Knots (Club Imperial Book 4) (17 page)

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Authors: Katherine Rhodes

BOOK: Knots (Club Imperial Book 4)
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Cece was fiercely independent, he knew that. Could she surrender just long enough to let him show her all that he was capable of? All that
was capable of?

Bethany was panting hard, her hands clenched at the wall. Killian’s flogger hit his mark again, and she called out, “Ten!
” He watched her carefully as he brought the flogger down for number eleven, and surprising him, she didn’t come. She called out the number. He was impressed; this was what they had been working towards all along. Control. He repeated the motion, and again, she called the number.

She made it twice more before she screamed her climax. He caught her by the waist before she collapsed to the floor, shaking from the stimulation and overwhelming orgasm. He picked her up and laid her on the bed, his hand find her clit in the soaked folds of her pussy, and gentling her down. His feather light touch seemed to help tremendously, and he saw her regaining herself. Killian cupped her softly, trapping her heat against her and waited.

He wasn’t sure anymore.

“Sir?” Bethany’s voice was quiet.

“Yes, dear girl?”

“Who is she?”

Killian stuttered. “Who is who?”

“Your flogger was not for me tonight, Sir.”

Killian smiled at her. “You are perceptive, pet.”

Bethany’s tiny hand fluttered over his engorged cock tucked inside his pants. “She drives you, Sir.”

“This is not about me, Bethany.”

“And this is not about me either,” she stated, stroking him tenderly. “I know I am nearly done with my training here, Sir. I proved that just now.” She looked at him, and the adoration for him was breathtaking. “I want to taste you one more time, Sir. Your thick cock on my tongue. Please. Imagine I am whoever you wish me to be, but let me taste you one more.”

She slid down his body, and he was rendered in two. The Dom who was usually so in control had lost some of that, and the doctor who was so in love—yes
, love
—with Cece had gained a measure. The Dom would never hesitate to take his dear girl up on her offer, she had an extremely talented mouth, but the doctor couldn’t stop thinking about Cece, about all she was, each curve on her body, the shape of her lips.

Before his brain could register a real protest, Bethany had pulled his pants out of her way,  and had her lips around his straining shaft. She licked and sucked him as though she’d never had anything finer. He put his fingers on his her chin and lifted her face to stare into her eyes. “You are no one but Bethany to me, dear girl. I would not cheapen either of you by imaging you to be my someone else.”

She closed her eyes and took as much of him in her mouth as she could. Her black hair floated around her like a dark crown as she worked him up and down. She had come to them exquisitely talented and it was a random bedroom event that brought the couple in. Killian had delightfully trained her, and until this very night, thought that he would miss her mouth desperately when she finally finished her training.

Bethany’s little hand traveled from where she held the base of his cock to the heavy purse of his sac, and squeezed him. His mind stuttered, and he smiled. She was so good at this, he did not want to sully her or Cece. This was purely for the satisfaction of having an incredible blow job; Cece was connection on another level.

Bethany’s finger trailed back down his thick flesh to the sensitive bridge before the dark entrance. She pressed on him, softly, then harder and his entire body wound up and he grew harder and with perfect timing, Bethany slipped her digit inside him.

“Oh, shit, good girl,” he breathed. “Good girl. Do you want me in your mouth, Bethany?”

She wagged her head yes, without ever losing her rhythm over his cock. She drew him deeper and deeper with each plunge, and he felt himself hitting the back of her throat. “Second finger, dear girl. Finish me.” She withdrew from him for just a moment and he felt the second finger join the first a moment later, and with a push at the same time she swirled her tongue around him, pulling him into her mouth the deepest yet, Killian came. He spilled the hot ropes of come into her willing mouth, and he felt swallow each and every drop that his body gave her.

She laved him carefully and smiled at him. “Thank you, Sir. For everything. My husband and I are so much more now for yours and Master Owen’s tutelage.”

“Come, lay down, dear girl,” Killian said, rearranging himself, and tucking his shirt back in. She obeyed, unquestioningly. He rolled her over and reached for the creams after cleaning her fingers. He took hold of the plug and leaned down. “You may come.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

And come she did, hard, as he removed the plug. Bethany had proved to be excitingly sexual and responsive to some of the slightest touches. Killian massages the soothing, cooling cream into her backside, but he could see there would be bruising—and he smiled.

“Are you going to let your husband collar you, dear girl?” he asked.

“I’ve asked him too, yes,” she answered. “I want to be his alone.”

“You are his, Bethany,” Killian said. “The collar is a formality. A beautiful public formality. As are most symbols in our society.” He put a little more ointment on. “I was impressed by your control tonight, dear girl. There is no reason for us to continue. I will inform Darien that you are ready to graduate from his house.”

