Kings of Awakening Vampires and Purebloods (65 page)

BOOK: Kings of Awakening Vampires and Purebloods
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              Sonia took a few seconds to catch her breath; she touched Albedo’s face with her bloody hands. “You see, Albedo, there is nothing I won’t do for you!” 

Albedo’s eyes started glowing again, Sonia held him tight.  The seal in his body was somehow being eaten away by the Reawakening.

“I promise to protect you.” As she looked into his eyes, she felt a pain on the left side of her stomach. She looked and saw blood dripping; Albedo’s nail had penetrated her as soon as his Reawakening took over his mind, awakening his killer-lust. She touched his face as she fell on the ground, “Albedo, I…” she bled unconsciously. The electricity shock and Albedo’s nails had taken its toll on her.





looked at her as if he had never seen this woman before lying on the floor. He got up and walked in the hallway, to hear the guards coming his way. He was like a walking zombie without a conscious. He shot a fireball at the stairs, creating an explosion. He opened the cell and walked over to Alan. He looked Alvin in the eyes, “There’s evil in your heart.”

              “You murdered my brother, and you have become exactly what they say you are,” said Alan.

Albedo grabbed and killed him. He felt the impulse of the killer-lust wanting
more blood.





Victor arrived at the dungeon along side of Angelione, Dante, and Axil. They had to maneuver around the stairs; bricks of it had been blown up and dust made it hard to breathe and see. They could hear a loud sound of a strange beast coming down the hallway. They made it at the end of the hall to find Albedo with his hand around Alvin’s neck, dead. 

“Dante!” Axil pointed his hand to
wards Sonia from the other cell and he rushed over to help.

Dante quickly used his healing ability to sustain
her wound.

              “She’s bleeding badly!” said Dante. He was not the greatest healer, but knew a thing or two. “We must take her to a healer who can tend to her wound faster than I can!”

“Take her to the medical room now!” ordered the King.

Dante and Axil quickly rushed her to the medical room.

“Albedo, that’s enough!” shouted the King.

Albedo swung at the King, but met Angelione’s sword. The King was going to have to be careful not to use his ability in this small area; he could destroy the dungeon. Albedo raised his hand towards Angelione but the king quickly grabbed him and took cover. Multiple fireballs flew and exploded in the hallway. When the fireballs had finally stopped, the King looked to see that Albedo was gone. He tried to use his Elder to sense his presence, but the Reawakening was impossible to sense.

“He took the stairs and headed outside!”

The King and Angelione followed. The stairs led them on the side of the castle.

Where is he

“I see him, he’s heading for the bridge!” said Angelione.

They rushed after him.

“Albedo, stop right now, you’re not going anywhere!” said the King. There was a wind producing around his body
now, just like before.
It was a good thing I sent the royal guards in the city, just in case we can’t stop him. 
He also feared if they learned of Albedo’s secret they might leak it.

At the end of the other side of the bridge were the Black Knights, standing firm with their spears in their hands, on top of the castle were more of them, with crossbow aiming at Albedo. All they needed was the signal from the King, and they would intervene. The royal guards weren’t suited for these types of jobs, their jobs were to keep the castle safe and keep order in the city. The Black Knights were better trained for this type of job.

The King and Angelione made it to the bridge, Albedo was within their reach, but the wind was going to be a problem. “Fire!” he unleashed his fireballs against King Victor and Angelione, they dodged it. The fireballs exploded in mid-air behind them as they reached their range.

I guess it comes to this huh. Just like it said, the Kings of Awakenings awaken and kill all who sit on their thrones. Are you going to kill me, Albedo? If so, then I hope you unleashed everything in your arsenal,

The wind was getting even stronger; blowing everything in its path. The King could hear the roaring of
it, alongside the whirlpool. 
Forgive me, Albedo, I never meant for all this to happen
. He felt it was all his doing, he was the one who, along with Jarvis, had pushed him to his limit; now he was witnessing their misfortune.

“Flare!” Whoosh! The massive flare came at them.

Angelione swung his sword in a circle to deflect the fire as he stepped in front of the King.

“Angelione, I don’t have any other choice. I must use it against him!” The King was referring to his Elder.

              “I understand, I will buy you time,” said Angelione. Albedo continued to fire, but Angelione blocked it with his sword.

The King felt discontent the more
he thought about hurting Albedo. He wanted to help him but there was nothing in his power that he could do. “I’m sorry I can’t,” he looked at Angelione.
If I use the Elder against him, I don’t know if I will be able to hold back my strength against him.

Angelione saw his king was
perplexed and said. “It’s all right, I know how you feel.” He remembered when he couldn’t bring himself to kill Albedo.

“Here’s what we’ll do, stay behind me as I get closer to him, then I want you to use your ability on him!”

Angelione looked discomforted, for some reason he hated using his lightning ability.

I’m going to get closer!” This wind may be strong but the king’s physical strength was not one to be reckoned with.

Angelione followed him as he got closer to Albedo. The King saw that he was getting ready to use his fireballs
and rushed towards him.  The King managed to grab him, but not after he encountered a couple fireballs that exploded on his chest. The wind continued to try and push the King, but he was strong. The King pinned Albedo to the ground, and Angelione once more asked his brother for forgiveness as he unleashed his lightning on him. The King had gotten out of the way just in time to avoid being caught. Albedo screamed in pain and fell to the ground.

