Kiss and Tell (12 page)

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Authors: Shannon Tweed

BOOK: Kiss and Tell
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I made it down the stairs—barely. The whole time he was talking away, talking away, and I wasn’t hearing a word he said. So I just laid a kiss on him. Made a big pass at him. I was fully prepared to make out hot and heavy right there. And I have to say, when I kissed him, I was like
What the hell was that??
It was the biggest tongue I’d ever felt in my life. Despite the shock, however, I was ready to go, but he wouldn’t!
Gene Simmons wouldn’t!
Later he told me I wasn’t some groupie who was going to give him a blow job and walk away. It wasn’t going to be like that. All I was thinking was,
Okay, you’re cute, I’ll do ya.
I was coming off a pretty wild life, so this encounter wasn’t a big deal to me. But he wasn’t going to cooperate. Gene was saying, “Okay, we’d better go.” I’m thinking,
You’ve got me alone in a wine cellar and you want to go? Well, okay; fine.
I was a little taken aback. This was not the way it usually went.

He said, “Look, let’s go out tomorrow.”

I said, “I can’t, I’m going away tomorrow to do a movie in Toronto; I’ll be there a few weeks.” I had a little part in one of the
sequels, not a big step up for my career, or at all, really.

He didn’t give up. “Here’s what I’ll do, I’ll come over in the morning for breakfast before you leave. I’ll bring you caviar and champagne and the whole thing. We’ll have a nice breakfast before you go.”

I was still surprised he wouldn’t make out with me. I just said “Okay, sure. My flight’s at 11, come over before 10 or I’ll be gone.”


Even though I was pretty tipsy, I could feel that something was different about this guy.

That’s why I was surprised when the next morning came and he didn’t call or show up. I was pissed off. Tracy went over to the Beverly Hills Hotel, where Gene had said he was staying, with a picture of me while I packed. On the back of the photo I had written, “If you really do have the balls you say you have maybe you’ll call me sometime.” I put my phone number on it again for good measure. For all I knew he’d been looped, too, and just forgot.

Gene called immediately to say, “You gave me the wrong number last night.” I said, “You liar, I did not.” He said he was coming right over and we were going to have breakfast and champagne and all that.

When Gene showed up, my roommate Ruben was just leaving. That got Gene’s attention: one guy was walking out just as he was walking in. The first thing he did was hand me the note I had written my number on the night before, and sure enough, I had given him the number I used when I didn’t want people to call me. I would just change the last digit. I had done it so many times that I didn’t realize it. He just looked at me and said, “Wrong number.” Gene had been calling the poor guy with the other number all morning saying, “Look, if you’re the husband or the boyfriend and you don’t want me to talk to her, just say so. She gave me this number to call and I’m calling.” He really tried, God love him. What could I say but, “Sorry, sorry, oops, sorry.”

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