Kinky Bet (3 page)

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Authors: Maggie Nash

BOOK: Kinky Bet
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She swallowed. Maybe he didn’t recognise her, but she sure as hell recognised him. “A contract?”

His eyebrow lifted. “How much do you know about BDSM?”

She clasped her hands behind her back, rubbing her thumbs against palms. Her voice cracked, and she struggled to answer him. “Not a lot, but I’ve read some books, plus my ex-boyfriend used to tie me up and spank me.”

His lips twitched slightly. “And you liked it?”

“Yes,” she whispered as her face heated.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite hear you,” he said.

Taking in a deep breath, she rose onto the balls of her feet. “Yes,” she said, leaning forward and looking him straight in the eye. “I liked it very much.”

“Good,” he said. “An honest answer. If you stay you will be expected to always be honest about your feelings. Do you think you can do that?”

She sucked in a breath before answering, “Yes, I think I can do that, but I have a question.”

He nodded. “You may ask.”

“I was wondering about the contract. What is it for? What will I be signing up for?”

His eyebrows lifted. “That is two questions, but given that you’re new I will let it go,” he said. “This time.” He circled her, walking slowly and staring at her as though she was his prey and he was getting ready to pounce. “We need to ensure that you participate in our programme of your own free will and we also require a list of your hard and soft limits. Although you will find yourself challenged this weekend, nothing will happen that you have not agreed to in advance.”

Erica felt a layer of her nervous tension lift at his words. “Thank you for explaining that. It’s comforting to hear.”

Conal nodded, and gestured for her to sit down, while he stood on the other side of the desk and slid a folder towards her. “I’ll leave you to read through the papers and fill them out. One of my assistants will collect you when you have signed them and take you to your room where you will be settled in.”

Erica looked up into his face, momentarily panicking at being left alone. Although she didn’t know him, she felt that everything would be okay if Conal was with her. “When will I see you again, Conal?”

“You’ll see me soon enough,” he said. “However, for the rest of your stay you must follow a few basic rules. Firstly, unless you are using your safe word you will not speak unless you are directed to by a Dominant. You will follow all directions from staff as you are under our protection for the weekend.” His dark eyes twinkled. “And lastly, you will refer to me as Sir. Do you think you can manage that?”

Oh shit. This really was a Dom/sub thing she was getting into. If possible, her panties got even wetter at his words. “Um, yes, I think so.”
Smooth. Not!

He tilted her chin with his knuckle, forcing her to look into his eyes. “You must be sure, because any failure to follow the rules will have consequences.”

She swallowed, her skin tingling where his thumb rubbed against her neck. “I am sure.”

He cocked an eyebrow, staring her down again.

Oh crap. Forgot the rules again
. If she kept this up she’d never get through the weekend. She blew out a breath. “I am sure I can follow the rules, Sir.”

He stared at her for several more seconds before letting her go and walking towards the door. He stopped at the entrance and turned to her, giving her a devastating smile that made her go weak at the knees. “Good. While you’re here in my care I think I’ll call you Enya. It means fire. I’m thinking you’re going to show me lots of it this weekend and I look forward to it.”

“But my name is Erica.”

He smiled. “Tell me what you think is the aim of any good submissive?”

She thought back to all those books she’d read on D/s relationships. Her time with her ex didn’t really count. He had just been playing and hadn’t taken it seriously. However, since that time she’d spent many hours researching BDSM when she was looking to see if her feelings were normal. “A good submissive trusts her Master.”

His smile widened. “Excellent. And what else does she aim for?”

Her heart lifted at his praise. “To please her Master?”

“Correct.” He smiled. “It pleases me to call you Enya. It will help remind you that you have given me your trust. Is that clear?”

The intensity of his stare took her breath away. Here was this gorgeous man and all his attention was on her. She could only think of one response. “Yes, Sir.”

“Well done.” He hesitated, but his face gave away nothing as he nodded and left the room.

