Kniam: A Terraneu Novel (14 page)

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Authors: Stormy McKnight

BOOK: Kniam: A Terraneu Novel
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She had
to admit that it did feel good, in a different way. “Yes.” She was building to
a climax too fast…”but I want you inside of me Kniam. I can’t wait.”

guided him to her entrance, and Kniam with one firm thrust sheathed himself.
Supporting her weight under her legs, he began to flex. In and out. His shaft
would come all the way to the tip, then plow in again. He found her rosette
again, and this time with his ring finger played with the opening. His mouth
latched onto one rosy nipple.

Amber panted with pleasure, “I am so close…”

thrust hard, then stayed buried grinding himself against her. His finger in her
rosette buried deep, then thrusting. Buried deep, then thrusting.

couldn’t take the duel pleasure/pain as her climax built, until finally it
slammed over her. She spasmed, milking and squeezing Kniam in her release who
with a shout of his own, joined her.

they had gotten clean, and Amber was again tying on her dress. Kniam said, “I
have a surprise for you.” With a flourish, he grabbed one of the shreds the
Sacaths had made of her dress, doubled the material over so she wouldn’t be
able to see, and tied it to cover her eyes.

need to keep the others scraps of material too Kniam. There are some
interesting things you can do with stuff like this.” Her husky voice told him
her thoughts were wandering onto the naught side. He trailed his fingers down
her arms, leaving goose flesh in their wake.

breath fanned against her ear and he whispered, “I look forward to whatever you
would do to me my little Amber.” Giving her bottom a sharp slap, which made her
jump. “Now quit trying to distract me with your sexy body.”

grabbed her up into his arms, being blindfolded made her other senses go on
overload. Kniam smelled like the fresh outdoors after a rain, and musk. The
warmth on her face as they left the dome had a rejuvenating affect on her. She
could almost feel her skin absorb the energy around her, making her feel
better. There was a snort from a Sorrem just ahead, so that was one clue she
got about their possible destination. It was going to be some distance away to
require a Sorrem. Maybe he was going to take her back to the oasis. Her pulse
quickened at the memories of her time there before.

was shifted in Kniams arms and she gave a strangled shout when she ended up
over his shoulder. The feeling of blood rushing to her head only lasted a
second, then Kniam was settled on the Sorrem with her in front of him. She felt
his arms and legs flexing, giving the Sorrem directions on gait. They were off,
traveling at a sedate pace toward who knew where.

what seemed a few minutes, but had to have been longer, Kniam swung off the
Sorrem taking her with him. He carried her a short distance, and with a
flourish gently took off the blindfold.

Chapter Twenty Four


wasn’t the oasis, Kniam was showing her New Haven! There was a lot of work
going on around her, but she could see that they had finished quite a few of
the domes already. The living dome she was in front of was just off the main
path they had taken from Terraneu. There were about ten properties finished
from what she could see. Each had a three foot high fence around the entire
space. Instead of sharing a fence with the other dome units, there was
additional landscape between each residence. If she had remembered correctly
when talking with Knollig. There was a ten foot wide wrap around patio and
another twenty feet of landscaping before the fence line. An additional
five-foot walking path, for visiting neighbors, or exiting New Haven on one of
the main walkways. So each property ended up having seventy feet of buffer
between buildings. That would be nice for privacy.

was a little disheartened that the landscaping was all that green grass they
seemed to like so much. However, she had learned from Knollig that the
Gnowlers, those fluffy things with a million teeth were actually lawn mowers.
She had been fascinated when Knollig had told her that they were released into
the wild, as Gnowlers were nocturnal and very shy. When it was dark, they would
come into Terraneu and eat the grass. Which was the reason for so much of it in
the landscaping, instead of flowers. The men of Terraneu had never thought to
plant flowers. If the landscaping started to grow too much, they would go to
Antilles and get more Gnowlers. Viola, problem solved, freshly mown grass was
just a Gnowler away! She had asked Knollig how many more Gnowler’s would be
needed for New Haven and he had figured potentially quadruple the current
amount. She had asked if that was even possible, and he had laughed. Another
thing about them was that they reproduced through fragmentation. If an abundant
food supply was available, they would easily reach the population numbers
needed for New Haven. In order to reach a balance with the right amount of
Gnowlers they were going to start with double the current population. A fresh
supply was going to arrive from Antilles any time now. Then they would wait for
the proper balance to be reached. If they brought in four times the current
amount right away, there wouldn’t be enough grass for the Gnowlers. So they
were hoping to achieve a balance in the ten months they had before women
started arriving.

