Kings and Crowns: A Dystopian Thriller (Age of End Book 2) (13 page)

Read Kings and Crowns: A Dystopian Thriller (Age of End Book 2) Online

Authors: Chris Yee

Tags: #supernatural, #fantasy, #action, #Science Fiction, #Dystopian, #Suspense, #adventure

BOOK: Kings and Crowns: A Dystopian Thriller (Age of End Book 2)
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Vince nodded. “This is a good plan. We will do our best to follow your orders, word for word.”

He glared at Saul, who read his message loud and clear. “That’s right. You’re the boss. Just say the word.”

Greene smiled. “That’s good to hear. You two are valuable assets. Keep it up.”

“What about us?” Alan asked. “What can we do?”

“That is a very good question.
will be down there, but I want you to stay up here. This is a stealth mission. I want to keep the group small. There’s no room for three more. Instead, if you really want to help, you can assist my troops on the wall. They can show you how to use the cannon.”

Rupert stepped forward. “Could we get a closer look at the testing facilities? I’ve become very interested in your procedures. I would like to see the process from start to finish. I would like to see some more of the medical sector as well.”

“Of course. I’ll have Charlotte show you around, but that will have to wait until after this mission. They leave tomorrow. There’s a lot that needs to get done.”

“There’s no way to see the place sooner?”

Greene looked at him curiously. “You’re very eager.”

Rupert shrugged. “I’m from Snow Peak. We don’t have much technology. I’m fascinated with your testing and the knowledge that comes with it.” He also wanted to find Fred, but he didn’t mention that.

Greene smiled. “The tests
great, aren’t they? They’ve brought so much good to the City, in ways you wouldn’t imagine. And we’re constantly improving. Some of our new stuff is very impressive.” He gave the request some thought. “I glad you’ve grown an interest in our work. We’ll be busy preparing for tomorrow, but you can look around yourself. Just don’t go wandering into places you’re not supposed to be.”

Rupert nodded. “I do apologize for that. It’s easy to get lost in the medical sector. It won’t happen again.”

“Good. There are cameras everywhere, so if you need assistance, just give a wave. Someone will see you. Feel free to walk around as you please. If you want a more formal tour, Charlotte can show you around when she gets back.”

“Thank you,” Rupert said.

Greene turned back to Vince and Saul. “You two won’t have time to explore, I’m afraid. We will be running through this plan more than once. You must know it inside and out. When your man arrives tomorrow with the other troops, you will spend time with him and get to know him. The mission needs to go as smoothly as possible. You will move with precision and purpose. Anything less is unacceptable. This is too important for leniency.”

“We completely agree,” Vince said. “We will do our best.”

Greene scanned the room, moving from face to face. “It sounds like we have a plan. Let’s get to it, people.”


GREENE SPREAD THE map out in front of Vince and Saul. “This is the layout of the surrounding area. It covers about a half mile radius around the Spire.” He took a marker and drew a thick line weaving through streets and alleys. “The closest entrance is here, and this is the quickest route. He has men patrolling the streets, so stay hidden. For the most part, we know where they are. We have plenty of cameras to locate them, but it’s still a good idea to stay hidden.”

The marker squeaked as he circled the entrance. “This is where you’ll meet my inside man. He’ll let you in.” He pulled out another map, this one showing the tunnel system. Trails split off into complex paths, intersecting at random. Again, he drew a path with the marker. “This is the route you will take. He should know where to go, so just follow him. Make sure to keep up. He moves fast. If you lose him, you’ll be left to find your way out on your own.”

Saul looked up. “If we get lost you can just tell us where to go, right?”

“We’ll try, but our cameras are limited down there. There are a few that are well hidden, but Simon has disabled the rest. In the tunnels, your sight will be handicapped, but once you reach the main area, we have plenty of eyes to keep watch. Simon’s lower ranks aren’t allowed in the tunnels, so you must be extremely careful. If you are seen, your cover is blown, but once you get to the main area, you should be fine. All Crowns can wander the lower floors. There are no rank requirements so it will be easier to blend in. Just make sure to keep your faces covered. Use these bandanas. It’s common for people to cover their mouths down there. The air is not the cleanest. Everyone in the City knows your face, so it’s critical nobody sees it.

