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Authors: Mahalia Levey

Kiss Me Deadly (13 page)

BOOK: Kiss Me Deadly
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“You worry too much. I don’t know him at all. The first time I talked to him was the night of the party. Besides, what are you going to do, piss on me and mark your territory? I’m not, you know. We’re not together. I’m not trying to hurt your feelings. Sometimes, I feel normal dating guys who don’t know anything about my past. Having a minute without feeling like I should be ashamed for what we did. It’s a nice feeling, Jimmy, the lack of baggage.”

“You have nothing to be ashamed about, Sam. We have nothing to be ashamed about. History shows us we end up back together time and again. I don’t see a reason to fight it but I won’t push you for something you don’t feel ready for.” He paused. “Don’t take that as me backing off. I warned you I was coming for you on this tour, that hasn’t changed. The ball is in your court. All you have to do is say no. Why don’t you do what you need to relax, make up your barrier for us to sleep. I’ll be back later.”

“Don’t leave, Jimmy. I like having you here with me.” Sam reached for him. He stopped her.

“I’ll end up pushing you if I don’t. I need to chill for a bit and take your feelings into consideration.” He kissed her brow and left the room, closing the door softly behind him.


* * * *


Jimmy loved seeing excitement dance in Sameera’s eyes. They’d barely finished breakfast and parked before his girl jumped from the tour bus to get her first view of her first big rock performance stage. “How long are you gonna squee?”

“I don’t know. This is huge. Vin, Major, Midian. Can’t you see it? All the fans waiting for well Crimson Rage.” She laughed. “I think I am in love and no one is even here yet. How sick is that?” She jumped on Major’s back.

“A little excited doll?” Major swung her around. “Damn, doll. I can’t wait to get on stage either.”

Elation surged within him. Dreams coming true took the cake. He lived in their exuberance, their excitement in the moment. “Hey, meerkat.”

Major swung her around to him. Sameera tucked her hair behind her ears. “Yeah?”

“There are fans here waiting at the gate already. We came in the back way so you didn’t see them. They’ll grow in number until the VIP members are allowed early access. The others who show up early are trying to get second access to the pit, first come first serve.”

“We don’t have a ton of merchandise. How will that work for us?”

“Our team has shirts, scully hats, tank tops, and boy shorts with your emblem on them for you. With money, you can pretty much rush everything. We’ll have your demo soon. Not sure if it’ll be here today, but we’ll see how fast Garrick got the production team to work. Neveah designed a bad backdrop for you and the guys. When we have more time and you have a permanent spot on other tours we’ll have time to really build the brand you want.”


“Let’s go check out the green room. I’ll show you where to grab water, food or alcohol. They are good at keeping everything imaginable stocked for us.” Jimmy led them backstage around the road crew and trailers of equipment to build their stage, and all their instruments.

“There are a lot of people here. Where did they all come from?” Sameera stopped to see multiple people running around doing their jobs.

“They drive or fly. Most drive with the trailers hauling our goods. They usually arrive a full day or two before us, depending on the venue and amount of staging they’ll need to put together.”

“Damn, the fridge is stocked. I’m starving.” Midian picked over what was available, while Major grabbed a chocolate éclair.

“We just ate huge breakfast burritos two hours ago.”

“Sam, growing men need food all the time. Major is good at making burritos though, I had like four.”

“Look at all you lazy people, eating up all the good food.” A newcomer joined them.

“Trish. I thought you planned on staying home?”

“Yeah, I planned on it too and then Garrick asked me to fly in. Seems he wants to make sure there are no issues.”

“Sam, Midian, Major and Vin, meet our personal assistant, Trish. She is the problem solver of the team, has super powers to make shit not hit the tabloids, and the balls to rip grown men to shreds with one look. We cower in fear of pissing her off.”

Trish snorted and slapped Jimmy in the back of his head. “Yeah. Jackson and Jimmy give me the most grief. Thankfully Jackson is grounded now, and no longer a live wire. Now, my main concern is Jimmy and the four of you.”

“You don’t have to worry about them. Midian and Major are dating my friend, Catalina, and Vin is dating my friend, Dominique.”

