Read Kiss Me Deadly Online

Authors: Mahalia Levey

Kiss Me Deadly (11 page)

BOOK: Kiss Me Deadly
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“Shea, if a girl was naked in the shower with you would you turn down a blow job?”

“Sam,” Jimmy hissed and poked her.

Shea busted out laughing. “Oh man, I never thought I’d see the day where Garrick would instill the fear of God in you.”

“Shut it, Shea. He didn’t instill shit. Timing was just wrong.”

“I’m sorry, bro, but I’m with Sam on this one. Naked girl, naked guy in the shower and you know what the end result is. Sweetheart, don’t worry, there will be plenty of guys drooling after you on our quick jaunt. I can introduce you to some.” Shea winked at her.

“Like hell. Over my dead body and don’t try my patience, bro.”

“I think this is going to be a fun time full of unforgettable moments.” Sam gave his bro a cheeky grin.

“Sam,” he murmured in her ear. “Don’t do anything you’ll regret because you didn’t get what you wanted.”

“Consider what happened today practice.”

“Playin’ with fire, meerkat. Do you want me dangerous again? Yeah, I bet you’d like that. Gets off on my anger. I’ll keep that in mind.”

Shea turned into Garrick’s sprawling driveway, navigating up the top. Jimmy watched him punch in the code. He turned away from Sameera.
Fuck, I need a warm hot cunt to sink into
. Too bad the only one he craved sat inches from him and he’d promised to not be a dick. Either way looked like he failed. The sedan came to a stop around the private side of the mansion, and he jerked out, leaving the two conspirators to themselves.

“Jimmy.” Neveah rushed over to hug him. “Don’t you look good enough to eat? Come look at what Garrick did for me. Sam you too.”

“I already saw the whole thing.” Shea moved to where Garrick and Jackson sat conversing in hushed tones. No one could deny the sparkle in Nev’s eyes as she moved around excitedly.

“You look stunning, Neveah.” Sam glanced at the photo spread before them.

“Yeah love, pretty hot in lacy lingerie.” Jimmy winked, earning a growl from Garrick. He backed off while half listening to Nev go on and on about the perfect photo shoot and her favorite pose with Garrick gazing up at her with his hands over hers on her protruding belly.

“The photographer was great. She made me feel comfortable and your friend Catalina is a genius. I wish she wasn’t touring with the symphony. I would hire her to do wardrobe for the label.”

“I’m glad you had a great time. I love the black and white captures of your love. Damn Nev, if a man looked at me like he looks at you’d I’d be a goner for life. There is nothing hotter than seeing how much someone loves you reflected back in your eyes.” Sameera dug in her purse for a paper and found a gum wrapper. She jotted the last line she spoke down and shoved the wrapper in her purse.

“I know, right? He asked me to pick out my favorite ones for some promotional magazine. I forget which one, but he’s giving them a full spread and story to go live by tomorrow or the next day. I’m nervous.”

“You got this, Nev, look at how fabulous you look. They are going to see a man so in love and a woman basking in his love with two precious gifts on the way. I love the one of the two of you laughing, and the one of him kissing you deeply, with his hands staking his claim on you and your babies. Look at how his hands are. He’s cherishing you with one, while caressing your stomach with the other and staring into your eyes. His jeans are undone and all you see is nothing but muscle. His message is pretty clear, he’s one hundred percent taken, one hundred percent yours and totally and irrevocably in love with you.” Sam grinned and flipped through the rest of the shots. “You could totally do a wall design on a huge canvas with this picture in black and white. It’s perfect, not too nude and just brilliant.”

“Sameera, stop.” Nev laughed. “I do have to say, I feel easier about him leaving me now. I’ve been so anxious. There’s still so much to do and I’m used to having him here lately to help.”

“I’d be freaking out too, but you’re not alone. Carrie and Carlie aren’t coming with us so you’ll have them here to help you.”

“My two younger brothers, Zac and Neill, will come if you call. They’re keeping Roxie while we’re gone, since she’s too much for Carrie. Derrick and Marcus are too tied up with their careers to get a chance to breathe, but if there’s an emergency call them,” Shea shouted from his gaming chair.

