Killer Pancake (29 page)

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Authors: Diane Mott Davidson

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Mystery & Detective, #Women Detectives, #Women Sleuths, #Detective and Mystery Stories, #Cooking, #Mystery Fiction, #Colorado, #Humorous Stories, #Cookery, #Caterers and Catering, #Bear; Goldy (Fictitious Character), #Women in the Food Industry

BOOK: Killer Pancake
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Harriet shook her head and sighed. "I think she was run down by a member of that horrible group. Those awful people saying" - she made a face - "spare the hares. They've bothered us before."

"Really? How?"

"Oh! They come in here and yell at us. They say, 'How can you sell cosmetics that are tested on poor, innocent animals?'

They make a scene and drive the customers away. It's pathetic. Why don't they just go out into the wild with the animals if they love them so much? Why bother us?" She showed me the receipt and made a perfunctory gesture to show the products and receipt to the camera. Then she ducked down and brought out my bag. I tucked it in the zip bag with the change and turned to leave.

Crea-eak! Craa-a-ack! went the wall of the security blind.

"For heaven's sake!" exclaimed Harriet. We were standing not two feet away from each other. I felt another shiver of fear.

"You'd better call security," I said. Security came. It came in the form of Nick Gentileschi. Above the store entrance, the security blind floor broke open with a splintering crash. Gentileschi's heavy body plummeted from overhead. Oh my God, I thought as his bulk in its dark polyester suit fell and fell. Oh my God, please, no... His body would have hit me if I hadn't jumped out of the way. Instead, his weight landed hard on the glass-and-chrome Mignon counter. Metal shattered, glass crumpled, shards flew.

At the last moment I thought to cover my eyes. Harriet Wells leapt back and screamed. She kept screaming like a woman possessed. When I uncovered my eyes, glass was everywhere. Gentileschi's body had landed in an impossibly contorted position.

I knew he was dead. In fact, from the stiffness of his body atop the shattered makeup counter, I guessed he'd been dead for several hours before his weight sent him tumbling out of the blind. A gaping hole above the store entrance was jagged with splintered wood. Inside the craggy hole was blackness. Harriet Wells screamed on.

"Oh, no, please," I said as I backed up, away from the mess. "Please let this not be happening...."

Harriet's screams turned into a sirenlike screech for help. Curious customers sidled up to the scene, like filings to a magnet. I was about to turn away, when a flash of paper caught my eye. Something slipped out of Nick Gentileschi's pocket and rested next to the place where the linoleum met the plush gray carpeting.

The slip was actually two pieces of... what? I looked more closely. Photographs.

I leaned in and stared incredulously at two photographs taken at very close range. A large woman was half-naked, caught by the camera in the act of undressing. A dark skirt hung from the woman's ample hips. A dark-and-light jacket was draped on a wall hook behind her. The top of her body was completely exposed; her breasts hung pendulously as the camera caught her action of slipping off her bra.

Even slightly out of focus, the woman was recognizable. It was Babs Braithwaite.


I backed away from the photographs, the shattered counter, and the sight of Nick Gentileschi contorted above fluorescent-light display. From the corner of my eye I could see Stan White hurtling down the escalator. Shoppers, surprised and morbidly curious, gathered on both ends of the aisle. My feet inched backward until I hit the table filled with zircons. The boxes tumbled. I fell on top of them. I realized that the gasping I heard was coming from; me. I closed my mouth, rolled over, and saw Stan White display his badge to the onlookers.

"I'm from department store security!" he bellowed. "Please clear the store. Do not use this exit!" And with that, Stan White turned away from the hesitantly departing crowd and gazed dispassionately at Nick Gentileschi's body.

He felt for a pulse, then stepped into the aisle and loomed over me. In the background, I could hear Harriet sobbing. "Are you all right?" he demanded.

"Yes," I burbled from the floor, "I think so." My hair was in my face and my skirt was tangled around my hips. I was having a hard time breathing.

"Did you see what happened?" When I nodded, Stan stabbed a stubby finger at me and barked, "Don't leave." He gulped and added, "Please."

