Kniam: A Terraneu Novel (12 page)

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Authors: Stormy McKnight

BOOK: Kniam: A Terraneu Novel
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He stopped
abruptly, slowly lowering her against his body until her feel landed on soft,
spongy ground. Their eyes met, and it was almost like a starting bell went off.
She frantically grabbed at his clothes, jerking his vest off, then pushing his
pants to his boots. He ripped at her dress. She had to wait while he struggled
out of his boots, then she was in his arms again. Their mouths met in a frantic
kiss. He held her locked against him, stepped a few feet into the pool, then
turned and made his way deeper into the water. Amber wrapped her legs around
his hips, gasping in surprise as the water rose to her waist.

She tore her mouth
from Kniams, and gasped in air. She then turned her attention to his nipples.
They were puckered from the wetness of the pool and the cool air. She latched
onto one, and he arched his back in pleasure. Her hand slid between them to
grasp his shaft and stroke. She used one hand for balance, the other hand to
pleasure Kniam. She moved to the other nipple, biting and kissing her way
across his chest. He had his hands buried in her hair, massaging her scalp.

“I want you Amber.
I can’t wait any longer.” Kniam rasped out.

Amber stopped
stroking Kniam’s unyielding shaft, and wiggled until he let her down.
She was just able to feel the bottom of the
pool, and once she had her balance she slowly backed up toward the slope of the
pool. Grabbing Kniams arms she wrapped them around her waist, and turning in
his arms pressed her backside against his turgid length. Enticing him with her
movements to follow, she made her way to the bank. When he tried to come around
to the front of her, she wiggled her backside against him.

“This is a
different position.” She moved to lower herself to the grassy slope, on her
hands and knees. Kniam had the choice to follow her down, or let go of her
She needn’t have worried that
Kniam might not get this position, because he was already moving over her.
Amber’s hands reached out to grab at the grassy embankment, just as Kniam
curled his body over hers. A knee bumped her thighs, spreading them further
apart. One of Kniams hands landed on the grass next to hers. His sex pressed
against her, straining for entry. She was so wet from her excitement that he
was able to press into her without resistance. Kniam wrapped an arm around her
waist to hold her firmly against his thighs, and thrust harder.
Driving into her with a pounding thrust of
his hips. Amber gasped at the feeling of being stretched to the limit. This new
position gave Kniam all the control, and he was hitting nerves with every
plunge that she didn’t even know she had.

“Amber, tell me if
I am too rough.” Kniam gasped.

She pushed back
against him taking him deeper, “This feels so good Kniam…don’t stop!”

It was as if a
damn burst. Kniam went wild. Flexing his hips, and driving into her without
restraint. His hand shifted from her waist to massage her nipples. First on one
side, then the other. The added stimulation brought her closer to climax,
“Kniam…god that feels good…I am so close.”

Kniam just pounded
into her faster and harder. She was almost lifted off her hands and knees with
every thrust. Suddenly, he shifted his hand from her breasts to rub at her sex.
She saw stars and screamed his name on a strangled gasp. Her climax shaking her
to the core.

Kniam roared his
own release, and she could feel him spasm. There were shots of warmth inside
her, Kniam thrusts eased to slight spasms. He fell over taking her with him to
their sides. Spooning on the grass, both panting and trying to catch their

“Wow! That was…”
Amber panted, “Amazing!”

Kniam gasped in
great lungfuls of air, “Yes. You are amazing my Amber.”

They spent the
rest of the morning at the oasis, making love and swimming and talking. She
finally got Kniam to listen to her ideas about entertainment for the women. He
would pass them on to the council and see what could be arranged. She had found
some fruit, and Kniam said the animals ate it all the time. He tried to warn
her against eating it, but she was curious to see if she could. It didn’t taste
like anything she remembered, and she shrugged up at Kniam when nothing
happened. Then she proceeded to cover him with spew. She didn’t get any
warning, one second she had opened her mouth to tell him “Oh, well it didn’t
affect me.” The next every bit of the fruit was now all over his pants. He
didn’t yell at her or get mad. He just looked at the disgusting mess, and
calmly walked into the pool to wash off.
Not getting angry and you just
barfed on him! He’s a keeper!
Her effervescent side chirped…
I agree, he
even told you not to do it! He is a keeper!
Her logical side concurred. She had already known Kniam was a
keeper. She just needed to know that he was able to feel as deeply for her, as
she was starting to feel for him.

