Krewe Daddy (5 page)

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Authors: Margie Church

Tags: #M/M Erotic Romance, #gay romance, #m/m, #Margie Church, #Krewe, #suspense novels, #gay novels, #Krewe Daddy, #erotic m/m, #contemporary m/m romance, #police drama, #New Orleans stories, #police stories, #cross dressers, #transvestites, #gay suspense, #contemporary erotic m/m, #Daddy, #contemporary gay romance, #erotic gay romance, #erotic m/m romance, #men in uniform

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When he looked into Kyle's eyes again, the uncertainty there was as plain as a taxi in a bike race.

Drew's vision shimmered through tears. "I don't want him to be in my heart. He doesn't deserve that spot. He used me, abused my trust and loyalty. I deserve better and tonight . . . tonight I thought you'd finally helped me scrub Luis out."

Kyle's laugh sounded hollow. "Great timing. Are you going back inside?"

Drew's head shot up. "Hell fucking no. I've groveled to him before. I'll never do it again. He's expecting that from me. He's the Daddy, you know. The sought-after one, no matter where he goes."

"He's just a man."

Drew took Kyle in his arms and held him tightly. "If only I could believe that. If only it was so simple."

"Why don't we go home?" Emotion choked Kyle's voice.

He sniffled, hating his weakness for Luis Herrera. "I don't know. I’m really confused." He drew back and looked into the eyes of his lover. "I do care about you. A lot. I wasn't using you. If I were, I'd be hopping in the sack with you tonight, to try to get this out of my mind."

Kyle gave him a waning smile. "I appreciate your honesty. The timing totally sucks, but the invitation stands. Come back to my place. No strings. Let me help you get through tonight, and tomorrow night, too, if you need me. I know Teak and Kevin are confidants, if you need help sorting this out while you're away."

Drew pressed an index finger to Kyle's lips. "I don't deserve you."

"Meh, I can be a real asshole if I want to. If it works out between us, then so be it.

I'll be glad. But I know you can't force your emotions." Kyle took Drew's hand. "Let's get out of here and put this part of the evening behind us. I'll meet you at my place."

Drew leaned in and gave Kyle a tender kiss.

A horn blared as a car passed by. "Fuckin' faggots! Get off the fucking streets, you queers!"

Hackles rose on Drew's neck. He turned to watch the taillights disappear down the street.

"Let's get out of here before something else goes south on us."

Drew drove with the windows down, preferring the sound of traffic and the wind in his ears to his own thoughts. Doing so didn't help much. Every time he idled at a stoplight and didn't need to concentrate, the memory of Luis' face tonight loomed in his vision.

You're prettier than your pictures.

Drew wondered how Luis might have seen photos of him.
If he'd gotten one of
Kevin's catalogs, why didn't he try to find me?
Luis' remark about Kyle being a poor substitute niggled at Drew's confidence.
Does he still care, or was he just insulting me?

Drew pounded his fist against the wheel.

"If he cared, he'd have tracked me down. He's still the same arrogant, got-the-world-by-its-tail self."

Bright lights from a tailgating car reflected in his side mirror. Drew checked his speed and mumbled about the foolhardy driver behind him. "Jerk. Back off."

A break in the traffic pattern allowed the car to pull alongside of Drew's. He gave the car a sidelong glance and saw several meaty men inside wearing do-rags.

One passenger rolled down the window. The man glared at Drew with a menacing expression.

Now in cop-mode, Drew observed the guy with an unflinching gaze. The guy had a thin, handle-bar moustache and wore a dark T-shirt with the sleeves ripped off. A tattoo of a broken skull was emblazoned on his upper arm.

The car veered into Drew's lane, forcing him to swerve to avoid being sideswiped. Drew hit the curb, then came back down onto the street with a jolt. The other car sped away. Drew got a part of the plate and picked up his phone to call it in.

Chapter Five

At Kyle's apartment building, Drew parked in a visitor's spot and grabbed his overnight bag. The incident reminded Drew that the men in Sandalio's gang could be looking to have a little fun with him. He unlocked the glove box and took out his 9mm, off-duty weapon. He'd left the gun in the car when he'd gone into Tanners. He slid the baby Glock into his side holster, then stepped out of the car to put his T-shirt back on.

Keeping alert to his surroundings, Drew moved with deliberate speed to the building and went inside. He rang Kyle's apartment. The bullshit with the other car had taken his mind off seeing Luis. In a strange way, Drew was glad for the distraction. At least his melancholy mood had lifted, and maybe now he could gain some perspective.

