Kicking and Screaming (14 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Kicking and Screaming
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Chapter 30




You’d think I’d just told him I had a target drawn on my back the way he carried on.

I’m not sure if he was aware that he was pretty much cutting off my air the way he had grabbed the front of my shirt, until his mother brought it to his attention.

“You might wanna let her breathe now son, she’s turning beet red.”

“Oh, sorry, repeat.” He loosened his hold but still didn’t release me.

“Oh, didn’t our dear sister tell you? She had her own bona fide stalker. You might want to think about that before you go making any wedding plans.”

I was ready to snatch Jenny baby bald but the look Jackson gave her had her cringing back in her seat.

“Tell me and don’t leave one fucking word out.” Mom tittered at his use of the f-bomb at the breakfast table, but I was coming to realize that pretty boy was more than a pretty face. His hard glare had her piping down quickly.

His dad was tucking into his breakfast like a group of strangers weren’t airing out their dirty laundry right in front of him. When he felt my gaze on him and turned to me with a wink, I felt like I had found my family after all.

I turned back to the hurricane that was vibrating next to me. “It was a while ago, right around the time that I started becoming popular.

I use to go by a different name back then. My manager had chosen a stage name made up of my first name and my paternal grandmother’s; Maxie Shaw.

Someone started sending me strange notes. The notes soon turned into invitations to dinner and trips and things like that.” I could feel the tension in him already and I hadn’t even got to the hard part.

“We decided to ignore them at the time. I was still rather young and I guess we thought it was just someone’s idea of a joke, or at the very least an innocent crush.

But then I started receiving dead animals in the mail and death threats...”

“Did they find him? He crushed the bones in my hands when he took them.

“No, they never did. It got so bad that I could hardly play. I’d be in the middle of a performance and I would feel his eyes on me. I became a nervous wreck.”

“You went crazy is more like it.” Once again Jenny interrupted.

“Do you think this shit is funny? That someone was after your sister to harm her? Not even you as self centered as you are could be that fucking cold, or is it stupidity?” Boy was he steamed.

Her mouth fell open and she looked to mom to jump in and protect her precious little spoilt brat. I too was looking to see what dear old mom would do.

If it had been me she would’ve lit into me already, but funnily enough, she didn’t seem to have much to say.

She wasn’t looking like her usual self; I guess having your dirty laundry aired in front of people you were trying to impress was not such a good thing.

“Go on baby tell me the rest. Anybody else feel like interrupting can get the fuck out of the room now.”

“Son, really.”

“Mom, not now.” She mimed locking her lips and picked up her coffee cup. What a weird family, she seemed to be smiling behind that cup.

“Um, there isn’t much to tell really. I had to give up my career for a while. Then I came back as The Dove and everything was going fine there in the beginning.

I had changed up my look by then. Instead of straightening my hair as I’d done in the past, I now wore it naturally curly.

I took gigs mostly in Europe since we believed that he was an American. The postage was never from the same place twice so we were never able to pin him down.

Then not long after you sent the invite, the same thing started happening again. We were confused because we’d gone to so much trouble to hide the fact that I was the same person.

Some people might’ve recognized my technique, but only close friends and family would’ve known it was me.

I’d grown a lot and my look like I said was completely different. But I got spooked again and went back into hiding. Then dad had a little setback and I decided to go back to help him out.

I don’t have to play as much since I make way more now than I did before.”

“You deserve every dime baby. Tell me, did the cops ever find anything on this guy?”

“Not that they ever shared with me. Now I play sporadically and try not to go to the same venue twice in one tour. It’s been tough but so far we’ve been able to pull it off.”

“I need the contact info for your manager.”

“What why?”

“Because I’m changing some things around, like your security, whatever it is now, we’re doubling it. We will travel on the family jet when you have to travel...”

“Why does she deserve all these nice things?” No one paid Jenny any mind other than to throw looks her way, because really, not that many people speak idiot.

“I don’t see why you need to talk to my manager...”

“Not up for discussion.”

“Excuse me?” I tried to tug my hand out of his.

“You wanna do this here?” he leaned over and whispered in my ear.

“I told you how it was going to be, not my fault you chose not to pay attention. There are many things in life that you have total control over, your safety is not one of them. Give me the number.”

“Dammit, I’m not going to be one of those women. You can’t just decide that you’re going to take over my life and I’m just gonna roll over and play dead.”

I tried to keep my voice down and not give away the fact that we were about to have the fight to end all fights.

I was waiting for him to say something for me to shoot down. He didn’t say one word, just stared at me like he was waiting for something.

