Krewe Daddy (20 page)

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Authors: Margie Church

Tags: #M/M Erotic Romance, #gay romance, #m/m, #Margie Church, #Krewe, #suspense novels, #gay novels, #Krewe Daddy, #erotic m/m, #contemporary m/m romance, #police drama, #New Orleans stories, #police stories, #cross dressers, #transvestites, #gay suspense, #contemporary erotic m/m, #Daddy, #contemporary gay romance, #erotic gay romance, #erotic m/m romance, #men in uniform

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The radio squawked. "Yes, Tamorah."

"Mister Rothem has a visitor."

"Please ask him to stay at the nurse's station. I'll be right there."

"Come with me, sir."

Luis followed her, puzzled about the nurse's cloak-and-dagger behavior. "What the heck is going on?"

Tamorah never took her eyes off Luis. "Wait here."

"Do you have some ID, sir?"

Luis turned to find an armed police officer standing behind him.

"You're not going to shoot me if I reach for my wallet, are you?"

"Your remark isn't amusing in the least." The officer had the inviting personality of the stomach flu.

Luis took out his driver's license, then handed it over. "Since when do I need to go through security to visit a patient?"

The officer acted as though he hadn't heard a word Luis had said. "Visitor's hours are over today, and all of Mr. Rothem's visitors must have security clearance.

We'll have to run a background check. If you're cleared, you'll be on an approved visitor's list."

"You're kidding me, right?"

Fear registered in Tamorah's eyes.

"The decision is yours. Submit to a background check and come back tomorrow, or leave for good."

A light came on in Luis' brain. He'd been so preoccupied with trying to see Drew, he'd forgotten the police hadn't caught his attacker. "I apologize. I didn't mean to be obnoxious. I've been very worried about my friend, and I'll do whatever it takes to be able to see him. I meant no disrespect." Luis turned to the nurse. "What are the visitor's hours?"

"Nine to six-thirty."

"Is there a waiting room on this floor?"

The officer, who had been writing down information from Luis' license, scrutinized Luis once more.

"You're planning to spend the night?" He looked at Luis' ID. "You don't live that far away. Come back tomorrow."

Once again, Luis got the impression people were deliberately keeping him away from Drew. "I appreciate the suggestion, but I've been looking for Drew for weeks. I just learned he was alive. I don't want to take a chance that he'll be moved, and I won't be able to find him again."

The officer flexed his jaw. "Is that so?"

Luis lowered his voice. "Look, I'm aware that he was beaten up and those responsible haven't been found yet, but I'm not that guy."

The officer opened his note pad again and scribbled. "And who do you think did that to Agent Rothem?"

"I have no idea. I want that person or those people to be found, but that isn't my first priority at the moment. I want him to know I'm here. He's been asking for me."

"If that were true, your name would be on the visitor's list."

The police officer's deadpan behavior was pushing Luis to exasperation.

"Drew couldn't remember my name. Please, I don't want to argue with you about this. I'm not here to harm him. I'm . . . ." Luis wondered if he had the right to divulge such personal information about Drew.

The officer shifted his weight, making the duty rig he wore around his waist jingle. "You were saying?"

Luis felt at a loss for words. He didn't want to over-commit or reveal too much.

"Maybe I shouldn't say."

"No, please continue."

Luis noticed he had the nurse's undivided attention, too. He scratched his ear.

"Mr. Herrera, do you have information that would be helpful to finding Agent Rothem's attackers?"

Luis shook his head. "No, I don't know who hurt him."

"Then what is it?"

The officer's gaze seemed to bore right into Luis' skull. He was sweating in earnest now.

"State your business. You won't see Agent Rothem until we're satisfied you're no threat to his safety."

That got Luis' attention. "Drew and I are in a relationship. A romantic one."

The officer seemed unfazed by Luis' remark. He wrote some more, and then clicked his pen. "Come back tomorrow. Not too early. This isn't our department's only priority."

"Will I be able to see him?"

"We'll run you through our system." He put his pen in his shirt pocket. "Word to the wise."

"What's that?"

"If you have any outstanding traffic violations, I'd pay them tonight."

Luis wanted to kick this guy in the balls.
Like that's going to help me get my way.

"I'll be in the visitor's lounge."

The policeman put his hands on his hips, physically dismissing Luis. "Suit yourself."

