Kissing Eden (9 page)

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Authors: T. A. Foster

BOOK: Kissing Eden
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He hovered over me, creating enough space for me to shimmy out of the running shorts I had put on this morning. Yes, they were tight and short, and yes, I might have had Grey in mind when I slipped them on. He looked down at the silky fabric of my panties now visible with my shorts on the floor.

He cocked one eyebrow higher than the other.

I stifled a giggle.

“These are wet too, so they have to go.”

The way he looked at me made me shiver. But I wasn’t cold—far from it.

“Take them.” I didn’t recognize my breathy voice.

For all I knew, I had just agreed to stay locked up in this room with him for weeks on end, doing nothing but kissing and touching him. My mind was all
Jell-O with every lingering graze of his fingers.

He pulled the silky fabric down my legs one agonizingly
long inch at a time, stopping every few seconds to plant kisses along my thigh. He threw the pink underwear next to my bra. I was completely naked, still slightly damp from the faucet mishap, and Grey was taking in every inch of me.

Sex didn’t make me feel self-conscious. I mean usually it was under the covers and at night, so I wasn’t used to
witnessing the type of reaction I was creating for him. Every time he looked at me, I felt him want me just a little bit more. It was hard to think straight with his blazing glances. I couldn’t think of a time when I had been so exposed, but instead of reaching for the sheet and shielding my body from him, all I wanted was to surrender to him. It felt naughty and dangerous; I had never felt like such an adventurous sex goddess in my life.

Grey sat on his heels and unbutton
ed his shorts. I sat up.

“Let me
,” I commanded. He smiled and dropped his hands to the side so I could unfasten the button.

I let my hands trace the defined muscles wrapping his waist. Holy shit, he was ripped. Grey had closed his eyes and was waiting for my next move. I ran my nails along his chest until I saw his muscles tighten. Taking my time, my hands roamed the hardness of his torso
, feeling the rise and fall of his chest under my touch. My palms massaged downward until I landed on the buttons on his shorts.

He didn’t rush me, but waited patiently while I pulled on the zipper and freed the top button.

“Eden, what are you doing to me?” Grey groaned as I took him in my hand. “Uh-uh, no. Stop.” I froze. Was he going to stop this? Please no.

Before I had a chance to figure out what was wrong, Grey grabbed me around the waist and pulled me on top of him. I moaned. My hips fused against his damp skin and began rocking toward him, desperately wanting him inside me.

Grey’s lips crushed into mine, forcing his tongue in my mouth. I moaned out his name. “Grey, please.”

“I know, baby. I know. Is this really what you want?”
His eyes darted back and forth, scanning my face for confirmation, but all I could focus on was that he called me baby. It sounded sweet, sexy, and a little like I was the only girl he had held like this.

My breath caught in my chest and Grey waited for my answer. I didn’t want to sort through whether we should be naked together in this motel room. All I wanted was to see that look in his eye and hear him say baby one more time.

He reached between my legs and began his sweet torture with his fingers. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could hold out before he pushed me to the edge. I could already feel my muscles tightening and my breathing was rapid. I didn’t want to come undone before I even got to feel him inside me.

“I want it. I want you.” I kissed him hard. I wasn’t sure what else I could do to show him. My body was aching with pent-up passion for him.

“Darlin’, I want you too. More than you know.” I didn’t doubt him for a second.

’s arms reached around my back and pulled me against his chest before he rolled me under him. With my back on the bed, my legs parted, ready to give myself to him. However, I could tell as much as he wanted me, he didn’t want to rush it. He kept his eyes locked on mine as he took his time. He kissed me, as if he needed to make sure our breaths were in rhythm. Everything he was doing was utter perfection. Everything except giving me what I really wanted.

I reached around his backside and dug my nails into his soft skin
, guiding him where I wanted him with a forceful command. My entire body arched off the bed as he pushed inside, sending a moan from my throat. I felt the full heat of his body spread through me as he moved in and out, taking me to limits I didn’t know I could handle. I rocked against him, matching his movements and taking him deeper as I opened myself to him. My body surged with the energy building between us.

“You feel so amazing
,” Grey growled in my ear. That was it; I was lost. I clung to him, accepting the shattering spiral that consumed me.