“I’m sure that will change. They’re young, and trust me when I say there will be an endless supply of willing skanks wanting an in with the band. Reminds me, please let me know if there is anything I should know about all of you. I don’t like surprises that may bite me in the ass.”

Jimmy noticed Sameera’s body tense. “Meerkat, the press will make it a point to bring up Miles’ death and our relationship. It’s not their business and I will close them down until you go through a media class with Trish. All of you need to know what to say or not to say, that includes posts on forums, and all social media. Like pictures of me with cheese whiz on my face in the shape of cock and balls.” He grabbed a Bavarian cream donut and took a seat.

“That is hilarious. I saw that this morning.” Trish laughed. “We will make time to talk either online via chat or in person. I do have a lot to teach you in a short time. Until then, censor comments, no using derogatory terms that will piss of the masses. Don’t alienate fans before you get them in your pocket. Right?”

“So what can we say?”

“Nothing about your personal life. Sam, we will set up an interview or two for you eventually. Keep your answers short and close ended, don’t leave openings for anyone to take your words out of context, which they love to do.” She turned to look at the room in general. “How about some rules to live by in the interim to make our lives easier. Try not to have any sex scandals just yet. Don’t trust anyone outside of your circle. People will sell you out to make a buck once you’re noticed. Friends from your past too. Don’t do drugs. Don’t drive drunk, we have a car service, use it, there’s no need for that drama. Did I say no sex scandals? Let me make you crystal clear. Sex tapes don’t go away. If you’ve had one made in the past, let me know so we can get nondisclosure contracts to the other participants. Boys and girl, always use a condom. Better yet, use your own, bitches will poke holes in the ones they bring. Practice exhibiting common sense, if you’re blasted and their blasted, no fucking. Last thing we need is a nonconsensual issue biting you in the ass, and yes, trifling bitches will pin one on you for money. And finally, until we train you on what to say to the public. Yell for security, or Crimson Rage, and say no comment. Smile and wave at people all you like but don’t speak unless you’ve been advised by the others.”

Jimmy chuckled at their deer in headlights expression. “And if you break her rules, she fines you. Garrick set it up. Some of those fines are huge. She’s a total dictator.”

“Now that that’s settled. I’d like to introduce you to Jacob, your security guard. He will work with Crimson Rage’s security guard, Mason. He’s been debriefed on our policies, exit strategies and general way of life.”

Jimmy moved to grab Sameera, but Trish’s expression stopped him. He crossed his arms and widened his stance as the muscle bound dickwad stepped into the room.

“I’m Jacob. It’ll be a pleasure protecting you. Nice to see you again, Sam.” He turned to the other males. “If you need anything, I will make sure you get it. If you want people backstage or people escorted out, I will handle that for you. Your safety is my concern. I’ll go through any gifts, bags, will confiscate phones and cameras from those allowed back stage and make sure those who have bribed other crew members to give them access to your dressing rooms are removed before you return.”

“Sam and Jimmy. You’re free to leave anytime to go over your riff off. I want a solid and fun performance. Freestyle, don’t free style. Do whatever, just make sure you plan something entertaining. Garrick is doing some last minute prep before making sure the VIP section and backstage tour is set. There will not be a meet and greet. The fans will merely get a glimpse of backstage and an opp to take a picture with the Crimson Rage setting backdrop.”

Jimmy smirked at Jacob. He leveled a gaze on the guard while tucking Sam in his arm and dropping a searing kiss on her lips, leaving her unbalanced and gripping him for dear life.

“Jealous much?” she breathed into his ear.

Challenging hostile eyes met his. “Of that, nah. Just wanted him to know his place.”


* * * *


. The woman was trying to kill him, or compelling him to kill every fucker in the audience for getting a peek at her curvy body. Trish handled her wardrobe to the max. Sameera looked good in a T-shirt any day. But the vision in front of him left him breathless. His meerket was dressed up in a top baring her midriff and gleaming belly button ring, add a pair of hip hugging short black shorts with the sexiest studded stiletto heels. The view made him want to strip her of everything but the heels and fuck her in every possible position. He wanted to do that anyway, but all dressed up with flawless makeup and her messy after-sex hair all over the place had pushed his buttons. Shit, his dick rose to the occasion. “Hell, meerkat. I’m gonna combust right here. Forget the fans, let’s go back to the bus and take care of this tension you created right now.”

