Kiss Me Crazy (10 page)

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Authors: Ednah Walters,E. B. Walters

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #General

BOOK: Kiss Me Crazy
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In other words, his older brother would need an explanation. Baron closed his cel phone and scrubbed his face. He had no problem teling Lex the truth; the woman seated across from him was another story. He could feel her watchful gaze on him. He didn’t want her pity.

Kara shifted and cleared her voice. “Baron, if there’s a problem…”

He locked his gaze on her and quenched the urge to snap.

Instead he took a deep breath and spoke calmly.

“There’s no problem, Kara. I have it covered.” The smile that accompanied his words must not have convinced her because her mouth puckered into a pout and furrows appeared on her brow.

God help me from women and their insatiable curiosity.

Baron pressed the intercom, again. “Cancel the cal to my brother, Gena. I already spoke with him. I’l be gone most of the day, so direct al my cals to my cel. Rick should be able to handle any crisis until I get back.”

The next cal he placed was to Lex’s pilot. Afterwards, he looked at Kara, who was stil scowling as though undecided about something. “Everything’s set. How do you want to do this?”

“Do what?” Her mind was obviously elsewhere.

“How about I folow you to your place so you can drop off your car and pick up whatever you might need, and then we can drive together to Santa Monica airport.”

“Are you coming too?”

He might have offered to help to garner points with her, but now it was personal. “Once your sister is okay, I’l leave.” Her frown deepened, but instead of speaking her mind, she sighed and gave him a tight smile. “I don’t know how to thank you, Baron.”

Her tone was too subdued for his liking, but he couldn’t do anything about it. He knew she had questions about his reaction, but he had no intention of discussing his past life with her. Not yet.

“Don’t worry about it.” He puled open a drawer and puled out a file, and then the two of them left the office. Gena stared at them curiously, but he didn’t explain anything to her, just reminded her to let Rick take care of things while he was gone.

Downstairs, Kara gestured toward her office. “I need to pick up a few things.”

“I’l be with Rick.” He waited until Kara disappeared into her workroom then entered Rick’s office. Rick was on the phone, so Baron indicated he’d wait. He settled on the armchair, opened the file he’d removed from his office, and flipped through it. It was Rick’s old resume.

He’d lured Rick about three-and-a-half years ago from a competitor who hadn’t appreciated his varied talents. Rick became his friend, mentor, and a valuable employee. His relaxed and non-intrusive personality enabled him to build a quick rapport with both artists and colectors, male and female, young and old.

“So, boss, what can I do for you?”

Rick’s voice cut into his thoughts and Baron looked up.

“Do you stil have the resumes of the three people we short-listed for the position in San Francisco?”

“Yes.” Rick walked to a metal storage unit behind his desk and puled out a drawer. “I agree with you, the woman has the most experience and the right temperament for the job, especialy if you plan to have more community involvement.” He removed the files and came back to sit opposite Baron. “Steinberger is a pompous old goat. I learned that Kraken Fine Art fired him because of his drinking habits. No wonder he didn’t put them as a reference. As for Hanks, he’s too green. Maybe after a few years, he might handle such a position.”

Baron accepted the three files and threw them in the garbage can by the chair. He passed Rick his file. “This is the best and only candidate I’d consider for the position.” Frowning, Rick opened the file then scowled. “But this is…

do you mean…?”

Baron got to his feet and Rick folowed. “I think you’re the man for the job, Rick. I hope you won’t mind relocating to San Francisco.”

“Mind?” Rick laughed, his gaze bouncing between his resume and Baron. “Hel no. This is awesome. I had no idea you were even considering me.”

“Right from the start,” Baron said as he offered Rick his hand. The older man thumped it vigorously. “You’re great with clients, have amazing organization and management skils, and more important, an eye for what sels. Besides, you know our future goals. You helped draft them.”

Rick finaly let go of Baron’s hand, his expression serious.

“Thank you for the opportunity, Baron. You won’t be disappointed.”


“I know.” Baron slapped him on the back and started for the door. He paused to add, “I’l be gone for the day so you’re in charge. I should be in tomorrow and wil leave again on Wednesday for a week or two. We’l discuss the details later. Gena already knows you’l run things while I’m gone. If you need to get in touch, just cal me on my cel.”