“My inside man will bring you to the upper floor, but you’re on your own from there. He doesn’t have access to the area. It’s too risky to have him walking around up there. If this mission goes sour, I can’t afford to blow his cover. The upper floor will be tricky. Our cameras up there are limited as well, and there are fewer shadows to hide in. Guards patrol the area, but my men have studied their patterns. There is a small opening precisely at sundown when they change shifts. Then, and only then, will you make your move.

“Don’t linger. You don’t want to stay too long. If the guards come back while you’re still around, the mission’s over.” He slid his finger along the map and stopped near the middle. “This is where you will go. It’s the upper-level kitchen, where Simon’s personal chef cooks. You will slip the capsule into his food. It is highly soluble, so it should dissolve quickly. Stir it to make sure.

“Once his food is poisoned you will leave immediately. You don’t want to be around when he dies. If this mission succeeds, we will announce to the City that you were responsible. We’ll tell them that the Spire’s two heroes have taken down Simon and saved the people. They’ll love you even more than they do already.” He looked into their eyes. “And then you’re free to go. You can live the rest of your days as free men, doing what your heart desires, until the day you die.”

Saul lowered his head, reminded of his own mortality.

Vince saw tears form in Saul’s eyes. He found himself thinking of mortality as well. It was hard to accept that his best friend was dying. They were not immortal. Surprisingly, this frightened him. He did not expect fear, but in the shadow of his fading friend, he was terrified.

Greene saw the fear in both of them. “I apologize for upsetting you. That was not my intention.”

Saul did not respond.

“It’s a sensitive subject,” Vince said. “He just received the news this morning.”

“I realize that, and I’m sorry I brought it up.” He looked to Saul. “I can only imagine what you’re going through. It’s one of the things I fear most. That’s why I test. To improve life. To make it better. Make it last longer.” He gently placed his hand on Saul’s shoulder, almost expecting him to shake it off. He did not. “You have lived a good long life. You’ve seen many things. Accomplished so much. You should be proud. Don’t dwell on the end of good memories. Celebrate them.”

Saul kept his head down, staring at the map. He did not say a word.

“Very well,” Greene said, standing from his seat. “We’ve covered enough for now. I’ll give you some time alone.” He walked towards the door. “We can take this up again tomorrow morning.” He left.

Charlotte was watching from the corner. She saw sorrow in Saul’s face. Her eyes shifted to Vince and saw the same. “Are you two alright?”

Vince sighed. “It’s just been a long day. So much is happening.

She nodded. “I’ve watched you two for a long time. You’ve been through a lot. More than any person should ever experience. I understand why you hate Greene so much.”

“It’s not easy to be around him. To work with him.” He rubbed Saul’s back in an attempt to comfort him. “No matter how much we convince ourselves that Simon is the greater evil, we can’t forget everything Greene has done to us.”

“Do you think you’re just scared? Greene gave you life. You would have died a long time ago, but you got a small taste of immortality, and ever since you learned it’s not sustainable, you’ve been clinging on to life with every muscle in your body. You’re scared of death. Scared of the idea that one of these days, you will no longer exist. And this fear is steering your blame towards Greene. You’re using him as an excuse to drain. You’ve convinced yourselves that you have to stop him, and draining lets you do that, but what happens when you succeed? When Greene is dead, will you stop? Will you welcome death, or will you find another excuse?”

Tears ran down Vince’s face. “None of that matters. Saul is going to die whether he drains or not.”

“That’s why I ask.” She focused on Saul. “Hey, look at me.” He didn’t move. “Saul. Look at me.” His head tilted up and his eyes found hers. “Do you want to spend your final days in fear? Fearing death? Fearing whatever comes after? If you do, then go ahead. The other option is to accept that death is a part of life. Everyone dies.”

“Not us,” he whispered.

“Yes, even you. You need to accept that and enjoy every last moment you have. Because what’s the point in living if you’re scared the whole time?”

Saul looked away and lowered his head again.

She walked to the door. “Death can be a beautiful thing. Just as beautiful as life.” She left the room, leaving them with poetic words that only confused them further.