Sameera laughed. “No. I didn’t go through sitting for an hour with the makeup artist to go ruin it. You ready for me?”

“Hell yeah, give me your worst. You ready for them?” He nodded in the direction of the restless fans.

“I was born ready.”

“Then let’s get out there and introduce you. Vin, Major and Midian, head on out to your spots on the stage. Sam and I will join you last.” Jimmy waited for them to move out. Sam appeared overexcited, a bundle of nerves. She needed reassurance. He slipped his hand into hers and leaned in to kiss her lips lightly. “You got this.” Hand in hand, he led her to the stage. The fans screamed his name when he stepped out and grabbed the mic.

“Indianapolis! How the fuck are you doing today? You ready to rock? I’d like you to meet Final Regret. In a few they will ramp up the volume and rock your fucking socks off. First, let me introduce them. We got Midian on drums.” He let Midian showboat for a second on his kit. “His little brother, Major, on lead guitar.” Major fingered his fret board like a woman’s pussy giving an orgasmic inducing sound. “Vin on bass.” Vin showed his swagger, posing for the screaming girls in front of him.

“And their leading lady, Sameera, with the voice of a siren, and playing rhythm guitar.” Sameera winked at the explosive crowd. “And folks, Sam and I go way back, back in time. Let’s see if she remembers what I taught her years ago.” Midian handed him his guitar and Vin handed Sameera’s over to her.

“Nothing like a bit of healthy competition, right?” Sam’s velvet voice broadcasted over the sound system. She licked her lips and tossed her hair over her shoulder. “Jimmy, I remember when I was seven and I picked up my first guitar.” She strapped her guitar over her shoulder, put the pic in her mouth and ran her fingers over the fretboard.

Jimmy took the lead, playing Crimson Rage’s first popular song. Sameera followed suit. He noticed she watched his every move, gave him a smirk of her own and amped up the complexity. The way her fingers flew over her guitar stole his attention.

“We love you, Sam. Show him, girl.” The female fans routed for her. Sameera moved toward him and leaned forward. He loved watching her in her element as he teased her with low cords.

“Ladies, isn’t this the sexiest bad boy ever?” Her husky voice teased his already raging dick. Sameera picked up the pace choosing to duel with him on his own song. The crescendo of their musical melody left her flushed and breathless. He leaned forward and stole a kiss. The crowd loved the interaction.

“He always was a cheater at games.” Sam chuckled into the mic. “To Jimmy, the man who taught me it all.”

He stepped up and stole the mic. “The student has by far passed the teacher. Damn babe, can’t wait to see you perform. Ya’ll ready for Final Regret? I said…Are you all ready to rock out? Kill it, Sam.” He tossed her the mic and sauntered off stage with his guitar to watch from the shadows.

“How’s our girl doin?” Garrick sidled up beside him as she thanked the crowd for coming out and chose to rock out with her first song Liar Liar.

“Good. She has great stage presence. Fuck, I could listen to her talk all day. The four of them make a unique team. An unforgettable one. Amazing lyrics. How’s Nev?”

“She’s okay. We’re back on the whole weight issue thing. She’s unhappy with how much she’s gaining carrying the twins and we’re out here with what she considers the perfect sized female population.”

“Sucks to be you, bro. It’s the hormones. Watch, shit’ll get back to normal after she pops those two out.” Jackson and Shea moved toward them with a beer in their hands. Jimmy accepted his and handed one to Garrick.

“They sound great.” The band finished their first song and segued into their next, Fire and Ice. In their mix, he heard the undertones of cello. Her voice hooked him, hell, hooked the audience. She swayed the female population with her words and slayed the men for their supposed arrogant ways, leaving them all screaming for more.

BOOK: Kiss Me Deadly
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