Kiss Me Crazy (6 page)

Read Kiss Me Crazy Online

Authors: Ednah Walters,E. B. Walters

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #General

BOOK: Kiss Me Crazy
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It was almost six when Kara stepped out of her workroom again. A Post-it message in Gena’s neat handwriting was on her door. She plucked it, read, and crunched her face. Baron wanted her to cal him back.
Later. I’m too pooped.

The galery closed at six, and as Kara entered the main floor, she could see Gena and the other employees directing the remaining customers toward the exit. The older woman saw her and signaled her to wait.

“Did you get my note?” Gena asked once the galery cleared.

“Yes, thanks.”

“Did you cal him back?”

“I wil once I get home and put my feet up.” Kara ignored Gena’s frown and added, “See you tomorrow.” She headed to the entrance and her car.

Fifteen minutes later, she was parked in front of her house.

When Kara came in from the garage, her cat met her at the door, whining and rubbing against her feet.

“Missed me, Tessie?” She picked up the gray tabby and scratched its head. “Me, too. What have you been up to while I was slaving for us?” She put the cat down and set her purse and keys on the kitchen counter.

Tessie gave her that arrogant look she’d perfected the last two years then sauntered to the family room, jumped on the rocking chair, and curled up.

“You have the perfect life, Tessie. You sleep, poop, and eat. You don’t even care if the tabby across the street comes asniffing.” Kara had the fur bal neutered after she got her. “I’l change your water later. Right now, I need my own drink.” Kara poured a glass of white wine and sipped it as she walked to the bathroom to start a bath. Within minutes, she’d dispensed with her clothes and was soaking in the tub. Lost in thought about her future store, she bathed then had a quick shower and washed her hair.

She blow-dried her hair and put the rolers on. None of her usual pants and tops would do for tonight, she told herself as she studied her closet. She reached in the back for a black satin number with plunging back and slipped it on. Renee had pressured her into buying the timeless outfit from her favorite vintage store but she’d never had a chance to wear it. Kara studied her reflection, turned to check her back, and grinned. The slinky material clung to her hips and the back showed just enough skin. The one bonus of being smal-breasted was getting away with not wearing a bra.

She was putting the finishing touches on her makeup when the doorbel rang. A glance at the side bed clock showed that it was seven forty-five. Renee was early, which wasn’t unusual. Kara hurried along the halway to the front door and from habit, peeked through the peephole. Her heart skipped a beat.

Baron? What was he doing here? Her hand reached up to pul out the rolers, and then she stopped.
Forget it, I didn’t ask
him to stop by.

She peeked at him again. The porch light accentuated his stunning, chiseled face, the intense blue eyes, and his incredibly sexy mouth. What she should be teling herself was to stop letting him rattle her cage this much. So he stopped by her house, big deal.

He’d done it before.

Calmer after the pep talk, Kara pasted on a smile and opened the door. “Baron, what are you doing here? You caught me when I was just about to leave.”

His gaze raked her from head to toe then back up. The appreciative gleam in his eyes sent a delicious shiver up her spine.

When he didn’t speak, warmth stole over Kara. It wasn’t easy to say she wouldn’t let him get to her when one look turned her insides to mush and made her heart do a crazy, rickety dance.

“You didn’t return my cal.” His voice was husky, midnight velvet soft.

“I was…” she had to clear her voice to finish, “going to.” She turned to keep from getting lost in his eyes and heard him suck in a breath. She grinned as she led the way to the living room. The back of the dress was designed to shock a man’s system. It was gratifying to know it worked.

“When? I’ve been caling both your cel and house phone the last hour. Do you have a date tonight?”

Kara turned around and he stopped short before he bumped into her. He was so close she felt the heat from his body.

Taking a step back, she noted he’d changed into tan slacks and navy blue polo shirt that made his eyes darker and more mysterious.

The top buttons were undone and showed his throat. She hadn’t known a man’s throat could be so fascinating.

I’m doing it again— letting my raging hormones take

What were they talking about? Yeah, her date. She had no intention of discussing that with him. “How did the visit with Mrs.



“Who’re you going out with?”

Kara raised an eyebrow at the personal question. Her dates were none of his business. She ignored his probing eyes and looked at her watch. She didn’t have much time. “A friend. Can I get you something to drink?”

“No, thanks.”

“Then why don’t you have a seat while I finish with my hair?

You can tel me what’s going on after I’m done.” She started for her bedroom.

“That can wait.”

Kara stopped and eyed him warily. “If you don’t want to talk about VanderMarck’s colection, Baron, why are you here?” He shoved his hands in his pockets and sauntered closer.

His smile, when it came, was slow and easy, charming.