"Hello?" Kyle's voice sounded formal, curt.

"It's Drew. Let me in."

The security door opened with a low buzzing sound. Drew cleared the threshold and glanced backward, ensuring no one else followed him in. After the door slid shut and locked, Drew relaxed and walked through the empty hallway to the elevator. Kyle's building was about the same age as his. And he figured the same company was hired on the cheap to decorate both buildings.

Thinking most of the tenants were already asleep, Drew knuckle-knocked softly on Kyle's door.

Kyle opened it, wearing a smile and a pair of tan and cream plaid shorts. "What took you so long?"

Drew came inside, then dropped his bag.

"What happened to the chaps?" He gave him a lopsided grin.

"I can change, if you're in the mood." Kyle's devilish grin was infectious.

"It's okay. I think I know how to find your ass without needing the chaps.

Anyway, in this heat, you'll probably get some kind of rash from the leather."

While talking over his shoulder, Kyle went into the kitchen. "Wow, there's a romantic inspiration."

Drew followed him and accepted a Beck's. The crisp, cold beer sure cleared the dust out of his throat.

Kyle leaned against the counter. "I was starting to think you'd changed your mind."

"A car full of gangbangers tried to run me off the road. It looked like the same one that passed us outside of Tanners."

Kyle raised an eyebrow and brought his beer to his lips. "The one with everyone shouting all the loving comments?"

"I think so. I got a partial on the plate."

"Did you call it in?" Kyle screwed up his face in disappointment. "Ah, shit, do you have to go to the police station?"

Drew took a drink, and then shook his head.

"The blues with jurisdiction will check it out tonight. I'm in tomorrow morning, if there's some follow-up." He gave Kyle a look. "I think it’s the thugs Sandalio hangs with. One guy had the split skull on his arm. I can't be certain, but it looked like the Retribution gang tattoo."

"Fisk warned you about them. Probably a good thing you're leaving town. Let things quiet down." Kyle led the way to the couch. He sat in the corner, then propped his feet on the coffee table, crossing his ankles.

Drew sank into the midsection of the couch, sitting close enough to Kyle to lean in if he wanted to, or to give Kyle his space.

"How many new experiences does a guy need in one night?" He took a drink of beer. "I've never been targeted by a gang before."

Kyle gave him one of his famous cheesy grins. "I'll prop a chair under the doorknob tonight, just in case."

Although he was about the same age as Drew, Kyle had six years' experience as an enforcement officer under his belt. Unlike Drew, he'd gone straight into the police academy after high school. Drew, on the other hand, had to land in the wilds of northern Minnesota and befriend a few DNR officers, before he'd chosen a career. In retrospect, it had all worked out. Drew found a great career. He just wasn't wild about threats on his life.

"Hey, you there?"

Drew didn't realize Kyle had been talking.

"Where'd you go?"

Drew shrugged. "I was thinking about the crazy paths my life has taken in the past six years."

"Since you left Luis, you mean?"

"I didn't really intend to leave him. I left on a vacation to Texas to clear my head.

Luis and I had had a fight. One of many." Drew took a drink of beer, then set the bottle on the table. He leaned over, resting his elbows on his knees. "I couldn't trust him. Men were constantly propositioning him. He has such an ego and loves being the Daddy. I tried to be a good sport about it and believe he was seeing only me."


"I caught him kissing another guy. He claimed the other guy came on to him."

Drew rubbed his forehead, unsure if he even remembered the scene exactly as it had occurred, after so many years. "I took off. Wouldn't answer his calls."

"The model of maturity, huh?"

"So to speak. Anyway, I went to Dallas and ran into Teak quite by accident. I still believed Luis had been screwing around on me and thought, what the fuck, I'll show him. I had an affair with Teak and told Luis about it when I got back to Florida. Christ, he was pissed." Drew enunciated each word. He spun his bottle between his fingers.

The beer was almost gone. "I think I need another one."

"Revenge sex. Never a good idea." Kyle went to the kitchen. "I'm listening. Keep going."

"We got into one argument after another. Things got really ugly. I think I finally believed he hadn't cheated on me, but the damage was done. Teak kept calling me. I took a job in Minnesota to put as much distance between me and Luis as I could. When I left, I had no idea Teak would follow me."