“Where are the other ladies?” Sameera asked.

“Outside with your band loading up the groceries. Don’t worry, we asked the guys what you like and they went to the river market for you. I can’t wait to try some of your food. We just dropped in to wait for ya’ll and play a quick game.” Shea battled Jackson on some zombie apocalyptic game.

“Okay, just let me make one thing clear. I am not the only one who can cook on my team. All of the guys can.”

Jimmy laughed. “Don’t worry, Sam. A lot of times we stop and get drive through for a greasy burger, shake and fries.”

“Gross. You are what you eat, J.J.”

“Well, I damn sure ain’t a pussy and I eat plenty of that.”

“Really, bro, that’s what you respond with. Dumbass.”

Jimmy frowned. He grinned at Sam who rolled her eyes. “You knew I was joking right?”

“Yeah okay. You do know you’re pretty much known as a man whore. I wouldn’t put it past you to dive into beaver on whim.”

“Sam, I was kidding. I’m careful where I put my mouth.”

“Sure.” She patted him on the shoulder and moved past him. “I’m going to go check on the equipment and everything that was bought for me to cook.”

“Bro, you plan on winning her favor with your skank trash talk? Nice. I’d be brushing my mouth with bleach if I was her.” Jackson cracked up.

Jimmy caught the beer hurled his way and set it on the table.

“Not in a drinking mood.”

“I figured you must need a beer to get your balls back. Seriously, you didn’t hit that in the shower? That’s not you. Not at all.”

“Our little brother is growing up.” Shea tossed the controller on the table. “I concede, you are the all-time champion of this bullshit game, Jackson.” He reached over for Jimmy’s discarded beer.

“Why aren’t we on the bus, heading off?” Jimmy walked to the counter, getting himself a cup of water.

“Oh. Yeah. Midian and Major are banging some chick on the bus. Thought we’d let them get their good-bye in before we headed out.”

“Uh. Didn’t you just tell Sam they were only putting stuff away with the other girls?”

“The girls are putting stuff away. The trio are in the backroom.”

“Sam’s not used to bus dynamics yet.” He tossed his drink back and ran from the house, hoping to catch up to Sameera before she ran into the fuckfest going on. He passed Carlie and Carrie coming up the walkway. “Hey, where’s Sam?”

“Oh, she just got on the bus.”

“And you let her?” Jimmy growled, breaking out in a run as the two sisters giggled and passed him on their way inside.

Unbelievable. They had no class. Fuck, he didn’t possess an ounce of class either. Throwing open the door, he jogged up the stairs, passed the jump-seat, heading to the back of the bus. “Sam, Don’t open.” She opened the door to where she’d sleep before he could catch up to her. Her indrawn gasp filled the narrow hallway. Midian, Catalina and Major were tangled up together on the bed. From his spot, he saw both cocks gliding in and out of Catalina’s pussy and ass. Strong hands groping the woman’s bountiful breasts, another set holding her in place while they drilled into her. His dick jerked from the erotic vision in front of him. The two brothers shared equally. Sameera stood by with a shocked expression on her face. Jimmy walked up behind her and picked her jaw up from the floor. “Let’s give them some privacy,” he whispered in her ear, pulled the door shut, and turned Sameera to face him. Mirth threatened to spill out of his mouth at her starstruck expression, pebbled nipples and flushed skin. Yeah, she found the vision arousing.

“I can’t unsee that,” she whispered.

“Why don’t I give you a grand tour of the rest of the bus?” He tugged her after him. In that room there’s a second bathroom and sink, but the only shower is on the other side of this living area, between the set of bunks.”

“How many bunks are there? I passed some sections. I didn’t think there’d be a sink or full fridge in here, and there are three sitting areas in the kitchen. The entertainment sectional is great too.”

“Yeah, we all pitched in, wanting to be as comfortable as possible when we were touring more. There are twelve bunks. But the loungers in the entertainment area can also be made into beds, plus the queen size bed in the backroom.”

“I love my friend, but that was entirely too much of her skin to see, and my bandmates. And isn’t that where I’m supposed to sleep?”

Jimmy slid a hand through his hair. “Uh…yeah.”