“You want to cancel your date and find out?” His voice dropped an octave, his eyes reminiscent of a feral animal about to pounce.

Kara blinked, her feminine instinct jumping to ful alert.

What was he up to? She laughed to infuse some lightness into the tense situation.

“No, can’t do. I’ve been looking forward to this for weeks.

I’l be back in a sec.” She hurried toward her bedroom, but she felt his eyes glued to her back.

Baron watched her until she disappeared then muttered a four-letter expletive. Kara’s cat lifted its head and gave him the evil eye. He made a face at it. Why hadn’t he factored in a boyfriend when he came up with his latest plan? A woman as passionate and gorgeous as Kara had to be dating.
Goes to show how horniness
can screw up a man’s reasoning.

Who was her date? How serious was their relationship?

Every time he thought he had a foolproof plan, the woman threw him a curve bal. But he wouldn’t be daunted. It was time to raise the stakes. Lay his cards on the table and see what she had to say.

“Kara,” he caled out, starting toward where she’d disappeared.

Headlights lit up her windows as a car puled up in her driveway, distracting him. He got a quick look at the stretch limo before it disappeared out of view. Must be her date. Good.

Nothing messes with a man’s head than another man answering a girlfriend’s door. The hunter instinct he’d come to rely on in business kicked in as he sauntered to the door and yanked it open.

He scowled and took a step back. “Renee?”

“What are you doing here, Baron?”

His gaze went to the limo and the driver leaning against the car. Feminine voices emanated from the roled down window. He turned to find Renee regarding him with a puzzled expression. Like Kara, she was dressed to the T. Were they having a girls’ night out?

“I stopped by for a brief visit,” he said. “You?”

“Picking up Kara.”

“Where are your dates?”

Renee placed a hand on her hip, her eyes narrowing. “Who says we need dates in order to go out, Baron Fitzgerald? We don’t live in the middle ages you know.”

Baron chuckled. “Fifteen years and you’re stil ful of sass, Renee Gunter. You haven’t changed one little bit.”

“And you’ve become chauvinistic in your old age.” They hugged. It was amazing how much Renee had changed. She used to be this puny little girl in ponytails and braces when they were neighbors. Her play dates with his sister usualy ended in a fight over some toy. Then Renee discovered Lex. Until she was wel into her teens, Baron thought Renee had a crush on his older brother. She left with her mother after her parents had a nasty, public divorce, and never looked back.

“I hear you’re causing waves in the D.A.’s office.”

“Just doing my thing.” She tried to look around him.

“Where’s my girl?”

“She’l be out in a moment. So where are you ladies going?”

She cocked one perfectly shaped eyebrow. “Why?

Planning on joining us?”

No, he wasn’t. He didn’t want Kara to think he was stalking her or something, not until she agreed to accompany him to Idaho. He felt her presence and turned, but al he saw was her retreating back as she disappeared into the kitchen. That was enough to send heated blood churning through his veins and frothing in his brain. For the first time in a very long time, he was driven by pure impulse. He had to know where they were going.

“Would that be okay?” His voice sounded strange to his ears, and when he turned to look at Renee, he knew he’d given himself away. Oh what the hel, he might as wel burn his bridges.



“We’re going to Club Sixty-Nine,” Renee whispered then looked behind him and added louder, “About time,
. Our reservation is for eight-thirty. Come on.” She started toward the limo. “Nice seeing you again, Baron.”

“Same here.” Baron turned to face Kara, who wore a sheepish expression. She looked exquisite. Her hair fel over her shoulders in gentle waves and the porch light iluminated her face—

her shadowy eyes, the tips of her long eyelashes, the gentle curve of her jawbone. Was her skin as soft as it looked? The urge to touch her stole through him. “I guess we can’t talk tonight.” She shot him a wary glance. “You don’t mind, do you?”

“No. There’s always tomorrow.” He stepped back so she could come out and lock her door. Her heady scent drifted to his nose, making his gut clench with need.

She locked her door and dropped the key in her purse. “I’l be at work tomorrow afternoon. You can fil me in then.”

“I won’t be there tomorrow. I have a previous engagement.” He thought he saw disappointment in her eyes, but it disappeared so fast he might have imagined it. “Here. Let me help you with that.”

He took the light wrap from her arm and draped it around her shoulders, deliberately lingering when he could have let the fabric go and moved away. He swept her hair back, his fingers grazing her skin. Softness and heat were what he felt, folowed by a burning need to lift her hair and bury his face against her skin.

Then he made the mistake of looking down at her chest.

Her nipples had pebbled and were pushing at the thin material, inviting him. He heard her release a trembling breath, her body vibrating with it.
She wanted him.
The realization was better than a fine aged cognac. He looked into her eyes and knew he couldn’t join them at the club. In his present state, he’d make a total ass of himself. He could see himself standing guard and scaring off any man who dared to look her way.

