Kiss Me Crazy (23 page)

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Authors: Ednah Walters,E. B. Walters

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #General

BOOK: Kiss Me Crazy
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“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, baby.” That was the second time Kara had asked. The first was when he’d joined her outside for dinner. Lex, Ron, and Ashley had continued with their discussion on local politics and not missed a beat when he sat, yet Kara had known something was bothering him. “Why do you ask?”

“You repeatedly clench and unclench your left fist.” He laughed but the traitorous hand tightened on the steering wheel. He’d decided to postpone bringing up the story and pictures in the tabloid until they were in Idaho. They were taking off tomorrow and the chance that Kara would see a copy of the newspaper was slim.

“You can see that in the darkness?”

“Yes…in a way. I noticed it throughout dinner and after everyone was gone except me and your immediate family. But there’re other indicators.”


“Like the one word responses you’ve been giving me since we left your mom’s place. When I mentioned the scrumptious food and how thoughtful your mother was to cater to both meat lovers and vegetarians, you mumbled something noncommittal. When I commented on how happy Jade and Ashley were, you just nodded.

When I said I enjoyed talking to your mother, you said—”

“She’s crazy about you too.”

“Brusquely. If you’re worried about the next two weeks you can talk to me. I’m a good listener.”

He needed to remember how observant she was. It was true he’d been preoccupied with listing the pros and cons of discussing Valerie when his relationship with Kara was just taking off. The cons won hands down. The only way to make sure it stayed that way was to focus totaly on Kara.

Baron reached across the cab, took her hand, and pressed his lips on her palm. “Why would I be worried about something I want?”

“Some men are not very good at intimacy. You don’t have to worry though. I’m not a demanding person.” Did she realy believe that? Every time she looked at him, touched him, he felt her need to love and be loved. Kara was a nurturer, a giver, and he intended to entrust her with everything—his body and his heart. His only hope was that she’d in turn learn to trust and love him. “I expect a lot, baby. From you, from me, and I plan to make sure you do too.”

Something that sounded like a groan escaped her.

He tugged her hand. “Now who’s resorting to nonverbal responses?”

She chuckled. “Get us home and you’l find out my true response to your

He stepped on the gas pedal. “What exactly do you have in store for me this evening?”

“We have unfinished business from last night.” Baron couldn’t help laughing. A woman who wasn’t afraid to go after what she wanted was sexy. This one set his blood on fire. He definitely meant to pick up where they left off last night but couldn’t help teasing her.

“What if I’m not prepared?”

She leaned forward and whispered in his ear, “If you’re talking about protection, don’t worry. I’ve stocked up.” Then she nipped his ear, sending pleasure rippling through him.

Baron didn’t know how many traffic laws he broke the last mile but when he screeched to a stop on the curb outside her house, he hauled her into his arms. A breathless giggle escaped her but she wrapped her arms around his neck as their mouths and tongues came together, and bodies strained to get closer.

He lifted his head and ordered, “Into the house…now.” Kara scrambled out of the SUV. He folowed, his hands trembling like a school boy on his first date. His mouth hungered for hers, his hands desperate to touch every inch of her lush body. His body, already hard and throbbing, needed release so bad it hurt. He slammed her front door shut with his foot, the sound loud in the stilness of the house.

“In the bedroom?” Kara caled out.

Baron tugged at his shirt buttons with impatient fingers. Her room was dark but he saw her silhouette as she shimmied out of her dress. He wasn’t about to miss a thing by loving her in the dark. He meant to savor every expression on her face as he touched her, joined with her, and when she convulsed with orgasm. A flick of his finger and the bedroom lit up.

Baron stopped breathing as her dress pooled around her feet. The perky breast covered with black lace, matching thong covering her silken flesh, and the garter belt around her narrow waist hugging her flaring hips to the stockings broke him.

Wordlessly, he watched as she kicked off her low-heel sandals and moved backward until the back of her thighs bumped the bed, her eyes bright with excitement. Her hand reached for the clasps holding the stockings.


