King Dom Comes (19 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

BOOK: King Dom Comes
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"Mother of God!" Shannon cried, biting her lip as
the first one slipped past her tight sphincter.

"Ready for
another one?" Dom asked. Shannon shook her head and squeezed her eyes
shut, but Dom pressed on to work a second bead past her tight ring of muscle.

"No more. Please, Dom. The fullness makes me feel

He ignored her words, pushing a third bead past the
protesting entrance. "Spread yourself wider and relax. You will be much
better able to take them in."

"All of them?" Shannon panted.

"All of them," Dom answered, popping another into
her resistant cavity. "I am almost finished," he murmured, kissing
her backside as he diligently worked the last bead inside her. His finger went
in with it, pressing the balls deep.

Shannon was covered with a fine sheen of sweat, panting with
exertion. "Will you remove them now?"

"No. Now, I fuck you with my fingers," he said,
standing up and grabbing her hips. His cock was like steel, and slapped against
her thigh as he slid his soap-covered fingers back into her wetness.

Shannon groaned, for every thrust of his hand inside her body
made the feeling of fullness grow. He shifted to kneel behind her and buried
his face between her legs; his tongue and lips sucking and licking her aching

Shannon moaned as he slowly pulled the string, tugging firmly
as he pulled one ball out at a time, all the while still lapping eagerly at her
sex. She ground her pussy against his tongue as the sweet pulse of her release
began to overtake her, screaming as the tidal wave of pleasure struck her body.

Dom pulled the
remainder of the beads from her secret cavern in quick succession and, with her
bottom still spread open from the beads, he slid his massive cock inside her in
their place. Shannon gasped at the soft insistence of his flesh, groaning as he
tunneled his way past that still pulsing band of muscle, and forced his way
deeper into her ass.

"My sweet druid," he groaned, grabbing her hips and
sinking still deeper before he began to plunge. His hand gripped her wrists and
pulled them up behind her back, holding them securely while his cock thrust and
drove into her flesh.

grip tightened as he lunged again, rocking her
hard against the edge of the rocks. His cock began to pulse just before he gave
one final thrust and emptied his juices deep into her bowels.




weren't affected by my gift, were you?" Dom asked softly, holding Shannon
in his arms as they dried off in the warm sunlight.

Shannon whispered, kissing his nipple. "I felt it pull at me, but nothing
more. What you did to me," she lifted her head to look at him, "would
that have required much persuasion elsewhere?"

Dom stroked her arm. "I've not seen a woman bend easily for that."

amusing," Shannon chuckled at his pun. "In truth, I had little fear.
There was an overwhelming desire to please you."

was a gift from you to me, my darling. It's getting late," Dom said,
sitting up. He patted his thigh. "Come, now, across my lap. You still have
a spanking due you."

After what we shared?" Shannon looked distressed.

definitely. I gave into your seduction, you little wench, but now it is time to
pay the toll. Quickly now."

grumbled, easing her sore body across the muscular, bare legs stretched out
before her. His hand cupped her cheeks, as though he was taking a moment to
admire the paleness. Just as Shannon inhaled, his palm, hardened from years of
riding and sword play, began to rain intensely sharp and unrelenting smacks down
on her upturned hindquarters.

"Ow! Domitri, that hurts!" Shannon squealed,
kicking her legs wildly and twisting to escape.

Dom tightened his grip, and spanked harder and faster.
"Good. Perhaps this will teach you and your obstinate backside to obey me,
especially when your safety is at hand."

Shannon broke into tears, reaching behind her to block the
blows. He snatched her wrists in a single hand and held them to the small of
her back, and continued to discipline
her 'obstinate backside' with as much vigor as he had during their recent, far
more enjoyable, encounter.

"Please, no more!" she begged, trying to free her
hands from his iron grip. He was too strong and his hand was too large; she had
no hope of escaping.

"You will never wander off and worry me again, young
lady," he demanded. "Do you hear me?"

"Yes, Sire," Shannon bawled. Her cries increased in
pitch when he focused the spanking onto her sit-spots.

"Must I cut a switch or use my belt to teach this lesson
to you?" he lectured, his swings uninterrupted as they peppered her

"Nooo," Shannon begged, screeching as he caught her
darkening cheeks with a slightly angled swat. She howled, bucking to escape,
and begged forgiveness. He released her hands with an order to keep them away
from her bottom, placed his left palm on the center of her back, and began to
thoroughly work every inch of her bottom to a deep crimson.

Dom landed
a final swat, right on top of a previous one, and then stopped. Gathering
Shannon in his arms, he held her close to his chest as she muttering one
breathless apology after another, begging his forgiveness. His strong arms
supported her weak body, stroking the head that lay buried in his shoulder.

"Lesson learned?"

"Yes," Shannon wept. "I truly am sorry."

"Forgiveness is yours," he said softly. He cleared
his throat. "Should you wander off again, I will give permission to
whichever guardsman who finds you, to discipline you. Then you will meet me
once more for a repeated lesson."

"No, please. I could not stand the humiliation."

"The solution is, as always, simple. Behave

"'Tis easy to say, not to do," Shannon sniffed.

"I hear bitterness in your voice. Are you angry with

"I am."

"Because I punished you?"

"Because you were so harsh with me."

"Are you going to repeat this same transgression in the
near future?" Dom lifted her face to look at him.

She yanked her head away. "No, I am not."

