Kinky Bet (8 page)

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Authors: Maggie Nash

BOOK: Kinky Bet
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“That’s very generous of you, Sir, but unnecessary. I’m sure my friend Nicole will be able to help me.”

His gaze narrowed and he spoke softly. “Nevertheless, the offer still stands.”

He reached forward, placed his hands around her wrists and pulled her off the bed to stand next to him. “In the meantime you are not quite finished with your weekend of training.”

That was when she noticed Ione standing just inside the door and frowning at her, which reminded her of all the rules she’d recently broken. She scrambled to kneel down in the posture she’d been taught, bowing her head even as every muscle burned, still not yet recovered from the day’s session. “Yes, Sir.”

He patted her sore behind and headed to the door. “Go with Ione and clean up. I’ll expect you in the dining room and in the correct position in time for lunch.”

She lifted her eyes to thank him, but he’d already left.



Chapter Six




His best friend, Jacob, slapped him on the back and sat next to him on the garden bench as he peered out at the manicured lawn and pristine flower beds of the mansion’s massive garden. “Mate, what’s gotten into you? You’re turning soft.”

Conal’s eyes narrowed, but he didn’t shift his gaze. “What are you talking about?”

Jake snorted. “Don’t be a dick, Conal. We can all see you’ve gone easy on her. What’s with that?”

He shrugged. “She’s a complete novice. I don’t want to scare her off.”

Jake laughed. “We’ve had complete novices here before, and you’ve had fun breaking them in. This is different. So what’s the deal? Did Nicole give you special instructions?”


Jake stretched his legs out in front of him, crossing his ankles. He relaxed against the back of the bench with his hands behind his head. “Ah. I see.”

“You’re full of it, Jake. You don’t know shit.”

Jake chuckled. “What’s the big deal? So you want to keep this one? Hence the personal go slow method.”

Conal stood up. “Go fuck yourself.”

The sound of Jake’s laughter as he walked away was unnerving. Did he want to keep her? Maybe he did on some subconscious level. When he’s started Dangerous Liaisons he’d decided that the best policy was not to get involved with the clients. It had worked pretty well so far, and he didn’t want to change his own rules now. It made it easier for him to say goodbye to the subs he trained, and they knew the score from the beginning, so they were quite happy to move on. No messy emotional ties. Strictly business. It was quite simple.

Until now.

There was something about Enya. He would always think of her as that name—all fire. His cock swelled as he remembered her body in the throes of that four-way orgasm.

Fuck, she was gorgeous!

Who was he kidding? Jacob was absolutely right, he wanted her for himself. As if he would be finding her another Master! Fuck the rules. Jacob could take over the training of new subs so he could concentrate on Erica.

She’s mine.

Of course, all this was purely academic, as he had no idea if she’d go for it. She had to come willingly or not at all and he’d make sure she made the right choice. He smiled at a wicked thought that popped into his head. Now he’d decided she was for him, he could show her exactly what he wanted. She’d better be damn ready, because his cock was twitching so much he might shoot his load before they even got started.

When he arrived in the dining room half an hour later he felt more like himself. Cold showers were always painful, and he thanked God he didn’t have to indulge too often, but this time he wanted to be completely in control if the session was going to be as much fun as he hoped. Enya was in for a treat, and he couldn’t wait.

His eyes were drawn to the corner where he knew she’d be, and he wasn’t disappointed. The sun shone through the bay window, its brilliance adding an ethereal quality where she knelt in perfect posture.


Standing by the door, he observed the others in the room as they watched the little sub, as entranced by her as he. He smiled. They could look, but they wouldn’t be touching. This time she was all his.

His well-trained staff began wheeling in trays laden with the many exotic treats he’d ordered. Enya swayed slightly, but didn’t move as another couple of his staff bustled around the room, shifting tables and chairs. He almost wished she would move, giving him a reason to spank her gorgeous arse, but as he spied her rosy cheeks again, lovely though they were, he recognised that she’d had enough punishment in that area for now. He shifted his weight and moved towards her, noting the blush creeping into her neck as he approached. He inhaled the sweet scent of the soap he’d instructed Ione to use on her. Mixed with a faint odour of sex, the combination was intoxicating. Enya’s pert breasts and rosy nipples stood out, enhanced by her posture, in exactly the way he’d shown her. He was so proud to see her taking his instruction to heart, and it gave him hope that she would be amenable to his plan for after the weekend. For now, though, he had other plans.