Baron smiled when realized he’d taken a lock of her hair between his thumb and finger and was gently playing with it. Her hair was so soft and fine.

He let the lock go, shoved his hands in his back pockets and stepped back. “You look beautiful.”

“Thank you.” She clutched the edges of the wrap together and gave him a weak smile.

He chuckled. “No need to thank me. I’m just stating a fact.” He wanted to place his hand on the smal of her back and walk her to the limo but he knew he wouldn’t want to stop there. “I can stop by tomorrow evening and fil you in on what I learned from Mrs. VanderMarck.”

A frown settled on her face. “What time?”

“Seven o’clock. I’l bring dinner. Italian or Chinese, your choice.”

They were beside the limo, the driver waiting with the door open. With no sound from inside, her friends had to be eavesdropping on their conversation. Kara glanced inside the limo then at him with her eyes ful of wary confusion. He could tel she wasn’t too thriled about his suggestion.

“We’ve got to go, Kara,” a voice caled from inside the limo.

Kara roled her eyes. “Okay, Baron. I’l see you tomorrow.

And Chinese is great.”

“Good. Have a good time tonight.” He stifled the urge to kiss her cheek and stepped back, waited until the limo puled away before he walked to his SUV.



Silence filed the limo as it sped away. The interior lights iluminated her friends’ curious gazes, but Kara chose to ignore them. She was stil trying to catch her breath after that brief moment with Baron a few seconds ago. Her raging hormones were turning her into a nymphomaniac—she couldn’t come within a foot of the man without thinking about how he’d taste or noticing the sexy way he looked when he squinted, the curve of his lips when he smiled.

Even the little scar on his chin fascinated her.

“What was that about?” Chloe asked, breaking into Kara’s thoughts.

Kara knew exactly what her friend meant but chose to misunderstand. “Sorry I was delayed. I know how you get crabby when you’re hungry.”

“Don’t try to make this about me, girl. Okay?” Chloe looked at her sister and Renee for support. “I’m talking about that little scene out there with Mr. Scrumptious Candy.”

“Business, Chloe. I know you recognized Baron,” Kara added the dig.

“That was your Baron?” Shannon jumped in. “I mean, your boss?”

“Hot, isn’t he?” Chloe smacked her lips.

Shannon’s eyes were wide as she added, “How can you work with him without wanting to… you know?”

“Jump him is what my briliant but virgin sister is trying to say,” Chloe added, throwing her sister a teasing look. “Quit poking me with your boney elbow, Shannon.”

“Then stop making fun of me,” Shannon retorted. “Just because I don’t share details of my sex life with you doesn’t make me a virgin.”

Chloe sucked her teeth. “Then stop acting so damn repressed al the time. It’s irritating. And you’d better not try that act tonight either. I didn’t pul you out of your place to have you warm a chair and turn down dance after dance.” Chloe pointed at Renee and Kara. “Now back to you two.” Chloe’s gaze zeroed in on Renee’s expression, but the assistant D.A. stared right back with a tiny smile, as though she was enjoying a private joke.

Chloe glared at her and turned to Kara. “Are you keeping a secret from me, Kara? Because that little scene back there—

placing a wrap around your shoulders, gazing into your eyes while playing with your hair—is not a normal way a boss acts toward an employee. Do I smel an office romance? Not that I blame you or him. It’s about time you got some. You can’t keep flying solo forever.” She made rocking moves on her seat, grinning.

Kara’s ears burned. Chloe’s bluntness shocked her at times. “Chloe, there’s nothing between Baron and me.” Renee laughed. “Tel her, Kara. Tel her how he’s not your type.”

This was the problem when a friend knew your business; she put it al out there for everyone to see. Although the three of them were tight—Shannon usualy used her job as an excuse and rarely hung out with them—she’d only discussed Baron with Renee.

“He’s aloof and arrogant, right?” Renee continued.

Kara clenched her teeth, refusing to be drawn into discussing Baron.

“As chauvinistic as they come. And don’t let me get started on his womanizing ways,” Renee added. “In fact, most of the Fitzgerald men are like that…gorgeous, successful, charming, and bona fide skirt-chasers. In colege, Baron and his twin brother made a bet to see how many coeds they’d—”

“Stop it, Renee.” Kara shook her in confusion. Renee grew up with the Fitzgeralds and knew them quite wel, but Kara had never heard her talk like this. What was her problem? She’d even hugged Baron just a few minutes ago for crying out loud. “The man is my boss and I’m not going to sit here while you besmirch his character. For starters, I don’t know or care how he acted when he was in colege, because the Baron I know carefuly picks and chooses the women he beds. He’s neither cold nor arrogant. He just doesn’t wear his feelings on his sleeve, which is very important in his line of work…in any line of work. He’s also very single-minded when going after something, a very admirable trait if you ask me. Kind of like you.” She glared pointedly at Renee. “Or you Chloe. Spend time with him and you’l see how briliant he is. He’s not arrogant or….”

