KING (Mistress & Master of Restraint) (24 page)

BOOK: KING (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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I hug her to my side and stomp down the need to cry.
“Good. I hope you’re comfortable and safe,” I stress. I make my tone light because the emotions are distressing Ade. “I’ve been looking for everyone, but they seem to be avoiding me. Do either of you have any clue where your father is located?”

“Daddy and Diane are following a lead on some information. Marc remembered some details from his time at Kink. They’re also trying to get Olivia to
talk. What did you need of him?”

“Dalton filled me in on his life and I think some of it will be helpful. Is there any way either of you can pass a message? I’d like to have a meeting at nine a.m. tomorrow morning in the study.”

If I see him, I’ll pass it on. I’ll let Marcus and Regina know. I can tell Niel, too. But if you should see any of them first…

Will do,” I agree. “I’m joining Niel in a minute. Pizza,” I say in lieu of explanation. “I’m making some large changes around here. The first change is going to piss the kids off. They’re going to work. We have a month until school starts and our little prince can get into too much trouble in that time frame.”

Jamie’s smirk is telling. “I see you agree?” I arch a
n eyebrow when a sound emanates from his chest- monster under the bed scary. Adelaide loves the sound, because she starts giggling.

“I want to see you try to push Niel off his pedestal. It will be one hell of a showdown.” Her hand flutters over
her mouth as she laughs.

“Just so ya know
, I’m the only one who isn’t scared of that little shit. I’m fixing his ass. Niel keeps the job he has, but his distractions will be busy.” I give a devilish grin and instantly sober. “This leads me to my next resolution. No more sexist Whittenhowers. Regina has proven that you don’t need a dick to succeed. My cousins may have been born Prestons, but they have just as much Whittenhower blood flowing through their veins as Niel and me. We’re all the great-grandchildren of Wilhelm, and I’m not taking their legacy away, boy or girl- whatever their last name may be. Ella shouldn’t have to worry about the future, that if she marries she isn’t one of us anymore. I know you understand, Adelaide. This is your family too. It always will be. The misogynistic view ends tonight!”

“You’re serious?” Ade gasps.

“Dead serious. Whitney and Niel were born the same day. Why is Niel the little prince? Why isn’t Whitney the princess? I understand the line, Okay? Grant-Jamie, me, and Niel as my oldest son, natural born or adopted- doesn’t matter. It’s antiquated and no more. If Niel wants his job, he’s going to fight for it. Whitney has just as much drive and determination- and just as much claim to be my right-hand. I’m making them fight for it. Winner is my right-hand and the runner-up will be my left-hand.”

“Holy shit,” Adelaide shouts in awe. A renewed light infuses her
eyes, and I know I’ve made the correct decision.

“Countless years I’ve stood in the shadows
as Niel had his ass kissed. Niel’s eighteenth birthday is coming up. We’re having a party, not an affair. It will be family, friends, and some classmates. This isn’t about Grandfather’s network. It’s a dual party with Whitney. They were born the same day and will celebrate together for the first time ever. That girl has been disrespected and stepped over for far too long. No more ass-kissery if you don’t earn it!”

Ade says to gain my attention away from the spinning web of thoughts in my mind. “You were born to do this.” Her voice is filled with pride and confidence.

“I hope so, but if I go down in flames, you’re all coming with me.” It sounds teasing, but it’s a warning.

I’m proud of you, son.
Jamie signs, a serious expression on his face. I want to toss off the praise, but I don’t. I’m not going to be an ass by perpetuating the resentment between us. I nod my head in thanks.

“Off to spread the word on our new world order. Wish me luck,” I say in parting.

Something makes me hesitate a few feet down the hall. Ade’s giggle and Jamie’s horrendous guffaw flow from the office and fill my ears.

“I know, right?” Ade’s voice is
delighted. After a moment’s pause, she says, “I saw the video, too. It has to be it.”

Their laughs trail behind me as I walk away.