Her eyes widened but she obeyed. Then a naughty smile settled on her lips. “Okay. But you take
off.” Her voice was a soft purr, pure seduction, but stil an order.

Baron gripped the lapels of his silk shirt and yanked hard, the remaining buttons flying every which way. Her breathy sound of delight shot primal need straight to his groin. He shrugged off the shirt, reached inside his pocket, and scooped about half a dozen silver foiled condoms. He threw them on the bed beside Kara, eliciting a gasp from her.

“Told you. I’ve a lot of making up to do.”

“You don’t see me complaining.” Her gaze hungrily roamed his chest then moved lower to where his fingers fumbled with the buckle.

Somehow, he managed to work the zipper, pushed his pants and underwear to his ankles, toed them off along with his shoes and socks then stood before her totaly nude and fuly erect.

“You’re magnificent,” she whispered under a quick shuddering breath and sat on her bed as though her knees had given out underneath her.

“Look who’s talking.” His gaze razed her as he moved to stand before her. He cupped her face and leaned down to kiss the corner of her eye, a cheek then her mouth. Her lips were soft, potent.

She slipped her tongue inside his mouth, probing, and teasing. Her restless hands were everywhere, across his chest, combing the hair on his chest and teasing his nipples then lower to close around his engorged organ. A shuddering groan escaped Baron as she stroked him. If possible he grew harder.

He puled back. “Let’s slow things down or this wil be over too soon.” He scooped her into his arms, laid her on the bed and stretched out beside her, supporting his upper body with his elbow.

She touched his hair, neck, shoulders. He did his own exploration, along her side, her back and unhooking her bra in the process, folowed the edge of the garter belt around her waist, the curves of her hips and came back up along her arm to linger on her shoulders. He dropped his head to nibble, taking gentle bites that elicited a sigh and a shiver from Kara. “Your skin is unbelievable.” He pushed the lace bra aside, teased one puckered nipple with his fingers while she moaned and arched her back. It wasn’t enough. He had to taste her.

Baron moved lower to rub his cheek against her breasts, puled nipples one at a time into his mouth, swirled them with his tongue, and grazed them with his teeth. Her arms crept around his neck and cradled his head.

Kara reminded herself to breathe, to stay focused on not being swept under his spel but failed miserably. It was last night al over, Baron dominating her senses, catapulting her to a zone where everything was hot and shaky, thoughts broken, breathing shalow and ineffective. She caressed the parts of his body she could reach, broad shoulders and sculptured arms, lean exquisite muscles flexing under her palms. Her legs entangled with his, the sheer stockings offering no barrier against torturous sensations. When she grazed his stomach, he grabbed both her wrists with one hand and pinned them above her head.

“I want to touch too,” she begged.

“Not yet.” His other hand slid lower to her soft bely, caressed her thighs then pushed her thong aside to access the thin strip of hair covering her most private part. He gently probed the juncture between her legs with a deft finger. Kara tried to lift her leg and give him better access but he trapped her legs between his powerful thighs. He stroked her sensitized nub, teasing it expertly, mercilessly.

The pressure built between her legs, heavy, pounding, and so exquisite she wanted to cry. With her movements restricted, she was totaly at the mercy of his hand. “Baron, let me—” He covered her mouth with his, slipped his tongue into her mouth in a kiss so carnal she gave up the fight and feasted on him, writhing and squirming against his hand. Tension whipped inside of her, sweet and unbearable, until it rippled endlessly through her body. Kara bucked and let out a mangled cry.

Only then did Baron release her hands and legs. Before she could catch her breath, he slid down her body, raining kisses on her chest, suckling and lapping at her nipples with his tongue. Deftly, he roled off each stocking, plucked away her thong and nudged her knees apart, settling between her thighs.

He continued kissing her and kept moving south, his intention clear. Kara panicked. She couldn’t take any more or she’d go mad. She mustered enough strength to struggle to her elbows. The light bathed his broad shoulders, created shadows on his handsome face as he kissed her inner thighs.