I shuddered all over when his hips pushed me to the point I couldn’t hold back any longer. Our bodies trembled together
, and I held on to him with everything I had, wrapping my legs tighter around him. I had never felt this close to anyone before and I didn’t want it to be over. Grey lowered himself next to me and kissed me fully on the mouth.

“You are incredible. You know that?” He was smiling and his eyes were sparkling in the afternoon sun. We hadn’t bothered to pull the curtains—one of the perks of being the only guest at
the Palm.

“You’re not so bad yourself.” I smacked him on the chest. “Hey, is that what they call a

Grey burst out laughing. “Yeah, that’s a

“Ok, I’m now a huge
nooner fan.” I traced a circle on his chest.

“Me too.” He kissed my forehead and collected our clothes from around the room. “These are still wet. I can throw them in the dryer for a minute. I’ll be right back.”

Grey grabbed one of the room towels, tucked it around his waist, and darted out the door.

Holy shit. What had just happened?
I didn’t know I was capable of actually locking away my doubts, but for the last hour, I had silenced any thinking and let my body take over.

There was no hiding the fact that I had just had the most amazing sex of my life, but deep down I knew it was something more. The way our bodies felt together, the way I connected with his breathing, the way he looked at me
as if I was the hottest girl in the world—I shook my head. Just thinking about him touching me started the craving for him all over again, and he had just walked out of the room. How could I feel like this?

Two minutes
later, he walked through the door.

“Did you say something about lunch?”

I wrapped a towel around my chest. “Yes, it’s on the dresser. Are you hungry?”

With what he had just done, I would willingly bring him lunch everyday if it meant I could feel half of that passion. He was unbelievable.

Grey looked at the white bags of sandwiches on the dresser and then me. Just when I thought he was reaching for his lunch, he jumped on the bed and ripped the towel off me. I squealed.

am, but I’m not quite finished with you. We have to wait for those clothes to dry anyway.” His breath was warm along my stomach and the yearning I had for him started all over again.

“By all means, take your time, cowboy.” I leaned back into the bed and smiled as his magic fingers went to work.


didn’t go on spring break with the intention of having mind-blowing, life-altering sex, but sometimes you have to deal with what life hands you. For me, that meant devouring as much between-the-sheets time with Grey as I possibly could.

There was a bright light shining in my face. “What time is it?” I pulled the sheet over my chest and searched for my phone.

“It’s early, darlin’. You can go back to sleep. I’ve gotta get going. I’m having paint and materials delivered at seven so I have to go meet the boys.” He smiled at me.

“Oh.” I tried to shake the fog that was still permeating my brain.

I watched as Grey dove headfirst into a T-shirt. I was awake enough to know I wanted him to climb back in bed with me, but with the mountain of work facing him, I knew that wasn’t possible. I had derailed his schedule enough yesterday.

He kissed me on the forehead,
and then stole a kiss on the side of my neck that awakened the rest of my body. “See ya later.”


I sunk back into the covers. There was no way I could sleep now. The numbers on my phone read six thirty. I checked my voicemail in case the airline had called overnight. It was my fifth day on South Padre Island, and my initial purchases weren’t going to get me through to the end of the week.

With all of the hot sex yesterday, I never made it back to the office to finish the reservation checks or the expense spreadsheet I promised Grey. It was possible Renee opened the shop early. I could run by and pick up a few more items before heading into the office to finish the projects.

I pulled my hair in a ponytail, grabbed the tank top, and the extra short running shorts that Grey had retrieved from the dryer. We didn’t really discuss whose room to stay in last night, but we ended up in his after we took a stroll to the beach alcove. I didn’t have any of my makeup or even my toothbrush with me. I opened the door and stepped in the direction of my room.

“Good morning, Carolina.”
I heard Pick’s slow drawl. Pick and Connor were standing in the back of a truck¸ unloading boards onto the sidewalk. One of them started whistling.

“Hey, guys.” I grimaced. Staying in a completely vacant motel, I never considered facing the walk of shame. Maybe they didn’t know that was Grey’s room.

“Does Grey have any beer in there?” Pick was having fun. Ok, they definitely did know it was his room.

I straightened my shoulders. I could do this. I just had to walk across the parking lot and into my room. I could crumble into a pile of embarrassment when I got there.

“Beer? At seven in the morning?” I attempted banter.

“We’re not picky about what time we drink our beer.” Pick handed off another board to Conner, who was noticeably silent.
He had yet to look in my direction.