Kyle returned with a fresh pair of beers, handing one to Drew.


"So, I guess the thing you learned is, running away doesn't help."

"Sure as shit didn't in this case."

"You want to know what I think?"

"Might as well, now that I've dragged you into all my drama, hook, line, and sinker."

Kyle snorted. "You have an ex. We all do. And he happens to live in the same town as you. Tough. I know it's a surprise seeing him, knowing he's here, but maybe now you can get him out of your system." Kyle twisted in his seat to face Drew. "If he'd greeted you in a friendlier way, maybe I could understand your struggle tonight. But he didn't. He insulted both of us."

Drew felt his neck and face grow warm with embarrassment.

"He hasn't let bygones be bygones, so deep-six him, and forgive yourself for making some mistakes. It's over."

He looked at Kyle with a new appreciation for his compassion and wisdom.

"You're right. It's crazy, you know."

"What is?"

"The last thing I thought we'd be doing tonight is talking about him. I'm sorry our date got trashed." Drew looked at his watch while letting out a long, slow breath. "I need to get some sleep."

He got up from the couch and stretched. "I'll catch you tomorrow."

Kyle grasped his hand. "You're leaving?"

The question surprised Drew. "The evening was a disaster. You still want me to stay?"

"Sit down."

Drew hesitated.


The cushions sagged beneath Drew's weight.

"I know you have baggage. The one good thing about tonight was talking about the two-ton elephant in the room. You've never said much about him."

"It's embarrassing to act like a lovesick boy."

"Yeah, I understand. Look, if you want to stay, I'd like you to. All this while, I've been sharing you with him, and occasionally with other men. Maybe you're not the kind of guy who settles down with one person."

A humorless laugh leapt from Drew's throat. He thought about Kyle's generous offer. "You're sure?"

"I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't."

* * * * *

Drew slid into bed behind Kyle, then covered himself with the sheet. Air conditioning was a necessity, but he hated sleeping without any kind of blanket. He kissed Kyle's shoulder.

"You smell good."

Kyle clasped his hand. "You feel good."

"Turn over."

Kyle complied and propped on his elbow. "I'm kinda talked out."

"Talking isn't what I had in mind."

A slow grin spread Kyle's lips while he reached down and stroked Drew's flaccid cock.

Closing his eyes, Drew released a pent-up breath and the evening's drama. "Feels good. Grab them both."

Kyle fisted both cocks in his hand, the pre-cum leaking from their dicks lubricating his firm strokes.

Need took over. Drew let Kyle take care of him. He pressed soft kisses under Kyle's chin, working his way up to his lips. By that time, his cock was engorged and ready for action. Breath left his nostrils in deep hisses.

"Let me suck you, Kyle."

"Only if you let me return the favor." His voice sounded hoarse, passion-filled.

Drew flipped off the sheet. "Slide down a little." Kneeling, he positioned his dick over Kyle's beautiful lips and lowered his hips, letting Kyle take him into his warm mouth.

"Damn, that feels good." He reached down and kneaded Kyle's balls. A soft moan was his reward.

Kyle let go of Drew's cock. "You're fantastic at that."

Drew heard him spit, and tried suppressing a smile with his mouth full.

A second later, Kyle pressed a finger against Drew's asshole.

He shifted his weight, indicating the action was welcome. Then he did his best to swallow as much of Kyle's dick as he could.

Kyle's hips rose slightly, in concert with his moans. He slid his finger into Drew's tight ass.

Drew released Kyle's stiff cock. "Jesus, yeah, that's it. Two of them."

Kyle spit again and slowly worked two fingers into the tight hole. "If I weren't so close to coming, I'd flip you over and fuck you like a twink."

Drew's body shook with repressed laughter.
Damn, I like this guy.
The realization spurred him on. He worked Kyle's dick like a pro, slurping the length, running his teeth up and down the shaft, sucking on one ball and then the other.
Oh fuck, this is fun.

Beneath him, Kyle's body tensed. His fingers stilled, as did his tongue.

Drew had Kyle right where he wanted him. He spat in his palm, then cupped Kyle's textured balls, which were drawn tightly against his body. Wrapping his lips around Kyle's length, Drew pressed his tongue against the sensitive skin while sliding up and down. He hummed, to add an extra layer of pleasure.

His partner's breaths came in huffs. Kyle's mouth moved fast and furiously on Drew's cock. Slurping sounds filled the room.

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