Luis walked to the vacant waiting room. He spotted a recliner in the corner and headed right to it. Luis wasn't taking any chances on having to sleep in a straight-back chair. He picked up a television remote on a nearby table.

A middle-aged couple came in, looking exhausted and numb. They looked at him with vacant eyes.

This is going to be one long-assed night.

* * * * *

The old saying that no one gets any rest in a hospital was one hundred-percent true for Luis. At five the next morning, stiff and starving, he gave up trying to doze his way through the night, and went in search of breakfast.

Drowsy-looking people wearing scrubs milled around the cafeteria. Luis looked at them and, for the sake of the hospital's patients, hoped that their shifts were ending rather than beginning. He ordered hash browns, scrambled egg whites, wheat toast, and black coffee to go. Still nervous that somehow Drew would be spirited away, Luis wasted no time getting back to the third floor to wait in the visitor's lounge.

While he ate his now lukewarm meal and slurped scalding coffee, Luis read the newspaper.

Time eked by.

He paced the lounge and considered trying to sneak past the nurses' station. He wrote the idea off as idiotic. Surely, a carbon copy of the domineering police officer from last night would be waiting to thwart his efforts.

Slouching in the lounger once again, Luis let morning television lull him back to sleep.

Something tapping his shoe awakened Luis. He opened his eyes to see a police officer standing in front of him. Immediately alert, Luis sat up straight.

"Is there a problem, Officer?"

"Better not be. You're on the approved list."

Luis got to his feet, tossed his manners aside, and almost bolted down the hall to Drew's room. Outside the door, he paused. A nurse was talking to Drew.

He sounds good. God, I've missed his voice.

Movement behind him caught his attention. Luis glanced backward to see Kyle LaMontagne coming toward him, wearing very pissed off expression.

Kyle crooked his finger at Luis.

No fucking way.
He stepped into Drew's room. "Good morning."

Drew's eyes widened. "You're here. You found me!"

Luis walked to him, careful not to break eye contact. "Finally. I missed you more than I can say."

"Get away from him." Kyle's stern command shattered their joyous reunion like a wrecking ball on fine china.

Ignoring the demand, Luis kissed Drew's cheek, and then rested his head in the slope of Drew's shoulder for an instant. "It's so good to see you."

"I said leave him alone, Herrera."

A burning desire to send Kyle to an early grave filled Luis.
This isn't the time or
the place for a street brawl.
He straightened and grasped Drew's left hand. "Why should I?"

"You're no good for him."

Drew flipped through his cards to find Kyle's. "I'm in the room, you know, Kyle.

Out of my coma, talking, taking nourishment."

"I was hoping you would get released from this place before he found you." Kyle glared at Luis. "I can't believe how incompetent the police are."

"I wanted him to be here." Drew shuffled through his card deck. "Teak and Kevin finally told me his name."

Drew squeezed Luis' hand. "They were the only ones who understood how important seeing you was to me."

His voice had taken on a husky tone. He looked at Luis. "I can't remember your name, but I remember who you are and what we once meant to each other."

Luis nodded, and then returned his attention to Kyle. "I think you're the one who needs to get out. Obviously, Drew and I have a lot to talk about and plans to make."

Kyle scoffed. "Plans? He's going to a memory-care unit. A jazzed-up nursing home. Are you ready for that?"

"I'm in the room, Kyle, and my plans with . . . ."


"My plans with Luis are my own. I'd like you to leave."

Kyle looked like he'd been slapped. "Are you kidding me? After everything Skeeps and I have done to protect you from him?" He pointed at Luis. "How many times do I have to tell you this guy has ruined your life? Kick his egotistical ass out of here now. You've taken your last spanking from the Daddy."

Drew didn’t move a muscle or say a word.

"I'm not going anywhere unless Drew tells me to." Luis looked at him and spoke in a quiet voice. "Say the word and I'm gone. I want you to be happy and recover. If having me out of your life is what will help you get that, I'll do it. No arguments."

"Do you want to leave?"

The vulnerable look on Drew's face, in his voice, made Luis feel like a soccer ball lodged in his throat. "No."

"You sure? I'm a mess." His eyes searched Luis'.

"I want to take you home with me. I've arranged for a leave of absence from Magik Studios. I've got plenty of space, and it'll be easier to move around there in your wheelchair than in your apartment. The building is secure, and we'll add more security if we need to."

