Kiss Me Crazy (20 page)

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Authors: Ednah Walters,E. B. Walters

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #General

BOOK: Kiss Me Crazy
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“No looking at me like that either or I’l cover you to your hairline,” he threatened.

Kara giggled. “I can take care of that for you.” Baron groaned. The thought of Kara’s luscious mouth wrapped around his engorged member was so appealing his eyes crossed. No, it was too soon.

“I’m taking a rain check, one I plan to cash in at the first opportunity.”

This time she laughed hard, the sound so sweet and carefree Baron found himself grinning. He settled his large frame beside her, propped his head against two pilows and faced her. He tucked a wayward hair behind her ear, his fingers lingering. Loving Kara Michaels was going to be a ful-time job with sensual revelations at every corner. How lucky could a guy get?


“You’re glowing. Why?” Renee cocked her head and laughed. “Don’t tel me. He was here.”

Kara knew her friend was referring to Baron. The gorgeous man had barely left her bed half an hour ago.

“Good morning to you too. Nice outfit. I’m happy you remembered we’re going to a very conservative synagogue.” Renee made a funny face.

“Is he stil here?” She pushed passed Kara, her head moving from right to left as she peeked into the living room, the dining room, and the kitchen. She turned and jerked her thumb toward the bedroom, a knowing grin on her face.

“Quit with the theatrics. Nobody is here except me.” Kara tightened the sash of her robe and started forward. “If you want some coffee, the coffeemaker is on. I’m going to get dressed.”

“Hold up.” Renee blocked Kara’s path and pointed at the living room. “To the couch. We’re talking first.” Kara sighed, moved back, and plopped on the nearest chair. “What do you want to know?”

“What put that glow on your face?”

Where should she start? Baron’s wicked tongue and his brand of loving? The way he regaled her with family anecdotes until late, then held her in his arms while she slept? Or the shameless way he’d charmed details of her waxing session and almost convinced her to let him check out the results again? As if he hadn’t seen it the first time. Maybe it was wishful thinking on her part, and being supportive and attentive was his M.O. with the women he dated.

Kara didn’t care. She was going to enjoy their time together and not have regrets or what-if moments later.

Renee snapped her fingers in front of Kara’s face.

Kara swatted her hand. “Stop that.”

“You were staring into space with an idiotic grin on your face. Fess up.”

Kara laughed. “I had a very relaxing night, which as you wel know, happens after I visit Chloe.”

Renee raised her brow. “Even when you don’t get a ful body massage?”

Kara let the comment pass, but the fact that Renee knew about what she didn’t do at the spa indicated her friends had talked after she left. Not that she was angry. The way she’d sprinted out of the spa could make anyone wonder what she was up to.

“I’m excited about attending the bar mitzvah. You know how I love cultural events.”

Renee kicked off her shoes, tucked her feet under her and crossed her arms. “Too bad we’re not going.”

Kara made a face at her. “Okay, nosey. It’s official. I’m having an affair with Baron.” Something flickered in the depth of Renee’s eyes. Sadness or regret? Kara couldn’t tel but she grew uneasy when her friend remained silent. “Say something?”

suffice? I mean, I know I’ve been pushing you to go for it but I never thought you’d actualy go through with it.” Kara laughed. “You thought wrong, and you didn’t make me do this, Renee. Little old me made the big decision al by myself.”

Renee laughed, shaking her head. “Okay. Make sure you have lots of fun. Just, uh, do me one favor. Don’t fal in love with him.”

Too late.
“Why do you say that?”

“Baron and Chase vowed to never marry until their older brother did. Lex is thirty-five and doesn’t seem to be in a hurry to settle down, which means the dynamic duo isn’t ready for anything serious. So whatever you decide,
do not
fal for the man.” With those words, Renee effectively downed Kara’s high spirits. She wanted to ask her friend where she got her information but decided not to go there. Hoping her feelings didn’t show on her face, Kara smiled and jumped up.

“FYI, love and happily-ever-after is not part of this equation. I’m having a two-week fling then back to my new store.”