Bethany flipped over, and grabbed his hand. “Thank you, Killian. Thank you. For everything.” She kissed his knuckles carefully. “I hope whoever she is, she knows what she’s getting when she finally lets you catch her.”

Killian smiled. He knew, that just like him, Cece was already caught. They just had to figure out how to get out of the tangled net they were in.

* * *

Darien chewed on the end of this cigar. “You’re sure.”

“Very,” Killian answered. “She followed direction without question and challenged herself to withhold after I gave her permission.”

“Well, then.” Darien laid the cigar in the ashtray and walked over to where the now more modestly dressed Bethany was kneeling. He leaned down and unbuckled the collar she hand on. “You are no longer required to wear that here, Bethany. You are done your training, and are hereby free to seek a Dom who will earn your submission.” He smiled. “I have a feeling you’ll have to go no further than your bedroom at home.”

Killian offered a hand, and Bethany took it to stand. “I hope you don’t mind, but I took the liberty of calling Edward for you. He’ll be here in a few minutes to pick you up.”

Bethany leaned in and kissed his cheek. “Thank you.” She offered the same to Darien with a similar chaste kiss. “We will not be strangers. I swear.”

“Of course you won’t,” Darien said. “We have the dungeon rooms.”

Bethany laughed, and Killian was delighted by the sound. So very different from the timid mouse who had come in so many month ago. One of Darien’s pets appeared in the door. “Sir, Miss Bethany’s ride is here.”

Bethany’s face burst into a grin and she walked to the door with an incredible smile. The door opened before she could reach it, and her husband walked in. She gasped, and instantly dropped to her knees in submissive position. Edward smiled and reached down to take her elbow, helping her stand. “Hello, love. While I appreciate your submission, what I really want is your mouth.”

Killian watched the effect of the words on his dear girl, and the smile that spread across her face was wonderful.

Chapter Twelve


“Will you stop,” Emmy commanded.

Cece hid her laugh behind her hand as Lisa settled instantly at Emmy’s word. Nadine let out a breath as did Amaryllis and Lacey—
no you’re outside the club--
Chantal and Heather. Ally snorted and stuck her tongue out at her sister. “Told’ja.” Emmy returned the gesture. It was funny to see the two sisters acting like Cece and Hannah had started to act. A relief, too, to know they were on the right track. 

Cece was seated with the group around one of the reserved tables at the back of the club. Allison and Morgan had managed to get the whole thing together, as promised. It was nowhere near the typical bachelorette party. She liked the idea really: they were at a regular club like regular girls celebrating a regular party. Emmy was having a blast, even if she’d had to call Lisa to heal.

The whole group of women popped with excitement, which was affecting the overhyper Lisa. Emmy was trying to stare her down to keep her under control, but when Morgan had told all of them they were going to go back stage later, that was the end of her.

One of the waiters came over with eight mugs of beer and put them all down. He had two extra mugs, full of root beer, for Nicole and Allison. “Courtesy of the band, ladies.”

“Nice!” Chantal grabbed hers right away. “You always get free beer here?”

“Nick usually has a standing tab.” Morgan grabbed her beer. “Oliver takes it right out of the box take, so I try not to abuse it.”

“I still cannot believe you are dating Nick D,” Rachelle said.

“I am, and I have trouble believing it myself.” Morgan chugged a bit of the dark liquid. “But it sure is fun. And he's hot.”

“That he is,” Lisa agreed.

“How's that whole threatening message thing going?” Emmy asked.

Cece looked at Morgan. It was common knowledge in the club that she and Lisa had been getting ridiculous amounts of threatening messages. Franz had put extra precautions in after Emmy’s attack, and it seemed like he had doubled it again when the messages to Morgan and Lisa started. She really didn’t blame him; Wisconsin—
tsk! No Club names!—
Morgan had shown her a few of them when she had taken a shift upstairs at the Tribute bar. They were unkind to say the least.

“Let's see. I've gotten forty-nine threatening messages in the past three days. Lisa?”

“I'm up to fifty-two!” She scrolled through the phone. “Oh, wait! Look! I just got another email. That's fifty-three.” She rolled her eyes and put the phone back in her purse.

Cece leaned forward, and smiled at Lisa. “How is the new do-- uh, boyfriend.” They had all agreed to keep most of the talk about the club and lifestyle to a minimum around Nicole and Allison.

She saw Lisa rub her wrist unconsciously as she smiled broadly. “I had no idea what I was missing out on with Dominic. It is so wonderful to have someone who knows what they are doing and isn’t a macho asshole about it.”

“Long term?” Emmy asked.