~Chapter Twenty-One~

I follow the wafting scent of spicy pizza and the sound of pleasant chattering to the family room.

“This, again?”
I smirk in amazement. “Ezra said you watched this movie three times last night.”

The family room is full of kids
hanging out, and Cort and Marcus are chaperoning. Niel and Whitney are sharing a pizza box on their laps, softly chatting. Marcus is zoning out inside his head with Azriel sitting between his knees, chewing on a piece of crust. Cortez is completely immersed in the film while he absentmindedly pets little Ezra’s wispy hair. The girls… the girls are glued to the screen: eyes huge, mouths gaping open, as if the vampire boy is talking just to them.

“There’s five movies,” Cort replies, never looking away from the action.

“Five movies that I had to drag their asses to every time another one came out,” Niel begrudgingly mutters. “We’ve been watching the DVDs nonstop for the past forty-eight hours. It’s insanity.”

“Whose team are you on?” I ask Niel
to get a rise out of him, but everyone answers over top of each other. 

“Edward,” Ava, Priss, and
Spyder excitedly agree.

“Jacob,” Ella scowls at them for disagreeing.

“I’m on team Dakota Fanning,” Niel says with a devious smirk. “Jane needs to flex her power and bring them to their knees so the trio can burn the clan. Just wait, the best part of the series is in this last movie. It makes me smile every time. I wish it really happened.”

“Dumbass, it
in the book,” Cort growls to Niel. “If you would’ve taken the time to read it, you’d know that. It’s what would have happened if Alice hadn’t shown them the future.”

Whoa… Don’t get between Cortez and fiction.

“Seriously? You read the books.” I smirk, trying not to laugh. I picture a grown man holding those black books with the simple red accents on the covers.

“I read and write for a living,” Cort sputters while Niel openly laughs. “So sue me.”

“How about you?” I ask Whitney, sitting next to her and stealing a slice of pizza out of the box on Niel’s lap.

looks at me, shocked that someone is acknowledging her. “I’m on team Homeland,” she softly says. Even when complaining, she’s elegant.


“In other words, I want to watch Homeland. Shameless. Dexter. I’d rather watch paint dry or plants grow.” She rolls her blue eyes and gives a long-suffering sigh.

I take it… that you don’t like watching this,” I chuckle around a bite of pizza.

“Wow, last night’s episode was awesome. My God, Fiona’s smokin’ hot,” Niel interjects
, ignoring the fact that I’ve invited myself into their private conversation. They’ve been like this since birth- Niel and Whitney. It’s addictive to be around Niel. He’s a one-on-one kind of guy. Whoever Niel’s talking to has his entire attention. If you interrupt, you get ignored.

“I think Ian looks just like you
.” Whitney looks away from Niel and blushes.

“I’ll take that as a compliment
.” Niel’s soft voice is happy, drawing Whitney’s attention again. “I’m proud to be a Gingy. I only like girls, though.” He picks up the last piece of pizza in his box. I bet he ate all of it except for the piece I took and one Whitney probably ate. Niel’s a hog. He’ll go foraging for more before the night is through.

“Shut it!” Cort
barks, annoyed that they have the audacity to disturb his Twi-fix. “I haven’t seen this one and a good part’s coming up.”

Pause the film. I have to talk to you guys about some stuff. Family meeting time.” I bite into my pizza while the film stills and everybody bitches and bemoans.

First: there is a curfew in place on anyone still enrolled in school. You must be in your own room by eleven at night. No boys and girls in the same room. You can have a sleepover if you’d like, but not on school nights.” I try to sound authoritative, but it’s difficult with the confused look Cort is throwing at me.

Niel looks relieved and thankful. “
What if we’re watching a movie on a Saturday night, do we stop at eleven?”

“Certain situation will be handled accordingly,” I reply, trying not to grin. “Everyone say
yes, Whitt.