“A week from last night or was last night the intro, prequel, a freebie?”

She stuck out her tongue at Renee and started for her bedroom. “I’m going to get dressed.”

Despite her newly acquired blasé attitude toward an affair with Baron, the irrational and romantic part of her hoped he would come to love her like she loved him. Surely two weeks of alone time could make a heart grow fonder. Kara walked into her closet to select an outfit.

Even as the thought crossed her mind, Kara knew the idea was fanciful. Baron said he’d been crazy about her for years. If in al that time his feelings hadn’t grown into something stronger, then chances that they ever would were slim to nil. Where did that leave her?

Kara scolded herself for listening to her friend and starting to question her decision. This was why an affair in Idaho had seemed so appealing. No friends interfering and second guessing her every move. She had no unreasonable expectations that could result in her getting hurt. Having her unruly heart at odds with her logical side was something she’d have to come to terms with.

Sighing, Kara slipped on a long egg-shel, embroidered skirt and a frily, sleeveless matching top. She added the open-front matching jacket then walked out of her closet to join her friend.

She tried to recapture her earlier mood, but failed miserably. Being behind the wheel as she folowed Renee’s directions and drove them toward Sherman Oaks kept her demons at bay but it was only a temporary fix. But she must have fooled Renee because her friend didn’t notice anything amiss.

Curious glances slanted their way as they left the car and started toward the entrance of the synagogue. Some people smiled and a few said
but no one bothered to mask the interest in them. Renee was starting to grumble about the stares when they saw Raul and Rick. Both men wore black suits, white shirts and the traditional
on their heads. They traded hugs and compliments, joined Rick’s parents, and went inside.

Kara was swept away by the ceremony. This was her first bar mitzvah but she didn’t feel out of place. She and Renee folowed Rick’s example, stood and sat when appropriate, read the English words in the printed guide while others either sung or chanted in Yiddish. Soon the birthday boy was reading from the Torah with the rabbi and his father by his side. Speeches folowed.

Finaly, he walked along the aisle while the congregation threw flowers at him. Kara wasn’t the only one drying tears.



Baron drove along the tree-lined street leading to Kara’s place with his window down, a smile on his face. His sunny disposition matched the late May weather perfect for outdoor picnics with family. He needed to unwind. He would much prefer to unwind with Kara in a more intimate setting doing intimate things rather than with a houseful of his loud and nosy relatives.

Baron puled up outside her townhouse, nodded at a neighbor detailing his car, and glanced at the brick façade of the building. Her curtains were closed but like a heat-seeking missile he knew she was home, waiting for him. The image of her from last night came back to taunt him.

Sweet Kara, so responsive, natural, and uninhibited. The taste of her was embedded in his sense and her moans stil rang in his ears. He didn’t know where he found the strength to spend the night with her without finding relief. For the first time in his entire adult life, he’d ignored his own needs to please a woman and damned if it didn’t feel good. Starting tomorrow he would indulge himself and her, wherever, whenever.

Kara opened the door when he rang the doorbel and desire ricocheted through his veins with the speed of a thunderbolt.

She looked delectable. Her face was flawless. Her hair, piled up high, left the long column of her neck exposed and inviting. Al he had to do was drop his head and take a little nibble. The sleeveless teal and white dress showcased her sexy legs and accentuated her curves. The neckline, though high and demure, only made him want to yank it down and get to the treasures hidden underneath. Baron struggled to breath, think.

“Right on time,” she said with a saucy smile as though she knew the effect she had on him. “Come on in.” How the hel was he going to make it through dinner without touching her? His family would be watching his every move like hawks.


He cleared his throat to speak but couldn’t remember what they were talking about. “You look…amazing.”

“Thank you. You don’t look bad yourself.” She gave him another radiant smile.

Man, he was in deep trouble. If he touched her now, they wouldn’t make it to the picnic and knowing his mother, she’d send the cavalry after them.

“Are you okay? I asked if you were coming in,” Kara said, breaking into his thoughts again.