“They better not break the bed.”

Was this where he said not to worry? Instead of speaking, he lured her to the front of the bus, explaining all the compartments and showing where to stow stuff. By pushing up the blinds, he showed the TVs mounted on the wall at the foot of the bunk. “Each bed has its own tele.”

“Nice. You’ll have some fun out here with the rest of the guys.” Sameera slipped into one of them and laid on her back. “Feels like a casket kind of, not that I’ve ever been in one, but there’s not a lot of room.”

“Yeah well, we’re normally passed out cold when we get in, last thing we’re thinking about is comfort, we just wanna grab some sleep.”

“I guarantee you my band will end up crashing in that bed with me, just my luck.”

“That’s not happening.” Jimmy frowned.

“People can sleep next to others without having sex or having a sexual relationship. I’ve slept in the same bed with my guys before.”

Jealousy flared inside him. He ground his teeth to prevent from saying some shit to piss her off. She sensed his mood change and frowned. Jimmy traced the frown with his finger. “Yeah, not on the bus. Don’t push me too far, Sam.”

The door opening saved him from her response. Catalina, now fully clothed flounced past them with a huge smile on her face, looking thoroughly fucked. “Have a good trip, Sam. Text me.”

“Whatevs, super freak.”

“Yeah, I’m a brick house.” Catalina grinned, pulled her sunglasses down and exited the bus. Midian and Major came out back to back, their shirts off. Sameera glared daggers at them.

“Put on your shirts. Ew, and button your jeans. I don’t want a replay or to see your muscles upon muscles. Boundaries…and in my assigned room, really? Did you change the sheets?”

“Sorry babe, was the only spot big enough for the three of us. The bed is fucking comfortable though.” Midian scratched his stomach.

Sameera opened and shut her mouth without uttering a word, then screeched and turned to stomp off the bus. “Clean up your mess, and I better not step on another condom like I did at my place. God, why do you have to mark your territory everywhere?” she tossed over her shoulder. Garrick entered the bus, followed by Shea and Jackson, blocking her descent. Jimmy laughed at her frustration, when she turned and headed back to find a seat.

“We’re set to go. Craig, our driver, is checking out things. We play in Indianapolis tomorrow. Let’s get settled.”

“We’ll go take care of the room. Don’t worry, Sam, that’s what wastebaskets are for. Which bunks are taken?”

“The first four bunks are us, the rest you all can divide or figure out what you want to do. Sam has the room. However, Sam, in the past, that room was rotated for extra company.”

“I don’t mind bunking if someone in my band needs the bedroom. You guys are shit out of luck since your ladies are here.”

“So we are.” Garrick winked. He grabbed the remote and turned on the huge plasma screen. “Sam gets first pick. What are we watching?”

Sam surfed the steamline gallery and picked Safe Harbor. “Nothing like a good chick flick.” She winked, walked over to her cabinet, then decided to raid Jimmy’s stash of potato chips and soda.

“Make yourself comfortable.” Jimmy relaxed on the lounge.

Sam found her spot and popped the bag open. “Want some?” She turned the bag toward everyone taking a seat around her.

“Sam, you can have my shit, but they have their own.” Jimmy snatched the bag from her. “I’ll hold since you’re so friendly.” He leaned over to speak in her ear. “They will never let you choose a movie first again.”

Sameera threw her head back and laughed. “I know. I chose a girly movie on purpose. They can watch some shit blowing up next.”

“Funny girl.” Jimmy grabbed a handful of chips. “I’m trusting you to hold this bag of chips.”

“Shh, the movie is starting.”

“Garrick, put your laptop away. We’re just now pulling out. Watch the movie with us.”

“Can’t, love. Gotta approve this story and the pics Nev wanted sent to Trish for the magazine layout. Thanks again for such a great idea. She gets a bit self-conscious and insecure with her weight. Everything I tried failed or made me appear like an uncaring ass.”

“You’re welcome, Garrick.” Sameera turned her attention back to the movie and tugged down her skirt.

Jimmy paused the movie. “Go put on something comfortable, babe. I promise if we get off the bus before our destination you’ll have time to change.”

BOOK: Kiss Me Deadly
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