Kid: Cerberus MC Book 2 (16 page)

Read Kid: Cerberus MC Book 2 Online

Authors: Marie James

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Kid: Cerberus MC Book 2
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I zone out again, not able to keep my thoughts from how Khloe relentlessly flirted with Snatch last night. I snap out of my trance when everyone else begins to stand from the table.

“Leave about eight in the morning?” BT asks reaching for my hand again.

“Sure, man,” I agree. “It’s your show.”

I walk away from them grumbling like a child, but I can’t help it. I don’t know what’s going to be worse, being away from Khloe for a little while or staying here and being tortured every single day until she turns eighteen.

“Just what I need,” I mumble to myself. “A town full of hookers and a dick with hardly any self-control.”

“Girl trouble,” I hear Shadow explain to BT as I walk out of the room.


I have to walk by Khloe’s room to get to my own. I should just keep on walking, but as I mentioned earlier, my restraint where she’s concerned is very limited, non-existent really.

I knock softly on the door and hear her tell me to come in. I stand in the doorway, refusing to enter her room. She’s lounged back on her bed. The TV is on but the sound is turned down low.

“Snatch is going to get you a phone tomorrow.” I ran into him this morning on my way out. Since he was already heading into town, he agreed to grab one for her. That was of course after a couple jokes about not being able to score.

“Thank you,” she says softly.

I swallow roughly, wishing she were sitting in a chair rather than laid out in her bed. I can see the thin straps of her tank top. No bra straps. After seeing those glorious tits naked last night, I can easily picture what they’d look like behind the thin fabric of her shirt.

My cock has full understanding as well as it slowly begins to swell in my sweats. This girl is going to be the fucking death of me.

I clear my throat, quickly needing to get out of here.

“Won’t you join me?” she asks patting the empty side of the bed.

“Can’t,” I say with a quick head shake. “I’m heading out of town in the morning. I just wanted to stop in real quick and let you know.”

Her face falls, sadness marring her beautiful face. Her eyes begin to water, and it breaks my damn heart.

“Emmalyn will be here if you need anything, and I won’t be gone very long.”

She nods her head in understanding.

“I have to pack,” I say walking further into the room. I lean in and brush my lips over her forehead before leaving the room.

A couple more weeks of waiting. After that, I’m certain I’ll never be able to walk away from her again. That beautiful creature, unknowingly, has her claws so deep in me I can feel her in my soul.


I tossed and turned all night. I’m the type of guy that does his best to shove women out the door after having sex, needing to sleep alone, but I was miserable last night. I missed the feel of Khloe’s warm body against mine. I missed the tickle of her breath on my neck as she slept.

Fuck. I just miss
, and I’m not even gone yet.

I dress quickly and carry my duffle to the front door. Khloe is already at the table eating breakfast when I walk into the kitchen. She’s chatting animatedly to Emmalyn. I smile, knowing Em will be a good friend to her. Em has been here for months and is very cordial to the other girls, but she hasn’t allowed herself to get close to anyone really. I know Khloe and Em will be good for each other.

I load up a plate and take a seat in the empty chair on the other side of Khloe.

“Mornin’,” I say and give her a quick kiss on the cheek.

She smiles brightly at the attention.

“Are you mad at me?” she asks quietly.

Emmalyn has pulled her attention from Khloe and is now talking to Kincaid.

“No,” I answer honestly and circle my arm around her back, tugging her closer to my side.

She rests her head on my shoulder as I eat.

I take a bite of eggs and begin to chew as she raises her head. “I ache for you,” she whispers in my ear.

I nearly choke on the food I just attempted to swallow. This girl is incorrigible. “Quit saying shit like that.” My scowl is evident when I hear Snatch chuckle from across the room. I glare at him, threatening his life with a simple look in my eyes. He’s kicked back in his seat, eyes half-mast; Snapper is beside him, with both of her hands under the table doing God knows what to him, and he still has the wherewithal to pay attention to me. Ridiculous.

“Why?” she asks innocently.

“Because it makes my dick hard,” I hiss quietly at her. “And we’re in the middle of the kitchen with ten other people around us.”

Her head goes back to my shoulder but only for a few seconds. Her arms raise up, and she wraps them around me. I feel her warm breath on my neck.

“I touched myself thinking of you last night,” she says in my ear before kissing my cheek.

I shove away from the table, unable to take any more from her. I already hate leaving her, and she’s making it even harder saying shit like that. I know exactly what her delicate fingers look like in that perfect pussy of hers, and that knowledge will stick with me for the rest of my life. If I think about it hard enough, I can still taste her sweetness on my tongue.

“I can’t wait until you turn eighteen,” I rasp in her ear before kissing her forehead quickly. “Keep that pussy warm for me.” She gasps loudly at my words.

I walk away from her, but not before having to adjust myself in my jeans. Why the fuck did I just say something like that to her?

“You ready?” BT asks as I near his table.

“Yeah, man. Let’s go,” I say getting up from the table.

“Thank fuck. I have to get out of here before I do something that lands me in jail.”

Chapter 23

I wanted to make sure he knew just how much I wanted him before he left. I wanted him thinking of me while he was gone. I didn’t take Emmalyn’s advice about leaving Kid alone and not taunting him. He was leaving for who knows how long, heading to Sin City. I’ve never been to Vegas but it is common knowledge that it’s an ‘anything goes’ type of city. Hookers, drugs, gambling.

I know he has options. Hell, he has options here at the house, but I had to let him know that I was an option also. We haven’t talked about
. I have no clue if we’re even in a relationship. It feels that way to me, but he’s not very verbal about where I stand with him, and that makes me nervous. I know I will be heartbroken if he messes around with another woman, but I’m not even sure if I have the right to get upset if he does.