“Stand up, Enya.”

He observed her while she stood confidently, like she’d been born to this life, gracefully sitting back onto her heels before pushing herself to the standing position. He silently thanked both Jacob and Ione for their excellent tutelage. She would need that control to keep up with him if she decided to stick around.

He gestured to the round table in front of her. “Sit on the lazy Susan in the middle. You can cross your legs, but face me.”

She raised her eyebrows, but quickly complied, climbing up and getting in position, her crossed legs offering a delectable view of her pussy to anyone who was in the correct line of sight.

One of his staff rolled a trolley laden with numerous plates of food next to the table. He pulled a chair close to the table and sat down. Her eyes were trained on him as he studied her, noting the blush of her skin, her swollen lips and the faint marks around her nipples and breasts that were reminders of this morning’s fun.

Turning away from her, he studied the food, choosing a bowl of juicy strawberries. He held one up to show her. “Are you hungry, fire girl?”

She smiled as she nodded. “Yes, Sir. I’m starving. I forgot to eat this morning.”

He laughed. Even in submission she kept her wonderful sense of humour. “How silly of you. We’ll have to remedy that,” he said as he held the luscious fruit in front of her mouth. She moved her hand to take it but he pulled back. “Put your hands behind your back. A Master sometimes chooses to feed his sub.” He held it out to her again and waited. When she didn’t immediately open her mouth he teased her lips with the soft fruit until she opened slightly and he shoved it in.

She coughed, and almost spat it out, but one look from him and she changed her mind, chewing until it was gone. He watched as her dainty tongue slipped out, licking the pink juice from her lips. Crossing his legs to cover his erection, he reached for another strawberry, although this time he rubbed it over her pussy lips. She nearly jumped off the table so he nodded to his staff, and two of the male subs in training came over.

“My sub seems to be having trouble staying in position for her lunch. Do you think you could help her?”

The men moved behind her and each one placed a hand on her shoulder to steady her and another under her thigh, spreading her thighs wider.

“Is this sufficient, Master Conal?” one of them asked.

He nodded to them. “Excellent. Hold her still.”

Turning back to Enya he again rubbed her with the strawberry, this time circling her clit and entrance with the cold flesh. She moaned, straining slightly against the restraining hands.

 “Relax and enjoy it, fire girl. You’ve earned a reward for this morning,” he said as he placed the fruit into her open mouth.

She moaned, tasting the fruit covered in her own juices, but to her credit, she didn’t flinch.

“How are you doing, Enya? Enjoying your lunch?”

She moaned as he swirled a long slice of melon around her entrance. “I’ll take that as a yes?”

He slid it back and forth several times before withdrawing it. Enya’s eyes were closed and she laid her head back against one of the subs. He couldn’t have that.

“Open your eyes.”

She whipped her head back up, but she struggled to find his face.


She lifted her shoulders and the men tightened their grip, which forced her breasts to thrust out even farther. She blinked a few times, her eyes widening as he slid the melon in and out of her pussy before taking a bite. “Mmmm…delicious. It tastes like you.”

He continued playing and feeding her until the platter was finished, and her pussy and breasts were covered with juice. He beckoned Ione to join him. When she arrived she produced a packet of wipes, proceeding to clean the sticky mess off Erica’s skin.

He watched, intrigued as Enya closed her eyes and tensed at Ione’s ministrations.

“Have you felt the touch of a woman before this weekend, fire girl?”

She shook her head, trying but failing to stop the moan, as Ione vigorously rubbed against her clit with the wipe. “Um…no. No, S-s-sir.”

He smiled. “What do you think, gentlemen? Do you think she likes it?”

