King Dom Comes (16 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

BOOK: King Dom Comes
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"M-miss?" Shannon stuttered, suddenly feeling as
though she were transformed once again into a little girl.

The woman strolled around her again; this time, her hand
dragged lightly over the damp material of Shannon's dressing robe. "I
asked you, dear, if you knew of your fairness. You appear ill at ease with my
question. Why is that?"

"I, uh… Dom?"

"Answer the lady, Shannon."

"No, Miss," Shannon bowed her head, only to find
that her nipples had hardened. She instinctively hunched over in embarrassment.

Aida chuckled, patting Shannon on the rear. She laughed as
the girl hopped away. "The entire household heard that chastisement,
Domitri. They were applauding you."

Dom glanced at Shannon's reddening face. "There is
nothing to applaud for, my friend. A man does not take joy in disciplining his
wife, or wife-promised."

"But he takes joy in humiliating her?" Aida
grinned, elbowing him.

"Humbling, yes." Dom looked up to meet Shannon's
grateful eyes. "Humiliating, no."

"How old are you, girl?" Aida asked, turning to
Shannon. "Uncross your arms. You remind me of a petulant child."

eighteen," she said sheepishly. "Please, may I sit down?"

"Even if you were able to with that tender bum, no, you
may not," Aida said, patting Shannon's shoulder. "We have things to
do this evening and we will begin with you standing."

"Dom, is this truly necessary?"

"I will answer this question," Aida said.
"Yes, it is. There is a reason my house is never empty and that our king
supports our existence. It is because I teach my girls, my very
girl, a skill that no one else

Shannon frowned, looking into the woman's eyes. There it was!
The spark the Grand Dame had told her about. Aida was of the same blood as

"Do you understand, Shannon McCleary?" Aida asked.

"Yes, Miss."

"Should you disobey me, I will have to see you punished.
Am I understood?"

"Yes, Miss," she said.

"Aida, her bottom is thoroughly worked. Do you have
another idea for punishment?"

"I do, indeed," Aida cackled. "Let us hope we
won't have to use it."

"Mistress Aida, the spark—"

"Never speak of that!" the woman snapped. She moved
close to Shannon's face. "If gossip spreads of this, I could be hanged.
Domitri will no longer be welcome in this country, and you will be burned for
heresy and treason."

Shannon's face lost all color as she turned her face to Dom.

"Shannon? Come to me," Dom pointed to the floor
between his knees. He patted his thigh. "Kneel. Put your head on my

"Will they burn me? I know from history, that when my
mother was a young woman, she heard that they burned a maidservant for unproven
witchcraft in Kilkenny. What would they do with me should they find I am

"Calm yourself. You are not a witch, my love. Shhh,
Mistress Aida did not mean to frighten you, but this is a very serious issue.
We must keep who you are a secret while she shows you how to tap into areas of
your power that I cannot," Dom whispered in her ear. He kissed the bridge
of her nose. Her eyes asked the question—does she know about
you?—and he shook his head. "Now, return to your spot and show me
how a queen should behave."

stood, straightened herself and returned to the place she had been standing.

"Remove your robe," Aida ordered.

Shannon closed her eyes and obeyed. She cracked them open to
see Aida staring at her in disbelief.

beautiful." She perused Shannon's whole figure with her eyes, from her
tight-nippled breasts, to her bare calves and feet.

She straightened herself up further, straining just a little,
so that her slender waist and breasts were on display.

. "I want you to walk around the room. Twirl. Show me
what you are offering your king. Show him how a proud queen parades her

closed her eyes and pulled the image of the flame to her mind.
Emboldened, she arched her back to thrust her breasts
out with forced confidence, her hard nipples pointing forward. She stretched
one leg before the other in a naked glide around the room, and then Dom began
to sing. Shannon smiled and spontaneously broke into a graceful dance of
blessings, her long slender arms weaving through the air like a graceful stork
catching the wind. She added her lilting soprano harmony to his melody, and
began to undulate and sway before she spun around and collapsed to the ground.

"I thank you for the blessing, my lady" Aida cooed.
"I can see you aim to please. Did I say stop?" She stuck out one of
her slim arms and was swirling the dangling hand about silkily, motioning for
Shannon to turn. When she did not rise from the floor, Aida raised her eyebrows
and left her hypnotic fingers swirling.

"Stand and keep turning for me."

Aida slipped in between Shannon's waving arms and wrapped her
in an embrace. She pressed her mouth to Shannon's and held the girl firmly,
licking the welcoming warmth of her lips.

my body, Shannon. Explore me as you would like to be explored."

shook her head, feeling an odd sense of lightheadedness. Aida took Shannon's
hands, placed them upon her cheeks, and kissed both palms before reclaiming her
Aida licked Shannon's ear, kissing the
shell and bringing forth a shudder. The woman allowed herself another moment of
tasting Shannon's mouth before stepping back, her chest heaving and her eyes

took Shannon's hand and slowly inserted the girl's
index finger between her teeth, her eyes never leaving the girl's as she sucked
her finger, thrusting it gently in and out of her mouth. Shannon forgot all
about Dom's presence as she watched the seductive creature before her, stunned
by the degree of arousal this woman's attentions were causing her.

She mewled with satisfaction as Aida grazed her knuckle with
her teeth, and again sucked her finger between the red lips. She felt drunk,
unsteady, hypnotized; her clit pulsed with desire and her pussy clenched with
want. She tried to fight against the waves of pure lust; each pass of Aida's
warmth over her clit ratcheted her needs to a higher level, and sent her
arousal trickling down her inner thigh.