Leaving me sprawled amid the fake gems and their velvet boxes, he darted over to the remaining group of gaping spectators. Grimly, he herded them away from the area leading to the counter. Then he pulled displays into the aisles to isolate the area around the shattered glass, the destroyed merchandise, and Nick Gentileschi's twisted corpse. I watched as he made call after call on the phone behind the cosmetics counter. Harriet sat on a low shelf, her knees to her chest, her back pressed against the cabinet that held the Frosted Cherries Jubilee lipsticks. She was whimpering uncontrollably. Her lovely, perfectly made-up face and manicured hands were streaked with blood from splinters of glass. Her blond twist of hair had fallen apart and hung in clumps and strands, like remnants of insulation.

I maneuvered myself behind the counter, carefully avoiding the mess, and asked if I could help. Her whimpers immediately turned to wails: "Twenty-eight years! Twenty-eight years in this business! And nothing, nothing has ever happened.

Not like this. Why is this... why?" When I reached for some cotton balls to dab away the blood on her face, she made batting motions to get me away. "No, no, no!" she screamed. "Leave me alone! Go away!"

Fine, I thought, fine. Wait for the police, paramedics, whatever you want.

"Okay, please move back," said Stan White once he was off the phone. "Please move away from the counter." He scowled in my direction, apparently recognizing me for the first time. "You? What are you doing here again?"

"Nothing." I squeezed past the mess again, in no mood for explanations.

He made an awkward move in my direction, then looked confused. When he caught shoplifters in the store, he knew what to do. When he had a corpse to deal with, however, he was less sure. "Don't leave," he ordered me again. "The police are coming.

They want to know if anyone saw... if there were any witnesses."

"I'm not going." I stood, shaking, on the lush carpet. I couldn't bear to look at Nick Gentileschi's corpse sprawled on the shattered Mignon counter. Nor could I listen to another moment of Harriet's abject weeping. Dizziness swept over me. An empty seat in the shoe department beckoned. I sat down uneasily, making sure that I faced away from Nick Gentileschi's body. The store's overhead speakers crackled and the gentle background music stopped mid-bar. A female voice announced that owing to an emergency, Prince & Grogan was now closed. Apparently Stan White had called the office with the intercom. All shoppers should depart in an orderly fashion, the calm voice went on soothingly, either through the exit that went into the parking lot or via the elevator located next to Lingerie. This would take them down to the parking lot exit.

I glanced at the wall display of pumps, espadrilles, and walking shoes, and thought vaguely that the police wouldn't want everyone dismissed. But the store had a reputation to uphold, and that reputation said the only excitement was in shopping. The dramatic loss of their security chief didn't qualify as a good retail experience.

It wasn't long before the Furman County Sheriff's Department arrived in force. Tom must have been tied up with another investigation, because the stern-looking team strode in without him. A victim advocate accompanied them. I stayed only long enough to give my name and phone number and the very sparse details of what I'd heard and seen. Cracking noises. A body falling. No one suspicious around. Yes, I'd known the deceased, but only in passing. When the investigating officers asked if I knew whether he had any enemies, I said they might want to look at the photos that had fallen out of his pocket. Why? The cops wanted to know. I told them the woman in the pictures had claimed someone was behind the mirror when she was trying on a bathing suit yesterday. The investigating team took their pictures, brushed fingerprint powder over every surface in sight, and sealed up the photos from Nick Gentileschi's pocket in evidence bags. They also strung up yellow police ribbons, assigned a smaller team to start on a search of the store in general and the security office in particular. The victim advocate asked if I needed help. I said I did not, but that I was fairly sure Harriet Wells needed quite a bit of it. A policeman stationed himself at each door.

The store was now officially closed.

I looked at my watch: one-thirty. I should go home, I thought. Go home and cook. Forget this event, these people, this place. These people and their products are the farthest thing imaginable from what they say they offer. And what did they say they offered? Beauty. Freedom from stress. Longevity. What a joke.

I walked out the exit by the parking lot. Rain pelted down. I slumped onto the curb and again fought dizziness.

Frances Markasian should have come herself to buy her cosmetics. If she had, she would have been the one to see

Gentileschi tumble out of the blind and crash onto the glass. Thinking of Frances made my stomach turn over. She wouldn't be sitting on a curb feeling ill. She'd be back there asking questions and making a pest out of herself.

I was crying. When I tried to wipe my face, I realized that somehow, through the horror and confusion, I was still clutching the bag with Frances's Mignon purchases. The paper, damp and limp from the rain, rustled softly when I looked inside. Yes, there were her jars of stuff and a plastic bag of bills and loose change.