Both of the subs smiled and nodded. “Yes, Master Conal.”

“I concur. I think we should make sure, though, don’t you, Ione?”

His assistant stopped her ministrations, her delight clearly showing in her excited smile.

“It would be a pleasure, Master Conal.”

“Then by all means, go ahead.”

Enya groaned as the subs repositioned her, laying her down at the edge of the table with her legs splayed wide over the edge. Ione knelt between her thighs and smoothed her small hands over Enya’s skin, opening her labia with her thumbs. As the small redhead stroked back and forth with what Conal knew, from personal experience, was a very clever tongue, he stood transfixed.

With every twist of her head and squeeze of her eyes, with her every sigh and moan he heard, she let go of another layer and gave of herself. All because he’d commanded it—and that was a powerful thought. Her breathing rate increased at breakneck speed and the moans gained in volume while Ione doubled her efforts, thrusting two fingers inside Enya’s pussy.

“Please…” whispered Enya.

“Remember, you need to be clear,” he said. “Tell me what you want.”

“Pleeeaase, Sir,” she begged.

“Ione, you can stop now.”

Enya cried out as Ione withdrew. “Nooooooo…”

“I repeat. You need to tell me what you want. A Master can’t see to your needs unless you tell him what they are.”

He smiled to himself, watching her try and fail to bring her legs together to rub against her sensitised clit. His boys were well trained and would never allow it without first having the nod from him.

He slapped her pussy hard and she exploded.

“That’s it, fire girl. Come for me now.”

She came, as he knew she would—and what a beautiful sight it was. Small beads of perspiration covered her body, leaving her skin glowing. All the tiny hairs covering her skin stood on end, as did the tips of her nipples, which were elongated and erect. She thrust herself forward, almost lifting off the table as her strong legs pressed against the boys’ hands while they held her in place.

The spasms continued for another few minutes, until finally her spent body fell back against the table.
She was fucking amazing

He’d always loved watching a woman orgasm, but this one was bloody beautiful.

What was it about this one that turned him on like no other? She was certainly gorgeous, but he’d played with beautiful subs before. It was more the spirit from inside her that had him wanting more, because he knew it’d take some time peeling off all the layers to find the real fire girl underneath, and that’s who he wanted to meet.

He hadn’t even fucked her yet, but he had a few more plans for her before the culmination of her weekend this evening. He couldn’t wait.


Oh. My. God.

Erica stretched out on her bed, too exhausted to draw the covers over herself. The last thing she remembered was lying on a table and having the longest orgasm of her life. Now, while she struggled to wake up, the memories of her amazing day came back.

Never in her wildest dreams had she ever thought she was capable of such wild orgasms like she’d had today. Just thinking about how hard she’d come after Conal had slapped her pussy sent her legs together trying to rub against her sensitised clit, but she resisted going any further than that. Conal had given her strict instructions not to touch herself or he would know, and she wouldn’t put it past him to have cameras trained on her right now. At that thought she wearily leant forward and pulled the blanket over herself before sinking back into the soft mattress.

What the heck did he have planned for tonight? There had to be fucking involved. She’d signed in her contract that she agreed to all forms of sexual penetration, and thus far—even though she’d been touched in practically every inch of her body, she still had yet to be fucked. She wanted Conal to fuck her. Her body burned and tingled in places she didn’t even know could tingle, and yet she technically hadn’t had sex yet. This had better be part of the plan, because unless she was getting some soon, she was going to burst.

She looked around the room and noticed a large gift box on the table across the room. She could never resist a present, so she threw back the blanket and scrambled out of bed, making a bee line for the box. On the top was a plain white envelope with her name on it. Her new name, that is. She liked being known as Enya, or fire girl, as Conal called her. It could be his accent, but every time he said her name she melted just a little bit. Deep, sexy voices like his should be illegal.

She removed a single sheet of paper from inside the envelope and started reading.


‘Dear Enya,

You have almost reached the end of your weekend here at Dangerous Liaisons. You have passed many of the tasks asked of you, but before you finish there is one final scene.

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