Krewe Daddy (28 page)

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Authors: Margie Church

Tags: #M/M Erotic Romance, #gay romance, #m/m, #Margie Church, #Krewe, #suspense novels, #gay novels, #Krewe Daddy, #erotic m/m, #contemporary m/m romance, #police drama, #New Orleans stories, #police stories, #cross dressers, #transvestites, #gay suspense, #contemporary erotic m/m, #Daddy, #contemporary gay romance, #erotic gay romance, #erotic m/m romance, #men in uniform

BOOK: Krewe Daddy
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Drew pushed his sleeve up to his elbow. The surgical scars were still angry red and purplish in several places. He pointed to a spot that was misshapen. "That was the point of impact. The color will even out, and when I get the muscle tone back, most of my arm will look pretty normal, except for this area. It's never going to look a lot better unless I have plastic surgery."

Again, Sapphire gave the wound a critical look. "Has this improved pretty quickly? I'm trying to gauge springtime shoots, and how much makeup it might take."

His remark encouraged Drew. "I've had two surgeries on it. I think it'll look less scary if I get some sun on it and get healthier, but the puckering is going to be there."

Kevin reserved comment. "Let's see your leg."

"I have to take off my pants. There's no way to get the long johns that high on my calf."

Sapphire wiggled his eyebrows. "Be still my heart. We could end up in the sack yet."

Teak shook with laughter. "I'm not getting naked unless there's an electrical blanket here. My dick refuses to rise when it's cold."

Kevin looked at him like he was an alien. "Since when did you become a bald-faced liar?"

Laughing, Drew dropped his slacks and pulled down his silk underwear.

Sapphire sucked in his breath. "Yeow." He looked stricken. "I'm sorry. That was completely inappropriate."

"It's okay. I might as well get used to it." He pointed to three dime-sized indentations. "Compound fractures are pretty ugly. The doctors were careful about the incisions, but I've had three surgeries on this ankle. The scarring is going to remain significant. The discoloration will improve."

Kevin frowned. "What about your mobility?"

"My ortho thinks I should get most of it back. For the types of things we have done in shoots, mobility shouldn't be an issue in a few more months." Drew pulled up his long underwear and pants.

"I don't think any of this is a real problem, Drew, do you, Sapphire? We know Teak is just here to ogle."

"Go ahead, take potshots at your soon-to-be-husband. See how he is?"

Sapphire crossed his arms. "No, especially not your ankle. That's easy to work around. The arm will heal better, and not be a big deal." He cupped Drew's face. "You are what's important."

Drew did something he'd never done before. He kissed Sapphire, long enough to convey his thanks, but not long enough to get Sapphire thinking in a wrong direction.

His faced flushed, Sapphire cleared his throat. "What was that for?"

"For being you. For being honest." He gave his attention to Kevin. "What do you think? Still need this busted up guy in the

"No doubt in my mind. And actually, Teak and I were talking about starting another group focused solely on southern locations."

Teak chimed in. "Woodlands tends to be more North and West Coast. Maybe we could do something like
Bayou Boys
, or
Southern Stars
with a nighttime theme. We don't know yet. We suck at naming things like this, but it would have more emphasis on outdoor lifestyles in the South and on the East Coast. We thought you might help us find some locations for the first shoot. With your background, you've got to know some spectacular sites."

Drew couldn't believe what he was hearing. In the span of fifteen minutes, he'd gone from thinking he'd be unemployed for good to having a new opportunity. "I'd like to help in any way I can. I've got the time, and I don't know if I'll ever go back to my other job."

Kevin shook his hand. "We'll talk about it after Teak and I get back from our honeymoon. In the meantime, we have a party to enjoy."

* * * * *

Drew changed clothes for the third time that evening. His tuxedo felt stiff and confining after months of hospital gowns, loose clothing, and slippers. The formal wedding photos were being taken tonight for the media, so they wouldn't be at the ceremony or reception tomorrow. At times like these, Drew really wished Kevin wasn't a celebrity.

He tapped his knife against the side of his champagne glass. "May I have your attention, please?"

A hundred camera flashes must have gone off at that moment, nearly blinding Drew. He shook his head and blinked a few times. "Okay, now that I'm seeing spots . . .

please raise your glass in a toast to our happy couple."

Kevin and Teak put their arms around each other's waist, and raised their glasses. Joy glowed in their eyes.

Drew wished Luis was here to see the kind of love this couple shared.

"Kevin and Teak, you've got a relationship most of us can only dream of. May all of your dreams come true together. To Kevin and Teak. Congratulations."

The crowed echoed back its support.

"Hear, hear!"

Drew frowned.
That voice.
Turning, he was stunned to see Luis standing in the doorway. A zip of joy shot through Drew. He rushed to him. "Luis! Why are you here?


Luis wrapped his big Daddy arms around Drew, and kissed him hello. "The night I got so plowed, Ronnie apparently told me I didn't have to be there this weekend.

When I showed up this morning, he couldn't believe I didn't remember. So, I called the office, and Caprice made reservations on the next flight while I packed a bag."

Kevin and Teak walked up to them. Luis extended his hand to Kevin. "Sorry to barge in, unannounced. Congratulations."

Kevin shook his hand. "We're thrilled you could make it, but I think Drew's the really excited one."

Drew wiggled his eyebrows. "Can you blame me? Blair snores."

Luis rolled his eyes, and then shook Teak's hand. "Congratulations."

Threading his fingers with Luis', Drew beamed. "It's fitting that the four of us came together for the first time in Wescott. When we arrived, Kevin and I were running away from love."

Drew squeezed Luis' hand. "Teak and Luis were running after it."

He looked at Teak and Kevin. "This is where your love story began."

He turned to Luis. "And this is where ours will continue."

~The End~

About the Author

Margie Church writes erotic romance novels with a strong suspense element, in keeping with her moniker: Romance with SASS (Suspense Angst Seductive Sizzle). She has a degree in writing and editing and has been a professional writer, editor, and journalist for over 25 years. If you enjoy books you can't put down, read one of hers.

Margie lives in Minnesota, is married, and has two children. Some of her passions are music, flower gardening, biking, walking her dog on moonlit nights, nature, and making people laugh. She also writes children's books under the pen name, Margaret Rose.

To learn more about Margie, visit her online a

To find more books from Margie Church and Noble Romance Publishing, visi
t Margie's

author page.

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