Knockout! A Passionate Police Romance (20 page)

Read Knockout! A Passionate Police Romance Online

Authors: Emma Calin

Tags: #sexy romance, #deception, #love at first sight, #sex on a boat, #love and adventure, #crime romance, #international crime, #love novel, #sex in the open, #love falling in, #sexual relationship, #love and romance, #hero, #interpol, #police detective, #gambling, #sexy hero, #passionate, #heroine, #international suspense, #sex fiction

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“Just a social call - we are doing a bit of business with Freddie. Looks like he had to shoot off.. .we worry you know... we worry that a girl like you could be in danger while your man is away.”

“You mean danger from you.”

“Huh - we’re business people - kinda important business. Just tell the champ we called by to make sure you were safe. Maybe we’ll call by again. We are all friends - we’ll be watching over you honey. I know Freddie would like that.”

She looked at his vile fat face. She ached to pull her badge and send him away for the rest of his life. For now he had written a small chapter in his own downfall. She was sure he didn’t know who she was. If he did know - she was as good as dead.

“I’ll tell him.” She replied plainly, coldly imagining him standing in the dock as she gave her evidence.

Tondelli stood and once again appraised her. He crudely cupped his groin with a hand bearing a selection of crass gold rings.

“Bye for now pretty lady.” He growled.

She shuddered as he went to the door and was gone. She heard his tread on the deck and lay back with a sigh of relief.

That was close!

Her thoughts raced through the labyrinth of her situation. Obviously Freddie had not played ball exactly as they had wanted. The image of his face forced its way into her mind. He had gone. He had shown her a dream of a different life but now she was awake and it was the cold dawn. No one knew that they had split - and she was not about to inform her bosses at Interpol. She was a cop and this was her case. She would cling to that.

Detective Inspector Anna Leyton turned to the question of the website fan mail that had betrayed her. The words “Black haired Cher ami” echoed in her head and the echo rolled back across several years until it bounced back at full volume. She knew the answer and now there was the small matter of proving it.

Chapter 22

The Air France jet climbed away from Nice as she settled back with a glass of Bordeaux. She wondered if the flight-path would take her over Paris. Being away from him at least allowed her to stand back and think about him clearly.

Okay - he was World champion. All the Press was screaming that he was out of shape. She was no judge but he sure didn’t look out of shape. The more they told the tale of his expected defeat, the more money poured on to Brennan.

If a punter backed Freddie he could now get good odds. What if he wasn’t out of shape? What if he wanted to be seen in London and Paris with a girl on his arm? Why had the paparazzi homed in on him so easily to fuel the press stories? Why was he apparently happy to mix it with a slugger like Brennan who was obviously a tool of criminals? And one big big question. A question that had gnawed at her every moment. What was the sadness at the heart of his soul - that black door that he kept locked behind his masculine beauty? What was it that she had seen in the tears in his deep brown eyes and that she had longed to know?

As she thought she felt the pricking heat of her own tears stinging behind the lids of her closed eyes. Somewhere beneath the plane he was living under the same sun and despite everything that had happened she knew that their love stood as bold as the Eiffel Tower.

She glanced out the window as the aircraft lined up from the North to head in to Heathrow. The Thames, New Scotland Yard and the Houses of Parliament featured as toys in a model landscape. She was home and it was time to work.

She took the tube to Queen’s Park. She needed to speak to Judy. She was the one person with whom she would trust the truth.

“I’m home.” She said as Judy answered the phone.

“God Anna - I’ve been frantic. Beaumont is sure that your cover has been blown. He says he saw an entry on Freddie’s website - but now no one can access the site. He says Tondelli will kill you.”

“It’s under control. Freddie found out who I am - we’ve split up Judy but no one else must know. I want to stay close to him.”

As she spoke her emotions started to overwhelm her. The sudden end of her dreams, the brush with Tondelli. She longed for Freddie’s fearless protective arms around her.

“But if they find out - if Freddie or Mom tells them.” Gasped Judy.

“Then I’ll face it. I know he won’t betray me to them. I don’t think he is cooperating.”

“But there is money pouring on Brennan to win. This fight will launder half the dirty loot on the planet. We are tracing the credit cards Anna! You can’t go on closing your eyes to the truth. These crooks must believe he’s in their pocket - we are talking millions here. He hasn’t trained for the fight… you know that. He’s been wandering around the South of France with a girl on his arm. It’s like he has some kinda death wish...”

Anna reflected on everything her friend was saying. She meant well and she would not clash with a dear old friend who only had her best interests at heart.

“I love him and I believe in him. I’m gonna stay with him at all costs.”

She could feel the silence at the other end of the line.

“Did you get to keep the ring?” Judy asked with a change of mood back to her normal cheerful cynicism at all things human.

“It’s on a chain round my neck. I’ll show you Monday morning at the office,” she replied warmly. “There’s a lot to talk about.”

She called Freddie and let it ring out. Then she called again. Then she sent a text to go with all the others.
“Good or bad - je t’aime pour toujours jusqu’ a la mort.”

And it was true - this was her love and if need be she would die for it.

Chapter 23

She was at her desk by eight o’clock. She had chosen her smartest deep gray business suit. Her hair shone and her lips glossed in a passionate red. She checked her look in the mirror - her bright white teeth, her flawless skin. The diamond Cartier ring nestled between her breasts secured on a silver chain. She thought of him and of what he faced. He had not replied to her messages. She guessed that by now he was in Monterey California, consulting with Mom and training for the show-down with Brennan.

Judy hurtled into the office like a subway train squealing into the station.

“God - had to leave the babe with Brian - his mum’s overdone the curry and can’t get off the toilet!”

Anna smiled warmly. For all her own troubles and the cut and thrust of international crime - real everyday life went on with all its comedy.