Chapter Twenty One


Kniam had gone to
work with the council early this morning, and he had teased her that when he
got back he had a surprise for her. So she was left to her own devices. She
didn’t mind wandering the complex by herself though. All of the men here were
very respectful and friendly. They were excited at the prospect of having their
own women, and wanted to impress upon her their desire to be good mates. It was
almost as if they thought she was going to have some say in whether the women
liked them or not. She tried to reassure them, that they would all make good
mates, and the Earth women would be lucky to have any one of them. Kniam had
warned her that there were a few members of the community that didn’t agree
with bringing women here, but had been out-voted. Things were progressing
nicely on their preparations, and the five months left were going to go by

She had awaken
that morning with the familiar twinge in her abdomen that could only mean one
thing. She was going to have a visitor soon, and would need to ask Kniam if
they had any thing absorbent like a sponge, or extra materials she could
borrow. Never having had a period on Terraneu yet, she had no idea what to
expect. She couldn’t even believe it had been a whole month already. She and
Kniam had great communication, but she was afraid to talk to him about his
feelings for her. She feared that he might not have as deep an attachment to
her, as she did to him. Maybe he was just waiting for another woman from Earth
to compare her to? She had never met her ex-husbands standards, and she was
worried that Kniam would get bored with her too.

Making her way to
the door, to search out Kniam to request something for her impending period she
came up short. Just as she used the computer console to open the door, someone
was standing there with his hand raised to knock.

Amber smiled
warmly, “Ohh…hello there. I was just heading out, was there something I could
help you with or were you looking for Kniam?”

The man at the
door walked slowly forward, and she stepped back so he wouldn’t be in her
personal space. They did seem to have that problem here, so she wasn’t really
suspicion about him moving closer to her. She should have been. With a shove
she didn’t see coming he had spun her back into her living quarters, and
proceeded to throw her across the room. She landed with a thud against the
chaise, and looked up totally stunned. He did something to her control panel,
and even from where she sat she could hear the click that meant it was locked.

“Hold on a
second…” she struggled to get up and had just made it to her feet when he
turned toward her. “I don’t know what you think…”

“Stupid female. I
want you to be quiet. If you say one more word, I will just snap your neck and
forget the plan the others came up with.” He stalked menacingly toward her, and
she quickly put the chaise between them. Not that it would be much help.

“I am not…” she
tried to reason with him and again he interrupted.

“You are as
unintelligent as I thought. I just said to be quiet, and still you are talking.
I don’t want to hear anything you have to say.”

“I don’t
understand…” She knew he had asked twice for her to stop talking but she
couldn’t help herself. If she could keep him distracted, maybe she could make
her way to the balcony in the bedroom. Thinking along those lines, she slowly
started working her way around the chaise until her bedroom was lined up with
her back.

“Of course you
don’t. We have been happy for thousands of years. Then you come here with your
female breasts, sexual intercourse and talks of offspring wanting to change
everything! We don’t need change. We are going to harvest your eggs once you
are dead, strip them of your pathetic DNA, and continue with our civilization
as it is.” He lunged around the chaise, forcing her to give up her planned
destination of the bedroom. Instead she was forced in the other direction. It
was now or never. She made a run for it and was grabbed by the hair, just as
she reached out for the control panel accessing Kniams living quarters. She
screamed in agony, and heard a responding YOWL in Kniams quarters. Her captor
again threw her across the room and she bounced a few times, then slid across the
floor. This time she didn’t get up, her poor bruised body wasn’t able to
accommodate her minds frantic commands to gain her feet.