had been watching her face and asked, “What do you think?”

was impressed with the outside and said so. “Can we look around inside one?”

just smiled, and waved her forward, “We can look around this one if you would
like.” He reached around her and opened the gate, motioning her to proceed him.
She walked along the path, and waited on the patio. She wasn’t sure if these
units were locked or not. Kniam touched the panel to open the door and Amber
stepped inside. The work sounds from outside were instantly gone. This house
was sound proofed, just like Knollig had teased her. “The other men were
distracted by the sounds coming from her living quarters.” He had laughed.

in front of her was a door panel leading to what she knew from discussions with
Knollig would be the master bedchamber and bathroom. She had requested no more
diaphanous material! Solid doors from now on if you please.

of the rooms had doors to the balcony. The room she was in was the same as her
current space, it held a chaise and chairs for sitting. Both needed some throw
pillows for color in her opinion, but the couples would be able to personalize
their homes to taste.

space on her right was designated as a great room. It would hold whatever items
of furniture you wanted. Amber had told the council during one of their
brainstorming sessions that Earth women liked to visit each other. She had
requested that instead of having to go into the bathroom for glasses, maybe
they could put some kind of water feature with glasses where visitors might
have access to them. She told the men that bedchambers on Earth were typically
private space, and not many women would be comfortable going through that space
for water. Which she had told them, brought up the need for more than one bidet
thing. You never knew when a guest would need to use the facilities too.

she looked around the open archway, she wasn’t surprised to see a wet bar along
one wall. With tall backed chairs and what looked like intricate blown
glassware set on the countertop. She wasn’t sure where the water was going to
come from, but she would look closer at that later. She was surprised at the
giant couch, with a lounge chaise at each end. Two end tables and a coffee
table in the middle rounded out the room.

the residences were a square of four, there was a private courtyard in the
middle that each woman would be able to personalize if she so choose to. They
could make this space anything she wanted, as long as it would fit! A fountain,
a fish pond, a yoga space, all exercise mat material, a trampoline, a fire pit?
Anything the females wanted, they would get.

wandered absentmindedly around the room that held the couch, heading for the
extra space. Kniam was suddenly in front of her, “Would you like something to
drink?” He took her arm and led her back toward the wet bar. Amber was a bit
thirsty, so just shrugged off his odd behavior.

could use some water, but wouldn’t it be rude to use this space?” Kniam just
took one of the glasses, and with a push of a button. Nothing happened and
Amber just raised her eyebrow and with a laugh said.
“I don’t think the water has been turned on here yet.” Kniam just
raised his eyebrow right back at her and gently spun her around.

the corner, on what she had though was just shelf space was a water feature.
Somewhere at the top of the wall, she couldn’t see due to a rock feature, water
was coming out to cascade down the wall. There were rock’s strategically placed
so that the water just bounced around until it pooled on the ground. Then it
just disappeared, absorbed by the material at the base. It was the same as what
they put in the bathrooms.

just stood there gaping, while Kniam went around her to fill their glasses.
“You gave us the idea of using that material for a water feature. It was such a
success in your living quarters as planters for all the flowers you have
added.” He handed her one glass, grabbed her empty hand…and gently tugged her
to sit on the chaise.

really don’t think it’s appropriate to use the couch. It is one thing using the
glasses, but really Kniam. This is going to be someone’s private space. The
owners of this home might want to use it first!” Amber was flustered, trying to
get Kniam to let her up.

owners are the first people to be using this space.” Kniam whispered against
her ear as he settled down on one of the chaise. “Surprise!” After saying that
Kniam touched a spot on the coffee table and a holographic fireplace flared to
life before them. It looked so real if you put your finger against the wall,
she would swear it would come back blistered.

cleared his throat, “Amber…I want us to be a family, here in this home.” He
rolled so that he was kneeling by her legs. “I will never ask another female
from Earth to be my partner. I would never hurt you, or betray you like your
Earth partner did.” He grabbed her hands, and was kissing her fingertips and
knuckles…brushing his face against her palms. “I want to be the mate you chose
to stay with forever. The mate you chose to have offspring with…if we live here
together, it will mean we have chosen each other.” Kniam stopped talking to
look deep into her eyes. “This is the only way I could prove that you are the
only female for me.”