“So - you propose putting your head right in the lion’s mouth by jetting out to California,” commented Judy, placing two cups of hot coffee on the desk and raising an incredulous eyebrow.

“Baby - someone knows who you are! We don’t know who… but how well can you float with a few bricks in your sack. Do you want to see the FBI files on these thugs?”

“I know who it was.” Anna replied, watching her friend’s face, wondering if she could accept the truth.

“Well who?”

“It really is best that you don’t know... ”

“You’re joking... how could that be?”

“Politics and survival Judy. If I’m wrong I don’t want you out of the Force driving an all night taxi- cab to bring up your kids.”


“Trust me. I have a plan.”

Judy shrugged her shoulders uncertainly.

“You’re gonna need one I think... .Oh by the way, a couple of Kilburn cops breezed in to see you about a guy called Pete Making.” Judy added.

Anna let out a sigh and shook her head wearily.

“Tondelli... I know it was him who killed him.”

God Anna - do you know about all this? He was shot dead not far from where you live... Anna-are you ok with this stuff? If you have a lead on this case you have to come clean.”

Anna thought quickly. Her friend was right. It was her duty to tell all she knew.

“Look - if I say anything now I’ll never get the go ahead to stick with Freddie and that’s all that matters. These crooks want me alive as a lever to keep him on-side. As it stands I’m just ahead of the hounds but I have to keep running.”

Judy shook her head slowly.

“I’ll do what I can for you Anna you know that - but you’re kinda beyond Earth orbit.”

Anna reached out and squeezed her shoulder.

“Trust me. It’ll come good.” She said.

The Monday conference came to order, but not before Deputy Assistant Commissioner Christine Jones had embraced Anna in front of everyone.

“A major Interpol success - the contact list from La Salle’s phone links all the main players.” She beamed.

Commander Beaumont Locke remained seated, shuffling his papers and clearing his throat with a dramatic impatience. Finally he began.

“Let’s begin with reports from you humble stay-at-home plods and then perhaps the star of Interpol can entertain us with her continental and Mediterranean adventures.” He boomed in a sarcastic tone.”

Christine Jones shot him a glance of pure venom but kept quiet. A succession of analysts gave their reports. About sixty million dollars had been placed on Brennan to win the fight. Most of this cash was linked to organized crime. Just as Freddie’s form appeared to be at its lowest several millions had gone on him to win.

“What is that all about?” Asked Judy, picking up an intuitive glance from Anna.

“These are mug punters. They’re the kinda folk who’ll go for a bet just because it offers a big win. The bookies love these guys.” Quipped the analyst.

Anna thought it over. What if Freddie wanted the odds against him?

“But could La Salle win?” She asked disingenuously.

Commander Locke let out an exasperated sigh and looked up at the ceiling.

“La Salle is consorting with mobsters Inspector!”

“Perhaps our colleague can give his own view” said Anna with a defiant stare.

“Er... well, yes he could win. But the pro gamblers are not fools. He has never won by a knockout. Without training he could not go the distance for a win on points. It looks like this is a final pay day and that he can’t be bothered.”

Anna nodded. There was no fault in the logic. Beaumont Locke was speaking.

“So finally - may I describe it as the climax of our conference - Inspector Leyton will get up close and personal and report direct from ringside. Let us hope she will speak in English - not all of us have her education.”

“I’m sure she will dumb it down to your level.” Snapped Christine Jones with a wink at Anna. A ripple of awkward laughter ran around the room.

She gave her report in a matter of fact tone. Apparently he had done no training- he had met with Scappaticci in Antibes - he appeared to have money to burn. When she laid out the bare facts she had to admit that he looked pretty shady. She was about to wrap it up when she found herself saying

“My gut feeling is that he not a crook. He is a complex and cultured man. My assessment is that he is playing them along.”

It was a stupid thing to say. But he was her lover and she would love him for the rest of her life and defend him.

“Gut feeling Inspector.” Sneered Beaumont with a theatrical weariness.

Anna ignored him. She had left out a few little facts such as Freddie’s ring snuggled in her cleavage and the visit from Tondelli.

“We should all congratulate Anna on obtaining his contact list,” interjected Christine Jones, “we are building up a picture of conspiracy and this is a vital part of the story. You must tell us how you did it one day...”

“What about the website entry - someone blew Anna’s cover and we ought to know who,” said Judy suddenly.

“We’ll never know that. Could be anyone - wasn’t he photographed with some girl in London? Wasn’t you was it Inspector?” Said Beaumont with narrowed serpent eyes.

“The website has closed - so we can assume that the webmaster of the site did not want the information to come out.” Added Christine.

“The webmaster is Mom - once I get to her we’ll know more.” Anna breezed, watching Beaumont’s face twist into a depiction of rage.

“You cannot be planning to take this any further...” He snapped.

Anna glanced at Christine who gave a subliminal flick of an eyebrow in her direction.

“Let’s button up for now. I’ve got a meeting with the minister about illegal meat imports - foot and mouth and fascinating things you don’t want to know about dried elephant flesh. The three of us will meet in your office at 11 O’clock Beaumont.”

With that the meeting was over and Anna scrambled away to her own territory. Judy slumped down at her desk.

“There’ll be tears before bed time. You simply cannot go out to California when you know that our friend Tondelli would wipe you out without a look back.”

Anna thought of Freddie, hardly aware that Judy had spoken. She imagined his smooth powerful body, the depth in his brown eyes, the sensation of his lips on her skin.

“Hey - Dolly daydream!”

“I’m sorry...”

Then from nowhere the tears began. He was no longer hers - it was no good to pretend.

“I love him so much - I need him so much. He’s in danger too isn’t he?”

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