started fucking herself on my cock.

I sat up and grabbed her nipples with one hand, while guiding her hand to her clit with the other, I was already close and wanted to bring her off with me.

“Play with yourself while I watch.” I looked into the mirror across from the bed and saw how my cock stretched her little pussy.

How wild and untamed she was with her hair flying around her head, and her silver eyes shining with lust.

“Fuck baby, I’m so deep inside you.” I pressed my hand down on her stomach where I saw the imprint of my dick, pushing her tummy out.

She had to be hurting, but that didn’t stop her from taking me. “Hold on.” I eased her off my dick and onto her hands and knees in front of me.

I spent the next five minutes easing the sting in her pussy with my tongue, before kneeling behind her and surging back into her depths.

“Slow down baby.” I tried holding her hips to steady her pace so that she didn’t hurt herself.

“No.” She arched her back deeply and pushed back against my hips, taking my cock back into her belly.

“I’m trying to take care of you here babe but you’re not making it easy.”

“Who asked you to?” I grabbed a fistful of her hair, pulling her head back as I fucked her nice and slow. “I don’t want you hurt, you’ll do as I say or I’ll stop right now.”

Shit! I forgot who I was talking to. Our fuck session became a battle of wills as she clamped down on my cock with her pussy muscles and tried to unman me.

It only took me pressing down on her clit and giving her a few hard short jabs to get her ass to behave.

By the time she was cumming on my cock I was ready to offload again.

Reality came flooding back as soon as our blood cooled. “Fuck, I thought we had more time. Let’s go shower and then go deal with your family.”

“Crap we’d better hurry, who knows what lies they’re telling your mom about me. Shoot, why did I let you talk me into staying in bed?”

“Is that how you remember it?”

“Well yeah, come on Jackson we’ve gotta hurry.” All of a sudden she was in an all fired hurry. I wasn’t, I hadn’t invited them here so they could wait until I saw fit to join them. Good manners be damned.

“No, we’re not rushing, we’re going to take our time and do what we usually do in the morning, including our morning ride.”

“I thought that’s what we just...”

“Not that ride funny girl. We’re taking the horses out like we usually do.”

“My monster is not going to like that.”

“I really don’t give a fuck what your mother likes or don’t like, this is my territory she has no say here. That does not mean that you can disrespect her imp, it just means that I will handle her bullshit myself, you got that?”

I knew she didn’t when she sniffed at me and rolled off the bed. “You are so deluded. Must be fun living in la-la land.”

“Maxie, you’ve been warned, you get into any more scrapes you’re not going to like what I do to you. Your mother is not your problem any more she’s mine.

“How do you figure?”

“That ring on your finger says so.” She looked at the ring and pretended to remove it.

“I wouldn’t try that if I were you love. It might prove to be hard on your ass. When a Texas man tells his woman to heel, he means just that.”

She singed me with one of her looks before marching off to the bathroom in high temper.

I got up to join her and turned my thoughts to her parents and how I was going to break the news of our upcoming nuptials.

I almost didn’t want to be around for her mom’s reaction, but I knew if I wasn’t, then she’d bear the brunt of it, and that shit was dead.

I wonder what the stuffy Cynthia would think if she knew I was ten times worse than her daughter, and way less inclined to put up with her shit.



He climbed into the shower behind me and took the soap to wash my back. I think he likes taking care of me. I hadn’t realized it right away, but he’s been doing it for the last few days since we’ve been here.

At the table he fixes my plate before his own. He always asks after my comfort, like if I’m warm enough in the evenings and cool enough in the daytime.

It was strange being at the receiving end for a change, after years spent taking care of others.

It’s one of the reasons I could never understand my mother’s treatment of me. I could understand the clueless duo, since I wasn’t sure that they knew their lives were only as comfortable as they were because of me.

Dad would never ask, but I knew that when he inherited, the company was barely a shell of itself.

It’s the reason I’d gone back into the spotlight a little more than a year ago after a very trying experience.

Which brought me to the other secret that I needed to share with him, the reason why I never used my name to book a showing.

It was only fair that he knew what he was getting himself into.

Chapter 29



I watched her, as we got dressed, because yes, with her family in the house, I didn’t want to let her out of my sight.

She talks a good game, but I could see how nervous she was. No matter what she said, she wanted their approval.

I could do either one of two things. I could show her why she didn’t need them, which was my first choice, or I could try to get her what she wanted.

Since it involved people and emotions, that might not be the easiest thing to do, but I found that I was only interested in making her happy, not doing what I would prefer, which was to tell them to get the fuck off my property.

I guess I’ll see how things progressed once we got downstairs, but I was already pretty sure of what was going to happen there.

“Come on baby, no more procrastinating. The sooner we go down there and face them, the sooner it will be over.”

“I’m not stalling. I just don’t really feel like going through the drama. I was beginning to feel good here. I guess I should’ve known it wouldn’t last.”

“Hey, this is going to be your home, no one is allowed to make you feel uncomfortable here. Say the word and I will throw them all out.”

She laughed as though she thought I was playing, but the look on my face soon convinced her that I was anything but.

“No, let’s just go and get it over with. I’m still not sure about you handling them instead of me.”

“Look at it this way. If I go after your mom, at least you won’t have the guilt of having disrespected her, which I’m sure you will at some point.

And besides, I need them to understand that as mine you are under my protection, and no one, not even your family are allowed to fuck with you. Make sense?”

“Whatever you say hotshot, but I’ve got the most experience dealing with their brand of crazy.”

“No experience needed, let’s go.” I held her hand all the way down to the breakfast room where everyone was gathering.