Good, the wind is gone and his Reawakening is also

“Angelione, are you all right?”

“Yes, I’m fine.” He hated using this ability; it always brought back pain and suffering to him. His hand was now steaming.
I held back a little
. “So, what now? Do we… kill him.” he looked at the


This was a hard decision no one wanted to make.

“I…don’t know.” This should have been a simple decision; someone like Albedo had to die. He was the King who brought chaos and fear to this world, him and his brethren ruled with absolute order.

“I’ll kill you all!”

The King looked to see Albedo’s Reawakening had returned, alongside the severe wind, but much more intense this time. The wind blew the King and Angelione away, a few feet from the castle.

Albedo was now heading for the city.

The King got up quickly. “The wind is so strong, how can someone be this powerful!”

He looked at Angelione, “we must go now, but don’t kill him.” 

Angelione wondered if he had changed his mind. He wanted Albedo wounded, just enough to bring him down. He grabbed his sword and moved forward, hoping to electrocute Albedo once more, just enough to put him to sleep. He held back his ability the last time, this time he had to give it all he had.

The King looked back at the Black Knights on top of the castle and gave them the signal they were waiting for. They fired their crossbow towards Albedo, but it was futile as his wind shielded him from their attacks. The King had no other choice now; he must use his Elder as he saw Albedo making it half way to the bridge. His wind destroyed the poles on the street and the light bulbs burst into pieces. At the end of the other side of the bridge was more Black Knights; but the King saw someone else with them, it was master Jarvis. He was glad he had finally showed up.





watched as Albedo’s wind deflected the arrows as if they were leaves being blown away by the wind. It was clear to him that Albedo’s power could not be controlled, but he had not lost hope. He looked back at the Black Knights and told them to be ready if worse comes to worst. Next to him were Dragan and Cecelia.

“Dragan, what’s happening to our son!?” said Cecelia.

“Master Jarvis, I have a request for you, I want you to remove the seal you placed on us,” requested Dragan.

Nonsense,” said Jarvis. “A long time ago the two of you asked me to seal away your abilities and power. So you could raise your son in peace, I will not remove it so you can fight him.”

“The seal you placed on him is getting weaker, please he’s my son!” pleaded Dragan. Dragan wanted desperately to help his son, without his power there was nothing he could do to help.

“Let me handle it, I can try to drain his energy.” said Jarvis.
But that’s very risky
. “Victor asked the two of you to go home, we will handle this.”

“He is our son, what would you have us do!” said Dragan with passion in his eyes.

“I know that, and this is why I requested for you two to stay put. Right now the two of you are as strong as a human. My seal not only took away your power and abilities, but also diminished your physical strength and speed. It has been so long since your body had recognized your true strength that if I removed the seal right now, it will take at least a day for them to return to you.” Albedo was getting closer, and he needed to go. He looked at Dragan and Cecelia and smiled. “A parent should not fight his own son; their job in life is to teach them. The two of you have unconditional love for him, even after finding out what or who he was. I will not have the two of you fight your own son, I watched a father fight his son before, and I will not stand for it again.” With that he left them. 




woke up and she knew something wasn’t right. She lay still on a bed at the medical room, with blood pumping into her vessels. She was lucky to be alive. Thanks to the blood and the King’s healers, her skin had regenerated fast. Her body was still in bad shape and it was going to take at least a day for her to fully nurse back to health. She looked by the window to see Dante and Axil standing there staring outside.

              “Albedo, where is Albedo?” she said quietly.

“He’s going to be fine, right now you need to rest,” said Dante.

“You’re not supposed to be up, your body is not yet ready,” said Axil.

She could feel the pain in her body still. “What’s going on out there?”

They were skeptical to tell her.

“Tell me what happened!” she shouted at them.

Dante and Axil gave her a hand. They approached to the window; there she could see Albedo, with Jarvis, Angelione and the King chasing after him, heading towards the city.

“Albedo is that really you?” said Sonia.

Dante and Axil wanted to go help but Sonia needed them even more.

“Just leave it to Jarvis and the others. They will find a way to bring him back, I promise you that,” said Dante.

Axil was not so sure there was a comeback for him. His mind was being dominated by the power.

Dante looked at Sonia with disappointment, “What were you thinking Sonia? You’re lucky to be alive. He could have killed you, he’s not himself.”

She was blinded by love; she ignored the danger she might face. She could not watch the man she loved be locked away, ready for execution.





King knew what Jarvis had in mind when he saw him coming towards Albedo, but with all this wind it was going to be impossible for him to get close enough. Even if Jarvis used his Elder he would still not be strong enough to get close to Albedo. The King was physically stronger, so that enabled him to get closer, but right now Albedo was producing a wind three times more powerful.

” said the king “Master Jarvis has a plan, and we’re going to help him. But if his plan fails, we must be ready.”
Jarvis is too old for this type of stuff

The King’s right hand once again had the black-
light gravity around his hand, the last time he used it to increase his punch, this time he had a different approach. He pointed his right hand towards Albedo, this time the black-light left his hand, the same way the fireballs leave Albedo’s hand. When it left his hand it was a circle of black light, and it moved fast as it penetrated the wind. The gravity somehow pushed through the wind as it made its way to Albedo. The black-light hit Albedo and instantaneously pinned him to the ground. The bridge shook a little as its massive magnitude of gravity continued to pull Albedo down. The bridge was thick, but with this powerful ability it could destroy it easily.

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