“You are so weak,
if the others weren’t going to be here any minute, I might just try to find out
what our illustrious leader finds so fascinating about you.” He grabbed her up
off the floor with a brutal hold on her upper arms. She could only hang there
helplessly, her feeble attempts to kick out at him wasted. “Now that I think
about it, I might just see what all the excitement is about, even if they are
coming.” With those words he squeezed her neck and clawed at the front of her
dress. Spurred into desperation at the thought of being raped by this madman,
she kicked and clawed like a demon possessed. Despite the pain, she aimed for
his sensitive spots. Eyes, ears, throat and groin. Something must have hit,
because with a curse he dropped her. She didn’t waste time looking to see where
he was, she lunged for the closest doorway that wasn’t locked. She had just
slammed her hand against the computer console, when he punched her across the
face. Spinning against the wall, she let out a scream for all she was worth.
The responding growl raised the hair on the back of her neck and arms. She had
never in her life heard a sound like that, and she couldn’t have been happier!
Cebat! Kniams cat-dog had been left in his quarters, and came stalking through
the doorway. Putting himself between Amber and her attacker, he crouched low,
the hackles on his neck raised. The menacing growl coming from his throat
intensified and got louder, his eyes fixed on the man now inching away.

“When did he
install that doorway?” the man muttered.

“None of you damn
business…” Amber snapped back, though her sore throat didn’t want to make the
words. “Cebat…hold him!” she wasn’t sure the animal would respond to her
commands, but she couldn’t let him try to leave.

Cebat jumped so
fast the intruder didn’t have time to turn, one second he was standing there.
The next he was lying flat on his back with five hundred pounds of bristling,
very angry Sacath on his chest. Cebat was snapping and snarling at the man. His
saber like fangs a breath away from his face.

“If you move one
micron…or just one sound comes from your mouth, I will order him to
rip-your-throat-out!” She kept a weary eye on the man on the ground, and turned
to the computer console he had knocked her away from.

She pressed her
palm to it, not sure if it worked like a communicator or not…but she had to
try. If it didn’t work she could inch to the door, and scream for help there.
First things first though, she would give the computer a try.

“Hello…” she
rasped. “I don’t know if this thing is working…can anyone hear me?” Every word
was torture to say, and now that the adrenaline was wearing off she was losing steam.
She could feel her energy draining, struggling to stay upright…one last
weak…”Cebat…stay!” Then with her last breath... “Help…” then darkness
overwhelmed her.



and the others had just finished the meeting. Knollig, Kneus, Knaleg and Ailech
were going to follow him home. They were eager to see Ambers face when he
presented her with his surprise. A female Sacath from the Antilles. The female
was perfectly trained, and he secretly hoped a match for Cebat! He had made the
mistake of letting his brothers know that she was for Amber. There was no way
there were going miss out on the presentation of Ambers first pet.

“I can’t wait to
see her face!’ Knollig chuckled.

“She is going to
be so surprised!” both Kneus and Knaleg agreed.

“She deserves something
for all the help she has been.” Ailech added.

They were just
saying their farewells to the other council members when the computer console
in the council chambers chirped. They all looked over expectantly.

“Hello…” Amber’s
voice came out raspy and weak. “I don’t know if this thing is working…can
anyone hear me?” They heard Cebat in the background snarling and growling,
sounds that had the hair on Kniams arms and neck standing on end. He
heard,”Cebat…stay!” Was Cebat attacking Amber? He frantically looked at the
others with him, then just barely…“Help…”!

“AMBER!” Kniam
roared the word and took off at a run for her dome. It was only forty or fifty
feet away. He came to a skidding halt at her doorway. Slapping his hand on the
console, he waited and nothing happened.
“AMBER!! Answer me!” When he didn’t hear a response, he started pounding
on the console. “AMBER…AMBER!”

“Kniam, use your
dome. You said you installed a doorway to Ambers there!” He didn’t know which
of his brothers yelled that at him, he was out of his mind with worry.
Streaking off to his doorway, with everyone on his heals he slammed his hand on
his console, and tore through his quarters into Ambers. What he saw made him
come to a staggered halt. Cebat was on top of one of his men, snarling and
foaming at the mouth. The answering snarl from the female Sacath he had planned
to give Amber surprised everyone. The female stalked her way over to Cebat, low
on her belly. She started snarling and snapping at the man he was holding down.
Barely missing taking out chunks of skin in her attempt to impress Cebat.

