Kings of Awakening Vampires and Purebloods (39 page)

BOOK: Kings of Awakening Vampires and Purebloods
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Ethan left to the other room to find Frank waiting for him.

“You look just like you’re Father. I am sorry for not telling you the truth and allowing all this to happen because I wasn’t honest with you boys.  I am also sorry for the loss of the woman who raised you as her own son.” Frank was still weak after the incident. Ethan had saved his life with ability. “I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.”

              Ethan was at a loss for words; he had never had a different relative before.

“Your cousin is out of control.
I know I am to blame for that. I regret making the decisions I made, if I could go back and take it all back, I would.”

Ethan had no grudge against his uncle, but Michael had to pay for the pain he’d caused.
 “It’s all right, it already happened and there’s nothing we can do.”






you found anything?” asked Axil.

had gone ahead to find Michael without Sonia, just to come back empty handed. They needed to leave this place and warned the King. Sonia had gone to who knows where.

“He’s gone, there’s no trace of him.” He looked at Albedo in bed and saw he was doing much better. “Since my ability doesn’t work on him I was hoping his footsteps might lead me somewhere, but I found nothing.  We can’t allow him to manifest,” said Angelione.

“And what would happened if he does?” asked Axil.

“Then only someone powerful like King Victor would be strong enough to stand against his power. Remember what I told you three, a Bloodhound will eventually lose its mind and wreak havoc.” As Angelione continued to explain, they could hear a man cry out for help.

Albedo got out of bed, despite being warned not to. They all made their way to the front room of the house, there a man had a boy in his hand that seemed to been badly hurt. “My
son, someone please save my son?!”

They saw the piece of metal that ran through the boy’s ribs. His father begins to sob.

“Ethan! We need your help!” yelled Albedo.

“The doctor said there’s nothing he could do. If he tries to remove the metal then he will lose too mu
ch blood from the wound and die,” said the boy’s father.

Frank, Ethan and his maid came out and they explained to him what happened. Frank ordered his maid to bring a bucket of water.

“Ethan, you can save him!” said Albedo.

Ethan looked surprised,
“But I’m not a doctor Albedo,” he replied.

“You’re right you’re not, you’re a healer!” said Albedo.

Ethan hesitated, “I can try but there’s no guarantee.” He came closer and that light was on his hand again.

The father of the child was skeptical at first,
a vampire using his ability on his son. But no doctor could save his son, maybe a healer could, what did he have to lose?

“Here let me help.
I have a little experience,” said Dante.

Ethan hesitantly placed his illuminated hand over the boy’s stomach and he could see the young boy change from
feeble to strong. Ethan’s healing ability healed faster than Dante’s. His ability caused the boy’s torn tissue and collapsed organs to strengthen and renew themselves, while Dante slowly took it out and used his ability also.

Ethan and Dante were now done and had removed the metal. The entrance wound was gone as Ethan closed it with his light. To Ethan’s surprise everyone applauded, they were no longer afraid of him.


Sonia walked in the room, she had watched from afar as Albedo convinced Ethan to save the boy’s life. The people gathered around Ethan and shook his hand congratulating him as he modestly accepted their thanks and gratitude.  Sonia noticed that Albedo has disappeared and asked, “Has anyone seen Albedo?” 

They noticed he’d been gone.

“He was just here a few second ago,” said Axil.

“Don’t tell me he went to look for Michael,” said Dante.

They quickly went outside searching for him, they headed to the woods. It was a good thing that Albedo didn’t know how to hide his residue because Angelione was tracking him and following him through the woods as the others followed behind. 





made his way through the forest and could sense Michael’s presence now. Albedo knew he could not sense Michael with the power of the Elder, so he wondered what this feeling was.  He felt this was a different type of power. It felt different than the Elder.  That same feeling when his eyes started glowing fighting Aleister. It was a raging urge that was drawing him to his presence, the same one he felt from Aleister. He had wondered that time when he felt Ethan’s energy so sudden, if this was the Reawakening sending him there. Was this what Jarvis was talking about, the urge that drives you for battle? Jarvis said that if the Excitaret Quad is not managed properly it could take over in an antagonizing way exerting a pull on you to attack and kill. As he was thinking he suddenly started to hear a voice echoing in his head.

_ Dawson, how many times do I have to tell you, the power of the Elder is meaningless? But if you refuse to use your true power, then allow me to help! _ said the voice inside his head.

“Who are you!” he could hear the voice laugh in his head.

_ How quickly they forget, don’t you remember? _

“Aleister,” he said spitefully. 

_ The man you’re looking for is on your left, straight ahead. _

He felt the powerful presence guiding him. “How is this possible? How are you able to talk to me as if you’re here?” said Albedo. He could hear Aleister laughing. 

_ Do you remember that dream you had, when I held Sonia by her throat when she came to hunt me?  I was ready to kill her! But somehow you took control of my body and st
opped me, twice! _

He had remembered that dream he had about the burning town, was it all just a dream? Were all his nightmares about Aleister all real? He remembered those dreams and wanted to talk to Sonia about them. But with all that’s been going on he had forgotten.  He was so used to having nightmares that it didn’t really faze him.

_ When that boy’s mother died, your emotion took over. You released all your anger as the transformation took over; all that wind was coming from the energy your power was producing. Without my help, I promise you this, someone close to you will die. _

Albedo stopped running. “What do you mean someone will die?”