I started walking. I wasn't ready to go back to the van. I needed to move, to clear my head. All around, people trotted through the rain to their cars or to the heavy main doors to the mall. I looked into a Prince & Grogan plate-glass window. I didn't see the leggy mannequins clad in short black suits, but instead gaped at my bedraggled reflection. Standing there, watching my elongated, pained face, I thought about the body as it came falling down, down, down. What had Nick Gentileschi been doing up in the blind? Especially when department store security supposedly didn't use them anymore? Why were the pictures of Babs in his pocket? Did this have anything to do with Claire's murder?

The cars whooshed behind me on the wet thoroughfare Oh, Claire, I found myself whispering, I am so sorry. I am so sorry

I can't figure this out for you. I am so sorry, Julian. It's just getting worse, instead of resolved.

Like my van returning to Aspen Meadow by rote, I walked as if I had someplace to go. Where was I supposed to go? I couldn't remember. My shoes sloshed through puddles. Cold droplets continued to beat down all around. Kids pedaled past me on bikes. One yelled something like Get inside, lady! but I didn't acknowledge him. Forks of lightning flared in the distance. Thunder rumbled overhead. I walked on. I didn't care about the wet, didn't care that my caterer's outfit was getting soaked. If I got pneumonia, I, thought absurdly, I could go to Marla's house and her nurse would take care of both of us. I walked down one street, then another. I saw Nick Gentileschi's body tumble from a great height. Again I heard the sickening crack as his weight hit the glass counter.

Finally, I stopped. Where was the store, exactly? Where was the hospital? The mall?

Where was I, exactly? The houses, street, sidewalk, shrubs, and fences swam slowly into focus. I had arrived in the older neighborhood of Aqua Bella that Dusty had pointed out so enviously when. we were sipping our lattes on the mall's garage roof.

Of course, "older" in Denver usually means "from the 1950s." Along the sidewalk where I stood, drenched and disoriented, a

Frank Lloyd Wright-style redstone-and-brick ranch was flanked by a white Georgian two-story with pristine black shutters and a turreted blue and pink neo-Victorian mini-mansion. The Victorian was like a large feminine presence. No one had controlled the zoning along this street, unfortunately, and none of these lovely buildings was an actual domicile. A small sign at the end of the sidewalk to the ranch home indicated it was now the office for a trio of dentists. The Georgian was devoted to accounting.

A blue and pink picket fence primly separated the sidewalk from the lush green lawn in front of the Victorian. White wicker furniture brimming with blue and pink cushions dotted a spacious front porch. An elaborately lettered sign on the picket fence announced that the business was Hotchkiss Skin & Hair.

Behind a glass door intricately patterned with white metal, the blue front door to Hotchkiss opened. Behind the fence, the rain, and the glass, a silhouette appeared in the lighted doorway. The visage regarded me, then beckoned. It was the young, cheerful face of Dusty Routt.

I moved toward the Victorian house. Perhaps I had intended unconsciously to come here all along, since I had received the directions over the phone. But Dusty worked at Mignon, not at Hotchkiss. Hotchkiss was Mignon's competitor. Dusty held the glass door open as I stumbled inside.

"Goldy! Jeez, come in... you're, like, totally... Look at you! You're a wreck! I mean... I saw in the appointment book that you were coming, but... you're so late! What were you doing out in the rain? Where's your van? Why didn't you wear a raincoat?"

I found myself in a foyer decorated with pale pink carpeting, matte pink walls, small gold and crystal chandeliers, white leather and gilt wood French provincial chairs, and a long glass counter arrayed with cosmetic products. The place was so at odds with my drenched, wraithlike appearance that I let out a crazy cackle. Dusty stared. I couldn't tell her what I was thinking-that

Hotchkiss Skin & Hair looked like an upscale whorehouse.

A pretty woman stood behind the reception desk. Her wide, pale face boasted dark streaks of brownish-pink blush. Her voice was as soft as her swirled nimbus of cocoa-colored hair and pink mohair sweater. She asked, "Are you ready for your appointment?"

I looked at Dusty. Out of her Mignon uniform and wearing a white shirt and green culottes, she looked younger-more her age. I said, "Nick Gentileschi..."

Dusty tilted her head. "What about Nick? Did he come with you? Is he here?" She glanced back toward the rainswept sidewalk. "He wouldn't come here," she said, confused, "because he works at - "

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