He pulled his phone and punched one key. “Get me the manager for The Dove.” My mouth hung down to my chest.

“You can’t just...are you insane?”

“It’s done and that’s the last time we play that game.”

His phone went off less than two minutes later. “Yeah, got it. I have another job that needs taking care of now.”

He kept his eyes on mine and it was as if the rest of the room ceased to exist. When he leaned over and kissed my forehead I thought I would weep.

Two seconds later I was ready to commit murder. “I need everything you can find about her stalking case. Get whatever the cops have. I want it no later than end of day tomorrow, and Harry, everything, no fuck ups this time.” He hung up and turned back around to his plate.

“Hey, what do you need that information for? The cops are handling it.”

“I’m going to find whoever the fuck this is and take care of him. You’re not spending the rest of your life looking over your fucking shoulder.”

I do declare, Mr. Collins is nuts.

Chapter 31




I think I was numb. I wasn’t sure what to feel. It had been so long since I’d needed answers and now that I had them, I wasn’t quite sure what to do with them.

My love for my dad grew tremendously, and I was glad that I had done whatever I could to help him out the way I had.

I was very proud of him, a man who accepted a child that might not be his own, and yet treated me with nothing but kindness and love.

I couldn’t help wondering if he’d ever had any doubts though. How hard must it have been all these years? Never knowing if I were the daughter of his enemy.

I looked over at my mother, but she was avoiding looking at me. What a reptile.

It was weird, but instead of the usual hate and anger, I felt pity for her. Not that I was about to forgive her anytime soon, if ever. There was too much bad blood between us for that.

Maybe it was because of Jackson and what was growing between us, but somehow I didn’t feel half as bad as I should.

I didn’t even want to throw her filth back in her face, nothing. It was enough that she knew I knew.

He had a tight hold on my hand while we finished our breakfast. His parents still hadn’t said anything; in fact everyone was acting like business as usual, except Jenny and Miranda.

Janet seemed to be taking it all in stride, for all that we seemed hell bent on destroying her wedding. For that reason I chose not to say anything right then.

I had almost forgotten why we were here. It was supposed to be a happy occasion for my favorite sister, and so far I don’t think I was holding up my end as maid of honor.

I promised myself that I was going to put everything else on hold for now and concentrate on the wedding, if I could just get the cowboy on the same page.

Jackson was pissed and kept glaring across the table at the three of them, and after he questioned me like I stole something, he pulled me up from the table, and without a by your leave, took me from the room.

“Are you okay Firefox?”

“Yeah, I think so, stop worrying about me. I’ve had years of dealing with her attitude, and at this point, it doesn’t matter the reasons why. I’m just happy my dad is my dad. Why don’t you go to work?”

I had a lot to do that couldn’t be done with him hanging around, before I bury myself in wedding plans.

“I do have some stuff to take care of.” He kept giving me looks, like he expected me to crack any minute, so I kept a smile on my face that he would have to look very close to notice didn’t reach my eyes.



I struck the head and the proverbial sheep scattered. After putting Cynthia’s business out there and informing her daughters that it was their hated sister’s money that had been keeping them in fancy clothes and spa visits, they seemed a little shell-shocked.

I wasn’t interested in them, other than making sure they left her the fuck alone from now on.

I wasn’t sure if that would be the end of it or not, so I still left her with mom, with strict orders that she was not to leave her sight until my return.

From her reaction I got the feeling she’d been planning something. One stern look and a bug in her ear soon swayed her.

“I’m beyond pissed right now baby, don’t put yourself in the line of fire, whatever you were planning, shelf it. I mean it Maxie you do not want to play with me on this. Stay where I put you.”

I would’ve dragged her off with me, but I had a few phone calls to make that I didn’t want her privy to, since she seemed to have a problem with me protecting her. Too fucking bad.

“Don’t leave this room until I get back, and no fighting with your idiot family. We’ll talk when I return.”

I left her after a quick kiss and went to see about better protecting her. Fucking stalker, she would have some shit like that going on in her life, why should it be easy?

I had the sneaky suspicion that nothing about our life together was going to be simple or the norm. Maybe those babies aren’t such a bad idea after all.

I’d have to breed her every year until she was fifty; that’s probably the only way I was going to keep her little ass out of trouble; but first things first.

By the time I was through an hour had gone by and I was getting antsy about having her away from me for that long.

Who knows what shit she could get up to in an hour, and on second thoughts, mom might not have been the best baby sitter. She can get up to her own brand of shit when left unsupervised.