“No…yes. I mean, yes I’m okay and no, I can’t come in.

We need to get going.”

“Okay. I’l get my purse.”

It wasn’t until they were in his SUV that Baron could touch her without losing his head. He reached out and ran his knuckles along the side of her neck, effectively causing her to turn her head toward him. “Did I say you looked gorgeous?”

“Yes, but I don’t mind hearing it again.”

She was in a teasing mood. He liked that. “Then I’l keep saying it the whole afternoon. By the way, you forgot something.” She looked at her purse and sweater then at him. “What?” He tapped his lips and winked. “Right here.”

She closed the gap between them and pressed her sweet lips to his. It was a brief and chaste peck but it caused warmth to rush through him. “I thought it was you who forgot.”

“I didn’t. If I’d kissed you, we wouldn’t be going anywhere.”

Kara grinned. “Then by al means let’s go back in there, lock the door, and throw away the key.”

Baron burst out laughing. For the first time, he met a woman who wasn’t embarrassed to show she wanted him. He loved it. He captured her sassy mouth with his for a slow burn.

“If they weren’t expecting us…,” he whispered against her lips then leaned back.

She tongue swept her upper lip as though savoring his taste, her eyes not leaving his. Baron smothered a groan. The afternoon was going to be one long torture.

“Where exactly are you taking me?” she asked as they sped away.

“To my mother’s for a Saturday afternoon family picnic.

Mom’s looking forward to talking to you again. Jade, Ashley, and Faith were asking about you too. Ash wants to introduce you to her husband. Jade got engaged too.”

“I didn’t know that. When?”

“A few months ago.”

According to the papers, both women went through hel a few months ago. Jade almost died at the hand of a psycho admirer, and Ash had to testify against an arsonist, who wanted her dead.

“That sounds great.”

Baron scratched the side of his nose. “I don’t know about that. The guys know we’re watching them.”

Kara smiled. The Fitzgerald men were tal and big. Dealing with one was overwhelming enough. A group of them could be intimidating. She didn’t envy anyone married into their family. Ash’s wedding was a private affair because of the court case. The family probably didn’t want more publicity. Kara heard about it after it happened.

“Is Faith getting married too?”

Baron laughed. “There’s no man alive who could tame our Faith.”

She’d met his cousin a few times. Faith was gorgeous with a body of a model, but was blunt to the point of rudeness. “How many people are going to be there?”

“My immediate family and a few cousins, uncles, and aunts.”

Kara groaned. “The whole Fitzgerald clan? No wonder you waited until the last minute to spring this on me.”

“I thought you might bail on me if you knew.” Baron chuckled, but when she didn’t respond, he shot her a glance and caught her narrowed eyes. A tinge of guilt shot through him. “If you realy don’t want to go, I can turn around and take you home.”

“And what would you tel your family?”

He grinned. “You chickened out.”

Kara swatted his arm. “You wouldn’t dare.”

“Or you couldn’t handle their loud gum flapping and nosiness.”

“Oh, please. I have four aunts who’ve fine-tuned the art of nosiness. I’ve developed thick skin. The problem with your family, Baron, is it’s huge. What is it with you guys and having many children?”

Baron shrugged. “It’s a Fitzgerald tradition. My grandpa and his three brothers each had ten to twelve children each.”

“Were they growing them on trees or in corn fields?” Baron chuckled. “The randy old goats messed around with so many women.”

“Go figure.”

“But they took care of each and every one of those kids and where possible, gave them their surnames. That’s saying a lot about their characters.” Kara roled her eyes. “And their wives never divorced them.”

“That’s because they didn’t know any better. Divorce was frowned on in those days so they stayed and suffered in silence.” Baron tried hard not to laugh at Kara’s indignant tone. “I don’t know about that. My great aunt has nothing but nice things to say about her husband. Ask her when we get to the house and see what she says.”

“Your great aunt is stil alive?”

“Oh yeah, and Aunt Sophia has opinions on everything, especialy the attitude of women today. I think you two wil have a lively debate.”


He grinned. “You’l see.”

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