RUPERT, ELLA, AND Alan wandered down the hall. This time, they knew how to use the maps displays. Ella touched it. A soft beep played from the speaker, and the display read,
Tap Your Destination
. A long list of floor numbers filled half of the screen. She looked at Rupert. “Where to?”

Rupert combed his hand through his thick beard. “I suppose we should have a system. We’ve already started this floor. Let’s finish it off before moving on.”

She tapped
Level 149
. The list of numbers disappeared and a floor plan took its place. Again, she looked to Rupert.

He shrugged. “How about the medical testing labs? They’re right next to where we were before.”

She tapped the screen, and another soft beep played, followed by an arrow pointing to the left. “I guess we go that way,” she said.

“Charlotte was right,” Alan said. “That was easy.”

They walked a long hall until they reached another wall. Ella went to push the display, but an arrow appeared before she could. This time, it pointed right. They looked up and saw the camera above the map.

Alan crossed his arms and nodded his head. “Now isn’t that handy. They know exactly where we are and where we’re going.”

They followed the beeps and arrows until they arrived at the entrance. There was a set of double doors with the words
Testing Labs
on them.

“Is this where Charlotte brought us before?” Ella asked.

“I think so,” Rupert answered. “It looks familiar.”

They stared at the door for a moment, until Alan finally walked forward. “What are we waiting for? Let’s go.” He pushed through and entered the next hallway.

Glass walls stood on either side of them. They saw the same people in the rooms, wearing the same torn rags. Ella watched the same skinny old man she had seen before. He shivered in the corner as a man in a lab coat walked towards him. “Those men creep me out,” she said. “What did Charlotte call them? Labbies?”

“Yeah, I think so,” Alan said. “I agree. Something feels off about them. It’s like they’re hiding something.”

“That’s why we’re here,” Rupert said. “I’m certain they’re hiding something, and we’re going to figure out what.”

Ella pressed her hand against the glass and looked at the camera in the corner. “How are we going to do that? They’re watching everything we do. We can’t just go into the restricted area like we did last time.”

“Why not? There’s nothing stopping us. We just have to be quick and find what we need before they kick us out.”

“How much time do you think we’ll have?” Alan asked. “They already caught us once. They’re probably watching us very closely.”

“I don’t know about that,” Rupert said. “Everyone’s busy preparing for tomorrow, especially Greene. He’s down there briefing Vince and Saul right now. We may have more time than you think.”

Ella nodded. “You’re right. It’s worth a shot. We need to find Fred.”

Alan nodded as well. “If both of you agree, then I’m in too.” He walked midway down the hall to the door that read,
. “I’m ready when you are.”

“We’ll have to be careful,” Rupert said. “We don’t know what’s on the other side of that door. Greene may be busy, but the workers aren’t on alert anymore. It won’t be empty like it was the other day. If anyone see us, they’ll kick us out.”

Ella looked back to the labbie on the other side of the glass. He was looking down at his clipboard, vigorously writing as he spoke to the patient. “If we’re going, we better go now, while they’re distracted.”

Alan pushed the door open, and the three of them slipped through.

On the other side was another hallway, this one brightly lit. As far as they could see, there was no one around. They snuck down the passage and peeked around the corner. The hall continued, with doors branching off the sides.

“Those must be the back doors to the glass rooms,” Ella whispered. She pointed to the first one on the right. “That’s the one I was looking in. The one with the labbie.”

“For all we know there’s a labbie in all of them,” Rupert said. “We have to be careful choosing which doors to open.”

“So where do we go?”

Alan pointed up at the camera above their heads. “Wherever we go, we better go fast. We’ve already passed two cameras. They definitely know we’re here. We can’t just sit around.”

Rupert started walking down the path on the left. “This way’s as good as any, right?”

They followed him, tiptoeing past the doors and hearing the labbies as they passed each one.

A door opened down the hall in front of them. They froze in place, darting their eyes back and forth to find a place to hide. There was nothing. They stood out in the open, in the middle of the brightly lit corridor. A man in a lab coat walked out, guiding a patient with his arms. He turned left, away from them, and walked the other way. The patient looked back as he walked, and saw the three standing like statues.

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