“Nah,” she said. “It’s fun, but I don’t see him as a forever kind of guy. I’m looking for more of a twenty-four-seven kinda guy. He’s more like a fuck buddy.”

“Can you have a fuck buddy?” Allison’s question was hilariously innocent.

“It’s more common in the lifestyle than anywhere else,” Cece answered. She blanched, and looked at Nicole, who had a hand over her laugh, and Allison, who was just batting her eyelashes at everyone. Cece grimaced and apologized. “Whoops. Sorry.”

Emmy squirmed a bit and looked distinctly uncomfortable talking about her lifestyle. That was a first, as Cece had taken over her Prima Domme title from the woman. Emmy rolled her eyes and explained, “She’s my little sister. It’s bad enough she knows about it, she doesn’t really need the details of it.”

Allison rolled her eyes. “Em, I’m ok with it.”

“Ally, I’m not.” Her temper flared a bit.

“This is your bachelorette party.” Allison poked her hard. “You need to chill and enjoy the hot dudes on stage and drink beer and just relax. You’re like an old biddy at twenty-four. Chill. If I want to learn more about the lifestyle, I’ll make sure not to ask you.”

“Unless it’s about whips.” Morgan took a swallow of the beer, hiding the laugh.

“Yeah, I have to agree there.” Cece grabbed her beer for the same reason. She was glad she didn’t choke between the laugh and the giant gulp of beer.

“I’m gonna put that to a vote.” Chantal also went for the beer-swig cover.

“All in favor?” Lisa called.

“Aye!” All nine women raised a hand.

“You all
.” Emmy laughed, flicking a peanut shell at Morgan’s head.

“Only my boyfriend would know.” Morgan stuck her tongue out, then blanched when she remembered her little sister was sitting there. Nicole was shaking with silent laughter.

“Nice!” Allison giggled.

Emmy put another shot in front of her and Morgan. “New rule. Every times someone brings up the club at this party, you have to take a shot. Drink, bitch.”

“Fuck you.” Morgan laughed, grabbing the shot glass and tossing it back.

Emmy laughed and followed her back. Heather had put a crown on Emmy earlier in the night-- and it flew right off as they downed the shots. She looked down at it and giggled. “Dropped my halo.”

Cece threw her head back and roared with laughter at that one. “You never had a halo!”

“Look who’s talking!” Chantal pointed at her.

“Sweetheart, I’m not even pretending,” Cece reasoned. This felt so wonderfully normal.

“Don’t make me give you both shots.” Emmy’s threat was met with cheers.

Cece could see Morgan and Emmy were having a blast; Morgan kept “accidentally” mentioning Imperial and she kept taking shots with Emmy. Cece did the same a few times, but not nearly as many as the two of them. Even the two younger girls snuck in two mentions—and Emmy made them both take shots when no one was looking. Cece order the shots for them so they would get a little turned off from the game: Three Wisemen. They were devastatingly potent to anyone not ready or used to the taste of alcohol. Both girls gagged and choke. Nadine leaned into them. “That’ll learn yah!”

“Not even.” Nicole hiccupped.

So Cece made sure the next shots were grain alcohol. Neither girl mentioned the club again.

Morgan pulled out her phone about eight shots in and smiled at it. She slipped off the barstool, grinning like an idiot, staggering a bit like a drunken sailor and slammed her beer. Nadine and Emmy whooped at her and Nadine mumbled, “Where?” with an accusatory finger.

“Booty call, bitches.” Morgan tried to straighten herself, but she was mostly plastered.

“Oh for God’s sake,” Nicole groaned.

“Seriously?” Allison laughed.

“Damn skippy.” Morgan nodded once hard, and Cece tried to hide the smirk on her own face.

“Don’t be long.” Lisa waggled her fingers.

They all watched as the clearly inebriated, totally infatuated Morgan staggered to the side stage door that popped open for her. Nicole rolled her eyes. “Those two. Gawd, like rabbits. All the time. Did you know they
fell off the piano
the other night? Middle of the goddamn night, SLAM!” She hit her hand on the table. “Who the hell knows what they were doing! I just know I went in there the next day and disinfected everything.”

The group of girls burst out laughing.

“Give her a break.” Emmy waved her off. “That girl’s been looking for someone who could keep up with her for years. Looks like she found it in rocker god.”

“I’m just glad that rocker god has a basement apartment,” Nicole stated, rolling her eyes. “They popped the bed.”

“What?” Lisa gasped, trying not to choke on her drink.

“Morgan slammed her come-fuck-me pumps into the water bed and popped it.”

“GOLD!” Nadine yelled, almost falling off her chair. “Why didn’t you tell us that sooner!”