I was kicking myself in the ass for not thinking of that, as I rushed from my office and was waylaid outside the door.

“Oh Mr. Collins, a moment of your time please.” I stopped impatiently in my tracks and turned to Cynthia.

“What is it?” She had to know she was not my favorite person in the world right now, and I wasn’t about to pretend that shit.

“I know you must probably think very little of me now, but you don’t understand, it was a very trying time. I love my husband but...”

I raised my hand to cut her off. “If you’re about to give me your reasons for breaking your marriage vows save it, I’m not interested. And spare me the ‘I love him but’ speech, it’s bullshit and quite frankly none of my fucking concern.

I do care about what you’ve done to my girl her whole life, and just so you know, that shit dies today, because the next time, I’ll do more than air your business. I will personally make you pay.

I don’t care what your reasons were for what you did to her, as her mother, you were supposed to be the one sure safety net in her life.

Instead you fucked her over every chance you got for your fuck stupid daughters, who by the way, doesn’t hold a candle to Firefox.

I can see that my words surprise you, you didn’t expect someone like me to be less refined than that ideal you have in your head.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but when it comes to her, I’m your worst fucking nightmare. If I were you, I would just heed my words and you’ll be fine. She’s off fucking limits, tell your offspring.”

I walked away and left her standing there with egg on her face. I wasn’t interested in her excuses, my only focus right now was finding out who this man was that had scared Maxie into hiding.

I wasn’t too thrilled at the idea of her travelling all over Europe performing, because I might not always be able to go with her, but she should have the freedom to go where she liked and do as she pleased. Talent like hers should be shared with the world.

Of course I was already plotting how I could keep her stateside with the rare performance oversees.

I don’t think they let pregnant women travel after a certain time, and there was no way I was going to let my pregnant wife travel anywhere while she was carrying my child, whether she was two months or eight.

So my first order of business was to knock her the fuck up, which I might have already done.

“Oh shit.” I held onto the wall when my knees felt weak. We hadn’t used anything none of the many times I’d had her last night and this morning.

Neither of us had even thought of it, her, maybe because of her innocence and me because I was too hungry for her to think about that shit.

She’d skin me alive if I got her pregnant so soon no doubt; she seemed to have an opinion on every damn thing under the sun. I don’t see why this should be any different.

That’s why I wasn’t going to tell her about the shadow I had just put on her, or the device I’d just ordered for her that will let me know where she is every second that she’s not with me.

“Let’s go baby, time for your riding lesson.” Her cheeks reddened and I grinned at her, her mind seemed permanently stuck in the gutter.

“Thanks for looking out for my girl mom.”

“Anytime son, now you two run along and have fun, I have to meet with cook about tonight’s menu. Don’t forget we’re having company for dinner.”

“Fine mom.” I grabbed Maxie and hightailed it out of there before she got it into her head that we should help her with her menu choices.

I wasn’t really interested in her riding lessons this morning. I wanted her away from the house so I could spend some time alone with her without any chance of interruptions.

It was going to take my team a while I was sure, to get all the information that I had asked for, but in the meantime maybe there was something that she could tell me that would lead me in the right direction.

I made her go over every thing she remembered from both experiences with her stalker, as we walked our horses side by side. I was looking for any slip-ups that he might’ve made.

The one thing that I kept coming back to was the second time around. How had he found her? I hadn’t known her as Maxie Shaw, and probably wouldn’t have put the two together.

So was this someone who knew her personally? Someone who had seen her as Maxie and then as The Dove and recognized her? No matter how I tried I couldn’t piece it together.

“Jackson I told you, the cops have been on the case since the beginning, if there’s anything to find, they’ll find it. Besides, I haven’t heard anything from him in months.”

I didn’t bother repeating myself to her again; she’ll learn soon enough that I will never leave her well being up to anyone else.

“Why are you staring at me like that?” I wondered as I studied her, how much of what I felt for her was the legend, and how much was my natural feelings for her.

The answer was easy, without the legend it might’ve taken me a few days longer, but I had no doubt I would’ve fallen for her; how could I not?

“Because you’re beautiful and I like looking at you; problem?” I ran my finger down her soft cheek. She seemed softer here, calmer, more at ease.

The high-strung minx that I’d met a short time ago still shone in those eyes, but she had a different air about her here in my home; like she’d come home.

“No, no problem; just that it feels so weird being here with you like this, when only a short while ago we were at each other’s throats.”

