King of New York (32 page)

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Authors: Diamond R. James

BOOK: King of New York
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The soulful
sounds of the singer fill the room as she sings a version of James Brown’s
Man’s World
. Her beautiful, sweet, soft voice fills the room as she pours
soul and passion into the song. Just like blues should be, the instruments move
up and down in tempo as her voice changes falsetto and octaves. Her voice in
harmony with the piano and the guitar is like the sound of ideal synchronisation.

Sierra loves how
the attention is still on the instrumental yet the lady’s voice overpowers it. The
singer is talented, not only in her singing, but on her play of words.

The audience
erupts in applause as the lady finishes her set of three songs: one of James
Brown and two of her own original works.

The next act is
a sexy handsome black male with an electric guitar. He has long brown
dreadlocked hair. His dark ebony skin is exquisite in its softness. He has a
French accent as he addresses the crowd, and then out of the blue he puts on
his real accent which is clearly American and the crowd bursts out in laughter
as they realise the prank he has just played on them. To his credit, the French
accent was well spoken by the American boy.

He starts to
play a melody so sweet and raw that numerous cheers rise from the crowd as he gets
lost in his instrument. He plays with passion and soul, enthralling the
audience. His eyes are closed as he plays the instrument like a female body
when being touched by the fine strong hands of a man. Sierra enjoys the way his
fingers pull and tug at the strings of the guitar. It feels as if he may have
been tugging at her heartstrings as she falls in love with the melody he
produces. It doesn’t seem rehearsed; it seems completely improvised as he feels
the reaction from the crowd and the feel of the guitar in his soul and fingers.

The sound is
hypnotic and it travels through her like venom. The beat grips her senses as it
dances in her mind. She, just like the guitarist, is lost in the beat. She feels
connected and wants to move and be caressed by a sweet melody.

The music is
intoxicating and after a minute or two of the melody being played she can’t
control herself. She can’t sit still any longer and has to rise up following
the guidance of the music into a slow and sexy dance.

The only light
in the room is focused on the guitarist as he becomes submerged in his beat.

Her hips start
to sway softly to the rhythm of the music being played on the guitar. Joining
the guitar is the sound of the drum, heavy and sensuous. It plays in the
background, adding more depth to the guitar. As the music gets more confident,
with a heavier and deeper tone, so does Sierra. The music and the sweet melody
it makes forces its way through her veins, and like an addictive drug she becomes
a fiend to it. She allows the music to fully take over her body as she closes
her eyes and enters the zone of the guitar and drum. Her hips move wildly like
an untamed animal.

spotlight’s now on her and so are all eyes in the room. She doesn’t notice as
her eyes are still closed. Some women try to get their men’s attention away
from the woman unknowingly seducing their partners.

The musicians are
now coming to a climax with the melody, and her body begins to come out of its
trance. She slowly opens her eyes and sees the lights come on in the room with
the eyes of hundreds transfixed on her as the melody slowly comes to a stop. A
deafening cheer tears across the room, mainly for the dreadlocked guitarist but
also for Sierra.

She looks at
Sebastian and he has a lust in his eyes for her. He stares at her with
passionate green eyes and drinks his glass of cognac as he sexily smiles at
her. They listen to a few more artists before the concert finishes.

Sierra and
Sebastian leave the Empire State Building without saying a word to each other.
Their eyes are tainted by lust as they look at each other. He pulls up the
tinted windows in their chauffeured car separating them from the driver in

As the window closes,
he takes off his shirt revealing his amazing body. There’s a bottle of cognac
in the wine drawer of the vehicle, and he takes it out and pours some for the
two of them.

Sebastian sits
on the other side of the Rolls Royce with his shirtless body glistening in the
dim light of the vehicle. She knows what his green eyes mean whenever he looks
like this. He looks handsome and tempting at the same time and she can feel a
sense of moistness about to engulf her panties.

 He gestures for
her to go to him and she obliges as she’s feeling horny and needs him to relieve
her. She slowly but sensually moves up to him, licking her lips and undoing her
hair that was in a bun which she’d messed up at the concert while she’d been dancing.

The sounds of Marcus
Miller fill the air in the chauffeured vehicle. The music, with the guitar, the
bass and drum, makes Sierra feel good. She listens to the man and his
instrument as they captivate her soul. Music is in her body and she loves how
it makes her feel. But she also wants Sebastian to be inside her and make her
feel good. She takes a gold-covered condom from the cabinet and opens it.

Sebastian tells her to
remove her dress. He slowly pours the cognac on her skin and the slow drip of
cold liquid awakens her wetness. Then he slowly licks the alcohol off her skin,
playing with her as the music and his touch seduces her.

He winks at her sexily
and she moans into the night as he gives her maximum pleasure in the vehicle.


Chad needs a break from New York.
He had called his good friend James the day before and told him that he would
be travelling to California.

He doesn’t want to
be flown in any of his private jets, so he calls his driver to drive him to JFK
Airport. They arrive at the airport and the driver opens the door and takes
Chad’s luggage inside for him. An employee for the airline that he will be flying
with hurriedly walks towards Chad and his driver. He is one minute late.

“Please forgive
my lateness, sir,” he says apologetically.

“No need to
apologise, we all get late once in a while.”

Chad says
goodbye to his driver as the airline staff take his luggage and escort him into
the premier first-class lounge of the airport, which is reserved for the rich
and famous. It seems someone is watching him, but he pays no attention as he
takes a seat.

“Would you like
a glass of champagne and some caviar, sir,” a waiter asks.

“No, thank you.
I’ll have a glass of still water instead.”