              The voice was gone, “Answer me!”…

Albedo could only hear the sound of the zombies coming his way. As much as he hated Aleister, he did help him find Michael. Albedo wanted to know how it was possible for Aleister to go inside his mind; in addition to how he went into Aleister’s mind several times and took control of his body. He thought it was all a nightmare. The zombies came out of the woods in attack mode.
Unless they have metal skin, Albedo’s fire will burn them to ashes; they would be broken and annihilated. They would probably fight until their bodies are torn up because they feel no pain, giving no care for their own bodies. Their hands and faces may be bloody from eating and attacking the living. They can move as fast as they need to, depending on how hungry they are, and I must say, they do look hungry.  These unnatural things had no emotions. They would jump into an active volcano if it caught their attention. Their comprehension level was as low as a savage dog. They knew no pain to their hearts, only knew eating and killing. They do not understand speech, abilities, danger, or tactics. They could not climb ladders and could barely move in a straight line. To destroy one, cripple its legs or cut its head off, so its body was useless; destroy its body where reanimation will be impossible and their bodies will render useless. Albedo shot a couple round of his flare, the fire made a sound of “Whoosh” as it left his hands. He extended his two arms and spun three hundred-sixty degrees, and the blaze of fire came out of his hands like the rain pouring out of the clouds. His fire was bigger now and came out of his hands faster. These zombies came at him fast and boy were there a lot of them. Michael really has gone mad, waking up every corpse from their slumbers that he could find. Albedo continued to use his fire in anger, not even seeing the forest was getting caught in his ravage mode. All the zombies were gone and at last he came to a stop. He quickly rushed ahead in Michael’s direction, when he got there he saw Michael sitting underneath a tree with his hands on his head.  Michael picked a cleared area of the forest where there were only a few trees, to stop and think about what has happened. 

“How did you find me?” he looked up to see Albedo standing from the other side.

“You have disturbed the dead! You killed innocent humans; and you murdered your mother! I CANT FORGIVE YOU FOR THAT!” Albedo had that adamant look of a killer in his eyes. As much as he wanted to avenge Ethan’s mother, he felt an urge to fight, and kill. Was this his killer-lust?

“It wasn’t my fault, I had no choice! It told me to do it, to fe
ed my thirst and my killer-lust.” He began to sob, “Do you know how hard it is to be what I am?!”

“Yes, actually I do. And that’s why I’m going to free you,” Albedo smiled just like Aleister would. This urge to kill was talking over his mind, and he was letting it.

“What are you saying?”

“You hurt a friend of mine that had done nothing to you, now it’s my turn.”

Albedo ran towards Michael, the blaze of fire would have reached him if he didn’t move out of the way just in time. “Fire blaze” Albedo shot his fire blaze at him, Michael continued on his attempt of dodging it.  “Last time I held back impulse to kill you!”

Michael felt an urge that was familiar to him; it was that same urge that drove him to kill those humans and waking up the dead with his ability. That urge was strong, when it hits him it took control of his mind and turned him into something else. “Stop please, there’s something inside of me and I can’t control it, this urge!”

Albedo ignored him and wished he could use the Elder to increase his power.
I can’t even use the Elder’s lighting to increase my strength and my fire. Damn you Aleister, you clouded my mind and now I can’t focus enough to use the Elder.

One of Albedo’s fires caught Michael on his leg and Michael screamed in pain. He fell to the ground and another one of Albedo’s flames caught him on his stomach. Michael tried to get up but Albedo’s blaze would not permit him to as he continued to fire. Albedo came closer to him as he continued to release the blaze, not wanting to give Michael a chance to get back up. Albedo now stopped and stared down at Michael in front of him. He could hear Michael crying out for him to stop, it burned he said. Albedo did not care of how much pain he was inflicting, maybe Michael now knows how it feels. He looked into Michael’s eyes and for some reason he was afraid. Was he afraid of Albedo? This brought back memories, when h
e stared face to face with the bear.

“Please stop! I don’t want to fight anymore! I can feel it; this thing inside of me is trying to come out!”

“It’s call a Bloodhound, but in your case a monster.”

Albedo did not care as he started kicking him in anger. Michael was on the ground yelling and screaming. As Albedo was about to kick him once more, a powerful wind came out of Michael that pushed Albedo several feet away up against a tree. This
was that same wind that Albedo’s body was producing when he was transforming.  The Bloodhound had taken over Michael’s mind; his burnt flesh had regenerated fast. He made an unnatural sound that Albedo had never heard before. His hair grew longer and his nails became sharper, his fangs also. His eyes became deep red, as if blood had covered them.

Michael ran towards Albedo fast, much faster than before. Albedo used his blaze but Michael, who now seemed to be inferior to his fire, blocked it using his left arm as a shield. Michael jumped up high and came down faster as he went for the kill against Albedo. Albedo quickly used his flare again against Michael, but he simply went right through the fire as his left arm was his shield and hits Albedo with his right hand. The force of the punch was powerful as it sent Albedo flying back. This was the kind of punch that had your head ringing for a few seconds. Blood was dripping from Albedo’s mouth, but this was not his worst nightmare. Michael was now in front of him and hit him with a right hook, knocking the air out of Albedo. He was now taking a beating; to his left jaw, right jaw, his stomach and chest. Albedo got himself together at last and did a back flip and got some distance away from him. When Albedo looked for Michael he was gone.
Where is he? Where is he?

Albedo felt the stabbing feeling in his stomach.
The pain was intense and searing. Albedo’s eyes slowly moved down at his stomach, to see a hand had pierced it. Michael’s hand was reaching out of his stomach.  Those long sharp nails could cut any skin it stabs. The blood oozed through Michael’s fingers and ran down his hand. Albedo looked back and saw a monster behind him. Michael lifted Albedo up with his hand still in his stomach and slammed him on the ground. He slowly slid his hand out of his torso and Albedo was covered in blood.  This was the third time Albedo has come close to death, first against the Xs, second Aleister, third when he almost burned alive, and now he was facing it again.

BOOK: Kings of Awakening Vampires and Purebloods
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