Baron stepped out, but Kara wasn’t in the halway. He checked her workroom, but it was empty. He found her outside, waiting by her car. “Ready?”


“Okay. I’l folow you.” He started for his SUV.

“Just a minute, Baron.” She walked to him, reached up and kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you for being here for me. And don’t say it’s no problem or anyone would have done the same thing because we both know that’s not true. You Fitzgerald men are something else. Thank your brother for me, too.” She wiped his cheek, as though removing a smudge of lipstick. “Now we can go.” The feel of her lips on his cheek sent heat pulsing through his body. He probably looked like an idiot staring after her, but he couldn’t help himself. The woman was unpredictable, fascinating, and caring. If he had his way, she would be his forever.



“Would you like something to drink?” Baron asked. He appeared relaxed, his jacket off, a few buttons on his shirt undone, and sleeves roled up. Stil, Kara could feel the tension pulsing from him. They’d taken off about ten minutes ago.

“Iced tea, if you have some,” she said.

“We do.” He got up and paused to ask, “Sweet or unsweetened?”

“Unsweetened, please.” She picked a grape from the bowl of fruit on the table in front of her and popped it in her mouth as Baron walked to the galey. Kara studied his broad back, the way the tailored pants caressed his thighs, and alowed herself a drool-moment. Then her glance shifted and swept the main cabin of the Gulfstream.

“How often does your brother use the jet?”

“Between the properties in the Caribbean and on the west coast, he practicaly lives in it.”

She could see why. Baron had introduced her to the crew

—the pilot, female copilot, and private flight attendant—then shown her around. The luxurious interior with its cherry-wood paneling, tan leather seats and couches, a master suite, wel-stocked galey, and lavatories with showers had a home-like ambience. Add the conference room, crew rest area, and high definition T.V. screens and computers, and you had a boardroom as wel.

Before takeoff, she had caled Jim while Baron spoke privately with the flight attendant. Kara hadn’t seen the woman since. Obviously, her hunky boss had decided to take care of her for the duration of the flight. If the personal attention was meant to butter her up or impress her, it was working like a dream.

The sound of ice chinking drew her attention back to the man occupying her thoughts more and more. He sauntered to her side, two crystal glasses in his hands—one with teltale greenish-yelow iced tea and the other with an amber-colored liquid. His gaze brushed over her, reminding her she’d removed her jacket too and showed a lot more skin than usual in her spaghetti strap top.

He offered her the iced tea, acknowledged her thanks and lounged in the seat across from hers. “In fact, Lex was about to take off to San Francisco when I caled.”

“You kicked your brother off his own plane?”

Baron shrugged. “He had a business meeting, which was easily canceled. This trip is personal.” He sipped from his glass and shot her a chalenging look under hooded eyes.

For five years, Baron had lived and breathed his business.

Could he realy be pushing his work aside just to pursue her?

Thriling as the thought might be, it intimidated, too. She’d seen how relentless he was when he went after a piece of art or an artist for a show. Nothing would deter him from getting what he wanted. And it seemed, for the moment, he wanted her. The thought was sobering.

“He didn’t mind?” Kara asked to stop herself from being so self-absorbed.

“I’m sure he did, but we have a family motto even he can’t break.”

“What’s that?”

“Family first, business second.”

Nice. She swalowed a mouthful of her drink and studied him over the rim of her glass. Ever since he’d cursed under his breath while they were in his office, Kara had reached the conclusion she hardly knew this man. Baron had depth, which tickled her curiosity. She drank from her glass one more time, leaned forward and placed the tea on the table.

Baron’s gaze shifted to her chest, almost making her regret the move. She couldn’t concentrate when his smoldering stare felt like a physical touch against her skin. On the other hand, if he wanted to look….

“So you and Lex are pretty close?” Her voice came out irritatingly husky.