I came to my room after breakfast. Emmalyn seemed deep in conversation, that I could tell was turning very sexual with Kincaid, so I knew they wouldn’t be around for a while this morning. I have no transportation, so I have no real way to leave and just get out of the clubhouse. I could walk, but that idea doesn’t appeal to me in the least.

I pull out my disconnected phone and pull up my pictures. With Kid gone, I seem to be a glutton for punishment. I smile sadly as I swipe through the pictures of Alec. I miss him terribly. I miss the easy conversation we had. I’m able to talk to Kid, but it’s different than talking with Alec. The sexual tension between Kid and I is always waiting to bubble to the surface, and that adds an extra layer of stress.

I try to imagine a conversation with Alec if he could see the situation I was in right now. I know he’d tell me I’m moving too fast. He’d urge me to find out more about not just Kid, but the MC as well. He’d want me to actually be safe rather than just feeling safe around Kid. I’d argue that I have pretty decent instincts on judging people and I’d all but guarantee my safety with Kid. Physical safety anyways; I have no idea how safe my heart is at this point.

A hard knock on my door draws my attention away from my phone.

“Come in,” I say figuring Emmalyn is coming to check on me.

Snatch swings the door wide as if he’s making some sort of grand entrance. The flare of dramatics makes me smile.

“Kid told me to grab you a phone,” he says handing me a bright orange bag.

“Thank you,” I tell him reaching my hand out to take it from him.

“I programmed everyone in the club’s number in there in case you need it.”

“I appreciate it,” I say as I open the bag, then the box that the phone is in.

“Unlimited data, minutes, texting and all that good shit,” he informs me.

I smile and power on the phone.

“Umm, Khloe?” I look up at him.

“I wouldn’t send any… you know… naked pictures to Kid. Since you’re still under eighteen and the information bounces off all sorts of cell towers before it makes it to your destination, it could possibly be considered child pornography in some states,” he warns.

I stare at him, mouth agape.

I never even considered sending Kid naughty pictures, but I’m grateful for the warning. The threat of getting in trouble, or worse yet, getting Kid into trouble, is enough to keep me from ever sending naked pictures.

“I know your phone was much older,” he says walking closer to the bed. “Let me show you where everything is on here.”

I smile up at him, grateful for the offer, and hand him the phone.

“You’re not afraid of me anymore, are you?”

I huff a laugh. “Nope.”

He raises an eyebrow as if saying everyone is terrified of him.

I tilt my head a little. “Snatch, I’ve seen you dance and sing to Justin Bieber and Jason Derulo. That doesn’t really help you maintain the scary guy image.”

He laughs heartily, holding his stomach as if he’s pained by the action. “Yeah,” he finally says. “I guess you’re right.”

He quickly shows me some of the features on the phone and then leaves me to fiddle with it on my own. Everyone that I’ve had interactions with here has been very helpful. I know many motorcycle clubs aren’t like this. If they were, the stereotypes that seem like common knowledge to everyone wouldn’t exist.

I smile picturing Alec here. He would be in hog heaven with all of the handsome guys around. I know he’d crush hard on Snatch since he had a thing for tattoos and piercings. We’d sit on my bed for hours on end and gossip about the men. My heart clenches when I’m reminded that I’ll never have that again. My best friend is gone, and even though my life doesn’t feel as helpless as it did a few weeks ago, there is still a huge hole where Alec had once been.

I climb off my bed and wipe a tear from my cheek. I have to get out of this room and out of my own head before I end up down the rabbit hole of depression again.

The clubhouse is quiet as I make my way out front. I notice the droop to the flowers Emmalyn and I planted days ago so I set about watering them, hoping they can be saved. After completing that task, I just wander around the property, noticing for the first time that there is a magnificent porch on the back of the building. There is a stone paver patio that reaches out into the backyard complete with a huge grill and enough tables for everyone in the club to sit down at and visit with each other or enjoy a meal.

I opt to sit on the porch since the harsh heat of the sun is directly overhead. It’s so peaceful and relaxing back here, and I know immediately I’ll be spending quite a bit of time here.

I close my eyes and allow myself to listen to the birds call out to one another. This is almost as enjoyable as the time I spent with Kid on the dock at his friend’s house. The only thing missing is the lapping sound of the water against the shore.

An unfamiliar ding startles me before I realize it came from the new phone Snatch gave me.

I pull it from my pocket and notice a text message.

Emmalyn: Where are you?

Me: Back porch

I wait for another message to come but it doesn’t, so I place the phone on the table in front of me and close my eyes again. Mere minutes go by and the back door opens.

I roll my head on the back of the chair and look over to see Emmalyn making her way out to the porch.

“I love it out here,” she says sitting in the chair directly across from me.

“I didn’t even know this was back here. I’m glad I found it,” I tell her.

“It’s perfect when it rains,” she says reclining further in her chair. “The roof is tin and it sounds amazing.”

“I’ll have to remember that next time it rains.” I look over at her. “What are you doing today?”

She smiles brightly. “The girls and I are going to Bull’s.”

I gasp. “You’re going to a female strip club?”

She laughs. “Not exactly. Wednesday is ladies’ night. Male strippers come over from Albuquerque and dance all night.”

I laugh at her excitement. “Sounds like a blast,” I say but shake my head no. “Kincaid is okay with this?”

“He’s not doing backflips at the idea, but I’ll find a way to make it up to him,” she says with a wink.

I love how easy things are with Em. She doesn’t seem to see me as a child. If she did, she wouldn’t have just implied she’s going to do sexual favors in exchange for her fun tonight. I feel like a grown up around her, and that’s exactly what I need.

“Well, you ladies have fun.”

“We will. I wish you could go.” She scrunches her nose. “Next time we go you can join us. They won’t let you drink, but the show should be just as fun sober!”

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