Erica held her breath until she heard the door close then let it out in a rush of air. She opened the file on the desk and started reading. Her body heated while she read the list of preferences for domination and submission, fetishes and toys. She probably rushed through it too quickly, ticking ‘yes’, ‘no’ and ‘hard limit’ in quick succession, wondering if she would live to regret the amount of affirmative answers she had given.
Oh well
, she thought, smiling remembering her response to Nicole’s bet while she signed the consent form.
In for a penny, in for a pound.

She placed the folder back on the desk and the door opened. She turned to see a young woman dressed in a short leather skirt and plain white T-shirt enter the room. Her breasts showed through the transparent material, reminding Erica that she might soon be similarly displayed for all to see.

“Come with me, Miss Neilson.”

Erica rose and followed her out into the hallway and up the stairs. Conal’s assistant walked quickly and Erica struggled to keep up with her while she was led to a room on the second level of the house. The girl opened the door and stood back, ushering her inside.

The assistant followed her in and closed the door behind her. “You must remove your clothes now.”

Erica’s pulse kicked up several dozen notches. She’d never undressed in front of another woman before. Not even her mother had seen her without clothes since she’d started puberty and had begun the whole poor body image thing, so this was new for her. This woman didn’t seem to notice her reluctance because she walked past her to an adjoining room. The sound of running water reminded her that she was here to enjoy herself, so she might as well get into the spirit of things.

She almost lost her nerve, however, after she removed her dress and placed it on a small padded cushion. At this moment in time she couldn’t decide if she was going to kill Nicole or be forever in her debt. Either way she’d committed to be here now so unless she wanted to leave without having any fun at all she needed to cooperate. It was now or never.

“Do you require assistance?”

“Um, no. I’m good.”

The assistant waited patiently while Erica fumbled with the catch of her black lace bra. She resisted the urge to cover herself when it was taken from her. Before she could think too hard about it, she slid her fingers under the elastic of the matching G-string and removed the last scrap of covering from her body.

“I guess if we’re getting acquainted I should know your name.”

The girl lowered her head, her eyes to the floor. “My name is not important.”

Erica crossed her arms and shifted her weight from one foot to the other as a cool breeze tickled her skin. “Come on, I’m naked here. Surely that qualifies as friendly.”

She lifted her face, her eyes showing a hint of an apology. “My role here does not require for my name to be used. I am here to serve Master Conal.”

Erica stood and stared for a few more seconds, pondering exactly what this girl’s role was, and why she would want to be subjugated to a level that took away her name. Apparently, since everyone was here by choice, she must want it that way, so who was Erica to judge? “All right, so I’m naked. What’s next?”

She was led into the adjoining room. A large empty spa bath filled the centre space but Erica was ushered to the side where there was a table covered with a cotton sheet.

“You must lie on the table.”

“So I’m getting a massage?”

The girl with no name shook her head. “Sir may allow that later, but for now you are to be prepared.”

What the heck did she mean by
? And that’s when she spied the side table. On top of it lay a silver tray with blades and an electric razor, a shaving brush, and a bowl of steaming water. Oh shit. She remembered the section of the checklist that mentioned genital shaving. She’d marked it with a ‘yes’ because she always got hot reading about it in the BDSM novels she read. Was that what they were going to do to her now?

“Miss Neilson?”

Here we go.
Her heart was pounding as she lay down on the table.

“Face up, please,” the girl said.

The girl covered her with a small sheet while she turned onto her back. At least she was able to keep some basic modesty, she thought. However, those thoughts were short lived when two men entered the room. Two shirtless muscular men.
Oh boy, this is really happening.

The first man, who seemed to be in charge, moved forward to stand by her side. “Have you chosen a safe word?”

She answered him without thinking. “Yes, it’s ‘penny’.” That expression had kept crossing her mind since this all started, so it seemed like a good choice.

“Fine. We’ll get started. You are aware of the rules?”