“If you cal beating the crap out of him at racquetbal twice a month close, then yes.” He grinned as though relishing the thought, but then his smile disappeared. “Dad died when Chase and I turned thirteen and Lex was sixteen. Jade was about ten. Mom did her best, but we were a handful. Lex had to step in sometimes and straighten us out. He’s a hard ass, but he’s cool, too.” From his voice, Kara could tel he loved his brother. If only her family shared the same motto and treated each other equaly.

Her parents tended to take sides. No, her dad treated her and Briana the same. The only time he sided with Kara was when Briana acted crazy. Her mother always took her sister’s side. Kara realized Baron was studying her with a frown, probably expecting some kind of response.

“Is that why you stopped working for him, because he’s hard?”

“Are you by any chance interrogating me, Kara Michaels?” The caress of his voice caused the hairs on the surface of her skin to rise.

“I’m just trying to understand you better, Baron. But if it bothers you….” She reached for her drink and leaned back.

He chuckled. “Not in the least. Ask me anything.”

“Why did you stop working at Fitz-Valdes?”

His short laugh indicated he found her determination amusing. “It was time to try something new, fun, and chalenging.”

“What did you do before?”

“I was in charge of the resorts in the Caribbean.”

“That wasn’t fun?”

A lazy smile played on his lips. “Surfing and lying about in the sun can get boring. Don’t misunderstand me, though. I love the Caribbean, and I’m not talking about the beaches and tourist traps.

The islands have a lot more to offer if you know where to go.

There’s this swampy area in Trinidad, Nariva Swamp, with amazing animals. It’s the nesting ground of leatherback sea turtles.” He drained his drink and placed he glass on the table then spread his arms, eyes sparkling. “They’re huge. I lucked out one day and got there when a dozen or so females came up from the surf to lay their eggs. Amazing. In Tobago, sighting blue-backed manakins performing a mating dance is priceless.”

The laugh lines at the corner of his eyes creased attractively.

Al these years together and she’d never known about his love affair with nature.

“I’d hardly cal that boring. But now I understand where the spectacular black and white nature pictures in the photography room at the galery come from.” The photographs had the name Nariva scrawled at the right corner.

“Spectacular? Thank you.” He touched his chest and lowered his head in feigned humility.

Kara roled her eyes. “How come your name is missing from the donated byline?”

“Because I might have captured the beautiful animals, but I could never claim to own them. They belong to the swamp.” He had a point there. “So why did you stop taking pictures?

You obviously have a talent for photography. Why open a galery instead?”

A look Kara could only identify as unease crossed his face.

“I minored in art history, got my masters in business, so why not?” She wasn’t buying it. “Did you want to share your photographs with the public, but couldn’t trust anyone to showcase them? I’ve seen how particular you are with the display of each piece.”

His brow shot up, his dark eyes an inscrutable gleam. “Are you saying I’m anal?”

“Oh, yes.” When his eyes narrowed, she couldn’t resist adding, “Not just a little bit either.” Kara indicated with her thumb and forefinger.

Baron scratched his chin and eyed her as though debating how to respond. “Isn’t that the kettle caling the pot black?”

“What? I’m the least anal person I know.”

An endearing, playful twinkle entered his eyes. “Who snapped my head off when I changed the radio station while she was cleaning a painting?”

“I don’t know. Who?” Kara gave him an innocent look then spoiled it by grinning. It was thriling to see his teasing side resurface. How could he remember something that happened five years ago? It was after that incident she started to lock her door when she worked.

“You’d suck at poker, sweetheart,” Baron said, interrupting her thoughts. “And who takes a whole five minutes to order a turkey sandwich whenever she cals a deli? Not pastrami, bologna, or salami …just smoked turkey breast, light mayo…better yet, a thin layer on the bread, and make sure the tomato and the lettuce are between the turkey slices.”

Kara wrinkled her nose at him and he laughed, the sound so attractive she found herself joining him. “I hate it when the bread gets soggy from tomato juice.”

“That’s what I cal—”

“Don’t say it,” she warned and lifted her drink threateningly.

He eyed the drink. “You wouldn’t dare.”

“You think?”

A subtle change entered his eyes. She couldn’t tel whether it was sadness or regret. “I’ve missed this.” His simple statement surprised her and she blinked. She knew what he meant: the camaraderie, the teasing, and the shared laughter.

