Kisses After Dark (48 page)

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Authors: Marie Force

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Women, #General, #Sagas

BOOK: Kisses After Dark
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“Coming right up.” Shane went over to the bar and ordered the wine for her and a Coke for himself. With his stomach still recovering from the bachelor party, he wasn’t drinking tonight.

Ned approached the bar at the same time, looking dapper in a shirt and tie with his normally wild white hair tamed for the occasion. “Got a place for ya right down the street from the Surf if yer still interested.”

“I’m definitely interested.”

“Ya wanna see it in the mornin’?”

“That’d be great.”

Ned gave him the address. “Meet ya there at nine, or is that too early fer ya?”

Shane raised his class of soda for Ned to see. “I can do nine.”

“See ya then.”

“Thanks, Ned.”

“T’aint no big deal.”

Shane returned to the table with their drinks and took his seat next to Katie. She was talking to Owen, who sat on the other side of her. Without interrupting her brother, Katie smiled at Shane and took the wineglass from him. That smile, those eyes… Shane couldn’t get enough of the way she looked at him and smiled at him.

Since his conversation with his uncle earlier in the day, he’d felt calmer and more settled. Kevin had helped him to see his way forward, to understand why he’d been so undone by what Courtney had said to him. He was prepared to speak to Katie about it, but he would wait until after the wedding, as planned.

When the party broke up at eleven, they walked home to the hotel through town. She’d had the stitches removed the day before and had been delighted to be able to wear heels to dinner.

“How’s the foot?” Shane loved the feel of her hand in his and the easy ebb and flow of their conversation.

“So much better than it was, but I’ll be glad to get these shoes off.”

They arrived at the hotel and went upstairs to the third floor.

“Your place or mine?” she asked.

“Either is fine with me.”

“Your bed is bigger.”

“Then my place it is.”

“I’ll meet you there.” She went up on tiptoes to kiss his cheek and then went into her room.

Shane continued on to his room, where he pulled off his tie and dress shirt and tossed them aside. Tomorrow was casual. The invitation had specified—no ties. He went into the bathroom to brush his teeth and stared into the mirror at the face looking back him.

Gone were the brackets of tension that had framed his mouth and the dark circles under his eyes. He’d been through the fire and he’d survived. This week had been nothing more than a minor setback and should be treated as such.

The life he was making for himself on Gansett was the life he wanted. There was no going back to what had come before. There was only looking forward to what was ahead.

Katie’s soft knock ended the introspection. He opened the door, and his mouth fell open in reaction to the vision that stood before him.

“Let me in before Owen comes home and sees me,” she said with a nervous giggle.

Shane stepped back to let her pass him in a cloud of feminine fragrance and silk brushing against his heated skin. “Where did that come from, and let me have a better look.”

“I went shopping at Tiffany’s store.” She turned in a complete circle. “You like?”

“Oh yeah.” The black silk robe clung to every delicious curve. “What do you got going on under that robe?”

“Come find out.”

Madly aroused, Shane went to her and tugged at the belt that held the robe together. It fell open, revealing a short black silk nightgown that molded to her breasts and ended at the tops of her thighs. “Holy shit, that’s hot.”

“I’m glad you like it. Tiffany assured me it would be a showstopper.”

“Tiffany was right.” He placed his hands on her hips, the thin fabric heating beneath his palms. “So you bought this hoping to fry my brain cells?”

“Not exactly,” she said with a low, throaty laugh that made him harder, if that was possible. “But if that’s the result, you won’t hear me complaining.”

“Me either.”

She looped her arms around his neck and pressed her body against his.

“I’m digging this sexy siren version of my sweet Katie.”

“Don’t make too much of it. I had to work up the nerve to even put it on and then to come down the hall hoping my brother wouldn’t catch me.”

“We need to get out of this hotel.”

“Yes, we do.”

Shane wanted to tell her about the place Ned had found, but he would look at it first to make sure it suited their needs. Then he’d tell her about that and everything else. “Come to bed with me, Katie.”

“Mmm, yes, please.”

He let her go only long enough to remove his pants and boxers as well as her robe. From the bedside table drawer, he produced a strip of condoms and threw them on the bed.

“Not taking any chances that you’ll fall out of bed again, huh?”

“That’s right.” He held up the covers and encouraged her to get in first and then followed her.

Katie wrapped herself around him, surrounding him in a cocoon of silky fabric and silkier skin.

“God, you feel so good, Katie.”

“So do you. Could I ask you something?”


“Is it wrong that this is almost all I think about these days? Being in bed with you?”

His laughter shook his body and hers because she was snuggled up so tightly to him. “If it’s wrong, I don’t want to be right.” He ran a hand up her smooth leg and encountered a supple buttock. “Oh Christ, are you wearing a thong?”

“I might be.”

“I gotta see that. Turn over.”

“This is kind of embarrassing.”

“No, it’s hot as hell. Trust me on that.”

She turned onto her belly, folding her arms under her head. She watched him warily as he placed his hands on her calves and smoothed them up her legs, taking the hem of the nightgown with him as he went.

He groaned at the sight of the tiny scrap of black fabric disappearing between her cheeks. Shane bent his head and kissed her there, making her squirm under him. “I love your sexy ass, Katie.”