"This has to be the busiest time of the year for you with . . . ." Drew snapped his fingers.

"Mardi Gras?"

"Yes, with Mardi Gras coming up."

"It's a busy season, and my job is important, but let me worry about those things.

You're what's most important to me right now."

"Oh, please. You two are really pathetic."

Luis glared at Kyle. He wanted to wipe the sneer off his face and stuff it down his throat. "You're still here. I've had staph infections that were easier to get rid of."

"Fun-ny. I'll take a line from your playbook." He looked at Drew. "Want me to leave?"

Drew answered without hesitation. "Yes. I've always liked you, and I've appreciated how you've tried to help me these past weeks." He looked through his cards until he found the paper Teak had written Luis' name on. "The more I think about it, the more I think you deliberately kept Luis in the dark about me. You wanted me to think his relationship with me was in the past. Dead and buried. But the one that's over for good is my relationship with you."

Kyle blanched. "You ungrateful, mindless wonder."

Luis closed the distance between him and Kyle in three, long steps. "Get out, before I throw you out. Officer?"

The man in blue opened the door. "Is there a problem?"

"Show Agent LaMontagne out."

"And take what's-his-name off the visitor's list, too."

Luis smiled at Drew. "You heard the man."

The officer frowned, but didn't argue. "This way, Agent."

When the door closed behind the policeman, Luis turned to Drew. All the things he'd wanted to say escaped him.

Drew seemed to sense his anxiety. "It's just you and me, kid."

Luis smiled. "You're just saying that because you can't remember my name."

Drew burst out laughing. "Yeah, that's true." He looked at Luis, his eyes gleaming with tears. "You still want me to come home with you? It's a huge burden."

"I do. More than ever." Luis explained how he'd searched half the state for him.

"Thank God that Teak and Kevin are men of integrity, or I wouldn't be standing here."

"I can't believe you are." Drew clasped his hand. "When you walked through the door was the first time I've felt happy or optimistic since this happened to me." His expression turned worrisome. "Are you sure you want me at your place, though? I can't do much of anything for myself until one of these casts come off. You have some ideas about the memory problems, but there's more."

Luis pressed a finger on Drew's lips. "Shh. We'll talk to your doctors and get things arranged. You can have therapy at my place, and a nurse come in or stay.

Whatever you need to get back on your feet; I want to help you."

Tears welled in Drew's eyes. He wiped them with the back of his hand.

"Give me one of those things, will you?" He pointed at the tissue box. Accepting a few from Luis, he said, "Thanks. I hope you won't regret this decision. It could be hell."

The words that haunted Luis were in his mouth, on the tip of his tongue. If he didn't say them now, he was afraid he might never have the courage. "I blame myself for what happened to you."

Drew looked flabbergasted. "That's ridiculous. Why?"

"If I hadn't been such a fool, I would have met you at the airport."

"I drove myself. That would have been stupid."

"I could have met your flight. Instead, I sent you angry text messages. I shouldn't have waited another second to apologize about the misunderstanding about Blair."

Drew chewed the corner of his lip. "Will you write his name down so I can add that to my stack?"

Luis did as he was asked.

"Nothing happened with Blair. And even if you had met me at the airport, the Retribution gang had it in for me. They—" Drew's eyes widened. His expression registered shock.

"Are you okay? You look as though you've seen a ghost."

"Did you hear what I said? What name did I say?"


He shook his head, frustration in his voice. "No! The other name. What gang did I say?"

"Retribution. Oh my god, Drew, did they do this to you?"

* * * * *

"They did." The enormity of the revelation stunned Drew.


Drew held his hand up to silence him. "Let me think. Maybe something else will come." He closed his eyes. "One guy talking to me."


"Flat tire. Where they found my truck." The memory of a strong scent puzzled Drew. "It's dark. Something stinks, really bad. Can't breathe." He opened his eyes. "I'm going to be sick. Quick!"

* * * * *

The aides asked Luis to wait outside while they bathed Drew and changed his bedding.

Dipping in and out of sleep, Drew was beyond exhausted. He couldn't wait to get back into bed; his head rolled against his shoulders. As his broken bones and other injuries healed, the aides maneuvered him more easily. Even in his sleep-fogged state, Drew reminded himself that he'd need to work hard to get well if he was going home with Luis. The thought made him smile.

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