“I wouldn’t know. See you later, guys.” I flashed a smile and walked across the asphalt, relieved when I reached the sanctuary of room twenty-three.

Ok. This wasn’t terrible—just embarrassing. I peeked out of the corner curtain. Their truck was loaded with lumber; they would be here for a while. I couldn’t call Taylor. She was sound asleep at this hour. I needed to hash this out with another girl. Maybe if Pick was up this early, Marin would be too. I sent her a text.

You awake?

I sat on the edge of the bed, waiting to hear from my new friend.

Yep. Good morning.

Any chance you can go shopping?

When and where?

I smiled.
Now and at Sandy’s

I’ll pick you up in ten minutes.

Thanks. See you soon. Room 23.

I walked over to the bathroom. I could at least brush my teeth and put on some makeup before facing the outside duo again. I had time to kill.


“So, you and Grey, really?” Marin’s arms were weighted down with sundresses.

“Yeah, really.” I knew I was blushing. I held up
the strapless black dress in the mirror I had eyed on my first trip to the store. It was cute and I was glad Renee hadn’t sold out of my size.

“Now you girls just holler if you need anything. Anything.” Renee
sat behind the counter with a cup of coffee. Marin informed me that the surf shop opened early every morning of spring break, eager to catch any break-of-dawn surfer customers.

y new friend pulled a purple sun hat from the wall. “I could tell the other night at the bonfire. You two had that look.”

“What look is that?”
I pulled the dress away from my body.

“That we’re-going-to-devour
-each-other look.” Marin laughed.

Shit. It was that obvious?

“I’ve known Grey for a long time. We went to high school together.”

I turned toward her. I felt a little pit of jealousy starting to form. “Oh. Were you a couple or something?” I was praying her answer was no.

“Grey and me? No. He’s friends with my older brother, so he used to come over to the house when they hung out. Eventually, our groups of friends merged into one big group. I guess I kind of see him like an older brother. A hot older brother.” She giggled.

I felt a huge weight lift. “Oh
, good. I was worried for a second.”

“You must really like him.” Marin had switched from the purple hat to a purple pair of sunglasses.

“I don’t know what it is. But, yeah—he’s sort of amazing.”

We were bonding over shopping, a common girl practice, but I didn’t think I could share with Marin all of the little things Grey did that stole my breath. Like the way his eyes could change from stormy to sexy when he was trying to figure out how to fix something, or how he kissed the side of my neck and stirred the heat under my skin, or how he was so worried about me he followed me to Bongos. I covered my mouth, realizing I had sighed audibly.

“Yeah, you definitely have that look. Biggest crush I’ve seen in a while.”

Crush?” Maybe Marin had just diagnosed me. Yes, this feeling had all the symptoms of a hot crush.

, like you don’t know. You are not fooling me one bit. Grey’s a good guy. He’s just hard to get to know sometimes. He can be sort of stubborn.”

Tell me about it.” I thought about how many tries it took for me to convince him to let me help with the financials and how he held off giving in to the attraction between us.

He’s a total sweetheart. However, he’s dealing with a lot right now. I think he just takes everything so seriously. It’s like the weight of the world is on his shoulders. To be honest, I haven’t seen him smile much since his grandfather died. It hit him really hard.”

I ducked into the dressing room with the dresses I had pulled from the racks. I thought about a world where Grey didn’t smile. That was an utterly depressing thought.

“Marin, I did want to ask you something.” I paused with the first dress in my hands.

“Sure, what is it?
I’m going to guess it is Grey related.”

“Connor said something the other night at the bonfire about Grey and his sister. Do you know what the status of that is? I mean, I’m just curious—nothing else.”
I closed my eyes, nervous about what her response might be.

w, you already heard about Laura?”

Ugh! I didn’t really want to know her name.
“Was it serious between them?” I knew what I wanted Marin to tell me that it was a no-big-deal, whoops-we-shouldn’t-have-dated relationship.

“If you call
living together serious, then yes.”

My heart dropped into my stomach. Grey had lived with someone? I took a deep breath to steady myself. I was being completely ridiculous. How could I be so jealous over someone I had just met and only slept with once
—well, it was more than once, but only slept with over the course of one day?

“You ok in there, Eden? You got really quiet.”