was in shock. This was to be their home! Kniam was going to open New Haven
early so that they could start a family here. She knew the council had agreed
to wait for the opening of New Haven until the first fifty women arrived. Kniam
was altering that plan if she agreed to stay here. They would be like a married
couple. She was overwhelmed, “This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for
me! Thank you, Kniam.” She threw herself into his arms, “Yes. I will move to
New Haven with you.”

had kissed before, but this time was different. It was soft, and full of
sensual promise, of making love and not just frenzied sex. Don’t get her wrong,
fast and hard was great…but so was slow and loving. That is what Kniam was
doing. He was kissing her like she was the sun, and if he didn’t get one more
taste he would die.

figured it was the perfect time to see how sturdily built the couch was! After
that there was always the rug in front of the fire, and the barstools. She
could think of ways to keep Kniam busy!

Chapter Twenty Five


three months life settled into a routine for Amber and Kniam. She was able to
relax and embrace life on Terraneu now that she knew Kniam loved her. He hadn’t
said the words, and she didn’t have to hear them. Actions speak louder than
words and Kniam
her every day how much she meant to him.

made love in the mornings, then Kniam went off to do council business or
fitness training with the men. She would wander Terraneu, meeting with the
different tradesmen. She made a lot of friends, and promised them all she would
put in a good word for them with the Earth females.

Kniam would track her down, and they would frantically find someplace private
to quench their desire. Sometimes she would go to the council meeting and Kniam
with a knowing look in his eyes would order everyone out. They had made love on
every surface, and against every wall in the council chambers. The men even
jokingly laughed about needing to create them a portable sex bubble that they
could just climb into at will. It would be sound proof, and once inside you
couldn’t be seen. At least she thought they were joking. As advanced as they
were, maybe they weren’t kidding!

had cheered him on in a wrestling match with Knaleg, who was getting more
muscular every day if that was possible. Training with the men seemed to be his
only purpose lately she thought worriedly. She had jumped and cheered totally
into the match. Poor Kniam had lost, when he looked up and seen her bouncing
around, his concentration gone…Knaleg pushed him out of the circle that he was
supposed to stay inside. After congratulating his brother, Amber had pulled
Kniam outside and around the corner of the dome. Once they were assured privacy
she set to work at consoling him on his first loss in…well, ever!!
The chance of getting caught…or seen added
to the thrill. Once Kniam was spent, they had raced home laughing and touching,
stopping against this dome space to caress here…that dome space to kiss
there…when they reached their home Kniam had forgotten the match.

had asked Kniam why she hadn’t seen any weather changes since being on
Terraneu. He had answered that was because the clouds formed, and rains came
after dark. She had always been asleep during the rains. Curious now to see it,
she had insisted that they stay up. Going out on the balcony, Kniam had held
her while the winds picked up, the clouds came in and the rains started. They
were like a gently shower, and she had quickly been distracted by being in
Kniams arms. Their passion had turned as primal as the rains coming down. She
had arranged herself on his lap, and they sought release as the rains trickled
down on them.

was given free reign to decorate their space. Since Kniam’s preferences were
toward blues and greens, and her favorite color was purple you would find those
colors all over their living space. The only exception was in the bedchamber.
She used dark burgundy and red in that space, since she had always been told
that they were passionate hues. She had planted blue, green, and purple flowers
in the corners of her home and outside. She had put pillows and rugs, and
blankets on every surface.

the private courtyard she had requested something special for Kniam. Since it
was their home, she wanted him to enjoy it too. She had surprised him with an
Earthen hammock. It was big enough for two, but she wanted him to feel free to
use it and relax on his own too. The look on his face when he saw it was
priceless. Watching him figure out how to safely get into it…lets just say her
sides ached for hours from laughter. He had gotten his revenge when he had
pulled her under it to have his way with her. Teasing her with his fingers, and
kisses until she had begged for mercy.


Amber was starting on a task requested by the council. There was one month left
until Kneus was to be sent through the portal to Earth. She had been working
with him trying to give him an idea of what he could expect. Today she was
going to work with Kneus full time, instead of just during council meetings. He
had already created a subliminal program to help him learn English, she just
didn’t know what she was speaking anymore unless someone looked at her like she
was speaking gibberish. Then she knew she had unconsciously switched back. She
wasn’t going to be any help with the language, she was going to try to help him
with the rest.

met him on the outskirts of New Haven. One of the brothers always met her, and
walked the rest of the way with her. Cebat and Tabec would then run off to find
breakfast, or just meander aimlessly around Terraneu.