“Yes, Whitt,” comes in a wide variety of voices and emotions. My favorite is Cortez pretending he’s baby Ezra by singing it in a childlike voice.

“I will warn you, I don’t really sleep, and I do check-ins once and while. But you should know that Ezra checks on everyone… every single night… and certain people more than once.” I stare into the stormy gray gaze of a fifteen-year-old girl and she innocently peers back.

Maybe Regina’s not entirely wrong about Niel and Ava joining forces. I’m not sure it’s a good match. They should be with someone that’s opposite in nature, to balance out the creepy. But who they love is entirely up to them. I’m not
their relationship.

Second: you guys are getting a job!” I enthusiastically announce.

“I’m retired,” Marcus finally enters reality. I want to know
what he’s thinking that has him so preoccupied. “I plan on staying that way for the unforeseeable future.”

“You do what you’re doing,” I murmur to Marc.
“I’m talking to the minors in the room.”

“I think my grandbabies are too young for gainful employment. T
his isn’t some sweatshop nation,” Marc sarcastically murmurs. “You have to be fifteen in this state for a work permit.”

I grin at the fool. “Is Cort rubbing off on everyone these days? Maybe we’re

“I live to spread the word of snark,” Cortez grandly says.

“If either of you object,” I say to the adults in the room, “Just let me know, because I’m talking about your girls, too. All the girls are volunteering at Transcend at least three times a week until school starts, and twice after. You’ll mind Dalton. If you don’t, you’ll learn all about how Roman operates.”

“I’m down with that.” Marcus nods his head, pleased.
“It will look good on college transcripts and keep them out of trouble.”

“Why?” Cort scrunches his eyebrows together in contemplation. “Ava doesn’t need to.”

“Doesn’t matter,” Marcus interjects. “I’m making the call. Ava and Spyder will do as Whitt says.”

“I worked from the time I could
breathe,” I answer Cort. “Baby heiress or not, Ava needs to volunteer and learn a work ethic.”

“I’ve never had to work,” Cort mumbles and noncommittally

I cry in alarm, and he gives me a
fuck you
look. Cort’s not my biggest fan at the moment. That happens when you’re used as the object of his jealousy.

“No, I’m not serious,” Cort
growls. “I know you bastards think all I do is sit around watching my ass grow. Writing is work. It’s taxing on the mind and the body. I get sick of explaining myself. Why don’t you fuckers try it out just once? That’s why it pissed me off when you were making fun of the film. Let’s see you create something from nothing.” Cort ends his tirade with a feral growl.

Tough night, last night.” I laugh, ignoring Cort’s glare that promises my swift death. “Do you know what would calm you down? Because I do.” I laugh when his fingers clench into a fist.

“Don’t push me too much, Pretty Boy. All it will take is one word
from me, and Ezra won’t be chatting you up,” he threatens.

“You mean the word
?” The oldest in the room laugh, and I use the distraction to mouth
or the word BI?

Before Cort turns murderous from sexual frustration, I soldier on. “There is one exception to the girls working at Transcend
- Whitney. I don’t think it’s fair that Niel is the only one learning the family business, so if Whitney would like to join me, I’d love to have her,” I softly murmur in the now silent room. 

I turn to my cousin and smile, denting my dimples sweetly. Whitney is gobsmacked. Her blue eyes are wide with shock. Her pouty lips are agape. She must be
shaking because her blonde ponytail is quivering. She quickly nods her head. The look on her face screams that she’s waiting for me to change my mind or say

“Here’s how it works. You’re both turning eighteen a week into your senior year. It’s time I treated you like adults. You will work from ten a.m. to four p.m
.- Monday through Friday until school starts. I will need four hours from you on weekends after school begins. It will be your choice when you work. Since both of you are working towards careers in business, my best employee will be my number two. No guarantees. You have to work for it. If you both suck, I’ll start looking at the younger girls. I’m not fucking around here,” I threaten.

BOOK: KING (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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