“Kind of forgot about it after the piano bench incident.”

Cece laughed. “She’s a freak!”

Emmy poked her hard. “One to talk.”

Cece leveled her amused gaze at Emmy. “Takes one to know one.”

Emmy thought about it for a minute, then nodded in agreement. “True.”

“Hey.” Chantal leaned forward, pointing at Emmy. “How are your boobs doing?” Nadine and Rachelle choked on their drinks. Chantal looked offended and everyone else was just laughing. “It’s an honest question. Girlfriend here has had some major boob surgery.”

“Will you stop?” Emmy giggled. “My breasts are fine, thank you for asking. They hurt like a bitch for two solid weeks after the graft, and I was slightly worried it wouldn’t take. But now that the bandages are off, they look half spectacular.”

“Half?” Heather asked.

“The bottom half,” Emmy said, palming her own breasts. “The doctor did the bottoms first and we’re working on the top now.”

“What was wrong with them?” Nicole asked.

Everyone at the table whipped their head over to her and collectively, violently hushed her. Emmy drunkenly waved everyone down. “No. S’alright, yins.” She looked at Nicole. “My stepfather burned my boobs when I was younger. I’m having skin grafts done to correct the mess.”

Nicole looked sad. “Poor boobies!”

Emmy burst out laughing as Ally leaned over. “You do not have to feel sorry for those knockers. They are more than well loved. Nathaniel comes out of nowhere, put his hands on them, and just squishes them gently. Hhhhhhhonk.”

Ally’s special effects were the end of them. Noone could catch their breath from laughing so hard. It took almost twenty minutes for them to finally start calming down enough to start up a casual conversation again. Morgan reappeared at some point, and it took everyone at the table a minute to realize she was there, looking extremely happy and slightly disheveled, and the gales of laughter started again.

Cece loved every minute of this. She wished she had thought to include her own sister; Hannah would have loved this group, and would have had a blast with them. She made a note that these nights out were going to have to happen more often and Hannah was going to join them. It felt wonderful to be surrounded by friends. And even though Downbound was louder than Imperial, she was having just as much fun.

Morgan headed them all backstage, which had Lisa popping again. While Cece was getting a little annoyed with her excitability, she also understood. Silver Soul was a local band with a lot of local clout and local fans. The one guitarist gave them shit at the door, and Morgan handled with it cool aplomb- and liberal use of insults an snubbing.

Still, Cece saw the trouble when he followed behind them a moment later with five blond, buxom bimbos who were giggling and barely dressed. Dave lead them through the hall and past the group of them. He nodded at one of them, the one with what had to be a bad boob job enough to rival Diane’s, who sidled up to Nick and wrapped her arm around him.

Cece whipped her head around and saw Morgan’s face go from calm to crazed in a heartbeat.

“Dave thinks we’d be good for each other,” the Boobs oozed.

Morgan actually growled at her. “So help me
, if you don’t take your hand off my man, I will take it off your body.”

Nick stepped in. “Relax, Kitten. Penny here was just moving along, wasn’t she?”

“You’re no fun, Nick,” she purred. “Let me show you how much fun I can be.”

Everyone could see Morgan was about to take the bitch to the floor. Cece had her foot in motion to stop her when Emmy stepped up. “Morgan, don’t.” Full on domme voice, hissed in her ear. Morgan froze.

“Penny, darling.” Nick’s tone was completely calm and perfectly condescending. “Every damn time you see me, you do this shit. I have my arms around a beautiful woman
that isn’t you
. Take a fucking hint, remove your arm from my person, and move on with those fake titties of yours. I got the real deal right here, and I’m just not buying what you’re selling. Maybe Dave will let you suck him off after all of your friends get done with him.”

Cece bit her lip to keep from laughing at his jibe. Heather, Rachelle, Chantal, and Lisa were standing with their hands over their mouths. Allison, Nicole and Morgan were just watching, eyes as wide as saucers. He had completely shut her down, in front of all of them—more so in front of Dave and in front of her friends. Only one of the friends actually got what had just happened. The others were all giggling, clueless. Apparently just being spoken to by Nick D was reason enough to ignore the fact that they had all be called the carpet.

Dave knew exactly what had just happened. He very much looked like he was going to choke out Nick in the next heartbeat. He walked away from the other girls, straight over to Nick. He shooed The Boobs over to the others.

Nick pulled Morgan closer. “I’m not doing this with you here and now, Dave.”

“I don’t know. Your little speech just now seemed to say differently.”

“She had her hands on me while I’m standing here with my girlfriend.” Nick leaned forward a little bit. “You know, the one I wrote a fucking

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