Killing Lincoln/Killing Kennedy (35 page)

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Authors: Bill O'Reilly,Martin Dugard

BOOK: Killing Lincoln/Killing Kennedy
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O’Laughlen, Mike
trial and sentence of
Old Capital Prison
Old Clubhouse
Our American Cousin
cast after shooting
Papal Zouaves
Parke, John G.
Parker, John
Pennsylvania House hotel
Petersburg, Virginia
siege at
Petersen, William
Petersen house
Lincoln in
Philip II of Macedon
Pickett, George
Pinkerton agents
Our American Cousin
Point Lookout
Pollack, Wally
Porter, Horace
Port Royal
Port Tobacco
posters, reward
Potomac River
Booth crosses
Powell, Lewis
arrest of
attack on Seward family
escape of
hanging of
role in assassination plot
trial of
prisoners of war
Pumphrey, James
stable of
Randolph, Robert
Rappahannock River
Rathbone, Henry Reed
Read, Theodore
Revolutionary War
reward posters
Rhode Island
Rice’s Station
Richmond, Virginia
destruction of
fall of
Ritterspaugh, Jake
River Queen
Robinson, George
Rollins, Edward H.
Rosser, Thomas Lafayette
Rozier, Margaret
Safford, Henry S.
Sample, Bill
Sayler’s Creek, battle of
secessionist movement
Sessford, John
Seward, August
Seward, Fanny
Seward, Frederic
Seward, William H.
assassination plot against
attack on
death of
house of
life after attack
Shakespeare, William
Julius Caesar
Romeo and
Sheridan, Phil
Sherman, William Tecumseh
Sioux Indians
Booth’s views on
runaway slaves
Soldiers’ Home
Soles, Jacob
South Carolina
Spangler, Ned
trial and sentence of
Spencer rifles
Springfield, Illinois
Stanton, Edwin M.
Baker and
conspiracy plot and
death of
life after Lincoln’s death
Lincoln and
at Lincoln’s deathbed
Stonewall Brigade
Stowe, Harriet Beecher
Sumner, Isabel
Supreme Court
Surratt, Anna
Surratt, John death of
role in assassination plot
search for
Surratt, Mary
arrest of
boardinghouse of
hanging of
physical appearance
in prison
reburial of
role in assassination plot
tavern of
trial and sentence of
Surrattsville, Maryland
Taft, Charles Sabin
Taltavul, Peter
Taltavul’s Star Saloon
Taylor, Zachary
Thomas, Lorenzo
Treasurγ, U.S.
trial of co-conspirators
Twain, Mark
Union army
blacks in
control of Richmond
High Bridge
last days of war
Lee’s surrender and
at Petersburg
Sayler’s Creek
Union Light Guard
United States Colored Troops (USCT)
Usher, John P.
Booth captured in
destruction of Richmond
High Bridge
Sayler’s Creek
War Department
Washburn, Francis
Washington, D.C.
Grand Illumination
Grant in
Lincoln’s funeral procession
post-assassination mourning
postwar celebrations
smuggling and escape routes
Washington, George
Webster, Amos
Weichmann, Louis
Westfall, John William
West Point
White House
bombing conspiracy
Lincoln’s last speech at
open-door policy
white supremacy
Willard Hotel
Williams, Barney
Wilson, Woodrow
Withers, William
Wright, Horatio
Copyright © 2011 by Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard
All rights reserved.
All images courtesy of the Library of Congress or private collection
Henry Holt and Company, LLC
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Designed by Meryl Sussman Levavi
Maps by Gene Thorp
eISBN 9781429996877
First eBook Edition : August 2011
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
O’Reilly, Bill.
Killing Lincoln : the shocking assassination that changed America forever / Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard.—1st ed.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 978-0-8050-9307-0
1. Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865—Assassination. I. Dugard, Martin. II. Title.
E4575.074 2011
First Edition 2011
Killing Kennedy
The End of Camelot
Bill O’Reilly
Martin Dugard


This book is dedicated to my ancestors, the Kennedys of Yonkers, New York.
Hardworking, generous, and honest folks.


A Note to Readers


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The students in Brother Carmine Diodati’s freshman Religion class were startled. Over the loudspeaker, a radio report crackled into the Chaminade High School classroom. President John F. Kennedy had been shot in Dallas, Texas, and taken to the hospital. A short time later we would all learn he was dead. No one knew what to say.

Most Americans born before 1953 remember exactly where they were when they heard the news that JFK had been assassinated. The days following that terrible Friday were filled with sadness and confusion. Why did it happen? Who really killed the president? What kind of country did we live in anyway?

The assassination of JFK was somewhat personal for me. My maternal grandmother was born Winifred Kennedy, and my Irish-Catholic family had deep emotional ties to the young president and his family. It felt as if someone in my own home had died violently. Like most kids on Long Island, I didn’t care much about national politics. But I vividly remember pictures of JFK displayed in the homes of my relatives. To them, he was a saint. To me, he was a distant figure who died in a terrible way, his brain splattered all over the trunk of a car. The vision of his wife, Jacqueline, crawling onto the back of the limo in order to retrieve the president’s shattered skull has stayed with me always.

*   *   *

Martin Dugard and I were well pleased that millions of people read and enjoyed
Killing Lincoln
. We want to make history accessible to everyone. We want to tell readers exactly what happened and why, using a style that is entertaining as well as informative. After chronicling the last days of Abraham Lincoln, the progression to John Kennedy was a natural.

It has been widely pointed out that the two men had much in common. In fact, the parallels are amazing:

Lincoln was first elected in 1860, Kennedy in 1960.

Both were assassinated on a Friday, in the presence of their wives.

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