“I was never at your throat love, that was your idea of a mating dance I think. I think you took one look at me and all those old feelings came flooding back, and in your innocence you didn’t know how to handle it, so you behaved badly.”

“You’re full of shit. Where are we going anyway, I don’t remember riding this far out before.”

She looked around at our surroundings before I took the reins from her and led her to the copse of trees.

I’m pretty sure she got the idea when I got down from my horse, and then lifted her off her mount to stand between me, and the horse she’d ridden.

I had the presence of mind to reach for the blanket I’d tied behind the saddle for just this purpose. I pulled her along behind me to the trees and spread the blanket, before turning back to her.

“I don’t think I had my fill this morning and with all those people in the house I wasn’t sure I would be able to do this for hours yet.”

I pulled her down to the ground and covered her mouth and body with mine before she could start in on me.

Her body went up in flames; her response was immediate. Just as with my kisses, I love what my touch does to her. A man would give up much, risk much, for a woman who comes to life beneath him like that.

After I’d kissed her into submission, I eased back and looked down at her.

“How do you really feel baby?” I brushed the hair back from her eyes. She’d taken some hard knocks already for the day and the shit had just started.

“About what?”

“About what I said at breakfast, about your mom and what she did? What do you think?” She shrugged as if to say it didn’t matter, but I noticed she couldn’t quite look at me.

It was amazing how much she’d come to mean to me in such a short time; the legend at play again I think, but I don’t think anything other than fate, destiny, could make a man feel this strongly for a woman.

I wanted to wrap her up in soft silk and tuck her away somewhere where I was sure that no one and nothing could get to her.

And I noticed I had a new fear, I’ve never been afraid of anything before, not really. With her, I feared anything happening to her when I wasn’t there to protect her and it didn’t seem to stem only from what had happened in her past.

It felt like some sort of permanent affliction, like I was always going to feel this way where she was concerned.

I nope not, because if this shit persisted, I was going to end up forbidding her from going anywhere, ever; and knowing her, that wouldn’t go over so well.

“You don’t have to be brave for me. I know that shit hurt, I’m sorry I was the one that brought it to you, but I wasn’t about to let her lord it over you any longer. I hope you know your true worth, if to no one else, know that to me, you’re priceless.”

She reached up to pull my head down to hers, but not before I saw the sheen of tears in her eyes.

That shit tore at my heart, because I’d always suspected that the tough girl act was just that, an act. It made me wish I’d really let her mother have it.

Where I had planned to plunder, I now gentled my touch. “Look at me baby, keep your eyes on mine.”

She looked so fucking young lying beneath me, her face bare of any make-up, lips a natural soft pink that was red from her constant biting into them.

I made a promise to myself that from this day on, I was going to show her every kindness in life, no matter what it took.

I may not be able to erase all that came before, but I can be sure to make her very happy now that we’d found each other.

I unbuttoned her shirt slowly; taking little nibbles of her lips after each button had been released, and more of her succulent flesh was revealed.

By the time I had it off her shoulders her breath was choppy, and her body held a slight sheen of sweat in the early morning Texas heat.

Lifting her to my mouth, I took first one raspberry nipple in, before paying homage to the other.

She arched her back and rubbed her pussy into my hard-on through our clothes.

I hurried to remove her jeans when she bit my tongue playfully and keened into my mouth as my hand passed between her thighs.

We were like two teenagers trying to get each other’s clothes off at the same time. Elbows and knees were flying, as we tried to avoid maiming each other.

My cock sprung from my pants out into the open like an angry weapon, looking to pillage. There was a string of pre-cum hanging and I almost howled when she ever so wantonly stuck her tongue out and licked it away.

My hands automatically went to her head as I made fucking motions into her mouth. I cautioned her when she tried to take too much in and choked.

“Easy baby, you’ve only tried this once.” I held my cock, making sure to keep at least five of the eleven inches out of reach, before feeding her the other six.

“Lick around the head like I showed you first, that’s it, now get it nice and wet...fuck where did you learn that?” She spat on my cock.

The sly look she gave me left me with more questions than answers and I found myself pulling her head back roughly.

“Where the fuck did you learn to do that?” she laughed, the sweetest sound in my world, too bad I wasn’t in the mood to enjoy it right now.

I bent her neck backward until I was staring down into her eyes? “Who?”

“No one, I saw the tutorial.” She grinned and pulled out of my slackened hand before going back for my dick.

“See what you did? Now I have to start over.” She did that shit again, and I could only watch in amazement, until I realized that from this position, with her on her knees bent over, while I knelt in front of her, that I could reach her pussy.

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