“Baby, I want to feel you inside me,” she begged. “Now.


“Soon. I want to make you come again and again.”

“I can’t. You drive me crazy…” Her voice trailed off when his mouth closed on her silken flesh.

Kara flopped back on the bed, her thighs trembling, her hips lifting up on their own as he suckled her. She gripped his head as he took her higher and higher until waves of sensations pulsed through her, leaving her trembling and weak.

“Crazy is good,” Baron mumbled from somewhere out of her visual range, his hands caressing her thighs in a slow, soothing motion.

It took al Kara’s strength to lift her head and look at him through a passion-induced fog. Barely able to think straight, let alone talk, she tried to give him a stern look but she couldn’t master the strength. How could she stay angry with a man who enjoyed pleasing her? Besides, he looked utterly yummy wearing nothing but that sexy grin. He was on his knees, muscles rippling on his hot body, sheen of sweat on his skin and a silver wrapped condom in his hand. His erection jutted out proudly, thick and long between his legs.

She reached out a tentative hand, closed her fingers around him and stroked him. He groaned, his stomach contracting. He was hot, and firm, yet smooth and velvety soft.

“That feels good.” He ripped open the foil and offered her the lubricated latex.

Kara sheathed him, conscious of his gaze on her, his hands caressing her face, her hair. Then he pushed her onto her back and reached down to test her with a finger. Kara tensed. “I’m ready.


He licked the finger and grinned. “Yes, you are. Slick and creamy.” He leaned forward, his broad shoulders blocking the light as he loomed over her. Instead of one firm push, he slowly inched his distended organ inside her silken flesh, his eyes not leaving hers.

“Tight too.”

“It’s been a while.”

“How long?”

“Two…years,” she gasped at the exquisite invasion. The pressure intensified as he gently pushed until he was tightly sheathed inside her. She savored the thickness of him, the ful stretch. Her body clenched around him.

“Kara,” he growled. Supporting most of his weight with his elbows, he started to thrust into her, his movements slow and controled. She jerked her hips to meet him, matching his rhythm.

“Wrap your legs around me.”

She obeyed, each thrust sending pleasure ricocheting through her body. Hands lifted to caress his face, his shoulders. Her fingers dug into the thick, sinewy muscles of his arms as he increased the tempo. They kissed deeper and harder, their movements wilder and out of control. The wave inside her grew huge until it crashed and launched her into nothingness where skin on skin sensations was magnified and every breath became desperate. Kara clung to Baron as he continued to push her higher and higher, prolonging her pleasure, until he let out a loud groan and shuddered.

Baron roled with her, stil joined at the hip, until she lay on top of him. Kara snuggled against him, her breasts pressed against his, her cheek on his shoulder. She wanted to tel him he was the best lover she’d ever had but words couldn’t begin to describe him.

He stroked her back absently, then he went lower to her butt and squeezed. Kara responded with a squirm and felt him surge to life, stil inside her.

She lifted her head and studied his handsome face. “Are you always this insatiable?”

His lips lifted in a naughty smile. “No, but I can deal with it.

Can you?”

Did that mean she was responsible for his increased sexual appetite? She laughed, pleased. “Bring it on.” He flipped her on her back and kissed her hard and long as he eased off her. “Just a sec.” He disappeared into the bathroom.

Kara heard the toilet flush, knew he’d gotten rid of the condom and looked around for a fresh one. Half the pilows were on the floor along with most of the condoms. She dived down for one just as the bathroom door opened.

“Now that’s a sight that could send a man straight to heaven,” Baron said from behind her. He cupped her bare buttocks, slid his hands along her sides to cup her breasts.

Kara laughed and scrambled to face him. She pushed his arms away. “It’s my turn to play so behave.”

He grinned. “Play?”

She pushed him onto his back and straddled him. “Yes, on my terms. For starters, no touching me until I say so or I tie you to the bed.” His penis responded by firming against her butt cheeks.

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