“Me, too,” she confessed.

His expression became guarded. “So, you wanted to know why I started the galery.”

Truth be told, she’d rather talk about him, see the less serious Baron. But from the cool look in his eyes, he was already retreating, puling up a barrier between them. “Yes.”

“My godmother and my mom are both patrons of the arts, so they got me hooked at a young age.”

She already knew about his mother. “Who’s your godmother?”

“Mrs. VanderMarck.”

“You’re kidding?”

He grinned at her incredulous expression. “No, I’m not.

While Chase hounded her cook during our visits, I explored her mausoleum of a house. I was seven when she caught me looking for Easter chocolate in her priceless Faberge eggs. Ten when she found me in her library flipping through Little Pretty Pocket-Book, a seventeen eighty-seven children’s book, thirteen when she threw in the towel and decided to explain the origins of her colections.”

“So you were fated to be in the antique business?”

“No, to appreciate the finer things in life.” His eyes caressed her face and then he asked, “Would you like something to eat?”

“No, thank you. I’m fine.”

He went back to the galey and came back with a plate of crackers and cheese. For the rest of the flight, they steered clear of personal subjects and instead discussed work.

It was nine-thirty when they arrived at San Diego International airport. Kara smiled as she watched the city and the bay from the air. No matter how often she flew home, she never got tired of the spectacular, panoramic view. Within minutes, they were off the plane and on the sky bridge, headed toward the parking lot and the taxis.

Baron hailed a cab driven by a young man with short dreadlocks and a neatly trimmed beard. “How far to Coronado?” he asked the driver.

“Twenty minutes, but I get you there in fifteen,” the man answered in a heavy Jamaican accent.

“Can you wait once we get there? I’l need a ride back.”

“As long as the meter stays running, mon, I’m a-okay.”

“Good.” He opened the door for Kara and indicated for her to precede him.

Kara didn’t move, instead she studied his handsome face.

“You’ve done so much for me today, Baron. You don’t have to accompany me to the house, too.”

“Humor me. As soon as I know your sister is okay, I’l leave. I’ve told the crew to expect me back in an hour.” She didn’t know why he was taking her rescue mission so personaly. She’d worked with him long enough to know that once he made up his mind about something, there was no changing it.

Kara slid into the seat and gave the driver the address, then waited for him to get in. “You know, I’ve done this for Briana many times before.”

Baron’s eyes narrowed. “You approve of her actions?”

“Not realy, but I understand her reasons.”

“Understand? She’s being totaly irresponsible,” he snapped.

“That’s a bit harsh, don’t you think?” She noticed the driver studying them through the rearview mirror and lowered her voice. “I mean, I know she’s a little spoiled and tends to react first before thinking things through, but she’s changing.” His jaws flexed and for a moment he didn’t speak. “You sound as if she’s ten, rather than a married woman about to have a baby. Look. I know she’s your sister and al, but what she’s doing is wrong. Doesn’t her husband have a say in this? After al he helped create these children she keeps aborting.” Kara’s jaw dropped. Baron had thought she was discussing abortion?

“What Jim said about her not wanting their child is typical Briana running off at the mouth.” When Baron scowled at her, she added, “She has an attitude problem. Unfortunately, once she lands in trouble, she never cals our parents. She cals me. That’s what I meant by ‘I’ve done this for her many times before.’ You know, gone to her rescue.”

“Oh, I’m sorry I misunderstood,” Baron said in a subdued voice then fel quiet for the rest of the ride.

The silence inside the cab became thick and uncomfortable.

Kara didn’t know what to say. Her mind, however, went into hyper mode trying to analyze Baron’s reaction. Had his girlfriend terminated a pregnancy without his knowledge? Could that explain his reaction in the office and why he’d insisted on coming with her?

She glanced at him from the corner of her eye and caught his scowl. She wished she could tel him she understood his pain.

Not that she’d been hurt like that. But she was a firm believer in making mutual decisions with a boyfriend or lover, which was why she hadn’t completely disregarded Baron’s suggestion that they have an affair. She appreciated his honesty and that he’d been up front about what he wanted instead of playing games.

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