"Touch yourself," Aida whispered in her ear.

Shannon was unable to break eye contact, caught in the spell
cast by the older woman. Silently, she slipped her fingers down the center of
her abdomen and touched her clit, sliding it from side to side as the first
flares of orgasm began deep in her womanhood. Still Aida watched her, her gaze
drifting from Shannon's pussy to her face, and back again.

"I feel
drunk," she cried out as her orgasm broke, crumpling to the bed as her
legs gave way from under her. "What is wrong with me?"

"Give in to the
feeling, love," Aida whispered, "My gift is seduction."

"Are you a
siren?" Shannon asked, g
ulping in air. She shivered as the cool draft of air caressed
her skin, the reality of what she had done causing a different set of shivers
throughout her body.

"I am. Lean back
and close your eyes. I want you to memorize the things I will do to your body
as your king watches on."

"My king? Dom? Sit
by me," Shannon called, holding her hand in the air. She smiled as his
fingers wrapped around hers and his lips kissed the tips. "She captured

"Surrender to
her," he whispered. "She will give you what you need. I wish this of
you," he said, stroking her face.

Aida crawled beside the
young woman and kissed her
softly on the mouth, a series of gentle kisses intended to
calm, not arouse. Her proximity, and the sweetness of her touch, set off a
series of twitches in Shannon's pussy. Aida pressed a kiss to her nose.

"Dearest Shannon, your self-pleasure was the most
beautiful thing to watch. You are so lovely. I've never felt jealousy toward
another woman before, but I wanted it to be me making you cry out like that. I
wanted it to be my fingers stroking your creamy pussy, taking you there."

She tilted her head in silent question, and Shannon exhaled.
in to kiss her again, cupping her breasts
and cautiously rubbing the nipples with her thumbs. They were already bordering
on the edge of pain, yet Aida alternated between each breast, kissing and
nibbling until Shannon was bucking against her mouth and begging for more.

her hands over her head," Aida commanded, and Dom complied. Aida's
hands slid down to Shannon's bruised bottom and
squeezed the firm flesh, laughing as Shannon squealed. The air began to thicken
with the scent of female arousal flooding the room.

Shannon was stunned to see the desire in the woman's eyes,
and felt her pussy clench as Aida straddled her.
She watched as Aida
sat back
on her heels to pull Shannon's legs together and up to stroke her bottom and
thighs, licking delicately on the undersides of her knees and calves.
suddenly pulled Shannon's ankles apart and pressed her legs back down to the
mattress, leaving her completely open and naked to Aida's gaze.

"You are soft, like velvet," Aida said. "I
have never seen a pelt so fair and fine. It is like peach fuzz."
smiled and began licking a delicate trail down Shannon's abdomen. She lapped at
her belly, and then dipped her tongue into her navel, maintaining eye contact.
Aida blew warm breaths over the damp path her tongue had taken, before retracing
back up to Shannon's cleavage. Waves of pleasure started to ripple through
Shannon's body as Aida settled between her legs.

Aida gripped Shannon's hips firmly as she began her assault
on her sex, licking in a combination of long flat strokes of her tongue, and
quick flicks with the tip. She sucked Shannon's clit into her mouth and
released it before pushing her tongue into her aching pussy. She then returned
to flutter her tongue across her sensitive nub. Aida kissed her way into
Shannon's womanhood, stroking it inside like she had with her mouth, her soft
moans of enjoyment at Shannon's flavor echoing through the room.

Shannon's fingers flexed in Dom's hair, pulling him close and
pressing her mouth on his. Eager to participate, he plunged into her mouth with
his tongue as he stroked, twisted, and pulled at her left nipple.

"Please," her muffled plea was heard.

nipped the inside of Shannon's thigh before she dove in for the final feast.
She sucked and coaxed Shannon's clit to a jolting hunger, her hands gripping
into the flesh of Shannon's tender buttocks to keep the girl from bucking away.
firm, hot tongue lapped eagerly at her
juices, running circles over Shannon's flesh as her moans became squeals. Every
touch pushed Shannon higher, her tension spreading as her clit was flicked with
renewed vigor.

Shannon released a sob as she climaxed against Aida's mouth,
locking the woman's leg between her legs as the tremors spread through her body
in a series of mini explosions. Aida continued to lick and caress Shannon's
glorious orchid while stroking the welted, hot bottom. She twitched
when Aida's
lips again contacted her
clit, and sighed as Aida offered one long lick before slowly crawling up
Shannon's body, her face damp with Shannon's juices.

satisfied to feel embarrassed, released her
fingers from Dom's hair and pulled Aida down to kiss her. She tasted herself on
Aida's lips, and inhaled the warm, musky aroma deeply.

"Absolute perfection." Aida stroked Shannon's hair.
"I have never known anyone to taste so sweet, or be such a perfect fit for
my mouth."

"Í would love to take this one home with me,"
Shannon said dreamily. "Please, Dom? May I keep her?"

Dom chuckled. "I am sure you would, my sweet, but
Mistress Aida belongs to neither men nor women. 'Tis a shame, though, that you
will not remember this night come tomorrow."

"She is going to be a very powerful sorceress,
Domitri," Aida said sternly. "She must learn to control her temper
and how she directs her energy. You must be firm and unyielding to her tears.
That will not only save her, but cause her to become bonded with you."

"I, too, have had those visions," Dom said, smiling
down on Shannon. "Sleep, little one. Have sweet repose in the nest of your
bliss. We have a long ride on the morrow."




Shannon grimaced as she looked up at the horse the following

"Problem, darling?" Dom asked, looking down from
his steed.

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