"Then I say that this lesson was adequate. Kiss

"I do not wish to kiss you," Shannon grumbled,
pulling herself to her feet.

Dom offered a crooked smile. "Very well. You may take
whatever amount of time you need to have your tantrum, as long as it does not
cause harm to our men. You are to stay within range of my voice this time,

Shannon grunted, dressed quickly, and stomped towards the
path that led to camp. Her bottom burned with every step, but not as much as
her face. She heard Dom following behind her, chuckling to himself, and felt
her anger rise.

She turned to him. "Stop laughing at me!"

"I'm not laughing at you, I am amused by your behavior.
This sulking is not like you."

"How would you know what I am like?" Shannon
demanded. "You dictate my every thought and feeling; you tell me what to
wear and how to behave; you treat me as though I am your, your…"


"Yes!" She put her hands on her hips.

"You do forget yourself, my darling. Shannon, you are my
subject." Dom stood inches from her face. "I am your king. I am also
your betrothed, your teacher, your friend, your ally and now, your lover."

"You are a vicious clout."

He touched her chin. "Would you care to explain why you
are having such an unnatural fit? I have spanked you in the past, much more
severely, and you have never behaved this way."

"You had not been so intimate in the past, either."
Shannon's eyes welled with tears.

Dom tightened his lips in thought. "You feel as though I
abused your trust, and did not appreciate the gift of yourself, don't

Shannon nodded, looking at the ground. He encircled her in
his arms and sighed. "I am sorry. I should have spanked your obstinate
little backend first and then made love to it. I did not intend to confuse you.
Please, forgive me."

"F-forgive you?"

"Even a king can make mistakes, particularly
unintentional ones. From this moment on, I will focus only on the task at hand,
whether it be disciplining you or bringing you pleasure. The two will not cross

"I would not mind you pleasuring me after you punish
me," Shannon muttered.

"I am certain you would not." Dom kissed her nose.
"But that defeats the need for discipline to settle into both the flesh
and the heart. It is as though I reward you for poor behavior."

"I suppose I could not request you to stop this spanking
nonsense completely."

"Such a request will be denied. Shannon? Promise me that
you will come to me immediately the next time you are confused or angry. If we
are to rule a kingdom together, we must also be able to discuss difficult
issues. I do promise to consider any request or suggestion you offer, but I
will make the final decision. Know that I will be just in that decision."

"Might I make a request right now?" Shannon asked,
looking up into his gentle eyes.

"You may, my lady."

"The next time you decide that my bottom needs to be
painted all the colors of the rainbow, I wish you to place a fur mitt over your

Dom's frown hid the raising of his lips. "Are you saying
that you want me to spank you wearing a soft glove?"

"It is my request." Shannon said firmly. "Your
hand is much too hard, and pains me greatly when applied to my posterior

"Is that not the purpose of punishment?"

"I do not enjoy it."

Dom held her face gently in one large hand. "Punishment
is not meant to be enjoyed, my love."

"You said you would listen to me."

"Ah, of course I shall consider your request.
However," he joined his lips to hers, "I doubt a spanking such as
that would teach you any significant lesson."

"It might. There is nothing that would prevent you from

"You are a very stubborn young woman."

"I am not stubborn, Your Grace. I am persistent."

Dom laughed and hugged her warmly. "I do feel my heart
growing in love for you as each day passes. You have brought joy and laughter
into my life. My father was wise in his decision."

Shannon pouted. "Yes, you receive joy and laughter, and I
receive a sore backend. What fairness is there in that?"

"I say only one thing. It is good to be king."

"Sire?" one of the guardsman called. "Beg
pardon, but I hear your voices. It has been several hours."

"We are coming," Dom called back. He took Shannon's
hand and locked it in his bent elbow as he led her towards the camp. "My
lady, we will rest here for the night and then press forward. Will you make an
attempt to smile and not frighten the men with that scowl?"

"I'll make the attempt, but I cannot make a

"My Lady! Look at the feast we have brought for
you!" Jorje announced, holding up a string of fat pheasants. Another man
produced a wild boar. She glanced around at their grins and felt a genuine
smile come to her lips.

"They are most lovely! Thank you. Prepare them for
roasting and I will cook you a meal fit for a king," she promised. She
turned to Dom and added, "A feast for a
king, not one who bullies helpless women. I am still angry
with you."

"Helpless, you are not, Mistress McCleary. As for your
anger, I promise to find a way to survive until it has dispelled," Dom
said, as he joined his men in laughter. He squeezed her bottom, making her
squeal, and set to helping clean the game.




After another tantrum the following morning, and another
twenty minutes of being spanked behind a copse of trees, Shannon finally
submitted to riding in the carriage in lieu of on horseback. After insistent
urging from his men, and their assurance that each would personally look out
for her safety, Dom promised to start seeking out a proper horse for her during
their visit to the next large village. He added a condition, however—that
the horse would only be purchased if she behaved herself as befitting a lady
and a queen. That meant, he warned her with a pointed finger, she would cease
her juvenile tantrums, and spend the next two weeks riding in the carriage
without complaint. Indignant about being treated like a child, Shannon refused
to speak to him for two days.

Dom narrowed his eyes, as his men gathered around to assist
the young Irishwoman as she stepped from the carriage the third evening. He
crossed his arms and cleared his throat, waiting for the large, armored men to
stand to the side so that he could reach his betrothed. She refused to look at

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