She nodded automatically, but wondered which particular rule he referred to. She opened her mouth to speak, but before she could utter a word the men each took one of her hands, wrapped her wrists in cloth and tied her securely to the table. After that they reached under the table and brought out two metal poles, each with a hook and a leather strap attached at one end. The sound of metal sliding against metal startled her and she jumped as they placed the poles upright into sockets at the side of the table. As they worked, the girl with no name moved to the head of the table and covered Erica’s eyes with a black satin mask.

She struggled against her restraints. “Hey, wait a minute!”

The sheet was drawn back from her chest and someone grabbed one of her nipples, twisting it hard and causing her eyes to tear up.

“You will not speak unless you wish to use your safe word. Do you want to use it now?”

Holy shit that hurt
. But strangely the wetness between her legs seemed to increase.

She shook her head. “Sorry, I was just surprised by the blindfold.”

A hand slapped across her breast. “No talking unless you use your safe word, or I instruct you to speak. Next time nod or shake your head.”

Oh crap, she was going to be black and blue unless she got her act together. As the slight sting subsided, she closed her eyes beneath the mask and took a few breaths. She could do this. Yes she could. Maybe.

When she relaxed back against the bed the other man spoke. “Good. This is your first lesson, Enya. You must remain very still.”

The sheet was whisked away and her legs were raised and wrapped with the leather straps attached to the poles. She felt like she was visiting her gynaecologist, although she never got this turned on at the doctor’s office. Every inch of her skin tingled while she lay there completely naked and exposed with her pussy open to everyone in the room. She tensed as gentle hands pulled on her pubic hair and trimmed it with scissors. Who was that? The girl with no name, or one of the gorgeous hunks? Biting her lip she tried really hard to ignore the high-pitched snipping sound of the scissor blades as they worked above her most vulnerable body parts. No one uttered a sound and she wondered what the men and the girl with no name saw. Did they like what they saw? Did they enjoy their jobs? Or was she just another paying customer?

She jumped when a warm cloth was placed over her mound, and cried out as the cool air blew over her skin, when a minute later it was removed.

It was all happening too fast.

She held her breath at a new sensation of the scrape of blade against the skin of her folds. A second person pulled her folds open and God forbid, she couldn’t help the trickle of wetness release from inside her. Oh God, they must be able to see that! The feeling of being on display and helpless was doing strange things to her. She should be terrified, but her body had other ideas. After the blades came the buzzing sound of the small electric razor. It tickled as it skimmed over her skin catching what the blades had missed. Much to her embarrassment, the razor was also used to remove the hair from the small patch of skin between her vagina and anus. The muscles in the area contracted in protest. No one had ever been

Her skin tingled as a warm breath blew against it. A long finger stroked over her folds and inside her vagina, rubbing back and forth until arriving at her clit, circling it with her own moisture.

“You have done well, Enya.”
Holy crap, was that Conal’s voice? Is that his hand inside me?

Her immediate response was to thank him, but at the last minute she stopped, remembering the rules just in time before she got herself into trouble again.

“Come, my friends, feel how the slut likes to be open and ready for us.”

His dirty words sent her heart rate through the roof but that was nothing compared to sensation of a second and a third set of fingers working their way into her vagina as the first finger continued to rub her clit until she thought she would explode.

Oh God, don’t stop!

Abruptly the hands withdrew and she mouthed a silent protest, feeling cheated now she was so close to climax.

“I know you want to come, sweet Enya, but you have not earned your first orgasm yet.”

Her ankles were released and her legs carefully placed together and back on the table. Her calves and feet were massaged before someone removed the restraints from her hands and continuing the massage along her arms.

A girl could get used to this.

When the mask was removed only Conal remained in the room. Her heart did a little Irish jig as the beauty of this man struck her again.
How lucky am I?
Maybe she wouldn’t kill Nicole after all.

She waited for him to say something but he just stood there staring at her with a look of mild amusement, as if he dared her to break the silence and earn herself another black mark. She smiled. Maybe she should give it a try while he was still in a good mood.

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