Where was Amber?
He took in the room, from the damaged chaise and blood in multiple spots on the
floor and finally found her. Slumped against the wall just behind him, he
dropped to his knees in shock. “Amber…” his voice came out in a hoarse croak.
“No…Amber…!” He gently reached out to touch her face. There wasn’t a spot on
her that he could make out that wasn’t bruised and/or swelling. “Little
female…” He felt for a sign of life. Not finding one right away, he saw red.

Kneus pushed his
way to Amber’s side, and proceeded to check for a pulse. When he found one,
although it was very weak he said “She is alive Kniam.” Before he could
continue, Kniam had stalked toward the middle of the room.

“You…” He snarled
at the man on the ground. “Cebat…OFF!” Cebat didn’t waste any time in getting
out of the way, the female Sacath following him. The other males in the room
also made toward a wall and hoped the combat stayed in the middle. “I will give
you as many bruises as my Amber has. Then I am going to rip your dick off and
choke you on it. Don’t think I missed that her clothes are ripped off her.”

The man finally
found his voice, though maybe should have stayed quiet. “I never did anything
to her.” Slam… Kniams fist found this face. The “fight” that ensued could only
be described as one sided. Kniam was in a blind rage, and had years of training
in fighting and battle tactics. The man he was beating on…did not. Against
someone as skilled as Kniam he didn’t stand a chance. Against someone as
enraged as Kniam, he was lucky he wasn’t already dead, or maybe unlucky. Kniam
threw him across the room, Knollig pushed him back to Kniam for more
punishment. Kniam kicked him and he stumbled into Ailech who quickly kicked him
back to Kniam. When he was punched and stumbled into Knaleg, he was spun right
back to Kniam.

Kneus was
monitoring Amber, and when he felt that Kniam had vented enough of his rage, he
cut in with “She needs medical attention Kniam. You have done enough damage to
her attacker!” Kneus knew that when Kniam calmed down, he would be angry with
himself for not taking care of Amber immediately. Kniam was in such a blind
rage he wasn’t thinking clearly at all.

Kniam stopped,
rushed over and gently picked Amber from the ground. “Make sure that piece of…”
he couldn’t think of a word nasty enough, “just THAT…is guarded until I get
back.” He rushed out of Amber’s room and hurried to the Square. Men were
milling all around, and quickly got out of the way when they saw the condition
of the female he was carrying. All around camp, in mind and out loud, everyone
was wondering what had happened. Kniam ignored them all, he blocked them out in
his panic to help Amber. When he got to the medical unit, he set it for “repair
There was just so much wrong
with her, he groaned. Her face was unrecognizable, a huge clump of her glorious
hair had been on the ground, her dress was in tatters and scratch marks marred
her breasts. Her perfect porcelain skin from head to toe was black and blue.
His rage was building again, just thinking about the suffering she had gone
through. One of his people had done this, but why? They were based on honor and
never hurting a living thing if you could help it. Not that lately there weren’t
more cloning mishaps, but never had they encountered something this heinous. To
beat a living thing like this was inhuman.

He stalked back
and forth around the medical unit giving orders to the others outside.
clean up Ambers living dome, and make sure her computer console is fixed.

Kneus responded
“We are already working on fixing her living space. It is almost

“What do you
want done with her attacker?”
Knaleg asked.

Kniam thought for
only a second then,
“Bring him to the council chambers, bound and gagged.”

he turned back around, Knollig was there. “You might want to make the medical
unit give her an extra something to keep her out just past the healing.” When
Kniam raised an eyebrow questioningly, Knollig continued, “She might feel
better to wake in her living space, with you there to console her…than in the
medical unit.”

Kniam slapped his
forehead, he needed to get himself together. “Can you watch and make sure she
doesn’t wake until I get back. I will relay through mind, everything that
happens at the meeting so you can cast your vote.”

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