Gnowlers for breakfast! I mean it…you leave those poor things alone!” Amber
scolded. Yesterday, she had found a poor Gnowler soaking wet in her yard. From
the rain the night before or being in a Sacaths mouth she didn’t know which.
She had taken it in, and tried to give it some water and grass. It was still
weak and currently in a little baby papoose sling across the front of her.

pulled along side her, with one eyebrow raised he asked, “What do you have in
the sling?”

Gnowler! I found the poor thing in the grass. It is really weak, and I’m not
sure what is wrong with it. I am just going take care of it until it feels
better!” she pulled aside some of the sling, to show Kneus the Gnowler weakly
cooing against her. She had grabbed a handful of fresh grass from around New
Haven. It seems the population of Gnowlers hadn’t gotten large enough to handle
the new landscaping. “Here Chewy…eat this, it will make you feel better.” She
put the grass into the sling with the Gnowler she had named Chewy, and
re-covered the poor thing.

Kneus asked with barely contained amusement.

gave him a stern look, “Yes. Chewy!”

does Kniam have to say about this?” Kneus asked before he broke down laughing.

is fine with me taking care of Chewy.” Amber bit her lip, well that was the end
product of their “discussion.”

had thought she was crazy to be bothering the poor Gnowler. “If it was too weak
to make it back to the wild, then it isn’t going to survive.”

a thing to say Kniam. From someone who says they value life, I can’t believe
you would be so cold about this poor Gnowler!” she had started pacing throwing
her hands around.

had commented that maybe they should stock up on “pads” and then Amber had
gasped and that was how the fight started. In the end Kniam was sorry, she was
sorry, the poor Gnowler was named Chewy, and she had made sure the stock of
pads was going to be enough for her impending period.

back to the moment with Kneus, Amber said, “Earth women can be fanatical about
their pets!” she absentmindedly stroked Chewy’s fur. “That might be a question
you will have to ask. If they value life, that is a good thing. If they are
leaving behind a pet…that is bad! There are so many unwanted pets on Earth.
People think they want one, then for one reason or another they give them up.
Either to shelters, or just let them run loose. It is very sad.” It was one of
the things she was happy about here on Terraneu. They prevented all animals
that they domesticated, like the Sacaths, from breeding. The only animals they
controlled that reproduced were the Gnowlers, and those only fragmented if
there was enough food.

We want women who appreciate life, but don’t have any pets to leave behind.”
Kneus gave her big smile.

are going to want to stay isolated as much as possible in the B&B.” Everyone
was working off the assumption that Mr. McPherson was going to co-operate.
“Don’t interact with the local population too much, but don’t draw suspicion by
being a hermit.”

nodded, “Right don’t interact too much, but don’t be a hermit.”

tried to think of things to tell Kneus, but there was just so much. “I don’t
know Kneus. There are so many things to talk about. I don’t know where to
begin.” They sat at the newly installed benches along the square of four. Amber
had gotten so many of the men into joining her in the daily walk that benches
had been place around so others could watch.

So it went day after day, until it was just
days before Kneus was to leave. Amber talked with him about every possible
topic she could think of. What he should try to arrange to get back through the
portal with the women. As much music as he could download. Especially the
80’s…on whatever medium he thought would work. She really missed listening to
music, and whatever Kneus could do to get the music from Earth to play here on
Terraneu she would appreciate it. Whatever device he put it on would have to be
solar powered…or easily uploaded into one of their existing systems. No paper
books, they would be too heavy and wouldn’t last. Again, digital format would
work, as long as they could transfer into the existing system. They could
reverse engineer some type of reader. She told Kneus to download as many steamy
romance novels as he could find. That way the men would have something to read,
that would give them an idea of what Earth women found romantic!

and crafts would be a good idea, but no other technology! No computers or smart
phones or anything that required a satellite. They wouldn’t function properly
on Terraneu, and would just cause chaos trying to make them work.

the day of his departure got closer, a sense of foreboding she had got worse.
She didn’t think what she had done was going to be enough. It suddenly came to
her as she paced around the square thinking! There was something she was going
to have to do, and Kniam was going to pitch a fit.

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