“Right away, sir,”
the man says as he hurries away to the bar. He brings a bottle of still spring
water and pours it into the glass for Chad.

“Would you like
anything else, sir?”

No, no. I’m
fine. That will be all for now,” Chad says, as he hands him two hundred-dollar

“Thank you,
sir,” the man says happily as he walks away.

Twenty minutes
later the flight is ready to depart. Chad makes his way into the airplane and
is personally greeted by the pilot.

“Mr Perry, what
a pleasure to have you aboard my flight,” he says as they shake hands.

“The pleasure is
always mine. You are a fine pilot indeed.”

“Thank you,
sir,” the pilot replies, as he makes his way into the cockpit.

Someone on the
plane looks very suspicious to Chad, however he tries to block the thought from
his mind. He remembers the eyes of the man from the premier first-class lounge.
Just as before, he cannot see the man’s face, but he catches a glimpse of his
green eyes and his greyish hair. Before Chad can get a better look, he is
distracted by a member of the airline staff.

“Please, sir,
follow me to your seat.”

Chad is escorted
to the first-class section of the flight by the air hostess. He takes his seat
and immediately falls asleep. A few hours later the plane lands in California
and he is gently woken by the same hostess that had escorted him to his seat.

“We have arrived
in California, sir,” she says.

He smiles. “Ah,
I guess I was more tired than I knew, thank you for waking me up.”

“You’re welcome,

He gets up and
heads out of the airplane and into the Californian sunshine. He walks out of the
airport and head towards his waiting car. James is there to welcome him. They
hug manly hugs and start laughing as they throw playful punches in homage to the
heavyweight fight the night before.

“Did you see
that fight, Perry? Absolutely stunning.”

“I couldn’t
agree with you more, James. One of the best fights I’ve ever seen. I mean, did
you see the uppercuts and jabs that those guys were throwing? Man, it was

“Yes it was. It
reminded me of a young Tyson and Ali in their prime. Fantastic fight, dude.”

They continue
their conversation about the fight as they are driven to the woodland and
forests of California.

Having become
instantly acquainted just like old times, the two friends laugh and joke about
life. Halfway to their destination, a curious James asks Chad: “What’s the
purpose of your coming to California, dude? Is it business or pleasure? Have
the ladies of New York bored you into desiring the ladies of California, or
perhaps you’re here for the sightseeing, which in itself is preposterous,
because you and I both know that Chad Perry doesn’t do sightseeing.”

Chad laughs
heartily at his friend’s remarks.

“Ever the joker
you are, James. I am not here for any of those specifically, although I’ve
heard so much about how wonderful the woodlands are.”

 “Then what
specifically brings you here?”

Although he’d
wanted to tell James about Sierra the last time they’d seen each other in New
York and they agreed they’d speak properly the next time they meet, he now
doesn’t feel the need to speak about her.

Chad falls
wistfully silent. With mock seriousness, James says: “I hope you’re not one of
those failed banking executives from Wall Street on the run from justice,

This makes Chad

“I’m serious,
Perry. Bankers have been the mass murderers and butchers of the economy in this

Again Chad laughs
at James’s words. “You don’t sugar-coat your words do you, James.”

“Well from what
I remember, neither do you, Perry.” James’s sense of humour and understanding
of Chad’s traits is almost therapeutic to Chad.

“I’m glad to
have a friend like you, James,” Chad says seriously.

James shakes his
head in appreciation of Chad’s words. “Likewise, Perry.”

“So many people
say that they are my friends. But I know that I have no friends in the concrete
jungle. They only want to be around me because of my money and status. It’s
like the popular kid in school – everybody wants to be his friend because he is
popular. And I am that popular kid in New York. But since I met a lady called
Sierra, I don’t want to be popular without her.”

James remains
quiet. Chad knows that his friend senses the sensitivity of his words, so he doesn’t
mention the subject again as James is not a man that cares too much for
feelings of love. He loves women, but only for the pleasure they give.

“You know Cali
has got every kind of psychedelic shit you need, Perry.”

Chad is angered by
James’s suggestion.

“I don’t do
drugs and you know that, James.”

“Neither do I,
Perry. But it seems you need something to take this Sierra off your mind.”

“So what drug do
you suggest I take then?”

“When you ask me
like that, you make me feel like you’re an undercover agent working for the FBI
or the CIA,” laughs James. “I’m only pulling your leg, Perry. I would never
encourage a friend of mine to take drugs.” He laughs heartily and Chad joins in
with him.

Chad is taken in
by James’s extrovert nature, which is much unlike his own. It’s quite a contrast
to the restrained and controlled way in which James had grown up in a posh
home. But when they’d met at university, Chad and James had immediately become friends,
and that still remains the case.

“You know,
Perry, like-minded people are easily drawn to each other across any kind of
artificial human barriers such as wealth and class. The friendship that
developed between us proves that there’s chemistry in the human psyche that brings
people together regardless of where and how they grow up.”

Chad nods in
acknowledgement. “You’re right. I thought you were a snobby douche when we
first met, but you just happened to be an annoying douche instead.” They both laugh
at his remarks.

The car finally
stops in front of a quaint and rather delightful place in among the woodlands. Chad
slowly breathes in the clean and fresh air.

“I really like
the quietness and warm ambience of this place,” Chad says, as James introduces
him to the artistic and bohemian environment. Before Chad arrived in California,
James had found a simple place for him to stay out amongst nature at his
request. The place is old-fashioned but very picturesque. It’s in secluded but
relaxed surroundings; ideal for someone whose soul is troubled and in need of
rest and recuperation.

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