Kara’s voice tailed off when she noticed the expressions on her friends’ faces. She’d walked right into a trap and given away her rapidly escalating feelings toward Baron.

She narrowed her eyes at Renee. “I hate it when you use your courtroom tactics on me, Renee Gunter. In fact, I’m not saying a single word until we get to the club.”

Surprisingly, her friends changed the subject and left her alone with her thoughts. Kara leaned back and closed her eyes, her throat tight with emotion.

What was happening to her? Usualy she controled the feelings Baron evoked in her and went about her business. Even now she felt the heat his fingers left on her nape. Had he also felt the overwhelming pul to press their bodies closer or was it just her?

Seriously, her feelings were beginning to scare her. Something must give or she’d go crazy.



Renee had serious connections. Every time she chose a club or restaurant, they got VIP treatment. Kara couldn’t tel whether her job at the D. A.’s office was behind it, or her father. Despite the fact that her parents got divorced eons ago and her mother practicaly raised her alone, whenever a reporter mentioned Renee’s name in the papers, they always brought up her father. He was a renowned tort lawyer with a reputation for winning big for his clients.


The limo puled up outside a building in West Holywood.

However, there were no strobe lights. No long line of clubbers.

High end sports cars gleamed in the parking lot and valets conversed with men carrying large cameras looped around their necks.

“What is this?” Chloe asked suspiciously, peering through the darkened windows. “Not another one of your political party with stiff upper lipped blue bloods?”

Renee chuckled. “I’l never live that one down, wil I? It’s a new club,” she explained when the limo stopped. “The grand opening is not for another month.”

“So we’re guinea pigs?” Chloe asked.

Kara tried to catch Chloe’s eyes and warn her to behave.

Renee, used to Chloe’s acerbic tongue, just laughed. “If that’s how you want to look at it. Or you could say you are among the lucky few to dance and dine at the club before it becomes the trendiest night spot in West Holywood.”

“Stop being a party pooper, Chloe,” Kara added just as the limo driver opened the door for them.

Chloe made a face as they stepped out. While Renee spoke briefly with the man, Kara and the others pretended not to see the paparazzi angling their cameras. When no flashes exploded on they faces, they knew the paparazzi had decided they were not important enough to be photographed.

Renee led the way to the building then across the marbled foyer to a private elevator. She inserted a card to activate it.

“Our VIP pass to the penthouse,” she said with a wink.


Instead of the pounding music typical of most clubs, conversation mingled with muted music greeted them when the elevator door opened again. Ahead was a side door. To their right was a long line of clubbers waiting to get inside through the main entrance manned by two bouncers in tuxedos, huge palm trees, and pilars. A skinny guy with a Van Dyke beard stepped through the side entrance and hugged Renee before she introduced him as Warwick, the club’s owner. He whisked them inside.

The club was spectacular, the gold, silver, and red lighting dramatic, the glass roof giving an ilusion of more space and size.

Sheer draperies interspaced with red draperies covered the floor to ceiling windows, and the view of the surrounding city was breathtaking.

They folowed Warwick past the lounge to a private booth, drawing attention from the patrons—women dressed to impress and men in expensive evening attire. No jeans or sneakers, Kara noticed. A long bar, manned by men and women in sexy black and white outfits, ran along one wal.

The dance floor was somewhere to their left, with curved couches facing the floor, disco lights flashing red and pink on the dancers. The dining area was far to the right, diners visible through the glass wal. For a club that wasn’t officialy open, it was packed.

They barely sat and ordered their drinks before men descended on them. Chloe forgot about her earlier complaints, her sister’s shyness disappeared, and Kara prepared herself for some fun times. From the gleam in Renee’s eyes, she was ready too. A handsome, drool-worthy man with wavy blond hair gunned for Kara, a predatory look in his eyes.

Bring it on.

Kara tried to forget Baron in the arms of various eye candies, flirting outrageously with the waiter when they moved to the dining room, keeping her options open by never dancing twice with the same man. It wasn’t easy. None of them had a thing on Baron. Their shoulders weren’t broad enough, their wolfish smiles a bit forced, and the gleam in their eyes more calculating than beguiling.

“Want to get out of here and go somewhere quiet,” one man whispered in her ear after he managed to ask her to dance twice.

Kara was done playing games. “No, thanks.”



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