It was early yet, the sun was barely in the sky an hour, which meant the Doves had flown in early. I wonder what all the rush was to get here?

Mom was her usual welcoming self, and I saw the look of speculation that crossed Cynthia’s face when Maxie leaned over so that they could exchange kisses on the cheek.

“Did you sleep well dear? You look...different.” Oh boy, there was so much in those few words, way more than anyone else might pick up on.

Obviously something had been said about our sleeping arrangements and mom was letting us know that she knew, and from the sappy smile on her face was in full approval.

Poor Maxie didn’t know what to do; she just looked at me for help. “Cut it out you old reprobate, before you embarrass my girl.” I whispered those words in mom’s ear before kissing her cheek as well.

“Hello mother, sorry I wasn’t here to greet you, but I had no idea you’d been invited...I mean that you were gonna show up so early.”

I pinched her for her little insubordination, before seating her next to me. “Yes, sorry that we weren’t here to greet you in the middle of the night, we usually go to sleep early around here.”

“Well, I think that after what we found once we got here, our time of arrival is the last thing on my mind.”

Was she seriously going to bring that up here and now, in front of my parents?

Her husband wasn’t here; apparently he would be joining us later, so there was no one here to curb her tongue.

I didn’t answer her, just waited to see how far she would go, while watching Firefox’ reaction. If she showed any signs of distress I was really going to pack them off to a hotel.

When neither of us bit, she huffed and turned her attention to her plate.

“Oh Maxie, now that your family have arrived I was thinking that we should have a little recital for some close acquaintances, nothing major, just so we can introduce you to the local society, since you’re going to be a big part of it soon.”

What was she up to I wonder? Maxie once again looked to me for direction, but I had my eyes on mom. It appeared that she might know more than I first suspected about the situation, but how?

“Whatever do you mean part of the local society? I’m a bit lost by that. Maxie isn’t planning to move here.”

“Well where else would she live if not with her husband? Oh dear, the kids haven’t told you as yet I see. Well I thought that after you found them in bed together you would’ve put two and two together.

My son would never disrespect me by bringing a woman other than his wife or his intended into his bed under my roof.”

The old upstart dug into her turkey sausage patty like she hadn’t just dropped a bombshell in her guest’s lap.

I caught the sly wink that passed between her and Mike and figured out what was going on.

I thought he was too busy with his own wedding arrangements to pay much mind to anything else. But apparently he had enough time to share certain things with the woman he thought of as his mother.

Meanwhile, Cynthia seemed to be trying to find the right words. “That’s preposterous, Maxie has an international career that she simply cannot put on hold to get married now. That will have to come much later.

I’m sorry if she mislead you...”

“The only person here that’s mislead is you Cynthia. You see, Maxie is a grown woman who is free to make her own decisions. Well that’s not entirely true, as her husband I plan to make most of them for her; one of the first being that she will only play when she wants to.

“You don’t seem to understand, she has other obligations.”

“No, she does not. I think I should warn you that I had your family checked out when Mike first told me about his engagement. My men might’ve missed a few things here and there on their first go around, but after I came home a few days ago I had them do a more intense search.”

“Why ever would you do such a thing? It seems like an invasion of privacy to me.”

“Honestly, I wanted to learn why a mother would be so horrid to her own child. This wasn’t the time or place for this, but you brought it up.

Do you want to know what I found out?” The whole table had gone quiet. She wasn’t looking so sure of herself anymore, and the paleness in her cheeks told me that she knew what was coming next.

I took Maxie’s hand under the table because what I was about to divulge was a secret from her, one that I had struggled with whether or not to share with her.

“You had an affair. When you came up pregnant, you didn’t know who the father was, your husband or his business partner. The man, who robbed the company blind and left your family almost destitute.”

I felt Maxie’s hand jump in mine and she tried to pull away, but I held her in place. The rest of the table’s occupants were in an uproar with questions and accusations flying around.

I might as well finish what I’d started; we were all going to be family anyway.

“Your husband, being the man that he is, didn’t want a paternity test. He forgave you and claimed the child as his own, but forbid you to ever get a test done.

All these years you’ve hated her without a cause because you were afraid your dirty little secret would be exposed.”

“My father...” There was such anguish and hurt in her voice, I had to kiss her to reassure her.

“I had the test done, it wasn’t easy. I had to enlist Jonas to get me DNA from your husband. I had a friend rush the tests and I’m now in possession of the results, they’re in a safe in my study.

I wasn’t going to use them, just wanted to have them for her protection, but like I said, you hated her without a cause, because she is his, your husband’s.

As for her supporting you all these years, yes I uncovered that little tidbit as well; those days are at an end. We won’t need her money I have more than enough to take care of her.

So whatever money she makes, will go into a trust for our children. I’m afraid you and your daughters will have to find work if you want to continue in the style her money afforded you.”

You could hear a pin drop when I was through talking. I didn’t look at Maxie to see how she was taking it all in.

I’d warned her how things were going to be from now on. Better she get use to the man she was going to marry.

“What’s he talking about? What does he mean get a job? I have my modeling and daddy takes care of us.”

“Oh hush Jenny, you model for local shops, big woo. Obviously he’s saying that we’ve been living off of her all this time and dad really is broke like the gossips say.” Miranda pouted around the table.

“Dad’s not broke, he just needs a little help until the company gets back on its feet. But you three wouldn’t pass up a new thousand-dollar handbag, or the latest mink, and he was killing himself trying to keep you all happy.

Why do you think I went back on the circuit with a madman after me?”

“What the fuck did you just say?”

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