I still held the dress in my hands and realized I needed to try it on. The zipper opened on the side, I stepped in and shimmied it over my hips. I pulled back the curtain and flattened the fabric on the strapless black dress.

“Oh, you are definitely buying that one. Whatever is going on with you and Grey, he is going to love that on you.”
Marin raised her eyebrows. “Hottie.”

“Really?” The sex goddess
confidence I had was waning slightly with the news of Grey’s cohabitation history.

“Really. And don’t worry about Laura. They’ve been over for six months.”
She turned and started flipping through the hangers on the rack next to the dressing rooms.

“Six months? I guess that’s good.”
I looked at my reflection over my shoulder. The tops of my shoulders were slightly bronzed. I touched the spot Grey had kissed.

It is. They weren’t right for each other. She’s in med school anyway. They never saw each other. It got messy in the end.”

“Med school?” That sounded completely intimidating. There went my theory of her being some dingbat.

“He is twenty-seven. I’m not saying he’s too old for you, but he’s been around and he has some experience. The guy knows what he wants.” Marin held up a brown bikini. She could pull that off with the color of her olive skin and auburn hair.

course, he wasn’t a monk. He was older than I was, had already graduated from college, was in grad school, and was the hottest thing on this island. I was being silly to think there weren’t other girls before me. I just didn’t want to know much about it.

“You’re right. And I’m definitely getting the dress.”
I tugged the curtain so I could try on one of the bikinis Renee had pulled out for me. “So, what’s the deal with you and Pick? You two are cute together.”

“Mindy and Tara give me such a hard time about him
. I guess you saw that the other night. However, he’s so sweet and it’s fun. You know—it’s just easy. It feels right.”

“How long have you been together?”
I clipped the black dress back on the hanger.

It sounded like Marin was counting on her fingers. “I guess almost four months. He was hanging out
on the island a lot more at Christmas break, and we ended up staying up all night talking after a crayfish boil. Not that romantic, but it was sweet. I think I’ve always had a crush on him.”

“I like him. He’s fun and not bad on the eyes either.”

Marin laughed. “Yeah, that’s what caught my attention first. He can dance and fill out a pair of jeans. Ok, you about ready? I have to get back to the resort. I hate to leave you but reality calls.”

I was happy with the selections I had tried on.
“Yep, I just need to check out.”


Marin dropped me off in front of room twenty-three. Pick and Connor’s truck was missing, and in its place were two piles of freshly cut lumber. I wondered what construction project Grey had planned for the lumber.

“Let me know if you want to go shopping again. I’ve got to get to work before the other spring breakers wake up.”
Marin laughed. “And have fun with Grey.”

for going to Sandy’s with me, and for the Grey advice. It’s nice to have a friend here.”

“Anytime, Eden.
See you later.” Marin waved as I hopped out of the truck. I was quickly learning that everyone in Texas preferred to drive a truck.

I watched
as she turned on to Gulf Boulevard in the direction of the Island Sun Resort.

“Early morning shopping?”
Grey stood behind me. My shoulders felt the tingle of his presence before I whipped around. How did he always appear like that?

“Yeah, I think I’ve given up on my lugga
ge appearing this week.” I held up three bags. “The airlines haven’t returned my calls. I think it’s a lost cause.”

“Are you going to give me a private fashion show later?” His eyes were all mischief.

I stepped closer to him, reveling in the heat building between us. “Maybe.” I winked before ducking under his arm and into my room.

“I left a cup of coffee for you on the desk
,” Grey called through the door. “See ya.”

“Thanks.” I hugged the bags against me

I had been nervous about seeing him
after the night we spent together. This was my first official fling and I didn’t know how we were supposed to act around each other. The whole point of a fling is not having to think about it, but there was no way I would stop thinking about the line Grey and I had crossed.


It had been at least six hours since Grey had dropped off coffee in my room. I had worked straight through lunch and my stomach was growling. I stretched my legs and reached my fingertips toward the ceiling, easing the cramp that had started to form in my right shoulder.

There were twenty-four rooms at the Palm Palace
, and there were twenty-two pending reservations that all started this weekend. I had placed calls to all twenty-two of them and confirmed each one was planning on a three o’clock check-in Friday. Grey needed the reservations, but I wasn’t sure the Palm would be ready or that he could handle the onslaught of visitors.

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