“God,” she muttered. “I’m about to expire here.”

“We can’t have that.” He reached for a condom and rolled it on quickly before grasping her hips and bringing her up to her knees.

She looked at him over her shoulder. “What’re you doing?”

“Something new. Are you game?”


He loved her enthusiasm almost as much as he loved her sweetness. Under the gown, he cupped her breasts and rolled her nipples between his fingers as he pressed the hard length of his erection between her legs.

Moaning, she dropped her head onto her arms.

Shane moved the thong to the side and positioned his cock at her entrance, giving her only the very tip at first while his fingers found her clit.

She cried out—loudly—and then seemed to remember the hotel’s thin walls.

It was definitely time to get out of here so they could have some privacy. He wanted to hear her cries and moans and groans and every other sound she wished to make while he loved her. When he was certain she was ready, he slid in farther and watched her hands fist the sheets as her bottom pressed back against him. “Feel good?”

“So good. More, Shane. I want more.”

He didn’t need to be told twice. On the next stroke, he entered her fully and loved the way her back curved from the impact. Grasping her hips, he picked up the pace, driving into her repeatedly as she met him stroke for stroke with the sweet press of her bottom. She drove him wild with her effortless sexiness.

Keeping one hand on her hip, he dragged a finger from where they were joined up through the valley between her cheeks, pressing lightly on her back entrance. Katie detonated, her sharp cries and the tight squeeze of her internal muscles triggering his release. He surged into her as the powerful orgasm drained him of any remaining questions about where he belonged or who he belonged with.

Wrapping his arm around her waist, he brought her with him when he dropped down to the mattress. His other arm served as a pillow for her, his hand nestled between her breasts, which heaved from her heavy breathing. Her tight channel continued to pulse with aftershocks that had him hardening again.

“Shane… Tell me the truth. Is it always like that? Or is it special between us?”

“It’s very special between us. It’s most definitely not always like that.”

“What you did… With your finger…”

He did it again, drawing a sharp gasp from her. “That?”


“You liked that?”

“I never would’ve thought so, but

“We’ll have to try that again sometime.”

“Yes, please.”

His low chuckle made her shiver in his arms. “So polite, even when we’re talking dirty.”


“What, honey?”

“So much I want to say to you.”

He tightened his hold on her and kissed her cheek. “Tomorrow night. We’ll say everything that needs to be said.”

“Yes. Yes, we will.”

Chapter 35

Shane slipped out of bed in the morning, leaving Katie to sleep. He took a quick shower and left to meet Ned. Unlike yesterday when he’d woken hungover and confused, today he was clearheaded and resolute. He knew what he wanted and was determined to make it happen—for both of them.

The house was about three blocks from the Surf, around the corner and set back off the road. At first glance, the weathered, shingled cottage didn’t seem like anything special, but Shane reserved judgment until he could see the inside. Ned pulled up in his woody station wagon a few minutes later and jumped out to greet him.

Today Ned looked much more like his usual self in a faded T-shirt, plaid shorts, beat-up boat shoes and his wild mane of untamed white hair.

“Mornin’ to ya.”

“Morning.” Shane accepted the cup of coffee Ned handed to him. “Thanks.”

“Just cream, right?”

“You got it.” The man paid attention. Shane had to give him props for that.

“Come on in.” Ned produced a fat wad of keys and found the one he needed.

“How’d you become the island’s resident land baron anyway?”

“Land baron,” Ned said with a snort of laughter. “Kinda happened by mistake. Bought a house, rented it out. Bought another, then another. There’s good deals ta be had if yer payin’ attention.”

“And you pay attention.”

“That I do, which is how I know ya got a sweet spot fer Owen’s sister.”

“Yes, I certainly do.”

“She’s a good gal. I can tell ya that with hardly knowin’ her. If she’s anything like her brother, ya got yerself a winner.”

“I know.” Shane followed Ned into a small but tidy space that boasted hardwood floors, the fireplace he wanted, creamy-white crown molding and gorgeous built-in shelves. “This place is beautiful.”

“’Tis one of my favorites. A hidden gem.”

The kitchen had been recently renovated with new gray stone countertops, white cabinets and black appliances. It had two bedrooms off a small hallway and a bathroom with a deep claw-foot bathtub. He could picture Katie in that tub, up to her neck in bubbles. “I’ll take it.”

“Thought ya might say that.”

“How is this place even available?”

“The couple that was gonna take it for the year split up and broke the lease. The lady called me crying and all apologies. I gave her the money back cuz I had someone else in mind fer the place.”

“That’s nice of you.”

Ned shrugged. “Sounded like she needed the money more than I do.”

“When can I have it?”

“Whenever ya want. ’Tis empty and available. Ya gotta order furniture from the mainland, which takes a week or so.”

“I’ll take it tomorrow. I’ll get you a check in the morning.”

“Ain’t no rush. I know where ya live, and I know yer good fer it.”

“Thanks for this, Ned. I really appreciate it.”

Ned shook his hand. “Yer dad and uncles ain’t the only ones happy to see ya moving on with yer life. Ya got a good girl with Katie. The kinda girl a man makes plans with. The kinda girl a man can count on to do right by him. Ya know what I’m sayin’?”

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